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1、 密封焊接密封焊接施工作業(yè)指導(dǎo)書施工作業(yè)指導(dǎo)書 SiteSite ExecutionExecution GuidebookGuidebook目目 錄錄LIST1 編制依據(jù) .1Compiling Sources2 作業(yè)項(xiàng)目概況及工作量.1Briefly Introduction to Construction Items and Working Amounts3 作業(yè)必備條件.1Working Necessary Terms 4 作業(yè)順序、方法及要求.5Working Sequence, Methodology and Requirement 5 作業(yè)過程對質(zhì)量控制點(diǎn)的設(shè)置.9To set u

2、p quality controlling term in process of working6 作業(yè)結(jié)束的檢查驗(yàn)收和應(yīng)達(dá)到的質(zhì)量標(biāo)準(zhǔn).10Inspection & acceptance after achievement and required quality standard7 作業(yè)的安全要求及措施.12Safety Requirement and Protective Measures1 1 編制依據(jù) Compiling Sources1.1火力發(fā)電廠焊接技術(shù)規(guī)程DL/T869-2004 DL/T869-20041.2 電站鋼結(jié)構(gòu)焊接通用技術(shù)條件 DL/T678-1999Genera

3、l Technical Terms of Steel Structure Weld in the Power Plant DL/T678-19992 2 作業(yè)項(xiàng)目概況及工作量作業(yè)項(xiàng)目概況及工作量BrieflyBriefly IntroductionIntroduction toto ConstructionConstruction ItemsItems andand WorkingWorking AmountsAmounts2.1 概述: BRIEF鍋爐采用無錫華光鍋爐股份有限公司生產(chǎn)的高溫高壓循環(huán)流化床鍋爐。其型號為:UG-430/9.8-M。This Boiler is performed

4、 as High-temperature & high-pressure Circulating Fluidized Bed Boiler made by WuXi Huaguang Boiler Manufacture Corporation LTD. And the type is UG-430/9.8-M 3 3. .作業(yè)必備條件作業(yè)必備條件N Ne ec ce es ss sa ar ry y W Wo or rk ki in ng g C Co on nd di it ti io on ns s 3.1 本項(xiàng)工程配備焊工 8-12 人,參加焊接工作的施工人員必須有相適應(yīng)的考試合格證,

5、并經(jīng)有關(guān)人員確認(rèn)后方可進(jìn)行焊接工作,施工人員須具備良好的施工工藝作風(fēng)。3.1 8-12 Welders should be designated to this Project, who are with correspondent welding certificate and to be allowed to carry out welding after being approved & confirmed by regarding personnel, and should be reliable for proper construction technical characteri

6、stics. 3.2 配備直流逆變電焊機(jī) 812 臺以及相應(yīng)的二次線、配備相應(yīng)焊工所需用的面罩、把鉗、白光防護(hù)鏡、絕緣手套等勞動(dòng)防護(hù)用品。3.2 8-12 sets of DC inverter welding machines should be equipped as well as secondary cables accordingly, and necessary working protection facilities in terms of masks, pliers, goggles and insulation handgloves should be provided f

7、or welders. 3.3 所用焊接材料必須有制造廠材質(zhì)合格證、出廠日期證明。3.3 All of the flux utilized in the welding work should be with approved certificate and factory release-date certificate of manufacturing materials.3.4 施工時(shí)必須有防雨措施,施工場地安全設(shè)施齊全、規(guī)范,設(shè)備、工具堆放整齊。3.4 Rain-proof measures should be developed prior to construction, and

8、safety facilities should be performed as completion and specialization in construction areas. Additional, equipments & tools should be dumped in order manner.3.5 焊前準(zhǔn)備 Preparation for Welding3.5.1 焊接場所應(yīng)有防雨和擋風(fēng)等設(shè)施。3.5.1 Shower-proof & wind-proof canopy should be arranged for welding work areas.3.5.2 施焊

9、前應(yīng)清走周圍及下方易燃物,防止火情的發(fā)生。3.5.2 Flammable materials located in the vicinity and beneath areas should be removed before conduction of welding in prevention of potential fire hazards.3.5.3 焊接使用的電焊機(jī)應(yīng)具備絕緣性良好,工作性能可靠等基本條件。3.5.3 Welding machines utilized for welding activities should be reliable for substantial

