1、美聯(lián)英語提供:美聯(lián)英語:醫(yī)學(xué)英語口語真實(shí)情景對話(5醫(yī)學(xué)英語口語常用對話:流行性感冒導(dǎo)學(xué):對于醫(yī)學(xué)英語,口語能力需要我們提高,這在診斷時(shí)的溝通與交流至關(guān)重要,下面美聯(lián)小編為大家找到了醫(yī)學(xué)英語口語常用對話5篇,供大家參考學(xué)習(xí),希望對童鞋們的考試和工作有幫助。醫(yī)生:早上好。你哪里不舒服?Doctor:Good morning. What's troubling you?病人:你好,大夫。我頭疼得厲害。Patient:Good morning, doctor. I have a terrible headache.醫(yī)生:別著急,小伙子,告訴我怎么回事。Doctor:All right, yo
2、ung man. Tell me how it got started.病人:昨天我老流鼻涕?,F(xiàn)在有點(diǎn)鼻塞。喉嚨很痛??峙逻€伴有高燒。感覺糟透了。Patient:Yesterday I had a running nose. Now my nose is stuffed up. I have a sore throat. And I'm afraid I've got a temperature. I feel terrible.醫(yī)生:小伙子,別擔(dān)心。讓我給你檢查一下。我先看看你的喉嚨。張開嘴說“啊”。Doctor:Done worry, young man. Let me g
3、ive you an examination. First let me take a look at your throat. Open your mouth and say "ah".病人:啊。Patient:Ah.醫(yī)生:很好。把你的舌頭伸出來。好的。接下來讓我檢查以下你的胸膛。把襯衫的扣子解開。讓我檢查你的心和肺。深呼吸,屏住氣。吸氣,呼氣。順便問一下,你曾經(jīng)患過肺結(jié)核嗎?Doctor:Good. Now put your tongue out. All right, let me examine your chest. Please unbutton your sh
4、irt. Let me check your heart and lungs. T ake a deep breath and hold it. Breathe in, and out. By the way, do you have a history of tuberculosis?病人:沒有,從來沒有。Patient:No,definitely not.醫(yī)生:聽著,你的喉嚨發(fā)炎了。舌苔很厚。這些都是感冒的癥狀。Doctor:Look, your throat is inflamed. And your tongue is thickly coated. You have all the
5、symptoms of influenza.病人:那我該怎么做呢?Patient:What am I supposed to do then?醫(yī)生:你需要好好休息。多喝水。我馬上給你開藥方。Doctor:A good rest is all you need, and drink more water. I'll write you a prescription。病人:謝謝。Patient:Thank you very much.醫(yī)生:不客氣。記住好好休息。Doctor:That's all right. Remember to take a good rest.病人:我會(huì)的。
6、再見,大夫。Patient:I will. Goodbye, doctor.醫(yī)生:再見!Doctor:Bye!醫(yī)學(xué)英語口語常用對話:失眠導(dǎo)學(xué):對于醫(yī)學(xué)英語,口語能力需要我們提高,這在診斷時(shí)的溝通與交流至關(guān)重要,下面美聯(lián)小編為大家找到了醫(yī)學(xué)英語口語常用對話:失眠,供大家參考學(xué)習(xí),希望對童鞋們的考試和工作有幫助。病人:早上好,大夫Patient:Good morning, doctor.醫(yī)生:早上好,哪里不舒服?Doctor:good morning. What seems to be the trouble?病人:我最近有點(diǎn)失眠。Patient:I'm suffering from in
7、somnia.醫(yī)生:這種情況有多久了?Doctor:How long have you had this problem?病人:三個(gè)月了。Doctor:Three months.醫(yī)生:服用過什么藥嗎?Doctor:Have you take any medicine?病人:試過安眠藥,但是對我一點(diǎn)兒都不起作用。Patient:I tried some sleeping pills, but they have done nothing for me.醫(yī)生:有頭痛的情況嗎?Doctor:Do you have headaches?病人:有時(shí)候有。吃飯也沒有胃口,總是感緊不安。Patient:So
8、metimes. I have no appetite and always on the edge.醫(yī)生:讓我量量你的血壓。你看來貧血。Doctor:Let me take your blood pressure. You look anemic. (T aking the patient's blood pressure.醫(yī)生:嗯,沒什么好擔(dān)心的。你只不過是有點(diǎn)勞累過度。Doctor:Well, there is nothing to be alarmed about. You are just a little exhausted from overwork.病人:我該怎么呢?P
