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1、英語閱讀英語閱讀主要內容v1. 閱讀理解的本質v2. 閱讀和語言的關系v3. 文本結構v4. 閱讀技巧主要目的v 閱讀測試v 閱讀教學閱讀的本質 Reading is the process of understanding written and printed texts and obtaining the information we need as efficiently as possible.v1. Understandingv2. Written languagev3. Textsv4. Informationv5. Efficiency 閱讀理解的三個層次閱讀理解的三個層次vl

2、iteral meaning(字面意義) vfigurative meaning(比喻性意義) vApplication(運用)v1.I saw a strange cat in the kitchen.v2. Cares kill a cat.vNothing Gold Can StayNatures first green is gold,Her hardest hue to hold.Her first leaf is a flower,But only so an hour.Then leaf subsides to leaf,And Eden sank to grief.Then d

3、awn goes down to day,Nothing gold can stay.語言知識的重要性vIt pays to be polite.vHe sits out the other guests.vThere is no child but knows him.vI have got a devil of a toothachevHe lives in a palace of a house.vHe is not above asking questions.vWe cannot thank him too much.vIt never rains but pours.vI didn

4、t go because I was afraid.vI dont know everyone of them.vI dont know both of them.vWhat with illness and what with losses, he is almost ruined.vHe despises honor, if any one does.vThe apples are good and ripe.vIts good and cold out.vHe is a child of ten.vHe is a father of ten.閱讀和詞匯閱讀和詞匯v1. What is i

5、t to “know a word”?v2. Building a better vocabularyv3. Prefixes, roots and suffixesv4. Guess the meaning of new wordsWhat is it to “know a word”?vpronunciation vspelling vParts of speechvcollocationsvregister vMeaning: denotation and connotation vformationBuilding a better vocabularyv1. Using the re

6、ference booksv dictionaryv whats what?v2. Prefixes, suffixes and rootsv3. Organize your vocabularyPrefixes, roots and suffixesvastr Star astronomyvaudi to hear auditoriumvbene Good benefitvfer to carry transfervJur Law justicevLuc Light lucidvpath Feeling sympathyvped Child pediatricsvTer Earth terr

7、itoryPrefixes, roots and suffixesvPrefixes showing quantityvHalf semiannual, hemispherevOne unicycle, monarchy, monorailvTwo binary, bimonthly, dilemma vHundred Century, centimetervThousand millimeter, kilometerguess the meaning of new wordsv1 Details and explanationsvThey gave the car much publicit

8、y. They talked about it on the radio. They showed pictures on TV. They wrote about it in the paper. And they had billboards all over town.v2 ExamplesvBob had to use a different alias in every state. For example, in New York, he called himself John; in Virginia, he called himself Mike; and in Florida

9、, he called himself Arthur.v3 ComparisonvThe stick is brittle like glass.v4 ContrastvGeorge was cautious, not careless, with the gun.v5 ExperiencevHe was in agony when he cut off the end of his finger.v6 DefinitionvSams job was to hoist the flag, to run it up the flagpole.vIts especially important t

10、o mebegle.vHe picked up the lazzapilt and began to read.vThe music was playing so tubbly that it hurt my ears.vWe caught three sibglits and some other fish, too.vShe stood up and mished out of the room.vOne cause of misconceptions is ethnocentrismthe belief that ones own cultures way of doing things

11、 is better than the way of other cultures.vI am a resolute man. Once I set up a goal, I wont give it up easily.v vThis includes poultry for the main course (e.g. chicken, turkey, duck, goose), salads, breads, and vegetables, and features a variety of desserts, for example, pies, puddings, and ice cr

12、eam.vWhen they are sure the children are really asleep, the parents creep like robbers into their bedroom and leave the presents near their beds.vWhen viewing photographs of food, hungry subjects experience a much greater increase in pupil diameter than do sated subjects.vThese people are nomadic hu

13、nters and gatherers. In other words, they travel from one area to another to hunt animals and gather fruits and vegetables.vThe builders of the pyramids lived in a village not far from their worksite. When they died, their families buried them in tombs in a nearby cemetery.vThe pharaohs often had mo

14、re than one wife, but most ordinary Egyptians were monogamous. vThere was a succession of warsone after another after another.vWhen I first moved into this house, I had only a bed, two chairs, and one table. It looked very empty. The furniture was sparse.vWe will look at three faithsthe old Greek re