10、 insulation performance and stably working conditions. 3.5.4 焊工的工器具應(yīng)配備齊全,榔頭、鏨子、鋼絲刷等清理工具應(yīng)隨身攜帶。3.5.4 Facilities & tools of welders should be sufficiently equipped; especially the clearing tools in terms of hammers, chisels, steel brushes should be carried.3.5.5 各類部件聯(lián)接處焊縫的接頭型式和尺寸,應(yīng)符合設(shè)計(jì)要求。如無規(guī)定時(shí),應(yīng)遵循能保證焊縫

11、質(zhì)量,減少焊接應(yīng)力,防止結(jié)構(gòu)變形,填充金屬量少,操作方便,改善勞動(dòng)條件等原則,且滿足以下條件:3.5.5 Joint type & size of welding seams of all of parts should conform to the designed specifications. If non special stipulations, it is necessary to comply with regarding principles as to make sure welding quality, to deduct welding stress in case of

12、 structure distortion, less filling of metal materials, convenient operation, to improve working conditions; furthermore, should cater for the following terms: 焊件厚度為 4-6mm 時(shí),可采取雙面焊接,均可不開坡口,但必須留有 1.5-2mm 的對口間隙,并使焊件對正齊平確保焊透。 Double-face groove welding can be performed when the thickness

13、 of welding parts is within 4-6mm, which can be conducted without groove. But 1.5-2mm gap for fitting up of welding joints should remain so as to completely weld in axial direction and radial direction. 搭接焊縫,搭接部位要求接觸良好、平整,搭接長度不小于 5 倍母材厚度,且不小于 30mm。 As for overlapping welding seam, over

14、lapping position is required to contact well and in compact status, and length of overlapping contact should not be 5 times less than the same of mother materials, that is 30mm. 角接縫(包括 T 型接縫) ,其接頭處要求對嚴(yán),遇有間隙時(shí),應(yīng)采取措施予以修整。組對時(shí)邊緣留有余量,其值不小于薄件厚度。 As for fillet welding seam (including T-type jo

15、int seam), joint points should be closely fitted. And rectification activities should be fulfilled when the gap appears. Edges should be given abundance when assembling, of which should not be less than the thin part. 所有焊件(焊縫尺寸高度)及接頭部位應(yīng)按施工圖紙規(guī)定要求進(jìn)行焊接。 All of the welding parts (size and

16、height of welding seam) and joint points should be carried out welding as per details shown in the regarding schematic construction drawing. 3.5.6 焊件坡口的加工可采用機(jī)械法或氣割法。如采用氣割法加工時(shí),應(yīng)將割口處表面的氧化物、毛刺等清理干凈,并將凹凸不平處修理平整。 3.5.6 Machining for welding grooves of targets can be performed by means of mechanical or ga

17、s cutting. If the gas cutting were applied, oxides and burrs indicated on the surface of cutting points should be grinding off, as well as blurs should be rectified up to complete and even.3.5.7 焊件坡口對口處表面的油、銹、垢、渣等污物應(yīng)清理干凈。3.5.7 Oil, dust, scale and slag attached on the surface of groove of welding ta

18、rgets should be significantly removed. 3.5.8 焊縫布置要合理,組對時(shí),相鄰的縱向焊縫應(yīng)互相錯(cuò)開。3.5.8 Allocation of welding seam should be even, neighboring welding seams in longitudinal direction should be discharged in staggered form while assembling the same.3.5.9 焊件組對應(yīng)遵循先板片,后部件拼裝成整體的原則;管形焊件應(yīng)先板片拼焊,再焊卷制接縫,后組對加強(qiáng)筋板,且加強(qiáng)筋板組對須符

19、合設(shè)計(jì)要求。3.5.9 Assembly of welding targets should be conformed to rule such as plate welding prior to portion splicing; pipe-type welding materials should abide by rule such as welding plates prior to roll-type seam, and last to assemble reinforced plates which should be in line with designed requireme

20、nts.3.5.10 當(dāng)部件需接長或加寬時(shí),應(yīng)在組裝前單獨(dú)進(jìn)行拼接,然后下料組裝。當(dāng)焊件采用圓鋼,并需加長時(shí),其圓鋼接口形式應(yīng)按設(shè)計(jì)規(guī)定制作。3.5.10 When the portion is required to lengthen or widen, individual assembly should be carried out before whole assembling, and then to blank for assembly. When the welding materials is of round steel and required to lengthen, j

