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1、'或圓學(xué)子夢想鑄金字品牌溫馨提示:此套題為 Word版,請按住 Ctrl,滑動鼠標(biāo)滾軸,調(diào)節(jié)合適的觀看比例,答案解析附后。關(guān)閉 Word文檔返回原板塊。課時提升作業(yè)Unit 4 Learning about LanguageI .用所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空1. Having bee n(ask) to work overtime that eve nin g, I missed a won derfulfilm.2. Not(know) what to do, he went to his parents for help.3. Tony lent me the money,(hope)

2、 that I would do as much for him.4.(sta nd) in a long queue, we waited for the store to open to buy a newiP ad.5. He got up late and hurried to his office,(leave) the breakfast un touched.6.(read) carefully, he found somethi ng he had not known before.7. Sarah p rete nded to be cheerful,(say) no thi

3、 ng about the argume nt.8. Do you wake up every morning(feel) en ergetic and ready to start a newday?答案:1. asked 2. knowing3. hoping 4. Standing5. leav ing6. Readi ng7. say ing8. feeli ngn.語法填空閱讀下面材料,在空白處填入適當(dāng)?shù)膬?nèi)容(1個單詞)或括號內(nèi)單詞的正確形we ofte n式。No one knows what would happen in the future for sure. 1. -1 -

4、矽圓學(xué)子夢想鑄金字品牌-3 -think of the future and wonder what the world would be like in a hun dred yearsThink of sp ace. Perha ps2.p erma nent stati on on the moon will havebee n set up. P erha ps people will be able to visit the moon as 3.(tourist).Chea p rockets for sp ace travel will have bee n devel op ed

5、, 4.(p ermit)l ongjourneys throughout the solar system. When that time 5.(come), peoplewill be tak ing holidays in sp ace 6. visit ing other plan ets, such as the MarsColony and the Venus ExpIo rati on Outp ost.Scientists of the future will almost 7.(certai n)find other ways tomake life last 8.(Ion

6、g). They pr obably will find cures for most diseases.Hosp itals will 9.(probable)have “ bodganks ”that can give you almostany new p art you n eed to kee p on 10.(live). People of the future may liveto be a lot older tha n 100 years.1.【解析】2.【解析】3.【解析】式。4.【解析】But??疾檫B詞。本句與上一句是轉(zhuǎn)折關(guān)系,故用轉(zhuǎn)折連詞but。a??疾楣谠~。stat

7、ion可數(shù)名詞,表示泛指,用不定冠詞。tourists。考查名詞復(fù)數(shù)。與主語peo ple保持一致應(yīng)用名詞的復(fù)數(shù)形Permitting??疾榉侵^語動詞。 cheap rockets與 permit之間是主動關(guān)系,應(yīng)用現(xiàn)在分詞短語作狀語表示伴隨情況。5.【解析】comes考查時態(tài)。此處表示將來的時間,時間狀語從句應(yīng)用一般現(xiàn)在時。6.【解析】and??疾檫B詞。因兩個動作表示并列關(guān)系,應(yīng)用并列連詞and連接。7.【解析】certai niy??疾楦痹~。修飾動詞用副詞?!鄙葓A學(xué)子夢想鑄金字品牌8.【解析】Ion ger??疾樾稳菰~的比較級。由意義可知,此處表示找到延長人類壽命的方式,故long應(yīng)用比較

8、級形式。9.【解析】probably??疾楦痹~。修飾動詞用副詞。10.【解析】living??疾榉侵^語動詞。keep on doing sth.意為 繼續(xù)”,故此處應(yīng)用live的現(xiàn)在分詞形式。Body Ian guage is the quiet, secret and most po werful la nguage of all!lt sp eaks 1_tha n words. Accord ing to sp ecialists, our bodies send out more 2 tha n we realize. In fact, non-verbal(非言語)com muni

9、cati on takes up about 50% of what wereally 3. And body Ianguage is particularly4 when we attempt to com muni cate across cultures. In deed, what is called body Ian guage is so 5 apart of us that it's actually often urAnrficBisunderstandings occur as a resultof it. 6, different societies treat t

10、he 7 between people differently. NorthernEuropeans usually do not like having 8 contact(接觸)even with friends, andcertainly not with 9 . People from Latin American countries,10 , touch each other quite a lot. Therefore, it ' s possible that in, it may look like a Latino is 12_a Norwegia n all ove

11、r the room. The Lat ino, tryi ng to exp ress frien dsh ip, willkee p movin g 13. The Norwegia n, very p robably see ing this as p ushi ness,willkeep 14 which the Lati no will in return regard as 15.Clearly, a great deal is going on when people 16. And only a part of it is ins a strongthe words thems

12、elves. And when parties are from 17 cultures, there -3 -矽圓學(xué)子夢想鑄金字品牌possibility of18 . But whatever the situation, the best 19 is to obey the GoldenRule: Treat others as you would like to be 20 .【文章大意】本文是一篇說明文。主要介紹了身勢語。1. A. straighterB. louder-7 -D. furtherC. harder【解析】選B。邏輯推理題。由首句 肢體語言是所有語言中沉默、秘密而又

