



1、精選優(yōu)質(zhì)文檔-傾情為你奉上 聽說(shuō)課說(shuō)課稿Good morning,my dear judges:(鞠躬)(介紹) Im number _.Its my great honor to be here to present my lesson.Today my topic is Unit 1 Do you want to watch a game show?(上講臺(tái)板書)The teaching material is from Book 2.What I will teach is Section A from 1a to 2d.My speech consists of 7 parts.(說(shuō)教

2、材)PartOne:Analysisoftheteachingmaterials Thisisanimportantlessoninthisuniteveninthisbook.Thislesson isthefirstoneofUnit5.Itsatypicallisteninglesson.IftheSscanlearnitwell,itwillbehelpfultomaketheSslearntherestofthisunit.It is related to ssdaily life.So it is easy to arouse ssinterest. Suchatopicisrel

3、atedcloselytotheirlikesanddislikesandcanraiseeffectivelytheir learninginterests.SolearningitwellcanimprovetheirlisteningabilityandspokenEnglish.(目標(biāo))Next, I will talk about teaching aims:As for the knowledge aims: ss need to master the new words:such as_,the phrases_ and the structures_(邊寫邊說(shuō)).And for

4、 the ability aims: (1)DeveloptheSsabilitiesoflistening,speakingandreading.(2)TraintheSsabilityofworkinginpairs. (1) DeveloptheSsabilitiesofcommunicationbylearningtheusefulstructures.Moral aims: ss can develop the spirt of cooperation through team work and take an interest in English learning.Ss can

5、share their favorite TV shows with their friends.(重難點(diǎn))The key and difficult points are some phrases and words,like _and the structure:like to do, want to do and so on.(說(shuō)學(xué)生) Asweallknow,studentsofgradesevenschoolhaventlearnedEnglishyetandhavemasteredasmallnumberofvocabularies.Whatsmore,students inGuL

6、inarepoorinlearningEnglish;especiallytheyareafraidtospeakEnglishinpublicSs of grade 7. But they are curious and active .They enjoy taking part in all kinds of class activities.So I will design different activities in our class so as to guide and encourage the students to speak English loudly in clas

7、s.(說(shuō)教法)During the class, I would like to adopt 2 teaching methods, named task-based teaching method, communicative method.I will design pair work , group work and individual work to improve ss ability of cooperating as well as self-studying.(說(shuō)學(xué)法) In order to learn it well ,ss can use listening speak

8、ing method and study in pairs .These methods can improve sslanguage skills and give them more chances to practice .That is “l(fā)earning by doing , learning by using”.(說(shuō)教學(xué)過(guò)程 )Now,I will talk about the most important part teaching procedures, There are 5 steps in this part . Step 1: leadin Before class,

9、ss will enjoy different kinds of TV shows.I will ask ss a question”What kind of TV show do you like?”. SS will have a brainstorm about this topic.Such as: talk show , game show and so on. Purpose :ItcanattracttheSsattentionandarousetheirinteresttotalkabouttheirownlikes.Step 2: Presentation(1a)After

10、the brainstorm, I will give some familiar TV shows to ss.Let them to think about what kind of TV shows it belongs to.Such as:The voice of China中國(guó)好聲音。SS will learn some new words.Then, I will give ss 2 mins to recite the new words and we will have a memory competetion. The best one will get a gift.Af

11、ter that, ss will finish 1a and check the answers.Purpose:PresentingthenewwordsandphrasesaboutformsofanimalsbyCAIismucheasierfortheSstolearnandgraspthemeanings.Step 3: Listening practice(1b)After 1a, we will do a listening practice and check the answers. In this period, Ss will get familar with the

12、target language.Purpose:Its important for the students to grasp the key information when they do listening exercise. When do this exercise, the listening strategy should be taught before listening. Step 4: pair work(1c)Firstly, I will give a sample about the TV shows.Then, ss will practice with thei

13、r partners to make their own conversations.I will invite several pairs to show their conversations and other ss will evaluate them.Purpose: The basic sentence structure is practiced by the way of making conversation within pairs. According to the New Criterion of curriculum, English should be used a

14、s a language tool. So the sentence structure are practiced by making conversation.Step 5 Group workStep6 Group workChristmas is coming. I want to buy a gift for my daughter. Can you help me? Suppose you are at the clothes store, buy a Christmas gift for my daughter. Your group members are the shop a

15、ssistant, you are the customer. Work in groups and make a role play.Design purpose:In this part, students are required to play a role in the real clothes store situation. In this way, the teacher can check if students really master the knowledge in this unit or not.Step 7:SummaryFor the summary, SS will discuss in group.And then, I will invite two ss to write down what they have learnt on the blackboard.Step 8: H


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