



1、高三英語語法復習課廣東省興寧市興民中學 劉飛宇英語教學是一種動態(tài)教學,教學過程是交際活動過程。只有從組織教學活動入手,大量地進行語言實踐,使英語課堂交際化,才能有效地培養(yǎng)學生運用英語進行交際的能力。本人結(jié)合區(qū)級研究課題“高中英語任務型課堂教學課題”的實施和本班學生的實際,對高三語法復習課-虛擬語氣進行了操作性較強的處理。一、教材分析:本課是結(jié)合外研社高中英語教材選修6中有關(guān)虛擬語氣的語法內(nèi)容,進行高三英語語法-虛擬語氣的復習,我在教學中將語法知識的傳授和語言基本技能的學習結(jié)合到一起,注重復習語法與語言的運用。采用任務型教學法和小組合作探究學習法,從而擴大課堂的語言輸入量及學生的語言輸出量。二、




5、要從學生“學”的角度來設計教學活動,使學生的學習活動具有明確的目標,并構(gòu)成一個有梯度的連續(xù)活動。在教師精心設計的各種“任務”中,學生能夠不斷地獲得知識并得出結(jié)論,從注重語言本身轉(zhuǎn)變?yōu)樽⒅卣Z言習得。七、學習策略:非測試性評價體現(xiàn)新課程標準的實施效果,評價體系“正確反映外語學習的本質(zhì)和過程,滿足學生發(fā)展的需要。” 為了達到這一目標,本課我將各種活動設計成小組活動并開展小組競賽和填寫課堂自我評價表等非測試性評價手段,幫助學生養(yǎng)成自主學習與合作學習的能力,培養(yǎng)創(chuàng)新意識和實踐能力,以及具備科學的價值觀。八、教學設計:1. 總體思路將本節(jié)課的主要內(nèi)容分為 Warming up(熱身) Presentati

6、on(導入) Revision(語法復習) Consolidation (知識鞏固)以及Writing(寫作應用)。其中熱身及導入部分相結(jié)合,由欣賞名篇名句入手,再進行英文詩歌朗誦比賽活動,旨在讓學生處于興奮的狀態(tài),是學生通過聽、說、讀等活動熟悉學習的主題。學習的主體環(huán)節(jié)由復習、鞏固和實際應用三個環(huán)節(jié)構(gòu)成,所設計的問題精心挑選,學習活動層層深入,著眼于提高學生對語法知識的運用能力。2. 教學過程Step1 Warming up(5 minutes)Discuss about the pictures together , and express their ideas freely . Suc

7、h as, What would you do now, if you lost your vision or other valuable things ? You wishStep2 Presentation (8 minutes)Hold an English poem recital competition.Task1:Divide the whole class into a number of groups. Each group asks one student to act as the competitor with musicLiving life overIf I had

8、 my life live over I would have talked less and listened moreI would have invited my friend over to dinner even if the carpet was strained and the sofa fadedI would have taken the time to listen to my grandfather ramble about his youthI would never have insisted the car windows be rolled up in the s

9、ummer day because my hair had just been teased and sprayed. I would have burned the pinked candle sculpted like a rose before it melted into storageI would have sat on the lawn with my children and not worried about the grass strainsI would have cried and laughed less while watching television-and m

10、ore while watching lifeI would have gone to bed when I was sick instead of pretending the earth would go into a holding patter if I were not there for the day.I would never have bought anything just because it was practical would not show soil or was guaranteed to last life time. There would have be

11、en more “I love you” more “I am sorry”but mostly ,given another shorts at life ,I would seize every minutelook at it and really see it live it and never give it back.(譯文:如果時間倒流,我會少說多聽。我會請朋友來家里吃飯,即使地毯臟了,沙發(fā)褪色了。我會抽時間聽祖父嘮叨他的青年時代。我不會因為剛剛把頭發(fā)梳理定型而要求夏天關(guān)上車窗。我會點燃那支雕成玫瑰狀的蠟燭,而不會讓它在塵封中融化。我會與孩子們坐在草地上,不去擔心草地上的污漬。我

