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1、判斷題:3. What do French farmers, Chinese fishermen, and Russian hackers have in commonthey can all receive subsidy payments from the U.S. government.4.One event that will shape international business as the future unfolds is the rapid growth of the World Trade Organization, NAFTA, and the European Uni

2、on.5.One event that will shape international business as the future unfolds is the unprecedented acceptance of communism and socialism in Latin America.6.A trend that will impact international business in the future is the fact that there is a mandate to properly manage the resources and global envi

3、ronment.7.Today, most business activities are local or regional in scope.11.A good illustration of an uncontrollable variable that might impact international business is a marketing decision with respect to research.12.The foreign uncontrollable environment is the same as the domestic uncontrollable

4、 environment.15.In a broad sense, the uncontrollable elements of the foreign business environment constitute the culture.16. John refuses to buy Japanese products because he sees them as a way of selling out to nation known for its aggressive behavior. John is using aself-reference criterion to make

5、 his decision.19.To avoid errors in business decisions, it is necessary to conduct a cross-cultural analysis that emphasizes the need for ethnocentrism.20.To be globally aware, you should have tolerance for cultural differences.24.If a company uses a strategic orientation called domestic market exte

6、nsion, it views its international operations as secondary to and an extension of its domestic operations.25. The global marketing concept views the marketplace as consisting of one primary domestic market that is complimented by several smaller regional markets.4. Prior to the coming of Admiral Perr

7、y in 1853, Japan could be characterized as being isolated from the rest of the world.5. A fundamental premise of American ideology reflects the importance of cooperation for the collective good.15. Based on current estimates, there are over 6 billion people in the world.16. According to information

8、supplied by the text, when Industrialized and Developing Asia are combined together, total energy consumption exceeds that of North America.3.Marketers are often considered to be agents of change with respect to culture.4.Culture affects every part of our lives, every day, from birth to death and ev

9、erything in between.7.Good illustrations of elements of culture would be one's family, religion, schools, media, government, and even corporations.9. The two social institutions that most strongly influence values and culture are governments and nonprofit institutions.10. Underlying the cultural

10、 diversity that exists among countries are fundamental differences in cultural values.11. The Individualism/Collectivism Index measures the tolerance of social inequality.12. Rebecca Nguyen is attempting to measure power inequality between superiors and subordinates within AT&T's social syst

11、em. The best measure would be the Power Distance Index.20.Cultural borrowing is relevant only to those cultures that formed in what was called the New World.23.If we were to describe a culture as being dynamic, we would recognize that this culture was resistant to change.25.Nike is following a progr

12、am of unplanned change if it were to introduce a line of tennis shoes for women (Nike Goddess) in a Muslim country with no prior marketing or communication efforts.5.In the Arabic world, a non-believer would not be allowed to enter a mosque. This would be an example of what is called an exclusive.6.

13、 Cultural imperatives are those customs or behavior patterns reserved exclusively for the locals and from which the foreigner is barred.7. The “ master of destiny” philosophy is fundamental to U.S. management thought.8.In high-PDI (Power Distance Index) countries such as Mexico and Malaysia, underst

14、anding the rank and status of clients and business partners is very important.10.Although there is some power seeking by business managers throughout the world, power seems to be a more important motivating force in South American countries11.With respect to contextual background among countries, Ja

15、pan would be a good illustration of a country that has a low context explicit background.15.M-time (monochromic time) is more dominate in high-context cultures.4.A review of competitors' sales revenues and methods of market segmentation would be found in the economic portion of a planning report

16、.10.One of the advantages that U.S. marketing researchers have over other international marketing researchers is the fact that U.S. marketing researchers have almost as much information about world markets and countries as they do on the domestic U.S. market.14.It is generally better to collect prim

17、ary data before turning to secondary data because of the increased reliability and validity of primary data.17. Most problems in collecting primary data in international marketing research stem from the excessive cost of primary research in these markets.2.Though quality is always important in the c

18、onsumer's mind, they, in general, do not expect it to be a given.9. An important first step in adapting a product to a foreign market is to determine the degree of newness as perceived by the intended market.10. From a sociological point of viewpoint, any idea perceived as new by a group of peop

19、le is an innovation.11. The process by which a new product spreads throughout a society is called the product life cycle.17.If you were looking for information and strategies on a product's brand name, you would find it under the packaging componentof the product component model.Answer: True19.A

20、 well-known baby-food producer that introduced small jars of baby food in Africa complete with labels featuring a picture of a baby experienced the classic example of misinterpreted symbolsconsumers thought it was ground-up babies in a jar. This would be an example of a problem with the packaging co

