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1、精選優(yōu)質文檔-傾情為你奉上中考英語語法精講精練-形容詞專題復習1、 用法梳理形容詞修飾名詞,說明事物或人的性質或特征。通常,可將形容詞分成性質形容詞和敘述形容詞兩類,其位置不一定都放在名詞前面。1)直接說明事物的性質或特征的形容詞是性質形容詞,它有級的變化,可以用程度副詞修飾,在句中可作定語、表語和補語。例如:hot。2)敘述形容詞只能作表語,所以又稱為表語形容詞。這類形容詞沒有級的變化,也不可用程度副詞修飾。大多數以a開頭的形容詞都屬于這一類。例如:afraid 害怕的。按其結構,可分為單個形容詞和復合形容詞。前者由一個單詞(如good, short, happy)構成,而后者則由兩個以上的

2、單詞(如well-known, kind-hearted, five-year-old)構成. 形容詞的分類1. 品質形容詞 英語中大量形容詞屬于這一類,他們表示人或物的品質,如:Hes the happiest man on earth. 他是地球上最快樂的人。The play was boring. 那出戲很枯燥乏味。You have an honest face. 你有一張誠實的臉。這類形容詞一般都能用于比較級,如 bigger, simpler, younger.2. 類屬形容詞 這類形容詞表示屬于哪一類,如:These subjects reflect our daily lives

3、. 這些題材反映我們的日常生活。This medicine is for external use only. 此藥僅供外用。這類形容詞一般都不能用于比較級。3. 顏色形容詞 有少數表示顏色的形容詞,如:His face went purple with rage. 他的臉氣得發(fā)青。She had on a blue coat. 她穿了一件藍色的外套。Carrots are orange. 胡蘿卜是 橘紅色的。這類詞前面還可加light, pale, dark, deep, bright 等詞,如:light brown hair 淡藍色頭發(fā) a pale green dress 淡綠色裙服a

4、 deep blue skirt 深藍色的裙子 a dark grey suit 深灰色的套服4. 強調形容詞 有些形容詞起強調作用,如:Its an utter mystery. 這完全是個謎。I have perfect trust in his judgement. 我絕對信任他的判斷力。5. -ing 形容詞1)有大量現在分詞正在或已經變?yōu)樾稳菰~,如: It was a tiring journey. 這真是一趟累人的旅行。 This is a convincing argument. 這是個有說服力的論據。這樣的形容詞多由及物動詞變來。有很多也是品質形容詞,有時可用于最高級(如mos

5、t amazing, most disappointing)。3) 還有一些-ing形容詞并不與動詞有關,如:neighbouring cities 鄰近的城市 a cunning trick 狡猾的計謀6. ed形容詞1)大多數-ed形容詞都與及物動詞有關,是由它們的過去分詞變過來的,一般有被動意義,多數為品質形容詞,如: She looked embarrassed. 他好象很尷尬。 These people are from distressed areas. 這些人來自貧苦地區(qū)。 I felt depressed. 我感到很沮喪。2) 有些-ed形容詞可說是類屬形容詞,也由動詞的過去分

6、詞變來,但不能用于比較級,如:You have to pass the required examination to become a doctor. 你需要通過規(guī)定的考試才能成為醫(yī)生。She is a trained nurse. 她是一個受過訓練的護士。3)有少數-ed形容詞,不是由動詞,而是由名詞變來的:skilled workers 技術工人 salaried class 工薪階層a flowered headscarf 印花頭巾還有少數-ed形容詞,和動詞名詞都沒有關系:beloved leaders 受愛戴的領導 his deceased aunt 他死去的姨4) 有些-ed 的

7、形容詞包含有副詞: a well-equipped army 一支裝備精良的部隊 a well-known musician 著名的音樂家2)還有一些形容詞和不及物動詞有關,如:We hope to lessen the existing tension. 我們希望緩解目前的緊張局勢。 Hes one of the greatest living composers. 他是當今最偉大的作曲家之一。這類形容詞只能作定語,不能用于比較級。7. 合成形容詞 1)形容詞在英語中是比較普遍的,最常見的有: a. 形容詞+名詞+ed: good-natured 天性善良的 b. 副詞+過去分詞:low-p