21、oint shape of the same should be fabricated as per designed requirement.3.5.11 焊件拼接組裝時(shí),應(yīng)墊置平整牢固,并采取加固等相應(yīng)防變形措施,防止在施焊過程中產(chǎn)生位移和變形。3.5.11 Welding materials should be fixed stably and evenly before splice & assembly are performed, meanwhile, necessary measures such as fixture against distortion should be t

22、aken so as to be prevent welding materials from movement and distortion.3.5.12 各類焊件如發(fā)現(xiàn)有扭曲變形時(shí),應(yīng)采取措施進(jìn)行調(diào)直、整平,然后進(jìn)行組對。3.5.12 Any distortion & curve indicated from all different welding materials appear, assembly should be conducted after necessary measures such as alignment, evening have been completed.

23、3.5.14 焊接材料的選配3.5.14 Selection & Arrangement of Welding Materials.3.5.141 焊接材料應(yīng)根據(jù)母材的化學(xué)成份、機(jī)械性能、接頭型式和工作條件等因素綜合考慮,選用時(shí),既要考慮其強(qiáng)度等級,又應(yīng)顧及綜合性能。 Welding materials should be selected as per chemical composition, mechanical performance, contacting shape and working condition highlighted from the mother

24、materials. Not only strength grade, but overall performance should be taken into consideration while utilized. 鋼架及承重支吊架等部件一般選用堿性焊條,焊條使用前,應(yīng)按說明書規(guī)定要求進(jìn)行烘焙,做到隨用隨??;烘焙后的焊條在使用前,應(yīng)進(jìn)行各種位置的試焊,若出現(xiàn)不屬于焊工技術(shù)水平所致的嚴(yán)重缺陷,應(yīng)及時(shí)向有關(guān)人員或部門報(bào)告,以便采取措施。 Alkaline welding electrodes should be applied for welding stee

25、l structures and load hangers & supports, which should be heated in compliance with instruction prior to utilizing when required to drop anytime. Welding electrodes after heating should be tested for different positions, meanwhile, if any serious defects not being resulted from welder are found, reg

26、arding personnel and departments should be reported so as to make remedial measures. 對于其他部件的焊接,通常選用酸性焊條。焊條使用前亦應(yīng)按說明書進(jìn)行烘焙,但重復(fù)烘焙不得超過 2 次。 Acid welding electrodes should be selected for welding in otherwise portions. And heating procedures should be fulfilled as per regarding instructio

27、n guides, but re-heating should not be more than 2 times.4 4. .作業(yè)順序、方法及要求作業(yè)順序、方法及要求 Working Sequence, Methodology and Requirements4.1 作業(yè)方法及要求 4.1 working methodology and requirement4.1.1.方法及要求4.1.1 Welding methodology and requirement4.1.1.1 焊縫焊接時(shí),全部采用手工電弧焊焊接施工工藝(SMAW) 。 SMAW is required to fu

28、lfill to all of welding seams. 凡參加焊接施工人員必須經(jīng)過技術(shù)人員進(jìn)行焊接施工技術(shù)交底,否則不得參加焊接工作。 Technical explanation by technical personnel should be carefully conducted for all of welders encountering on the welding fronts, otherwise they are not allowed to the welding work accordingly.4.2 施焊順序4.2 Welding S

29、equence4.2.1 先焊收縮量大的焊縫,如同時(shí)遇有對接縫和角接縫時(shí),應(yīng)先焊對接縫,后焊角焊縫焊接.4.2.1 Welding seams with deep shrinkage should be priority to perform welding. Meanwhile, when the butt welding and fillet welding are required in parallel, butt welding should be prior. 4.2.2 焊接對接縫時(shí),施焊方向應(yīng)指向自由端。4.2.2 Welding direction should go to

30、free end when the butt welding is carried out.4.2.3 焊接交叉焊縫接頭時(shí),須對先焊的焊縫在交叉接口部分進(jìn)行清理,以保證交叉接口處焊縫的質(zhì)量。4.2.3 When cross-welding seam is to conduct, preliminary clearance should be performed to first seams in the cross-welding portion for insurance of quality of cross-welding seams. 4.2.4 板片拼接焊縫應(yīng)盡量使焊縫處于平焊位置,

