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1、牛津高中英語模塊二單詞講解Unit 31. cursen. The witch laid the princess under a curse. (= The witch laid a curse upon the princess.)* be under a curse被詛咒的Vt. curse (at) sb. / sth.He cursed (at) his bad luck.* be cursed with 因-而苦惱He is cursed with his lazy son.2. curiousadj. * be curious aboutChildren are always c

2、urious about everything around them.* be curious to do sth.Im curious to know what is written in his letter.* be curious wh-Im curious how he will do it.* It is curious thatIts so curious that he should have failed to win the race.adv.curiouslyn. curiosityarouse / excite ones curiosity3. sailn. How

3、many sails does the ship have?Lets go for a sail.* set sail for sp.* take sail 搭船* under sail 在航行中v. I want to sail all over the world.Our ship will sail for New York tonight.4. preserveVt. * preserve sthThe city should take steps to preserve the old temple.* preserve sth from sth Oil preserves meta

4、l from rust.* preserve ones strengthn. preservationn. preserver5. discoveryn. * make a discovery of sth.* a discovery in science* the discovery of America by Columbus =Columbuss discovery of AmericaVt.Do you know who discovered America?I discovered that he was a cook.I discovered him to be quite tru

5、stworthy.n. discoverer6. emptyv. Empty out your pockets of their contents.The classroom emptied at 4:30.adj. I looked into the classroom but I found it empty.an empty promise; empty talkHis words are empty of meaning / sincerity.I felt empty.7. presentn. prizent I want to give her a birthday present

6、.v. prizent I presented the letter of introduction to the manager.The prize was presented to the winner. (=The winner was presented with the prize.)adj. prezntA lot of students were present at the meeting.All the girls present turned to him.* at present* for the present 目前,暫且* at the present time* t

7、o the present8. disturbv. The noise in the street disturbed my study.A light wind disturbed the smooth surface of the lake.She was disturbed to hear of her mothers sudden illness.n. disturbance9. resultVi.If we announce the news, a panic will result.* result fromThe terrible accident resulted from h

8、is carelessness.* result inHis attempt resulted in failure.His careless speech resulted in much argument.n. The results of the competition will be announced tomorrow.The result was that he caught cold.We worked hard and got excellent results.* as a result因此* as a result of因?yàn)椋捎?He was late as a resu

9、lt of the traffic jam.* with the result that為此,因此I was very busy, with the result that I couldnt take care of her.* without result (= in vain)徒勞,毫無結(jié)果He tried to recall he name without result.10. certainadj.Nothing is certain(無懷疑余地的) than death.A certain(某-)Mr. Jones called while you were out.The rep

10、airs will take a certain(相當(dāng)程度的) amount of time.* be certain of / that / wh- 確信的Im certain of your success.(=Im certain that you will succeed.)Im not certain whether she will go with us.* be certain to do sth 必定會She is certain to come.* Its certain that - 是確實(shí)的Its certain that the earth is round.* for

11、 certain確實(shí)地I dont know for certain when he will come.* make certain of / that / wh- 弄清楚;確保Make certain of his safe arrival.Lets make certain that well get seats.adv. certainlyn. certainty11. comparev. * compare sth to / with sth把-和-比較;把-比擬為-Try on both boats and compare them.I compared the translati

12、on to the original.We compare Chairman Mao to the sun.He was rude to compare my homemade bread to a rock.* compare with sth 匹敵(常否定)My works dont compare with yours.* (as)compared with / to(介)與- 比起來,較之-Compared with her mother, she is tall.n. comparison* make a comparison with比較* in comparison with較之

13、-12. expressVt. She freely expressed her ideas.His face expressed his disappointment.She expressed her thanks to us.I cannot express to you how encouraging your letter was.He expressed himself early in English.I expressed an urgent letter.adj. an express train / letter / highwayn. the 9:00p.m. expre

14、ss to OttawaI sent the parcel by express.adv. He traveled express.n. expressionbeyond expressionadj. expressive13. basen. The vase falls over a lot because the base is too small.an air baseVt. * base sth on / upon sthYou should base your conclusion upon careful research.* be based on / uponThis stor

15、y is based on facts.adj. basic14. survivorn. v. surviveOnly one baby survived (after) the terrible car crush.n. survival15. onceadv.I will help you once but then you must do it by yourself.I once went to Paris.If you once understand the rules of the game, youll enjoy it.* once and again* once in a w

16、hile* once more / once again* once upon a timen. Once is enough.* all at once (=suddenly)* at once16. pickVt. We would pick the right person for the work.The girl was picking wild flowers.* pick upI picked up a coin in the road.Shall I pick you up at yhe station?He picked up French when he was in Fr