15、ligion, Buddhism, and Christianity.vIs his grandfather still alive, or is he deceased?vShes obsessed with her weight; she worries constantly about her appearance.vHe suffers from both physical and psychological maladies. 文本的特點文本的特點vthree main features: vunity vcoherence vcohesion vUnity: only one ma

16、in idea.vCoherence: the ideas in the text are closely related to one another.vCohesion: the sentences are related to one another grammatically. informationvInformation is different from knowledge in at least three aspects. vInformation is something “unknown” vInformation can help reduce suspensevInf

17、ormation is time-related efficiencyvMental efficiencyv background knowledge v predictionv organization of textsv memoryv v vSome words have a positive meaning. For example, if you are in a good mood, you are happy. Therefore, in a good mood has a positive meaning. Other words have a negative meaning

18、. For example, if you are in a bad mood, you probably are angry about something. Therefore, in a bad mood has a negative meaning. Finally, some words have a neutral meaning. They have neither a positive nor a negative meaning.vMusic is used in many ways to affect peoples feelings and actions.vMusic

19、is used in many ways to affect peoples feelings and actions. It is used in fast food eating places to make you eat faster and get out. In banks, music is piped in to give you a feeling of cheerfulness and confidence. It is used in factories to speed up the workers and increase the amount of work pro

20、duced. It is used in hospitals to make the sick feel better. And , at sports events, music is used to make players try harder. Turn on the world news broadcast any evening, and the predominant mood is one of semi-darkness and hopelessness. Maybe Brazil and Peru havent gone to war, but the news is th

21、at some other countries have. Thousands of people have been left homeless by earthquakes, floods, and fires, but nobody reports on the millions of people unharmed by natural disasters. In the cities, men and women go about they daily affairs of earning a living, quietly and calmly, without making th

22、e news, but crime, greed, and corruption seem to be on every street corner according to the latest news report.vPhysical efficiencyv no sub-vocalizationv no fingers or penv move heads up and down, not v left to rightv increase eye span different types of readingvfor information vfor survival vfor en

23、tertainment A book is a mirror: if an ass peers into it, you cant expect an apostle to look out. v Why is reading difficult?1. South is declarer at a contract of 3 No Trump. West leads the 4 of Spades. What should be declarers next play?v2. Do you have the feeling that in life, when youre finally ho

24、lding all the cards, everyone else is playing chess?v夾岸復連沙,v枝枝搖浪花。v月明渾是雪,v無出認漁家。v長條垂拂地,v輕花上逐風。v露沾疑染綠,v葉小未障空。Reading skillsvMain idea and Supporting ideasvVocabulary in contextvInferencevOrganization patternsvSignal wordsvPurpose and tone vSummaryvNote takingvTransformationvIntertextualityv Recognizi

25、ng Relationships Between ideasCritical reading skillsvRecognizing Fact and Opinion.v Detecting Bias.v Identifying Logical Inferences and Conclusions. v Recognizing Valid and Invalid Arguments. Main Ideas and Supporting DetailsvDistinguish between specific and general words vIdentify the topicvIdenti

26、fy the controlling thoughtvIdentify the topic sentencevInfer the main idea when a topic sentence is absentvIdentify supporting details vUse transition words to help understand the organization of the paragraph英語段落的結構英語段落的結構vA paragraph is a group of related sentences about a single topicvTopic: the

27、subject of the whole paragraphvMain idea: the point that the whole paragraph makesvDetails: the sentences that explain the main ideavTransitions: words and phrases to connect the ideasIdentify the general word in each group.a) jealousy hatred emotion worryb) spiders cockroaches mosquitoes insectsc)

28、chemistry science physics biology Identify main topics and ideas:vGeneral ideas: broad ideas that apply to a large number of individual itemsClothingPiesvSpecific ideas : more detailed or particular; referring to an individual itemScarfApple, cherry, chocolate creamWhich are general?vSoda, coffee, b

29、everage, winevPounds, ounces, kilograms, weightsvSoap operas, news, TV programs, sports specialvSociology, social sciences, anthropology, psychologyThe main idea is the most general statement about the topic: People differ in numerous ways. They differ according to physical characteristics, such as

30、height, weight, and hair color. They also differ in personality. Some people are friendly and easygoing. Others are more reserved and formal.What is the topic of the following?Nutrition is the process of taking in and using food for growth, repair, and maintenance of the body. The science of nutriti

31、on is the study of foods and how the body uses them. Many North Americans define nutrition as eating a healthful diet. But what is healthful? Our food choices may be influenced by fads, advertising, or convenience. We may reflect on the meaning of nutrition while pushing a cart down a supermarket ai