31、焊接時(shí),為減小變形可采取分段退焊法或間跳分段法焊接。當(dāng)焊接第二層時(shí),應(yīng)與第一層的方向相反,且各個(gè)焊接接頭應(yīng)相互錯(cuò)開。4.2.4 The splice-plate welding seams should be kept in the horizontal position, meanwhile, cross section backstep welding method or cross section jumping welding method should be performed for induction of distortion. When the second layer is

32、 processed, it should be opposite to the welding direction of the first layer, and joint points of welding surface should be in staggered form.4.2.5 如大型焊件有支撐物時(shí),應(yīng)先焊支撐物各聯(lián)結(jié)點(diǎn),再進(jìn)行其他部位的焊接。42.5 When the large-size welding material is attached with supports, welding activities should be performed to differe

33、nt linkage points of supports firstly, and then otherwise can be allowed to furnish.4.2.6 單片接頭板的焊接順序采用分段退焊法。如圖示: 分段退焊法示意圖 diagram4.2.6 Welding sequence of single connector-board should possess the cross-section backstep welding method. Refer to schematic diagram showed on the following:4.3 焊接方法:手工電弧

34、焊。4.3 Welding methodology: GATW 4.4 焊接電流:可按下列經(jīng)驗(yàn)公式選定:I=k(3555)d其中:I 為焊接電流(A) ;d 為焊條直徑(mm) ;k 為位置系數(shù),平焊取 1.0;橫焊取0.90.95;立焊取 0.850.9;仰焊取 0.80.85。當(dāng)冬季嚴(yán)寒條件下施焊時(shí),該值應(yīng)增大0.10.15。4.4 Welding current: it can be ascertained according to following Empirical Formula:I=k(3555)dNote: I is welding current (A); d is dia

35、meter of electrode (MM); k is location factor, horizontal welding is dedicated as 1.0; Parallel welding is dedicated as 0.90.95; vertical welding is dedicated as 0.850.9; overhead welding is dedicated as 0.80.85.the status will be increased 0.10.15 when welding activities are performed in the condit

36、ion of severe winter.4.5 不得在焊件表面隨意引弧、試驗(yàn)電流或焊接臨時(shí)支撐物。4.5 No arc striking, no testing current or no welding temporary supports should be made on the surface of welding objects. 4.6 結(jié)構(gòu)組件點(diǎn)焊所用的焊接材料、工藝等應(yīng)與正式施焊的要求相同,長焊縫的點(diǎn)固間距為150300mm,點(diǎn)固縫長度為 3050mm。4.6 Welding flux and technical process incorporated to spot we

37、lding of structures should be line with permanent welding specifications, and gap between two fixed points of long seams should be 150300mm while the length between two seams should be30mm50mm.4.7 施焊時(shí),要注意接頭和收弧的質(zhì)量,收弧時(shí)應(yīng)將弧坑填滿。每道焊縫接頭應(yīng)相互錯(cuò)開,以防止產(chǎn)生層內(nèi)缺陷,在每道、每層焊縫焊完后,應(yīng)清渣自檢,確認(rèn)合格后方可進(jìn)行次層焊接。4.7 It is to bring our

38、notice that joint head and quality of receiving arc, such as Arc Pit should be adequately filled. Joint head of each welding seam should be staggered each other in case of inter-layer defects, and next layer welding should not be conducted until approval and self-inspection & clearance of slag are m

39、ade after each layer and each seam are achieved.4.8 多層多道焊縫施焊時(shí),次層焊縫須將前層焊縫邊緣熔合良好,采取一端對接另一端搭接時(shí),應(yīng)先焊對接的焊縫,再焊搭接的焊縫。4.8 Secondary-layer seam should make the edge of fore-seam adequately fusion when multi-layer and multiple passes are conducted. Meanwhile, butt welding seam should be prior to make with the

40、following of overlapping welding seam when one edge should be overlapped with the other edge.4.9 型鋼對接施焊順序,應(yīng)以防止變形,減小應(yīng)力為原則。如無加固板的焊縫,應(yīng)采取雙面焊。4.9 Butt welding sequence of shape steels should be kept one rule: in prevention of distortion and deducting stress. As for welding seam with non-reinforced plate,

41、 double-face welding should be fulfilled.4.10 大型組件必須采取對稱施焊4.10 Large-size parts should be welded in the manner of symmetry form.4.10.1 整體組件應(yīng)采取由中間向兩端施焊。4.10.1 Whole part should be welded as sequence from medium to both sides.4.10.2 各接點(diǎn)應(yīng)先焊垂直和平面桿件,然后再焊斜板。4.10.2 Each joint head should be welded to verti