17、ance.* pick outShe picked out the shoes that match the dress.Can you pick out your brother in the crowd?17. provev. proved, proved, proven, provingCan you prove it to us?How did you prove that he was the robber?The fingerprints on the knife proved him( to be) the murderer.She proved herself to be an

18、 able secretary.The theory proved true.n. proof18. managev. He is managing the business for his father.The repair is difficult but I can manage it.The box was heavy but he managed (to carry it).n. management; maneger19. livev. liv* live a happy / busy / simple life* live on Man shall not live by bre

19、ad alone.He lived to see his granddaughter married.Her memory will live. 他將永遠(yuǎn)活在人們的記憶中。laiva live Tv broadcastexperiment on a live animal牛津高中英語模塊二單詞專練Unit 3 (A)1. His father was an a_ man, unafraid of risks.2. Many prospectors found g_ in the hills of California.3. They were very c_ about the people

20、who lived upstairs.4. In times of danger he always p_ his calmness.5. The old man pronounced a c_ on his enemies.6. Many of the famous e_ who explored some unknown places and never came back again.7. We set s_ for France at high tide.8. Its very b_ of you to stand up and speak in front of all those

21、people.9. The b_ boy is reading English in the b_ room.10. A local villager found an E_ mummy in the mountain by chance.(B)1. As the boat moved down the river, the wind began to fill the s_.2. He is c_ to know what is written in my letter.3. It's policemens duty to p_ public security.(社會治安)4. Sh

22、e lives in an a_ lifestyle.5. Whoever made this cake is a real a_.6. The d_ of a childs body in the river has shocked the community.7. The world-famous artist lives in a small town set in a v_.8. He e_ the ashtrays(煙灰缸), washed the glasses and went to bed.9. R_ have wings. 錢財(cái)易散。10. Mary as w_ as her

23、 parents is kind to me.(C)1. Researchers in this field have made some important new d_.2. All this time of night the streets are e_ of traffic.3. All the people p_ at the party were his supporters.4. I dont really work here. I am just helping out until the new s_ arrives.5. S_ enough, I dont feel at

24、 all nervous.6. I want this postcard sent r_ away.7. He has a high f_.8. She arrived at the wedding party s_ after us.9. The ambulacne arrived w_ minutes of the call being made.10. By c_, I met the person wed been discussing the next day.(D)1. He waited for her arrival in a f_ of impatience.2. Its n

25、ot a c_ that none of the directors are women.3. Public opinions are different 4. The doctors are looking for a way to control the v_ to keep people safe.5. Have you heard the news that Bill Gates plans to give away all his r_.6. Dont d_ your father while he is busy working.7. He felt that the extrem

26、e suffering of the working people would r_ in revolution.8. I d_ him to be quite trustworthy.9. Eating plenty of f_ fruit and vegetables is good for our health.10. I missed a lot of school through i_ last year.(我去年因病耽誤了很多功課)(E)1. Im sorry to d_ you, but can I talk to you for a moment.2. Acting befor

27、e thinking usually r_ in failure.3. Let me write it down while its still f_ in my mind.4. He died after a long i_.5. The matter was not f_ settled until much later.6. Its interesting to c_ their situation with ours.7. The Anti-Japanese lasted f_ eight years.8. Im not c_ whether she will go with us.9

28、. Youd better have your eyes e_ before your sight gets worse.10. The old man you were just talking with is an expert in a_ civilization.(F)1. We c_ Chairman Mao to the sun.2. Nothing is c_ than death.3. Teachers have e_ concern about the emphasis on testing.4. The explorer o_ an expedition to the No

29、rth Pole.5. They told me a good story of their c_.6. The partys main power b_ is in the agricultural regions.7. A red a_ has crashed during competition with a yellow one.8. They searched the area again, hoping to find more s_ of the air crash.9. A great d_ of money has been spent on this huge projec

30、t.10. If it doesnt work, send it back to the m_.(G)1. Tom was luch enough to have s_ from that terrible traffic accident.2. This story is b_ on facts.3. C_ Cook had to order his man to leave the ship when it was sinking.4. This is the reason why an i_ floats- it is less dense than water.5. If my fam

31、ily didnt want to be like a w_, they would never have sent me to an English school.6. We didnt know what to do o_ the money had gone.7. Doctors issued a w_ against eating any fish caught in that river.8. The satellite was lanched into o_ around the moon.9. Some of the youth are dreaming of becoming an a_ just like Yang Liwei.10. LiaoNing Province lies in n_ part of China.(H)1. An officier is an important leader in the a_.2. Students have to p_ three courses from the list of 15.3. The well-to


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