32、sle, or while making a selection from a restaurant menu.英語段落的理解英語段落的理解A paragraph isva group of sentences put together for a reason.vWhile paragraphs are like individuals, each with its own ideas; they must also work like a team to link ideas togetherThe Topic Sentencevis ONE SENTENCE that expresses

33、 the main idea of the whole paragraph.vUsual location? The first or second sentence of the paragraphvGive the reader clues as to what to expectTopic sentencesupportClincher sentencesupportsupportSupporting sentencesvTo make an idea clear to the reader, you must ELABORATE (develop it in greater detai

34、l) on it.Use sensory detailsinfo collected from your senses (sight, hearing, smell, touch, taste)Use facts and statisticsinfo that is proven to be true with or without numbersUse examplesspecific instances or illustrations of a general ideaThe Clincher SentencevRestates or emphasizes the paragraphs

35、topic sentence, or main idea.vPulls all the ideas togethervSignals the end of the paragraphvUse words like therefore, as a result, or consequentlyWhat Makes a Good Paragraph?v3 major qualities:UnityCoherenceElaborationUnityvWhen all the sentences work together as a unit to express or support one mai

36、n ideav3 ways unity works:All sentences relate to the topic sentenceAll sentences support an implied main ideaAll sentences relate to a sequence of eventsCoherencevHow ideas fit together in a paragraphCoherencevCan be created 2 ways:nOrder of ideas:nChronological order -events in order they happenne

37、xample: finding a honey treenSpatial order -where things are locatednExample: Describing a scene of a mountain or a place nOrder of importance most to least or least to mostnExample: effects of a long drought on a townnLogical order compare/contrast or definition a subjectnExample: ice skating vs ro

38、ller skatingv2nd way to gain coherence is to show How ideas are connected byDirect referencesusing a noun or pronoun to refer back to a noun used earlier. nRepeating a word used earliernUse a word or phrase used earlierCoherenceTransitional words and phrasesComparing ideasAlso And Another Moreover S

39、imilarly TooContrasting ideasStill In spite of on the other handBut instead althoughYet however neverthelessShowing cause & effectFor so that as a resultSince because thereforeSo thus consequentlyShowing chronological orderAfter eventually at onceThen finally at lastNext first thereforeBefore me

40、anwhile whenShowing spatial orderInto above beyondNext across downOver behind aroundIn before thereHere inside underShowing order of importanceFirst mainly to begin withLast then more importantElaborationvA good paragraph will use the supporting sentences to elaborate on the main idea presented in t

41、he topic sentence of the paragraph.Main ideaTopic sentenceelaborationReason #1Reason #3Reason #2elaborationelaborationClincher sentenceSupportIng details Paragraph SampleActually, robots are already being used in many ways. They are common in factories, especially automobile factories. A robot is id

42、eal for lifting heavy objects or for doing repetitive tasks like screwing in bolts and painting car parts. Scientists also use robots to handle dangerous materials or to do work under the sea or in outer space. Doctors use them to do more accurate surgery. A paragraph deals with only one main idea.

43、A paragraph consists of a topic sentence and several supporting sentences.T T o op pi ic c s se en nt te en nc ce e( (m m a ai in n i id de ea a) )S Su up pp po or rt ti in ng gs se en nt te en nc ce eS Su up pp po or rt ti in ng gs se en nt te en nc ce eS Su up pp po or rt ti in ng gs se en nt te e

44、n nc ce e. . . . .Figure 1: One idea in one paragraphThe topic sentence A topic sentence should carry the meaning of the paragraph in general. A topic sentence may include two crucial parts: topic + controlling idea. Ex: Robots are already used in many ways. A topic sentence is often given at the be

45、ginning of paragraph.The supporting sentencesThe supporting sentences come after the topic sentences. All the supporting sentences should convey more specific ideas or give more details to the main idea.TThe supporting sentences may include examples, detailed information, evidence, and facts. R R o

46、ob bo ot ts s u us se ed d i in n m m a an ny y w w a ay ys s( (m m a ai in n i id de ea a) ).T T o op pi ic c s se en nt te en nc ce eS Su up pp po or rt ti in ng g s se en nt te en nc ce eS Su up pp po or rt ti in ng g s se en nt te en nc ce eS Su up pp po or rt ti in ng g s se en nt te en nc ce e