12、會把淚水和笑聲更多得留給觀察人生,而不是看電視。如果生病了,我會臥床休息,而不是自認為沒有我,地球就不轉(zhuǎn)了。我不會買那些僅僅是實用或者不顯臟或者保證能用一生的東西。我會更多地說,“我愛你” “對不起”然而,最重要的是,如果有來生,我會抓住每一秒,看人生體驗人生再也不放手。)Task2:Choose the best group that read the poem with their deepest feeling.Step3 Revision(6 minutes)Firstly,ask the students to answer the questions in groups to su

13、mmarize the basic structure of the grammar . And then find out how to use the grammar correctly.1. If there _ (be) no computer, the students _(learn) much now.2. If there _ (not be) the war, people _(live) a happier life in the future.3. If you _ (come) yesterday, you _ (see) Jackie Chen.4. If you_

14、(attend) the concert , your oral English _(become) better now.5. But for the PLA, people _ (suffer) a lot in the earthquake .Step4 Consolidation(5minutes)Give the students some examples that have been used in the Tianjin College Entrance Examination, which can promote the students to prepare for the

15、 examinations from the bottom of their hearts.13. If Newton lived today, he would be surprised by what _ in science and technology. A. had discovered B. had been discoveredC. has discovered D. has been discovered15. This printer is of good quality. If it _ break down within the first year, we would

16、repair it at our expense.A. would B. should C. could D. might15. - John went to the hospital alone.- If he _ me about it, I would have gone with him. A. should tell B. tells C. told D. had toldStep5 Writing (20 minutes)How to express true feelings with the help of the grammar. And ask the students t

17、o say and write down their ideas in English.Task1: Summarize the grammar with the students and write down what they said on the blackboard. (3 minutes)1. Ifdid/were , would/could/should/might do2.If had done , would/could/should/might have done3.Ifdid/ were to/should do ,would/could/should/might doT

18、ask 2: Discuss the sentences in groups and encourage the students to express their feelings in English as follows(4 minutes):1.我現(xiàn)在有些后悔把本該用在學習上的時間浪費在玩電腦游戲上了。I regret wasting the time which I should have spent on my studies playing computer games.2.英語本該是我擅長的學科,但我在上面投入的時間和精力都太少了。I could have been good

19、at English, but I devoted too little time and energy to it.3.如果我兩年前像現(xiàn)在一樣用功,現(xiàn)在我的成績就會令人滿意的多。If I had worked two years ago as hard as I do now, my grades would be much more satisfactory now.Task 3: Broaden their horizon to use the grammar in some other different ways , discuss their ideas and write the

20、 answers on the blackboard.( 6minutes)1.我的老師建議我制定學習計劃并認真的執(zhí)行。(1) My teacher suggests that I should make a study plan and carry it out very seriously.(2)It is suggested that I should make(3)My teachers suggestion is that I should make(4)My teacher has made the suggestion that I should make2.現(xiàn)在,我學習起來好像

21、永不疲倦一樣。我相信,堅持不懈和決心會助我成功。At present, I am learning as if I were never tired.I believe that my perseverance and determination will lead to my success.Task 4: Encourage the students to collect the main ideas to form a good composition,the students can cooperate to finish the task, as follows(7 minutes)

22、:It will be a few months before we take the College Entrance Examination. And I should be devoted to my studies. Now I regret wasting the time which I should have spent on my studies playing computer games. I could have been good at English, but I devoted too little time and energy to it. In my view

23、, if I had worked two years ago as hard as I do now, my grades would be much more satisfactory now. As a result, My teacher suggests that I should make a study plan and carry it out very seriously. Believe it or not, I got a high mark at the exam, which encourage me a lot . At present, I am learning as if I were never tired. I believe that my perseverance and determination will lead to my success.Step5 Assignment(1 minute)1. Oral practice-summarize the grammar


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