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1、ICAO考試OPI問題整理及答案1. could you tell me something aboutATIS(Automatic term inal in formati on service) service)2).fun cti on:com mon and popu lar inintern ati onal air ports to reduce the worki ngload of ATC controller, to enhance controlfreque ncy utility3). the informationincluded in ATIS are:meteoro

2、logicalin formati on( SURFACEwind,temperature, dewpoint, RVR visibility,ONH,)active RWY,4). 12865 DEP ARTURE 1276 arrival, for Beijing intern ati onal airport5). the code of ATIS shall be up datedalp habetically every one hour, the dep artureand arrival codes should not be using the samletter.2. in

3、case of com muni cati on failure, what shouldyou do1).ATIS(Automatictermi nalin formatio n1)the controller should make sure whether thetran smitter or the receiver is troubled.2) Blind transmitting盲發(fā),unknown situati on.direct(straight-in)entrance3) Hold at VYK at 5100meters,(holdradial of CH VOR bet

4、ween 25MILES and 30 milesin case of the3) Try to send a message to thetroubledaircraftvia other p ilots.4) Clear the present level theaircraftand arra nge an emerge ncy avoida neeis using,緊急避讓5) Set the squawk A76006) When the situationhappens on theground, aska tow car to tug the aircraft to the sa

5、fe place3. could you tell me about the holding pattern1) Holding pattern is a pre-published aircraftmave n our used for rush-hour, delays, run wayin cursi on or sep arati on on route, to let theaircraftwait ingin the airfor furtherin structi on s.2) Parallelentran ce/ off-setentran ce/on to 210east

6、of XXX at 5000FT,lnbound track 360 degrees,Left-ha nd p atter n, outbo und time 1 minute4. in case of air-crash, what should you do1)The con trollershould remai n calm and reportthe accide nt to the sup ervisor.2)P rovide emerge ncy services in clud ing firstaid, fire services, ambula nces, and so o

7、n3)Con tactpertinentdep artme nt,arra ngeemerge ncy avoida nee for other aircrafts.4)To coop erate with the accide nt research teamlow-visibility con diti on1) .the reas on of the low-visibility is heavyfog2) Mostly happen in the northern part of china,in winter3)As the controller,firstly ask for th

8、e5. what the air-trafficcontrollerdo in thepilot s inten ti on; sec on dly, ask the pilot toreport thepo siti on;thirdly no tify thepertinent unit sectors.4)ask the metrologicaldepartment to sendweather up dates to kee p in formed of the weathercon diti onlow-visibility op erati onsvisual app roach1

9、)instrument App is more precise than visualapp, and can provide smaller sep arati on for aircrafts, thus increase the safety and efficie ncy for op erati on2)pilotsresponsibilitycontrollersrespon sibility for safety3)visual app has a higher standard for weather con diti on tha nin strume nt app5) Ar

10、ra nge the follow-me carservicefor6. could you tell us somethingaboutthedifferenee between the instrumentapp roachandand accurateforsafety-visaul,in strume nt4) 目視進(jìn)近間隔可以小于儀表進(jìn)近間隔,但是必須要大于尾流間隔,目視進(jìn)近對機(jī)長的要求更高。7. what the air-traffic controller do in the CBcon diti on1)firstly, rema in calm, and kee p in f

11、ormed ofthe weather up dates2)sec on dly, ask for the p ilot3)P rovide the in formati ons intentionin cludi ngtheofheight, range, duration time4) To in struct the p ilot to go round the CBCb to the pilot5) To con sider the fuel en dura nee of theaircraft8. What are the differeneebetween the radarcon

12、 trol and p rocedure control1) radar- ground equipment;p rocedure-aircraft equi pmen t(NDB,VOR),re port man datoryreporting point, report level and time over thepoi nt.2) radar con trol is more p recise and accuratethan p rocedure con trol,and can providesmallersep arati onforaircrafts,thusin crease

13、the safety andefficie ncyforop erati on3) radar height,sp eed,head ing,SID,STAR,(actively)PROCEDUpilots intention(passively )4) Radarholding at any random position in thecon trolled airs pace. P rocedurehold ingNDB or VOR5) RADAR- radar con tact with the air plane onthe radarscree n,p rocedureimag i

14、ne thep ositi on of the aircraft on the route9. What should the controller do in case of theground collisi on.舌i年蹭1)report to the supervisor,ask for theemergency assistanee,ambulanee, passengerste ps and ferry-buses, tow-car,2)Con tactpertinentdep artme nt,arrangeemerge ncy avoida nee for other airc

15、rafts.3)To coop erate with the accide nt research teamabove10.In case of radar failure , what should youdo1)firstly, calm down, report the situationtothe sup ervisor and termi nate radar service2)when the radar failed, the back-up systemwill be used, and the radar con trol will becon vertedto p roce

16、durecon trol,and thep rocedure sep arati on will be app lied3)in struct other planes to hold po siti on ifthey are on the ground.11.what should the air-trafficcontrollerdo in therun way in curs ion2)Report the situationto the aircraft that will be tak ing-off or landing3) To ask the maintenance personnel to execute the run way insp ection11. what should the air-traffic con troller doencoun tered with the hydraulic p roblem1) firstly, calm down, report the situation to the sup ervisor2) ask for the pilots intention and give thepilot sufficient time to solve the problem, andkee p up with the p


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