47、U U s se ed d t to o h ha an nd de el l d da an ng ge er ro ou us s m m a at te er ri ia al ls so or r t to o d do o w w o or rk k i in n d da an ng ge er ro ou us s p pl la ac ce es sU U s se ed d i in n f fa ac ct to or ri ie es sU U s se ed d t to o d do o m m o or re ea ac cc cu ur ra at te e s

48、ss su ur rg ge er ry yS Sp pe ec ci if fi ic c i id de ea aS Sp pe ec ci if fi ic c i id de ea aA A u ut to om m o ob bi il le e f fa ac ct to or ri ie es sL L i if ft ti in ng g h he ea av vy y o ob bj je ec ct ts sD D o oi in ng g r re ep pe et ti it ti iv ve e t ta as sk ks sS Sp pe ec ci if fi i

49、c c i id de ea aL L i ik ke e s sc cr re ew w i in ng g a an nd dp pa ai in nt ti in ng gFigure 2: Example (Robots)Actually, robots are already being used in many ways. They are common in factories, especially automobile factories. A robot is ideal for lifting heavy objects or for doing repetitive t

50、asks like screwing in bolts and painting car parts. Scientists also use robots to handle dangerous materials or to do work under the sea or in outer space. Doctors use them to do more accurate surgery.The organization of the paragraph v 英語難句的閱讀理解v一 了解句子主要成分 v二 把握結構特征 v三 插入v四 主語從句v五 同位語從句v六 狀語從句v七 并列

51、結構 v八 比較結構v九 省略v十 強調句v十一 分詞v十二 不定式v十三 倒裝v十四 虛擬語氣vIf you see an article consistently advertised,it is the surest proof I know that the article does what is claimed for it, and that it represents good value. vUntil such time as mankind has the sense to lower its population to the point where the plane

52、t can provide a comfortable support for all, people will have to accept more “unnatural food.” v如果你看到一種商品不斷地打廣告,我認為這是最可靠的證明,此商品一定與其宣傳名副其實,一定體現良好的價值。v除非人類終于意識到要把人口減少到地球能為所有的人提供足夠的飲食的程度,否則人們將不得不接受更多的“人造食品”vYour humor must be relevant to the audience and should help to show them that you are one of the

53、m or that you understand their situation and are in sympathy with their point if view. vScience, in practice, depends far less on the experiments it prepares than on the preparedness of the minds of the men who watch the experimentsv你的幽默必須與聽眾有關,應該有助于向他們表明你是他們中的一員,或者你了解他們的處境并同情他們的觀點v在實踐中,科學的進步依賴于做實驗,

54、但更依賴于實驗的觀察者(即做實驗的人)是否有做好準備的頭腦。vThere is no more difference, but there is just the same kind of difference, between the mental operation of a man of science and those of an ordinary person, as there is difference between the operations and methods of a baker or of a butcher weighing out his goods in

55、common scales, and the operations of a chemist in performing a difficult and complex analysis by means of his balance and finely graded weights. v科學家的大腦活動與普通人的大腦活動之間的差異,就像面包師烤面包或屠夫用普通秤稱貨,與化學家用天平進行復雜分析的操作之間的差異一樣,沒有什么別的不同。vThe chief reason for the population growth isnt so much a rise in birth rates a

56、s a fall in death rates as a result of improvements in medical care. v人口增長的主要原因不是出生率的提高,而是由于醫(yī)療條件的改善死亡率下降的結果。理解語篇結構語篇結構vChronologicalvLogical OrdervComparison/ContrastvIllustration/ExamplevDefinitionvCause/EffectvClassificationvSpatial Cats make better pets than dogs. Dogs are messy and do not clean

57、up after themselves. Dogs eat too much food and require too much care. Dogs jump on people and knock over the furniture. Cats, on the other hand, are clean and tidy. Cats eat sparingly and take care of themselves. Cats are usually well-mannered and behave themselves with company. Cats make better pe

58、ts than dogs. Dogs are messy and do not clean up after themselves. Cats, on the other hand, are clean and tidy. Dogs eat too much food and require too much care. Cats eat sparingly and take care of themselves. Dogs jump on people and knock over the furniture. Cats are usually well-mannered and behav

59、e themselves with company. Research has shown that mental illnesses have various causes, but the causes are not fully understood. Some mental disorders are due to physical changes in the brain resulting from illness or injury. Chemical imbalances in the brain may cause other mental illnesses. Still

60、other disorders are mainly due to conditions in the environment that affect a persons mental state. These conditions include unpleasant childhood experiences and severe emotional stress. In addition, many cases of mental illness probably result from a combination of two or more of these causes. Nonverba


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