8、aid 工資很低的 c. 形容詞+現在分詞: easy-going 好說話的 d. 副詞+現在分詞: low-lying 低洼的 e. 名詞+現在分詞:heart-breaking 令人心碎的 f. 形容詞+名詞: present-day 當代的 2)還有一些其他類型的合成形容詞,如: a two-piece suit 兩件套的西服 all-out attempt 全力以赴的努力 take-home pay 扣稅后的實得工資 3)還有一些三個或更多詞構成的和成形容詞,如: wait-and-see policy 觀望政策 heart-to-heart talk 推心置腹的談話 an out-o

9、f-the-way place 偏僻之地 an-out-of-date driving license 過期駕照形容詞在句中的位置1. 形容詞在句中主要可用作: 1)定語: What a fine day! 多好的天氣! He is a self-made man. 他是個自學成材的人。 2)表語: The scene was horrifying. 這景象很恐怖。 I am getting bored and homesick. 我感到有些厭煩想家。 His comments were well-meant. 他說這些都是出于好心。 3)賓語的補語(構成合成賓語): I find this

10、hot weather very trying. 我感到這種炎熱天氣很難受。 Do you think it necessary? 你認為這有必要嗎? 4)狀語: She was back, eager to see her friends. 她回來了,極想見她的朋友們。 She gave him the overcoat, anxious to be of service. 她把大衣拿給他,極愿為他服務。 He arrived home, hungry and tired. 他又餓又累的回到家里。 2. 形容詞在句中的位置 有的形容詞放在被修飾的名詞之前,稱為前置形容詞;少數形容詞放在被修飾

11、的名詞之后,稱為后置形容詞。 1)當名詞被多個前置形容詞修飾時,形容詞之間有一個先后順序問題。一般規(guī)則為: (限定詞)一般描繪性形容詞表示大小、長短、高低的形容詞表示年齡、新舊的形容詞表示國籍、地區(qū)、出處的形容詞表示物質、材料的形容詞(名詞)。 用一句話來說就是“美小圓舊黃,法國木書屋”。如: There is a famous fine old stone bridge near the village. 村子附近有一座著名的漂亮的古代石橋。 I bought a cheap blue plastic pencil box yesterday. 昨天我買了一個便宜的藍色塑料鉛筆盒 They

12、have got such a round brown wooden table. 他們有一張褐色的木制圓桌。 2)當形容詞詞組相當于一個定語從句時,或形容詞用來修飾somebody, something, anything, nothing 等的時候,便會出現后置形容詞。如: The boy (who is) interested in music is my brother.對音樂趕興趣的那個男孩是我弟弟。 Guilin is a city (which is) famous for its scenery. 桂林是一個以風景聞名的城市。 Do you have anything inte

13、resting to tell us? 你有什么趣聞告訴我們嗎? There is nothing wrong with the machine. 這臺機器沒有毛病。2、 等級用法 有幾個形容詞的比較級和最高級屬于不規(guī)則變化。 原級 比較級 最高級good/well 好的 better bestbad/ill 壞的 worse worstmany/much 多的 more mostlittle 少的 less leastfar 遠的 further furthest farther farthestold 老的 older oldest elder eldest2. 形容詞比較級的用法1)形容

14、詞的比較級可以單獨使用: Be more careful next time. 下次小心點。 It was quieter outside. 外面安靜點了。 It couldnt be easier. 不能再容易了。 This car is more expensive. 這輛車比較貴。 Who is taller? 誰高一點? Which book is better? 哪本書更好?1. 形容詞比較級和最高級的構成1)單音節(jié)詞和少數雙音節(jié)詞的比較級和最高級的構成2) 多音節(jié)詞和部分雙音節(jié)詞在其前面加more或 most。如: 原級 比較級 最高級 useful more useful mos

