1、名詞性從句語法填空1、well go camping tomorrow depends on the weather2、I rememberthis used to be a quiet village3、It generally considered unwise to give a childhe or she wants4、he said at the meeting astonished everybody present5、Go and get your coatIt syou left it6、we cant get seems better thanwe have7、It wor
2、ried her a bither hair was turning gray8、Do you rememberhe came?Yes, I do He came by aiK9、You may doyou take interest in10 The old gentleman never fails to helpis in need of his help11 You can depend onpromise he makes12we should work out a plan to deal with it is important13、discovered America is w
3、ell known14 you really need is a good meal and a good rest15 we shall finish the work before May Day is possible16 Can you tell methat woman is?17、 The factshe works hard is well known to us all18 The mountain is no Ion gerit used to be19、 Jack saidhe is pleased to meet the American friends20 Lei Fe
4、ng was always thinking ofhe could help others21 I have not found my bike yet, in fact, I m not sureI could have done withit22 Can you tell meexercise is the easiest?23Doesnt Helen live on this street?No, this isLeon lives24 The question isyou should do next25 I know nothing about her butshe is from
5、Canada26It depe nds onwe have eno ugh time27he doesrt like them is very clear、28is a fact that English is accepted as an international language29 Can you tell meI can get to the railway station?30 They want to knowthey can do to help u31、 These photographs will show youour village looks like32 Can y
6、ou make sureAlice has put the gold ring?33 George knewhe could get his best, but he did not have eno ugh time tostudy34he is a rich man is known to all in the city35The reason why he has been such a success ishe never gives up36Sophia saidAlice would like to marry a tall man37 Difficulty lies in the
7、 factwe have no money38 I dont think the question ofthey are old or young is important39the 2016 Olympic Games will be held in the city is not known yet40leaves the room last ought to turn off the lighi41、you may do, you must do it well42 The facthe was successful proves his ability43 A mans worth l
8、ies not so much inhe has as inheJs44may say so, it is a lie45 The question he asked wasthe electrical equipment should be stored46the earth goes round the sun is known to all47she will e or not doesrit matter too much48 Doyou think is right49he was chosen made us very happy50 The problem ishe will b
9、e willing to help us51、There is no doubt our team will win the game、52、I doubt our team will win the game、53、I m thirsty、 we need is wate、r54、He was late for school、 Whats the reason?This was he got up lat、e75、It has been found plastics can be widely used in industrie、s76、 has happened proves that m
10、y advice is rig、ht77、It makes no difference you will go today or tomorrow、78、All the books are here、 You may borrow you like、79、What a pity is youd idn atrrive by daylight、55、This is they want for the experimen、t56、 is troubling me is I don t have experience in this kind ofjob、57、 they succeed or fa
11、il is not yet know、n58、 we shall spend the night hasnt been decided、59、They have no idea at all he has gon、e60、It happened they were abse、nt61、The news he was kidnapped surprised us grea、tly62、He didnt live up to had been expected of him、63、Could you tell me for you have bought this fur coat?64、Spri
12、ng is the countryside is most beautifu、l65、That s I was born、66、His suggestion the meeting be delayed was turned dow、n67、The fire destroyed was in the building、68、Whats your problem?The problem is we can get so much mone、y69、The green typewriter is mine、Do you know typewriter this blue one is?70、Ple
13、ase give the book to wins the first priz、e71、 is not decided we shall put off the meetin、g80、He hoped Jenny would go with him、81、Energy is makes things work、82、Our city has changed a lot, and now it is quite different from it used to be a fewyears ago、83、I believe you have done your best and things
14、will improve、dThank you、84、It was true she did delighted every one of u、s85、We must do the Party tells u、s86、Is the meeting will be held decided yet?87、 did you suppose his father was?88、Ask him much the pen he bought cos、t89、What you like is I dont like 、90、 we need more practice is quite obviou、s9
15、1、He ran back into the room to see he had left anything behi、nd92、The trouble is we are short of hand、s93、That is I had to take the risk of being washed awa、y94、seems to me that not all government officials are hone、st95、Do you think is right difficulties you may have、96、I did I could to take care o
16、f the lost child、97、Father asked was wrong with m、e72、 The reason nothing on earth is motionless isthe earth is in 98、She saidit was a lovely da、yconstant motion(運動 )、99、 The teacher told the students that the sun (give) off a great amount of light73、was a wellknown fac、tand heat、74、 When our sports