9、atient:What should I do then?醫(yī)生:我想你應(yīng)該多休息休息。多到戶外活動(dòng)。不要過度勞累。Doctor:I think you need more rest. Try to get outdoors more. Don't strain yourself too much.病人:謝謝你,大夫。我會(huì)照你說的去做。Patient:Thank you. Doctor. I'll do as you say.醫(yī)生:拿著,這是給你開的處方。我相信這藥會(huì)治好你的失眠癥的。Doctor:Here is the prescription for you. I'm
10、 sure the medicine will cure your insomnia.病人:多謝了。再見!Patient:Thanks a lot. Bye-bye!醫(yī)生:再見!Doctor:Bye!醫(yī)學(xué)英語口語常用對話:腹痛導(dǎo)學(xué):對于醫(yī)學(xué)英語,口語能力需要我們提高,這在診斷時(shí)的溝通與交流至關(guān)重要,下面美聯(lián)小編為大家找到了醫(yī)學(xué)英語口語常用對話:腹痛,供大家參考學(xué)習(xí),希望對童鞋們的考試和工作有幫助。大夫:請進(jìn)。你哪里不舒服?Doctor: Please come in. What seems to be the trouble?病人:肚子不舒服。我想可能是昨晚吃得太多了。Patient: It&
11、#39;s my stomach. I think probably I had too much at supper yesterday evening.大夫:你昨晚吃了些什么,能告訴我嗎?Doctor: Can you tell me what you had for supper yesterday evening?病人:海鮮,烤鴨。種類很多,有的我叫不出名兒。Patient: Seafood, roastduck. Oh, a great variety of things, I can't name them exactly.大夫:你嘔吐過沒有?Doctor: Have yo
12、u vomitted?病人:嘔吐過。昨晚吐了三次,還上了好幾趟廁所。Patient: Yes, I have vomitted three times and made several trips to the bathroom last night.大夫:我明白了。你得做一個(gè)大便檢查。我給你開一張化驗(yàn)單。你帶著化驗(yàn)單到化驗(yàn)室去。檢查完后,請把化驗(yàn)報(bào)告給我送過來。Doctor: I see. Now you have to get your stools tested. I'll write out a slip and you can take it to the laborator
13、y. Wait for a while and pick up the report, and then bring it back to me.病人:好吧。待會(huì)兒見,大夫。Patient: All right, doctor. I'll see you later.大夫:待會(huì)兒見。Doctor: See you later.病人:大夫,這是我的化驗(yàn)報(bào)告。Patient: Here' my report, Doctor.大夫:請坐。讓我看看。沒什么大問題。只是你吃了過多的油膩食物,導(dǎo)致消化不良。我給你開點(diǎn)藥。吃了這些藥你會(huì)感覺好多了。接下來的幾天,你的飲食要盡量清淡一點(diǎn)。Doc
14、tor: Take your seat, and let me have a look. It's nothing serious, only indigestion due to too much oily food. I will prescribe you some medicine for it to make you feel better. I do advise you to avoid oily food for the next few days.病人:我會(huì)照你說的去做。謝謝您,大夫。Patient: I will follow your advice. Thanks
15、 a lot.大夫:不客氣。Doctor: You are welcome.醫(yī)學(xué)英語口語常用對話:交通事故導(dǎo)學(xué):對于醫(yī)學(xué)英語,口語能力需要我們提高,這在診斷時(shí)的溝通與交流至關(guān)重要,下面美聯(lián)小編為大家找到了醫(yī)學(xué)英語口語常用對話:交通事故,供大家參考學(xué)習(xí),希望對童鞋們的考試和工作有幫助。大夫:你哪里不舒服?Doctor: What seems to be the problem?病人:唉,我剛才過馬路,正趕上一輛車從拐角處開過來。由于車速過快,等司機(jī)看到我再剎車時(shí),已經(jīng)太晚了。我被撞倒在地,從地上爬起來時(shí),我發(fā)現(xiàn)我的左臂和肘部也被擦傷,并且現(xiàn)在我的肋骨有點(diǎn)痛。Patient: Well, I wa
16、s crossing the road, where a car came round the corner too quickly, and when the driver saw me, it was too late to stop. I was knocked to the ground, and when I got up,my left arm and elbow were grazed and now, I have a pain in my ribs.大夫:讓我檢查一下吧。你哪兒疼啊?Doctor: I'll just take a look. Where does i
17、t hurt?病人:這很難說清楚,好象渾身都痛。Patient: It's hard to say. It hurts all over.大夫:我按這兒,你疼不疼?Doctor: Does it hurt when I do this?病人:哎呀!你一按這兒我就疼得要命。Patient: Ouch! The pain is very bad when you press here.大夫:你的胳膊和肘部好象沒什么問題。但是出于安全考慮,你還是最好去照一張X 光片。片子照好之后,馬上拿過來讓我看看。Doctor: You arm and elbow seem to be all right