15、t useful difficult more difficult most difficult delicious more delicious most delicious2)也可以和than連用,表示兩者相比,than后可以跟:a. 名詞或代詞(若為人稱代詞,在口語中多用賓格): He is older than me. 他年齡比我大。 Tokyo is bigger than New York. 東京比紐約大。b. 動名詞:Skiing is more exciting than skating. 滑雪比滑冰更刺激。This is more interesting than sitti

16、ng in an office. 這比坐辦公室更有意思。c. 從句:I was a better singer than he was. 我唱歌比他好。He is stronger than I expected. 他比我預料的更健壯。d. 狀語:She felt worse than usual. 她感到比平時更難受。He is busier than ever. 他比過去更忙了。e. 跟其它成分(如動詞、形容詞等):Its better to be prepared than unprepared. 有準備比沒準備好。She was more surprised than angry. 她

17、吃驚甚于生氣。He was more lucky than clever. 他是運氣好,而不是聰明。3 形容詞比較級的修飾語1)形容詞比較級前可加much, a lot, a bit, a little, slightly之類表示程度的狀語:Hes feeling a lot better today. 他感到今天好多了。Shes a little bit better now. 她現在稍稍好點了。Its slightly warmer today. 今天稍微暖和一點。2)也可在比較級前any, no, some, even, still這類詞:Do you feel any better t

18、oday? 你今天感覺好一點了嗎?She was no older than Zilla. 他并不比齊拉大。This book is even more useful than that. 這本書甚至比那本書更有用。3)比較級前還可加其他表示數量的詞:Shall I get a couple more chairs? 我要不要再搬兩把椅子來?My sister is ten years younger than me. 我妹妹比我小十歲。Youre a head taller than Jane. 你比簡高一個頭。4. 形容詞比較級的特殊用法和more有關的詞組1) the morethe m

19、ore越就越。例如: The harder you work,the greater progress you'll make. 越努力,進步越大。2) more B than A=less A than B 與其說A不如說B。例如: He is more lazy than slow at his work. = He is less slow than lazy at his work. 他工作時,與其說是反應慢不如說是懶。3) no more than 與一樣,不比多。例如: The officials could see no more than the Emperor. 官員

20、們看到的和皇帝一樣多。 no less than與一樣。例如: He is no less diligent than you. 他和你一樣勤勉。4) more than不只是,非常。例如: She is more than kind to us all. 她對我們非常熱心。和less有關的詞組5) less than 不到 不太: In less than a week, the MS was ready. 不到一周稿子就準備好了。6)no less than 多達 不少于 He won no less than $5oo. 他贏了不少于500美圓。 No less than 2 milli

21、on people came. 至少來了2百萬人。7) more or less 基本上 大體上 大約 The work is more or less finished. 這項工作基本上完成了。 The answers were more or less right. 這些回答大體上是正確的。 另外, 還有as + 形容詞或副詞原級 + as8) 在否定句或疑問句中可用so as。例如:He cannot run so/as fast as you. 他沒你跑得快。9) 當as as 中間有名詞時采用以下格式:as +形容詞+ a +單數名詞/ as + many/much +名詞。例如:

22、This is as good an example as the other is. 這個例子和另外一個一樣好。 I can carry as much paper as you can. 你能搬多少紙,我也能。10)表示倍數的詞或其他程度副詞做修飾語時,放在as的前面。例如:This room is twice as big as that one. 這房間的面積是那間的兩倍。 Your room is the same size as mine.你的房間和我的一樣大。11)倍數+ as + adj. + as<=> 倍數+ the + of。例如: This bridge i

23、s three times as long as that one. 這座橋的長度是那座的三倍。 This bridge is three times the length of that one. Your room is twice as large as mine. 你的房間是我的兩倍大。 Your room is twice the size of mine.5. 形容詞最高級用法the + 最高級 + 比較范圍1)形容詞最高級前通常必須用定冠詞 the,例如:The Sahara is the biggest desert in the world. 撒哈拉沙漠是世界上最大的沙漠。形