17、 meet is still a questio、n100、 That is they parted、101、 Jane is no Ion gershe was four years agoA、 whatB、 whichC、 thatD、whe n102、I have no ideahe will start、A、 whe nB、 thatC、whatD、1103、you dont like him is none of mv business、A、 WhatB、 ThatC、WhoD、Whether104is hard is to do good all ones life and nev
18、er do anything bad、A、WhichB、 That C、 WhatD、 All105 Can you tell mesize trousers you wear?A、how B、whichC、thatD、what106Ive e from the government with a messagethe meeting wont be held tomorrow、A ifB、 that C、 whichD、 weather107 It remains unknownXiao Li didn t go swimming yesterday、A、why B that C、which
19、D、what108you succeed in the end will mainly depend onyou do andyou do it 、A、 If; what; why B、 Whether; what; how C、Whether; how; why D、 That; whether; how109 We all know the truththere are air; water and sun light, there are living things 、A、 whereverB where C、 that D、 that wherever110 What he left
20、mebut a few old books、A isB、 has C、 are D、 have111 It matters littlea man dies, butA、 how; what; how B、 how; it; how C、112 We can see your factory fromwe live、A、whatB、that C、where113was of little importanee、A、 No matter he might pass the examinationC、 Though he might pass the exami nation D、114peopl
21、e first appeared on the Earth、matters much ishe lives、why; it; why D、 that; what; thatD、 /B、Whether he passed the exami nation or notHe might pass the exami nationA、Nobody is sure whenB、 Nobody is sure that whenA、 That nobody is sure whenD、 That nobody is sure how115 What I say and thinkno business
22、of yours、A isB are C、 has D、 have116 Takemuch you want andyou want to、A、 however; when B、 whenever; how C、 however; whoever D、however; whenever117 The teacher said that the sunin the east andin the westA、 rose; set B rises; sets C、 raises; sets D、 raised; set118 Mother made a promiseshe would buy me
23、 a gold ring、A、 /B、 whatC、 that D、 which119puters are of great use to the developme nt of scie nee and tech no logy、A、 The fact is what B、 That the fact isC、 What the fact is that D、 The fact isthat120、es to the party is wele、A、WhichB、WhoC、Which oneD、 Whoever121 The true value of life is not in,but、
24、A、how you get; that you giveB、which you get; what you giveC、what you get; what you give D、what do you get; what do you give122、you are the first one here、A、 It seems that as if B、 It seemed that C、 It seems as if D、 It seemed as though123 This is one of the examples ofby telegraph、A、 that messages a
25、re sent B、 that are messages sent C、 how messages are sent D、 how are messages sent124 Thoughhe said was of little help to me, I thanked him all the time 、A、whatB、whichC、thatD、who125 Is it decidedwe ll be sent to do?A、whyB、whenC、thatD、what126 No one can be surein a million years、A、 what man will loo
26、k like B 、what will man look likeC、man will look like what D 、 what look will man like127puzzled the police especially was how the murdered died、A、 The thing B、 That C、 WhatD、Which128 Its notI wont do it,I can t do it A、 what; but that B that; but that C、 because; but what D、 what; but because129 Wh
27、ere can I find out the department store?I can tell youyou want to know、A、 whatB、 whichC、 that D、 which130 I want to buy some stamps、 Can you tell menear here?A、 is there post office B、 where is the post office C、 if there is a post office D、 whether isthere a post office131he made an important speec
28、h at the meeting was trueA、ThatB、 WhyC、 WhatD、 How132、was lying、A、Those who told you that B、Anyone told youC、Whoever told youD、Whoever told you that133、is worth doing well、A、That is worth doing at allB、 Whatever is worth doing at allC、What is worth doing it at allD、 Whoever is worth doing it at all1
29、34、or not she can win the first is still unknown 、A、 IfB、 WhoC、 WhetherD、 When135 We never knowhe is、They say he is a salesmarsA、 whoB、 whatC、whichD、 whoever136、The problemwe can master moder n scie nee and tech no logy in a short time、A、is ifB、is thatC、is whatD、is how137、That is justyou are mistake
30、n、A、whe nB、 whatC、whereD、 which13&Its known to us alla form of enerqy、A、water isB、 that water isC、is waterD、 that water to139、surprised me most wasthe picture was drawn by a little girl 、A、That; whatB、 What; thatC、 What; whatD、 That; that140、Can you tell me?A、 whose dictionary belongs toB、whom does
31、the dictionary belong toC、 whom the dictio nary bel on gs toD、 to whom does the dicti on ary bel ong141、 When you were lost in the deep wood, it seems thatyou turn, the forest looks the same、A、 no matter how way B no matter whose way C、 no matter what way D、 no matter which way142we go swimming ever
32、y dayus a lot of good、A、 If; do B、That; do C、 Whether; does D、That; does143too muchyou are going to do the job、A、 It doesnt matter; whatB、 It is matter; howC、 It does nt matter; howD、 This does nt matter; when144 The workers considered it importantthe boss would agree to give them a rise、A、whether B
33、、how C、whereD、which145 Dont you knowhe has done is right?A、that whatB、thatC、what thatD、 that that146 The reason ishe is unable to operate the machine、A、becauseB、whyC、that D、whether147I was at home that evening、A、 It was happened that B、 It happened that C、 It is happened that D、 That happened148 Ple
