



1、隨堂檢測C. are made of; feelsD. is made by; feels基礎(chǔ)篇)1-Mom, my classmates are pl aying outside. Can I join them?-Not until your homework.(2014江蘇一模)A. finishes B. is finished C. finished D. was finished)2. -May I use your glasses?-Sorry, itby my brother yesterday. (2015 錦州二模)in the No.3A. is broken B. wa

2、s broken C. broke D. will break)3.-An impo rtant report about English studyMiddle School next week. Can you come with me?-Sure, I d love to. (201州I三模)A. will be givenB. will giveC. would be givenD. would giveA. has been builtB. is being builtC. should be builtD. was built)4.-It s hard for the childr

3、en in the village to cross the river toschool.-I think a bridgeover the river. (2014 大連)5. If you see the cartoon film, you willlaugh.201陜西漢中A. be made B. be made to C. made to D. make提高篇()1.-Have you finished your p roject?-Not yet. Ill finish it if Iten more minutes.【2013 浙江寧波】A. give B. am given

4、C. will give D. will be given()2. - At p resent, one of the best ways to study is working in gro ups-More chancesto students to learn from each other2013湖北宜昌】A. offer B. are offered C. have offered D. are offering()3. - Didn t you see the sign“No Parking! ” on the right?-Sorry, I didn . Butnow I kno

5、w parking _ here.【2013湖北襄陽】A. wasnt allowedB. isnt allowedC. wont allowD. doesnt allow()4. The child without parentsgood care of by his teachers()5. This p air of shoeshand, and itveryin this special school.【2013 廣東梅州】D. takesA. is taken B. are taken C. takecomfortable.【2015 大連二?!緼. is made with; is

6、 feltB. are made from; is felt2010年中考英語被動語態(tài)專項練習題一、單項選擇(A.(A.)1. Do you often clea n your classroom?Yes. Our classroomevery day.clea n B.clea ns C.is clea ned D.is clea ning)2.A talk on deve lopments in scie nee and technologyin the school hall n ext week.give n B.will be give n C.has bee n give n D.

7、given ext mon th.B. is p ublishi ngD. has bee n p ublisheds birthday pty?()3.His new book_A. will be publishedC. is being p ublished()4. Did you go to JackNo,I.A. am not invited B.wasn t invited C.haven t invited D.didn t invite()5. Mum,ca n I go to the zoo with Jack?When your homework A.(A.would ha

8、ppenC.happened()18.A lot of thi ngsA.are doingC.has bee n donethem in Chi na,you can.is done B.was done C.does D.did)6.Twe nty year olds should notto drive in China.A. allow B.be allow C.be allowed D.allowed.)7.See ing him rush into the room with tears in his eyes,I asked him whatB. had happenedD.wa

9、s happen ed.()8.The book Busi nessthe Speed of Thoughtin 1999.A.writes B.is written C.wrote D.was writte n.()9.Trees and flowers_every year to make our country more beautiful.A.is plan ted B.was plan ted C.are plan ted D.were planted.()10.Ch ina s sports stars Yao Mi ng and Liu XiangGood Will Ambass

10、ado rs(親善大使)for Shang hai.A. has bee n n amedB.have bee n n amedD.have n amed.C. has n amed()11.The earth is our home.Itwell.A.must be p rotectedB.should p rotectC.n eed p rotectD.should p rotected.()12 .In recent years, many childre n are madewhat they are notA.to do;i nterested inB.to do;i nterest

11、edC.do;i nterestedD.do;i nterested.()13.a new libraryin your school last year?A.Is;built B.Was;built C.Does;built D.Did;built.()14.A n accidenton this road last week.A.has bee n happened B.was happenedC.is happenedD.ha ppen ed.()15.Cotte nin the southeast of China.A.is grow n B.are grow n C.grows D.

12、grow.()16.So far, the moonby man already.A. is visitedB.will be visitedC.has bee n visitedD.was visited.()17.How many treesthis year?A.are plan ted B.will plant C.have bee n plan ted D.plan ted. _by people to save the little girl now.B. are being doneD. will be done.()19.Neither ofA.is made B.are ma

13、de C.were made D.made.()20.Look! A nice picturefor our teacher.A. is draw ing B.is being draw n C.has bee n draw n D.draws.()21.Your shoes.You n eed a new p air.A.wear out B.wor n out C.are worn out D.is worn.()22.The doctorfor yet.A.isn t sentB.hasn t been sentC.won t be sent (D.wasn t sent.)23 Whe

14、nthis kind of computer?Last year.A.did;use B.was;used C.is;used D.are;used )24.The Great Wall_about all over the world. A.k nows B.knew C.is known D.was known.)25.Iin summer.A.bor n B.was born C.have bee n born D.am born.)26.He says that Mr Zhangto the factory n ext week.A.is sent B.would send C.was

15、 sent D.will be sent. )27.Who _this book_?A.did;writte n B.was;writte n by C.do;writte n D.was;writte n )28.Maryshow me her new dict ion ary.A.has asked to B.was asked to C.is asked D.asks to)29. A story _ by Granny yesterday.A.was told us B.was told to us C.is told us D.told us)30.The mon key was s

16、eenout of the tree.A.jump B.ju mps C.jumped D.to jumpI參考答案15CBABA 610CBDCB 1115AABDA 1620CCBAB 2125CBBCB 2630DBBBD二、單項選擇1|()1 The Peop les Rep ublic of Chi naon October 1, 1949.A. found B. was foun ded C. is foun ded D. was found()2 En glishin Can ada.A. sp eaks B. are sp oke n C. is sp eak ing D. i