24、容詞most前面沒有the,不表示最高級的含義,只表示"非常"。例如: It is a most important problem. =It is a very important problem. 這是個很重要的問題。 注意:使用最高級要注意將主語包括在比較范圍內。 (錯)Tom is the tallest of his three brothers. (對)Tom is the tallest of the three brothers.2) 下列詞可修飾最高級,by far, far, much, mostly, almost。例如:This hat is nea

25、rly / almost the biggest. 這帽子差不多是最大的了。注意: a. very可修飾最高級,但位置與much不同。This is the very best.This is much the best. b. 序數詞通常只修飾最高級。例如: Africa is the second largest continent.非洲是第二大洲。) 最高級的意義有時可以用比較級表示出來。例如: Mike is the most intelligent in his class. 馬克是班上最聰明的。 Mike is more intelligent than any other stu

26、dents in his class.4) "否定詞語+比較級","否定詞語+ so as"結構也可以表示最高級含義。例如: Nothing is so easy as this. 沒比這更簡單的了。 =Nothing is easier than this. =This is the easiest thing.形容詞最高級的特殊用法1)形容詞最高級可用作表語,這時定冠詞the 可以省略。 I think her plan is best. 我認為她的計劃最好。 Cotton blankets are generally cheapest. 棉毛毯一般

27、最便宜。2)形容詞最高級前可以加a 或不加冠詞來表示 非常 He has been most kind to me. 他對我非常好。 We were all most anxious to go home. 我們都很想回家。3)形容詞最高級還可和at 構成短語作表語,表示 處于最的狀態(tài)。 The peony was at its brightest. 牡丹花正在盛開。 I knew she was at her worst. 我知道她這時情緒最糟。 She was never at her best in the presence of her mother. 在她媽跟前她的表現從來不是最好的

28、。4)形容詞最高級還可和at 構成許多短語作狀語: He had been gone 15 minutes at the most. 他離開頂多才一刻鐘。 Ill be with you at latest by ten. 我最遲十點鐘就來陪你。 Spring is coming. The trees are green, and the flowers arebeautiful. 多么美的季節(jié)?。∥覀円ソ加? 去感受、去描繪我們周圍美好的事物。形容詞會幫你忙??墒切稳菰~怎么使用起來老出錯呀?不是放錯了位置,搞錯了級別,就是在使用多個形容詞作定語時排錯了順序。當然了,形容詞使用時需要遵循一些

29、規(guī)則的。a beautiful little new white wooden house 從這個長長的詞中可以看出多個形容詞作 定語時排列有一定的先后順序。它們往往遵循以下規(guī)律:冠詞或人稱代詞所有格+數詞+性質+大小+形狀+表示老少、新舊+顏色+事物質地、人的國籍、用途。其實,你大可不必這樣費神記,只要記住我給你的句子就可以了。 There is something wrong with my bike。這句話可能讓你撓撓頭皮,為什么wrong放在 something的后面呢?原來雖然大部分形容詞做定語時的位置是放在名詞之前的,但當形容詞所修飾的詞為something,anything,no

30、thing,everything等以-thing為字尾的詞語時,形容詞要后置。形容詞級別問題: a. Our classroom is twice larger than theirs。(我們的教室是他們的兩倍。)這種表示倍數的句子用 times +形容詞比較級+than 這樣的格式。你記住了嗎 b. I'm three years older than you.(我比你大三歲。)表示"大三歲,""高二厘米"等時用"表示數量詞的詞+比較級"。 c."越來越"用"比較級+and +比較級"

31、來表示。如:The earth is getting warmer and warmer。(地球變得越來越暖和。) d."越就越"用"the +比較級,the+比較級"來表示。如: The busier he is,the happier he feels。(他越忙,越覺得高興。) 最高級用法的用法就很簡單了,提醒你一點,最高級要用于三者以上。還有幾點是不得不提的: alone 和lonely:I feel lonely, because I am alone at home. 你獨自一人在家用 "alone" 表示"單獨的