42、cal and horizontal lever firstly, with the following of diagnosed plate.4.11 遇有隱蔽的焊縫或兩道工序的焊縫,必須待上道工序焊接工作結(jié)束并經(jīng)檢查合格后,方可進(jìn)行下道工序的焊接。4.11 When hidden welding seams or two-pass welding seams are met, next procedures should be carried out after inspection & approval indicated from last welding procedures.4.1

43、2 焊件或組件焊縫焊接完畢后,應(yīng)清理熔渣和飛濺,認(rèn)真進(jìn)行檢查,校對焊縫是否符合要求。4.12 When the welding performance for materials or assemble parts are achieved, welding spatters and slag should be removed and carefully inspected as far as welding joint seams is up to requirements.4.13 以上工作焊接時(shí)操作焊工應(yīng)注意:點(diǎn)焊焊縫應(yīng)美觀和牢固,以防止點(diǎn)焊部位開裂。焊接時(shí)焊縫尺寸高度嚴(yán)格按圖紙要求敷

44、設(shè),嚴(yán)禁出現(xiàn)未焊、漏焊現(xiàn)象。尤其灰斗、殼體、進(jìn)出喇叭口焊縫必須保證密封良好,支架、平臺等結(jié)構(gòu)焊縫要焊接牢固。所有焊縫焊道排列整齊,表面不能有夾渣、縮孔、脫節(jié)現(xiàn)象,焊道表面成型美觀。焊接時(shí)要保護(hù)陰極板不被損傷,對于易產(chǎn)生焊接變形的焊縫,可采取分段跳焊、對稱焊接的方法,以減少和控制焊接變形,保證施工質(zhì)量。焊接完成后,施焊焊工立即對焊縫進(jìn)行清理自檢,確認(rèn)無缺陷后方可檢查驗(yàn)收。4.13 The welders incorporated to the above welding activities should be paid more attention: spot welding seam sho

45、uld be nice appearance and fixture in prevention of cracking occurred on the location of spot welding. Height and size of welding seam should be strictly conformed to requirement highlighted by regarding Drawings, and non-welding and shortage-welding are strongly not allowed. Especially hoppers, cas

46、ings, inlet& outlet flue & gas ducts should be made sure substantially sealing, and structure welding such as supports and platforms should be stable. All of the welding seams and passes should be made orderly without any slag, shrinkage void,disjunction on the surface as well as nice shape of weldi

47、ng pass. No any damage to Emitting plates should be permitted when welding is performed. Cross-section jumping weld and butt weld should be applied for potential distortion welding seams so as to decrease and control the welding distortion for insurance of execution quality. After completion of weld

48、ing, correspondent welders should clear and check the welding seams immediately, and inspection & acceptance should be performed after non-defects is confirmed. 5 5. .作業(yè)過程對質(zhì)量控制點(diǎn)的設(shè)置作業(yè)過程對質(zhì)量控制點(diǎn)的設(shè)置 To set up quality controlling term in process of construction是 否 unqualifi ed 清理自檢 clearance and inspectio

49、n外觀及滲油檢驗(yàn)Appearance and Kerosene Test驗(yàn)收合格后進(jìn)行下一道工序Next process should be developed after Qualification of inspection點(diǎn) 焊 Spot Welding施工前準(zhǔn)備及技術(shù)交底Preparation and Technical Explanation before the work 按工藝施焊 as per welding technology不合格補(bǔ)焊Remedy welding for unqualified是否合格Qualified or Unqualified 6 6. .作業(yè)結(jié)束的

50、檢查驗(yàn)收和應(yīng)達(dá)到的質(zhì)量標(biāo)準(zhǔn)作業(yè)結(jié)束的檢查驗(yàn)收和應(yīng)達(dá)到的質(zhì)量標(biāo)準(zhǔn)Inspection & acceptance after achievement and required quality standard6.1.1 焊縫應(yīng)圓滑過渡到母材,焊縫外形尺寸應(yīng)符合圖紙?jiān)O(shè)計(jì)要求。其允許的尺寸范圍如下表: 6.1.1 Welding seam should be linkage to mother materials by nature, external size of the same should be conformed to approved Drg. And limited size scop