21、mponent in the product component model.1.The distribution process includes promotion of goods and services by sellers and resellers.2.One of the distinguishing characteristics of the Japanese channel system is that the channel system is controlledby the great numbers of small resellers found in the

22、country.3.One of the ways that channel control is maintained by manufacturers is through inventory financing.5.One of Wal-Mart's strengths in distribution is its internal Internet-based system, which makes its transactions with suppliers more efficient and lowers its cost of production.7.Agent m

23、iddlemen work on commission and arrange for sales in the foreign country but do not take title to the merchandise.25.With respect to international marketing, ideally, a website should be translated into the languages of the target market.2.For most companies, advertising and personal selling are the

24、 major components in the marketing communications mix.3.Sales promotions are meant to enhance a company's image before the public through long-term communication messages.6.The largest advertiser (with respect to money spent) in the world is Unilever (pharmaceuticals).7.The first step in any goo

25、d international advertising endeavor is to pick a market segment that will receive an advertising message.11.If Maxine translates a message into an appropriate meaning so that Philip can receive it, Maxine has just completed the process called encoding.2.If William sends his message to his target au

26、dience through newspapers, he is using a message channel to reach his target audience.14.Decoding errors often occur because a word in one language means something else in another language.17. Comparative advertising is very heavily regulated in many parts of the world.18. For many countries languag

27、e is a matter of cultural pride and preservation.The best example of this is the United States.The policy of“ Manifest Destiny ” meant that American were a chosen people ordainedby God to create a model society.broker is typically applied to who provide the intermediary function of bringing buyers a

28、nd sellers together and who do not have a continuing relationship with their clients.Sales promotions are short-term efforts directed to the consumer or retailer to achieve such objectives as consumer-product trial or immediate purchase.Integrated marketing communications are composed of advertising

29、, sales promotions, trade shows, personal selling, direct selling, and public relations.Cultural imperatives are customs that must be recognized and accommodated.Cultural electives are customs to which adaptation is helpful, but not necessary.Cultural exclusives are customs in which an outsider must

30、 not participate.Marketing research is traditionally defined as the systematic gathering, recording, and analyzing of data to provide information useful in marketing decision making.The country-of-origin effect can be defined as any influence that the country of manufacture, assembly, or design has

31、on a consumer's positive or negative perception of a product.International marketing is the performance of business activities designed to plan, price, promote, and direct the flow of a company's goods and services to consumers or users in more than one nation for a profit.global brand. The

32、worldwide use of a name, term, sign, symbol, design, or combination thereof intended to identify goods or services of one seller and to differentiatethem from those of competitors。94. The Japanese distribution system has four distinguishing characteristicsW. hat are these characteristics?The charact

33、eristics are (a) a structure dominated by many small middlemen dealing with many small retailers, (b) channel control by manufacturers, (c) a business philosophy shaped by a unique culture, and (d) laws that protect the foundation of the system the small retailer.95. How does a manufacturer attempt

34、to control the distribution channel?The manufacturer attempts to control the distribution channel through (a) inventory financing, (b) cumulative rebates, (c) merchandise returns, and (d) promotional support96. Channel strategy is thought to have six specific strategic goals.If you were to list thes

35、e goals for a strategic planner, what would be the six specific goals that the planner should consider?Answer:The six Cs of channel strategy are: (a) cost, (b) capital, (c) control, (d) coverage, (e) character, and (f) continuity.facets of Japanese behavior :A) loyalty to family.B) the strong drive

36、to cooperate.C) the strong desire to work together for a common cause.D) loyalty to company.origins of culture:A) geography.B) history.C) technology and political economy.D) social institutions.94.List and briefly characterize the six steps in the research process.The steps are: (a) define the resea

37、rch problem and establish research objectives, (b) determine the sources of information to fulfill the research objectives, (c) consider the costs and benefits of the research effort, (d) gather the relevant data from secondary or primary sources, or both, (e) analyze, interpret, and summarize the r

38、esults, and (f) effectively communicate the results to decision makers.96.As a practical matter, the international marketing researcher should ask four questions to effectively judge the reliability (validating secondary data) of secondary data sources. List those four questions.The four questions a

39、re: (a) Who collected the data?Would there be any reason for purposely misrepresenting the facts? (b) For what purposes were the data collected? (c) How were the data collected? (methodology) (d) Are the data internally consistent and logical in light of known data sources or market factors?88.Give

40、a brief definition of culture as it applies to international marketing and explain why understanding it is important to the global marketer.Culture can be defined as a society's accepted basis for responding to external and internal events. If a marketer is to interpret a culture's behavior