32、"、"獨自一人的",它表示一個客觀事實,在句中只能做表語。你在家感到寂寞, 用"lonely",表示主觀上感到 "孤獨""寂寞",指一種悲傷憂郁的情緒,可作定語和表語。 older和elder: Jack is older than me, he is my elder brother.杰克比我大要用"older",表示"年紀大的,年老的",常用做表語;他是我的長兄用"elder",表示"年老的,年長的",用做定語,只用于比較

33、兩個人的長幼,只能作表語。三、考點精煉 1.The ice cream tasted so _ that the kids asked for some moreAbad Bbadly C.delicious D.well2Now telephones are very popular and they are much _ than before.A. cheap B. cheaper C. cheapest D. the cheapest3We all love Miss YangShe always makes her history class very _ .Ainterest Bi

34、nterests Cinteresting D. interested4. Nothing in the world is _ if you put your heart into it. A. impossible B. important C. interesting D. necessary5. The busier he is , the _he feels .A. happily B. happy C. happier D. more happy6.-Why don't you like pigs,Molly? -Because they are _A. cute B. sm

35、art C. friendly D. ugly7.-Whom would you like to be your assistant, Jack or David?-If I had to choose, David would be _choice.A.good B.better C. the better D.the best8. Carl felt _ because he won the first prize in the school singing competition.A. interested B. proud C. angry D. worried9. -The acci

36、dent was really terrible.-Yes, it was. The young man on the bicycle was too _.A. careless B. careful C. carelessly D. carefully10. -Which country has _ population, Japan, India or China?-Japan, of course.A. small B. smaller C. smallest D. the smallest11. English is as_as maths .A. better B. much use

37、ful C.much important D. important12._wishes for Teachers' Day! A. Tall B. Fast C. Best D. Short13. This kind of TV set looks_and sells_in this shop.A. nice; well B. nice; good C. well; well D. good; nice14. l want_eggs. I have eaten too much.A. no more B. some more C. much more D. many more15. I

38、'd like to know if Lin Tao is the second_boy in his class.A. tall B. taller C. tallest D. the tallest16. The smile on my father's face showed that he was _ with me. A. sad B. pleased C. angry D. sorry17. -How well did you do in the maths exam?-Better than before. I think it was _ difficult t

39、han the last one.A. more B. less C. much D. very18-I feel really_before the interview .-Take it easySure you are the bestA.patient B.serious C.nervous D.cool19.-What about this T shirt?-I don't like the color,Plcase show me_one.A.other B.the other C.another D.each other20. Susan is always the be

40、st in different exams in our class because she is a_girl.A. helpful B. polite C. proud D.hard-working答案: 1-5 CBCAC 6-10 DCBAD 11-15 DCAAC 16-20 BBCCD (2010江蘇省揚州市,8,1)-Yummy!The coffee is good.-That's right .It will taste_with some milk.A.good B.better C.best D.the best【答案】B(2010湖北省黃岡市,37,1)-What

41、's the low-carbon life style like?-Save_energy,produce_carbon.A.more;more B.less;more C.less;less D.more;less【答案】D(2010四川省成都市34. 1)What a nice picture of a house.It would be_with some green trees around it.A.good B.better C.worse【答案】B(2010四川省成都市38. 1)I had a hard time with math and I wasn't

42、_to get the bad report from my math teacher.A.sure B.surprised C.excited【答案】B(2010浙江省湖州市20,1)Tom is not good at math.He always feels _before her takes a math test.A.interested B.comfortable C.nervous D.proud【答案】C(2010山西省18,1)-I'm going to a job interview. I feeI a IittIe_.-Take it easy. Listenin

43、g to music can heIp you reIax.Acomfortable B.nervous C. excited 【答案】B(2010山西省22,1)It is_to teach a kid the way to solve a problem than tell him the solution directly A.helpful B.more helpful C. the most heipfui 【答案】B(2010湖北省武漢市32,1)-Are you scared of the flight?-No, just a little _.A. angry B. serio