51、e is mentioned on the following list:加強(qiáng)面高度Height of Reinforced surface加強(qiáng)面高低差reinforced surface differ焊縫寬度Width of welding seam焊縫型式Welding seam shape平 焊Horizontal welding其它位置Otherwise locations平 焊Horizontal welding其它位置Otherwise locations比坡口增寬Width comparison with groove一側(cè)增寬Increase width status on th

52、e one side焊腳尺寸差Size differ of fillet welding對接Butt welding34232614-角接Fillet welding-23-036.1.2 焊縫表面不允許有裂紋、未熔合、氣孔 、夾渣及弧坑等缺陷。6.1.2 No crack, no fusion, no air vent, no spatters and arc pit are permitted on the surface of welding seams.6.1.3 焊縫咬邊深度0.5mm,兩側(cè)咬邊總長度不超過焊縫全長的 10%。6.1.3 Undercut depth of weldi

53、ng seam should be 0.5mm, and total length of both sides should not be excess to the 10% out of the overall length.6.1.4 焊縫的變形不得超過設(shè)計(jì)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。6.1.4 Distortion of welding seam should not be excess to designed standard.6.2 非承重構(gòu)件 Non-load Structures.6.2.1 焊縫外形符合圖紙?jiān)O(shè)計(jì)規(guī)定的要求。若無規(guī)定時(shí),其允許值應(yīng)符合:6.2.1 External shape of w

54、elding seam should abide by requirement of approved Drawings. The tolerant value should be permitted if not specified. 對接焊縫. Butt Welding Sseama) 當(dāng)焊件厚度5mm 時(shí),焊縫高度和一側(cè)增寬均為 12mm;a) When the thickness of welding parts is 5mm, height and one side width of the same should be 12mm evenly;b) 當(dāng)焊件厚度5mm

55、時(shí),焊縫高度和一側(cè)增寬均為 1.52.5mm。b) When the thickness of welding parts is 5mm, height and one side width of the same should be 12mm evenly6.2.2.2 角接焊縫(包括 T 型接縫)和搭接焊縫的焊腳尺寸均不小于薄件的厚度。 Welding leg size indicated by fillet welding seam (including t-shape splicing seam) and overlapping welding seam should n

56、ot be less than the same of thin parts.6.2.3 焊縫表面不允許有裂紋、未熔合、氣孔和夾渣等缺陷。6.2.3 No crack, no fusion, no air vent and no spatters are permitted on the surface of welding seams.6.2.4 焊縫不允許有嚴(yán)重的咬邊、焊肉不足、嚴(yán)重焊瘤、漏焊和焊縫脫節(jié)等。6.2.4 Severely undercut, shortage of welding deposit, large quantity of welding beads, loss w

57、elding and disjunction of welding seams are not strongly allowed.6.2.5 箱形或管形焊件進(jìn)行嚴(yán)密性試驗(yàn),發(fā)現(xiàn)泄漏時(shí),應(yīng)及時(shí)進(jìn)行處理補(bǔ)焊,直至符合要求為止。6.2.5 Sealing test should be performed to welding parts incorporated to boxing shaped or piping shaped. Timely remedial measurements such as fixing weld if leakage appears should be carried

58、 out until being up to requirements.7.7.作業(yè)的安全要求及措施作業(yè)的安全要求及措施 SafetySafety RequirementRequirement andand ProtectiveProtective MeasuresMeasures7.1.1 進(jìn)入施工現(xiàn)場必須正確佩帶安全帽,高空作業(yè)應(yīng)系好安全帶。7.1.1 Safety helmet should be properly worn before entering the construction site as well as safety belt should be fastened on

59、 the high level.7.1.2 每日工作應(yīng)將周圍環(huán)境及腳手架平臺、欄桿進(jìn)行檢查。7.1.2 Daily routing inspection should be performed for surrounding construction environment, scaffolding platform and handrails.7.1.3 電焊機(jī)二次線與焊機(jī)可靠連接,地線與焊件可靠連接,防止松動(dòng)產(chǎn)生火花.嚴(yán)禁用鋼絲繩等作為地線。7.1.3 Secondary cable of welding machine should be securely linked with welding machine, which grounding cable should be connected in the high-reliability in prevention of any spark. Additional, steel wire is strictly forbidden as grounding cable.7.1.4 焊


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