13、最有威力的語言可知,本句應(yīng)表示肢體語言比語言更有說服力”,所以選louder。2. A.soundsB. in vitati onsC. feeli ngsD. messages【解析】選D。詞語辨析題。我們的肢體發(fā)出多于我們意識到的信息。身體發(fā)出的是 message信息”,而不是 sounc。sound泛指自然界的一切聲音;invitation邀請;feeling感情,感受。3. A. hopeB. receiveC. discoverD. mea n【解析】選D。詞語辨析題。事實上,非言語交際占據(jù)了我們真正想表達的大約50%。mean意味著,打算。4. A. immediateB. mis

14、leadi ngD. difficultC. i mp orta nt【解析】選C。詞語辨析題。根據(jù)下文論述,當(dāng)涉及跨文化交流時,肢體語言尤為重要,故選important重要的” immediate立刻的”表示動作的直接性和迅速性;misleading 誤導(dǎo)的 ” ;difficult 困難的”5. A. wellB. farC. muchD. lo ng【解析】選C。邏輯推理題。肢體語言幾乎已經(jīng)成為我們的組成部分 ,以致常常被忽視。此處實際上是對“so much a( n名詞”的用法的考查。四個選項中有此用法的只有much。6. A. For exa mpleB. ThusD. In sho

15、rtC. However【解析】選A。邏輯推理題。下文是舉例,故選For example例如” thus因此;however然而;in short簡而言之。7. A. tradeB. dista neeC. conn ecti onsD. greeti ngs【解析】選B。邏輯推理題。不同的社會對人們之間的距離有不同的認識。空格后面的北歐人和拉丁美洲人等的例子都與dista nee距離”有關(guān)。8. A. eyeB. verbalC. bodilyD. tele phone【解析】選C。邏輯推理題。北歐人通常不喜歡肢體的接觸,故選bodily身體的”,下文的 touch each other是提

16、示。9. A. stra ngersB. relativesD. en emiesC. n eighbours,更不用【解析】選A。邏輯推理題。北歐人甚至不喜歡和朋友有肢體上的接觸說和陌生人了。enemy雖然與friend相對,但此處是說不同國度文化的差異,并不是敵我的分歧。10. A. in other wordsB. on the other handC. i n a similar wayD. by all mea ns矽圓學(xué)子夢想鑄金字品牌【解析】選B。詞語辨析題。由上文可知,此處表示語意上的轉(zhuǎn)折,故選on the other hand 另一方面 ” ,in other words換句

17、話說 ” ;in a similar way用相似的方法” by all means當(dāng)然可以。”11. A. troubleB. conv ersati onC. sile neeD. exp erime nt【解析】選B。詞語辨析題。trouble麻煩;conversation談話,交談;silenee寂靜,沉默;exp erime nt實驗。in conv ersati on在交談中,在會話中。12. A. disturbi ngB. helpingC. guid ingD. follow ing【解析】選D。詞語辨析題。在交談中,北歐人不喜歡肢體接觸,拉丁美洲人喜歡肢體接觸,所以我們看到

18、的很可能是一個拉丁美洲人跟隨一個挪威人在房間里移動,故選following跟隨”13. A. closerB. fasterC. harderD. slower【解析】選A。邏輯推理題。拉丁美洲人喜歡肢體接觸,為了表示友好,會離挪威人越來越近,故選closer。14. A. ste pping forwardB. going onD. coming outC. back ing away【解析】選C。詞語辨析題。挪威人不喜歡肢體接觸,會一直向后退,故選backingaway 后退。step forward 前進;go on 繼續(xù);come out 出版,發(fā)芽。15. A. weak nessB

19、. careless nessD. cold nessC. frien dli ness【解析】選D。詞語辨析題。挪威人的后退反過來會讓拉丁美洲人覺得是冷漠。weak ness 虛弱;careless nesS粗心;frie ndli ness 友善;cold ness 冷漠。16. A. talkB. travelC. laughD. think【解析】選A。邏輯推理題。選項中的talk(交談)與上文的conversation相呼應(yīng),且文章主要講述交談中的body Ian guaga17. A. differe ntB. traditi onalC. attractiveD. rich【解析

20、】 選A。邏輯推理題。different不同的;traditional傳統(tǒng)的;attractive有吸B. exciteme nt引力的;rich富有的。different cultures不同的文化。18. A. curiosityC. mis un dersta ndingD. n ervous ness【解析】 選C。當(dāng)來自不同文化的人聚會時,極有可能會出現(xiàn)誤解 ,故選 misunderstanding 誤會: 誤解” curiosity 好奇心;excitement 興奮;nervousness緊張。19. A. cha neeB. timeC. resultD. advice【解析】

21、選D。詞語辨析題。此處是對避免誤解而提出的建議,故選advice建議” chanee機會;time時間,次數(shù),倍數(shù);result結(jié)果。20. A. noticedB. treatedC. resp ectedD. pl eased【解析】選B。詞語辨析題。你希望怎樣被對待,那你就怎樣對待別人。B選項 與前面的Treat others相呼應(yīng),一個是主動形式,一個是被動形式(to be treated).單句改錯1. Found the course very difficult, she decided to move to a lower level. -7 -'t want to eat there2. Whe n I was little, my mother used to sit by my bed, tell me stories till I fell aslee p.3. Havi ng bee n eate n at the cafeteria before, Tina did n4. The room is empty exce pt for a bookshelf sta nd in one corner.5. The lecture, start at


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