34、ase tell meyou want your coffee - black, with milk or with sugar 、A、whatB、whenC、whereD、 how149、?I think he is Charles、A Who do you think he is B、Do you think who he isC、 Do you think who is heD、Whom do you think is he150 The thoughthe might be a scientist some day encouraged him to study hard、A、whet
35、her B、that C、how D、why151 The trouble wasI had lost his teleph one nu mber、A、that B、whatC、whereD、whether152 I think he often tells lies,?A、isnt itB、does he C、doesnt heD、don 11153、Doesmatter whether she will bring a gift or not?A、 this B、 that C itD、 she154、the students required was that theymore tim
36、e、A、 That; must be given B、 That; be given C、 What; must be given D、 What; be given155 The reason why he had an accident washe was too carelessA、 because B、 for C、 that D、 when156、They lost their way in the forest? Andmade matter worse was that night began to fall 、A、 that B、 whatC itD、 which157、bre
37、aks the law should be punished、A、 Anyone B、 Whoever C He D、 Whatever158、The boy insisted that hethe windows、A、 shouldnt break B、didn t break C、hadn t broke nD、break159、 we cant get seems better thanwe already havaA、 What; whatB、 It; whatC、 That; thatD、 It; that160I will tell him the news is none of
38、your business 、A、 Whether B IfC、 EvenD、 Which161 Id like to knowtomorrow、A、 if it rains B whats the weather like C、 how s the weather like D、 if it will rain162 I d like to knowtomorrow、A、 what he didB、 whats the weather like C、how s the weather like D what should bedone163 He was poor in maths, but
39、 this time he passed the exam、It was allhe worked very hard thesedaysA、 that B why C、 for D、 because164、They askedwho had done it A、 how we can find it out B、 how we can find out C、 how we could find it out D、 howwe could find out165、They are trying to reduce the patients fearhe would die of the dis
40、ease、A、 of which B of thatC、 whichD、 that166、worried her wasshe had done might make things worse、A、 What; thatB、 What; whetherC、 What; whatD、 Who; what167 It isnt decided yethe will be sent to Henan、AifB、whether C、 thatD、why168 I dont doubtmy friend Lee will return to China after she graduates from
41、college 、A、thatB、whyC、whereD、whether169 When the room clerk opened the door, he asked Mrs、 Smithshe liked the room、A、that B、why C、whereD、whether170 The questionwas answered correctly、A、 what is matter B what matter is C that matter is D、 whether matter is171 He suggested that we to the cinema、A、shal
42、l goB、are goingC、goD、will go172we will go camping tomorrow depends on the weather、AIfB、WhetherC、ThatD、Where173he said at the meeting astonished everybody present、A、WhatB、That C、 The fact D、 The matter174 After five hours drive, they reachedthey thought was the place theyd been dreaming of A、thatB、wh
43、ereC、whatD、which175、is a fact that English is being accepted as an international language、A、ThereB、This C、That D、It176 They want to knowdo to help me、A、 what can they B、 what they can C、 how they can D、 I cant un dersta nd ishe ch a nged his mind、 That; thatB、 What; why C、 Which; howthe scientist wh
44、o gave us a talk will go abroad、how can they177、A、178、D、 That; whyA、It said thatB、It says whenC、 It is saidthat D、180 We were all surprised when he made it clear that heA、leavesB、would leaveC、 leftHe is saidoffice soon、D、 had left181 I rememberA、 whe nthis used to be a quiet village、B、 how C、 that D
45、、if182his brother is?A、 What you suppose B What do you suppose suppose what183the baby could speak made his parents very happy、A、 ThatB、 WhatC、 WhyD、 IfWhen a pencil is partly in a glass of water、A、 breaksB、 has brokenC、184、185 They have no idea at all、A、 where he has goneB、where did he gohe gone 18
46、6、 ThatsA、 whythe party called on us to do、 B、 whatC、 howD187、My school is no Ion gerA、 what it used to belikeC、 What do you suppose that D、 YouIt looks as if itwere broken D、 has been brokenC、 which place had he gone D、 where hasthatB、 what it used to C、 like it used to be D、 what it used to188、The
47、 orderthe prisoner be set free arrived too late、thenA、 thatB、whichC、 whetherD、189、they were in the readinq room that dav、A、 It happened thatB、It was happened thatC、That happenedD、 It happened to190、The thoughthe might fail the exam worried him、A、whenB、 whichC、 whatD、 that191It is impossiblehe forgot
48、I said、A、that; that B、what; what C、 what; thatD、that; what192、Their suggesti onanother oil field here made us excited、A、 that we open upB、 that we must open upC、what we should open up D、when weshould open up193 That is I had to take him home at o nee、A、reason why B、 how C why D what194I was interest
49、ed inthey had done for you、A、 that B、 all thatC、 all what D、 which195 The reason why I have to go is 、C、 because of her illnessD、 for sheA、 That she is badly ill B、 because she is ill is ill196、 You must think ofyou can do more for others、A、 that B、 how C、 whatD、 which197、 Our school was quite different frombefo
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