18、. But, to be on the safe side, you'd better go to the X-ray Department. When the X-rays are ready, bring them back to me to examine.病人:好的,那么待會(huì)兒再見吧!Patient: OK. See you later.大夫:待會(huì)兒見!Doctor: See you then!( Ten minutes later, the patient brings back the X-ray plates病人:這是我的X光片。Patient:Here's my
19、 X-rays.大夫:讓我看看,一切基本正常。只是這兒,你看,有點(diǎn)小問題。有一點(diǎn)骨裂。Doctor: I'll just take a look at it. Everything is all right, except here, see it? There's a hairline fracture.病人:這嚴(yán)重嗎?Patient: Is it serious?大夫:算不上嚴(yán)重。但是,這兩三周你最好不要去上班。盡量臥床休息Doctor: No. It's not very serious, but you should take two or three week
20、s off work, and rest in bed as much as possible.病人:大夫,我是否需要服用點(diǎn)什么藥呢?Patient: Should I take some medicine, doctor?大夫:是這樣,我會(huì)給你開一些草藥,這樣你的傷口會(huì)愈合得快一點(diǎn)。另外,你還需要服用一些口服藥。這是藥方。待會(huì)兒你拿到藥房去配藥。請按說明服藥。Doctor: All right. I'll give you some herbal medicine to help you heal quickly. In addition, I will prescribe you
21、some medicine for oral administration. Here is a prescription. Take it to the chemist's. please take the medicine according to the instruction.病人:我需要上石膏嗎?Patient: Will I need to be put in plaster?大夫:不需要。藥方里我給你開了一管藥膏。每天搽兩三次。Doctor: No, it isn't necessary. I have presribed you a tube of ointme
22、nt. Administer it two or three times a day.病人:非常感謝您,大夫。Patient: Thank you very much, doctor.大夫:不客氣。再見!Doctor: Not at all. Goodbye!病人:再見!Patient: Goodbye!醫(yī)學(xué)英語口語常用對話:墮胎導(dǎo)學(xué):對于醫(yī)學(xué)英語,口語能力需要我們提高,這在診斷時(shí)的溝通與交流至關(guān)重要,下面美聯(lián)小編為大家找到了醫(yī)學(xué)英語口語常用對話:墮胎,供大家參考學(xué)習(xí),希望對童鞋們的考試和工作有幫助?;颊?我這兩天陰道出血并伴有下腹疼痛。Patient: I have had some vag
23、inal bleeding for 2 days, together with some pain in the lower abdomen.護(hù)士:你月經(jīng)流量怎么樣?上次月經(jīng)是什么時(shí)候?Nurse: What was the amount of bleeding? When was your last period?患者:我已經(jīng)兩個(gè)月沒有來月經(jīng)了。上次月經(jīng)是4月4日。Patient:I missed 2 periods. The last one was on April 4.護(hù)士:你的月經(jīng)準(zhǔn)時(shí)嗎?Nurse: Is your menstruation regular?患者:結(jié)婚前月經(jīng)常遲來,
24、現(xiàn)在準(zhǔn)時(shí)了。Patient: It's normal now, but it used to be somewhat late before I was married.護(hù)士:你能留點(diǎn)尿做妊娠檢查嗎?Nurse: Can you give us some urine for a pregnancy test?患者:我試試看。Patient: I'll try.護(hù)士:妊娠檢查呈陽性。你什么地方疼,怎么個(gè)疼法?Nurse: The pregnancy test was positive. Where is the pain and what's it like?患者:在下腹
25、正中,一陣一陣地疼,痛的時(shí)候還伴有陰道出血。Patient: The pain occurs in the central part of the lower abdomen. It comes in attacks positive with vaginal bleeding while the pain lasts.護(hù)士:看來你懷孕了,是先兆流產(chǎn)。除了吃飯和上廁所,你應(yīng)臥床休息。Nurse: It seems that you are pregnant,with a threatening miscarriage. You should stay in bed except for eating or going to the toilet.患者:我需要吃些藥嗎?Patient: Shall I take some medicine?護(hù)士:我會(huì)給你開一些注射用藥和口服藥。Nurse: I'll give so
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