44、us C. anxious D. calm【答案】C(2010湖北省武漢市37,1)-Waiter, $ 20 for dinner, right?-I'm afraid $25, sir, for drinks are _. A. extra B. free C. high D. spare【答案】A(2010河南省23,1)-Excuse me,sir. The shoes are a bit small for me-Don't worryI'll change them for a_sizeA smaller B smallest C larger D larg

45、est【答案】C(2010吉林省通化市40,1)Taking buses in Beijing is_than taking a taxi.A.more cheap B.much cheaper C.a little cheap D.less cheaper【答案】B(2010湖北省荊州市18,1) -Which province is the _ one in winter?-It should be Hainan Province, I think.Acoldest Bhotter Cwarmest Dcooler【答案】C(2010河北省卷28. 1)I don't think

46、looking after children is just_ work.A. woman B. woman's C. women D. women's【答案】D(2010河北省卷34. 1) Sometimes walking is even_than driving during the busy traffic time.A. fast B. faster C. slow D. slower【答案】B(2010四川省內江市32. 1)_mothers can't go to the meeting ,because they have gone to New Yo

47、rk on business.A.Alice and Lily's B.Alice's and Lily's C.Alice's and Lily【答案】B (2010四川省自貢市36. 1)Taking buses in Beijing is _than taking taxies.A.more cheaper B.much cheaper C.less cheaper【答案】B(2010江蘇省南京市8. 1)-Peter has good grades in all his subjects,but he never shows off.-I agree.H

48、e is very _.A.easy-going B.imaginative C.modest D.generous【答案】C(2010江蘇省宿遷市10. 1)You can't sneeze and keep your eyes _ at the same time.A. open B. opens C. opened D. opening 【答案】A(2010年上海市35. 1)Listening is just as_as speaking in language learning.A.important B.more important C.most important D.t

49、he most important【答案】A(2010年上海市49. 1)My dog is gentle and never bites.So you needn't be_.A.excited B.frightened C.satisfied D.interested【答案】B(2010湖北省十堰市32,1)-Our teacher wants us to be_when we talk with the foreigners.-Yes,we should believe in ourselves.A.comfortable B.confident C.unusual D.ener

50、getic【答案】B(2010湖北省十堰市35,1)-Did you have a wonderful time at the party?-Yes,it's _ one I've ever been to before.A.a more excited B.a more exciting C.the most excited D.the most exciting【答案】D(2010廣西省梧州市37,1)-Which do you like _,tea,coffee or juice?-Coffee.A.good B.better C.best D.well【答案】C(201

51、0陜西省29,1)The _friends you have ,the _you will be.A.more;happy B.many;happy C.more;happier D.many;happier【答案】C(2010山東省萊蕪市19,1)-I'm _, mum. Can I have something to drink?-OK. Here's some cola.Afull Bheavy Chungry Dthirsty【答案】D(2010山東省菏澤市23,1)Which is the _ way to Qingdao, by plane, bus or trai

52、n?A. good B. well C. better D. best【答案】D(2010貴州省銅仁市29,1)Study hard! _ you study, _ results you'll get.A. Harder; better B. The harder; better. C. The harder; the better D.Harder;the better.【答案】C(2010福建省福州市39,1)-Let's buy some cards for our teachers on Teachers' Day.-Why not make some by

53、hand?It's much_.A.interesting B.more interesting C.the most interesting【答案】B(2010福建省福州市43,1)-Lin Tao ,why are you so_?-Because Wang Meng got three gold medals at the Winter Olympics.A.excited B.angry C.disappointed【答案】A(2010湖北省黃石市37,1) Lucy didn't make my mistakes in the math exam. She is _

54、than any other student.A. the most careful B. more careless C. more careful D. much careful【答案】C(2010湖北省襄樊市30,1)- What do you think of the sweater ?- It's too _ , and I don't have enough money to buy it .A. nice B. lovely C. popular D. expensive【答案】D(2010湖北省襄樊市31,1)- Why are you unhappy , Ben ?- I was late for class again , I'm afraid Miss Li will be _ me .A. friendly to B


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