41、and attitudes, it is essential to have some idea of a country's history and geography. By understanding culture, a marketer is better able to design products that are appropriate to the culture or be able to adapt those products.Define culture.Answer:Culture is the human-made part of human envir

42、onment the sum total of knowledge, beliefs, art, morals, laws, customs, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by humans as members of society.99.Considering that the United States scores high on the Individualism/Collectivism Index (91) and Japan scores low (46), describe what this means to

43、 a marketer of an automobile, computer, or life insurance policy (pick one for discussion).Answer:The index refers to the preference for behavior that promotes one's self-interest. A high score indicates individualism as an approach. A low score indicates more group orientation and value. Studen

44、ts are free to create with the illustrations; however, an American would probably prefer a car that addresses individual needs and is different in styling, a computer that is highly adaptable to a personal need, and an insurance policy that could benefit one's self (investment). The Japanese con

45、sumer might want a car that fit with group expectations and did not standout. The computer would be chosen for its ability to interact with others. The insurance policy would to provide security for a larger family unit.The text identifies seven cultural concepts that seem to be at the core of the U

46、nited States culture in a business sense.List and briefly identify each of these cultural concepts.The core concepts are (1) “ Master of destiny ” viewpoint,(2) independent enterprise as the instrument of social action,(3) personnel selection and reward based on merit,(4) decisions based on objectiv

47、e analysis,(5) wide sharing in decision making,(6) never-ending quest for improvement, and(7) competition yielding efficiency.96.Everett Rogers notes that four crucial elements impact the diffusion of new ideas. What are those elements?Answer:The elements are (a) an innovation, (b) which is communic

48、ated through certain channels, (c) over time, and (d) among the members of a social system.28.The foundation of the Japanese distribution system is the:A) middleman.B) intermediary.C) manufacturer.D) small retailer.E) wholesaler.29.Which of the following has the general marketing activity function o

49、f stimulating consumer purchases, improving retailer or middlemen effectiveness and cooperation?A) sales promotionB) advertisingC) trade showsD) direct sellingE) public relations31.Public relations efforts are generally directed toward which of the following?A) the general publicB) customersC) gover

50、nmental regulatorsD) all of the above (A, B, C)35.Of all the elements of the marketing mix, decisions involving arethose most often affected by cultural differences among country markets.A) direct sellingB) public relationsC) the InternetD) advertisingE) sales promotionWhich of the following foreign

51、-based companies is listed as the third-largest advertiser in the world?A) Toyota Motor CorpB) UnileverC) P&GD) Volkswagen40.Which of the following industrial classifications accounts for more in the global arena advertising expenditures than any other industrial classifications listed?A) foodB)

52、 pharmaceuticalsC) automotiveD) electronics, computersE) personal care41.Western capitalism is now being felt in Russia. Which of the following international companies leads in advertising in Russia?A) Proctor & Gamble Co.B) NestleC) UnileverD) PepsiCoE) Coca-Cola Co.49. During which step of the

53、 international communications process is the message from the source converted into effective symbolism for transmission to a receiver?A) feedbackB) encodingC) message channelD) decodingE) noise50. During which step of the international communications process is the message from the source interpret

54、ed for symbolism by the receiver?A) feedbackB) encodingC) message channelD) decodingE) noise51. During which step of the international communications process are uncontrollable and unpredictable influences likely to confuse or detract from the process or affect the other six steps?A) feedbackB) enco

55、dingC) message channelD) decodingE) noise33. The importance of public relations in the international sector is perhaps best demonstrated by:A) SARS cases in China in 2002-2003.B) the Iraq conflict in 2003.C) the Arab-Israeli conflict.D) the Bridgestone/Firestone Tires safety recall disaster of 2000.

56、29. With respect to the food store category of retailers, the United States system is dominated by supermarkets (some 43,000). In Japan, however, the same category is dominated by which of the following (some 74,000)?A) discountersB) hypermarketsC) independent grocersD) bakers36. All of the followin

57、g are reasons that foreign middlemen in many countries limit inventories EXCEPT:A) the high cost of credit.B) the danger of loss through inflation.C) a lack of capital.D) a lack of understanding or concern for what consumers want, need, or will pay for.E) all of the above are valid reasons.37. Which

58、 of the following countries serves more people per retailer (in their country) than any of the others mentioned?A) United StatesB) CanadaC) AustraliaD) GermanyE) South Africa38. According to the text, if you were a marketer looking for a unique way (and a successful way) to enter a foreign market that would by-pass most entry barriers, you would choose:A) television advertising.B) radio advertising.C) sports event advertising.D) direct sales through catalogs.E) door-to-door selling.28. Though most product


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