17、s sp oke n()3 This En glish songby the girls after class.A. ofte n singsB. ofte n sangC. is ofte n sang D. is ofte n sung()4 This kind of carin Japan.A, makes B. made C. is making D. is made()5 New compu tersall over the world.A. is used B. are using C. are used D. have used 2()1 Our room mustclea n

18、.A. kee p B. be kept C. to be kept D. to kee p()2 -Id like to buy that coat.-Im sorry.A. it sold B. its selli ng C. Its bee n sold D. it had bee n sold()3 A new houseat the corner of the road.A. is buildi ng B. is being built C. bee n built D. be buildi ng()4 The keyon the table whe n I leave.A. was

19、 left B. will be left C. is left D. has bee n left()5 Doctorsin every part of the world.A. n eed B. are n eedi ng C. are n eeded D. will n eed3()1 Now these magazinesin the library for a long time.()1 Japan esein every coun try.A. is not sp oke nB. are sp oke n()2 These papersyet.A. have not writte

20、nB. have not bee n writte nC. is sp eak ingD. is not sp eak ingD. has not bee n writte n be held un til next week.()1 The flowersofte n.A. must be water B. must be watered()2 The books mayfor two weeks.A. be kept B. be borrowed C. kee p D. borrow()3 The broken bikehere by Mr Smith.A. can mendB. can

21、men dedC. must wateredC. can be mendD. must waterD. can beC. has not writte n()3 The sp orts meetA. did ntB. wont C. is nt D. does nt()1 -My shoes are worn out.-.A. Cant they be men ded?B. Let me have a look at it.C. How much do they cost? D. Cant they men ded?()2the watch bee n rep aired yet? I bad

22、ly n eed it.A. Does B. Has C. Is D. Are()3these desks be n eeded?A. Will B. Are C. Has D. Do 5()1 Whyto talk about it yesterday?A. did nt a meet ing hold B. was nt a meeti ng heldC. was nt held a meeti ng D. a meeti ng was nt held()2 Who was the book?A. write B. wrote C. writte n D. writte n by()3 W

23、herethese boxes made?A. was B. were C. is D. am men ded()1 The old bridge in my hometownn ext mon th.A. is going to be rebuilt B. will rebuiltC. are going to be rebuilt D. are going to rebuilt()2 The p layat the theatre n ext Sun day.A. is going to be show n B.will show nC. will show D. is show n ()

24、3 The old stone bridgen ext week.A. is going to be rebuilt B. will be rebuildC. are going to be rebuilt D. will rebuild8B. are kee pingA. have keptkept()2 The potforhot water.A. used; kee ping B. was used; kee pingC. is used; to kee pD. are used; kee p()3 Teain the south of China.A. grows B. is grow

25、 n C. were grow n D. will grow()4 The bridgestwo years ago.A. is built B. built C. were built D. was builtC. have bee n kee pingD. have bee n()5 Wet clothes are often_up n ear a fire in rainy weather.A. hang B. han ged C. hanging D. hung9 ()1 The river smells terrible. People must _ dirty things int

26、o it.A. be stopped to throw B. be stopped from throw ingC. stop to throwD. stop from throw ing()2 The tea potwater.A. is filled with B. filled ofC. fulli ng of D. filled()3 Old people must be looked after well andpo litely.A. speak to B. spoken C. speak D. spoken to()4 Old peo pie must.A. look after

27、 well B. be looked well afterC. looked well after D. be looked after well 10()1 Newly-bor n babiesin hos pital.A. are take n good care B. are take n good care ofC. take good care of D. take good care()2 They wereat the sudde n no ise.A. frighte ning B. frighte ned C. frighte n D. frighte ns()3 These

28、 wallsston es.A. are made of B. made of C. are made into D. made into11()1 Janeto sing us an America n song last Saturday.A. called B. was asked C. told D. was said()2 The papersto them.A. were show n B. show C. show n / D. have show n()3 The coather sister.A.made to B.were made for C.was made for D

29、.was made to12()1 Ifive minu tes to decide whether I should go or not.A. gave B. was givi ng C. had give n D. was give n()2 Good caresuch thin gs.A. should take of B. should be take nC. should be tak ing D. should be take n of()3 She willgood care.A.take;of B.be take n;of C. take;for you D. be take

30、n;of you 13()1 The teacher made himhis homework.A. to do B. do C. did D. doneB. made clea nD. was made clea n dance.()2 The boystreets without pay in the old days.A. was made to clea nC. made to clea n()3 These children_A. were see n to B. were see n for C. were see n D. saw to 14()1 These stoneswel

31、l.A. are fitted B. fit C. fits D. is fitted()2 The bike500 yua n.A. was cost B. costed C. cost D. is costed()3 The imp orta nt meeti ngon a cold morning last year.A. was had B. was held C. held D. had15D. had taken()1 Great changesin the p ast ten years in China.A. took p laceB. have take n p laceC.

32、 were tak ing p lacep lace()2 You cant use the compu ter, it.A.was broke n down B.is wrong C.is bad D.has broke n dow nD. were()3 Great changesin our country duri ng the p ast 20 years.A. have happenedB. happenedC. have bee n happenedhappened()4 The watch has ofte ndow n.A. sat B. lain C. broke n D. fell16()1 PI ease p ass me ano ther cup. This one.A. is broke n B. is break ing C. broke D. broke n()2 The story booksby the writer in the 1960s.A. are writte n B. were writtenC. are writ ing D. were writi ng()3 What timethe doo


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