



1、選修八module1-2重點短語檢測1. adapt to 2.leave behind 3.stand out 4.aim to do 5.discourage sb. from doing sth 6.set off 7.in particular 8.in case of 9.set foot on 10.break down 11.be trapped in 12.keep ones balance13.be promoted to 14.run out 15.on average 16.result in/from17.set back 18.break off 19.give aw

2、ay 20.turn sb. down e about 22.stand for 23.free from 24.promise sb. sth25.in charge of 26.in detail 27. in the absence of 28.reflect on 反思29.get changed 30.in no case31.rely on 32.on behalf of 33.up to 34.leave for 35.turn up 36.take up37.lead to 38.get tired of 39.look forward 40.wake up 41.more t

3、han 42.as well as43.contrast with 44.refer to 45.take place 46.of little value47.have an effect on 48.take effect49.motivate sb. to do 50.contribute to51.attend to 52.remind sb. of sth53.in the shade 54.reckonas55.appeal to 56.suspect sb. of doing57.be to blame 58.take the blame for 59.leave out 60.

4、be thirsty for 選修八module1-2重點短語檢測答案1. adapt to 適應(yīng) 2.leave behind忘帶 3.stand out 突出 4.aim to do 目的是5.discourage sb. from doing sth 勸阻 6.set off 出發(fā),激起,燃放7.in particular 尤其,特別 8.in case of以防 9.set foot on 踏上 10.break down垮掉,拋錨,分解 11.be trapped in被困在 12.keep ones balance保持平衡13.be promoted to 被升為 14.run o

5、ut 耗盡15.on average 平均 16.result in/from導(dǎo)致、由引起17.set back 使倒退,受挫,撥回(表針) 18.break off 折斷19.give away 贈送,泄漏 20.turn sb. down 拒絕e about 發(fā)生 22.stand for 代表23.free from免遭 24.promise sb. sth 答應(yīng)25.in charge of 掌管 26.in detail 詳細(xì)地27. in the absence of 在不在時 28.reflect on 反思29.get changed 換衣服 30.in no case絕不31

6、.rely on 依靠 32.on behalf of代表 33.up to 達(dá)到 34.leave for去某地 35.turn up 出現(xiàn),調(diào)高,放晴 36.take up從事,占據(jù),繼續(xù)37.lead to 導(dǎo)致,通向 38.get tired of 厭煩39.look forward 展望 40.wake up喚醒 41.more than 不僅僅 42.as well as和,也43.contrast with對照 44.refer to涉及,參閱 45.take place 發(fā)生 46.of little value毫無價值47.have an effect on 影響 48.ta

7、ke effect生效49.motivate sb. to do 激勵 50.contribute to貢獻(xiàn),有助于51.attend to 照料,處理 52.remind sb. of sth提醒53.in the shade在陰涼處 54.reckonas當(dāng)作55.appeal to 呼吁,懇求,上訴 56.suspect sb. of doing懷疑57.be to blame該受責(zé)罰 58.take the blame for 承擔(dān)責(zé)任59.leave out 漏掉,省略 60.be thirsty for 渴望選修八module3-4短語測試1.be obsessed with 2.

8、no wonder3.make out 4.in short 5.go against 6.have in common7.refer to 8.lock up9.dress up 10.set fire to 11.be based on 12.run away13.approve of 14.whats more15.fall in love 16.to ones taste 17.oweto 18.leave for 19.end up 20.in consequence 21.be short of 22.by nature 23.in nature 24.be named after

9、25.as long as 26.in conclusion 27.get down to 28.lie in 29.make up 30.adapt to 31.in case 32.be similar to33.go through 34.tell apart35.let sb. down 36.hold up37.or rather 38.in particular 39.in detail 40.in return41.count on 42.be convinced of43.make sense of 44.even if 45.in addition 46.be known f

10、or47.be relevant to plain about 49.object to 50.be opposed to51.resist doing 52.get over53.be superior to 54.a large number of55.look forward to 56.let alone57.be meant for 58.set out 59.in space 60.slow down選修八module3-4短語測試答案1.be obsessed with 有幸擁有 2.no wonder難怪3.make out 理解 4.in short 簡言之5.go agai

11、nst 違背 6.have in common相同7.refer to指代,涉及 8.lock up鎖上9.dress up 裝扮 10.set fire to縱火 11.be based on 以為基礎(chǔ) 12.run away逃跑13.approve of贊同 14.whats more而且15.fall in love 愛上 16.to ones taste合某人口味 17.oweto 歸功于 18.leave for 動身去19.end up結(jié)束 20.in consequence 因此21.be short of缺少 22.by nature 天生23.in nature實際上 24.

12、be named after以命名25.as long as 只要 26.in conclusion 總之27.get down to 從事 28.lie in 存在29.make up 組成 30.adapt to適應(yīng) 31.in case 萬一 32.be similar to熟悉33.go through 經(jīng)歷 34.tell apart辨別35.let sb. down 使某人失望 36.hold up阻止,耽擱37.or rather更確切的說 38.in particular 尤其39.in detail 詳細(xì)地 40.in return做為回報41.count on依靠 42.b

13、e convinced of確信43.make sense of 理解 44.even if 即使 45.in addition另外 46.be known for因出名47.be relevant to 相關(guān) plain about抱怨 49.object to 反對 50.be opposed to反對51.resist doing 抵制 52.get over克服53.be superior to優(yōu)于 54.a large number of大量55.look forward to 盼望 56.let alone更不必說57.be meant for 打算 58.set out著手 59

14、.in space 在太空 60.slow down減速 選修八module5-6重點短語檢測1.a series of 2.accuse sb. of doing sth3.at the beginning of 4.on board 5.in space 6.be similar to7.in spite of 8.set foot on 9.head for 10.so far 11.be accustomed to 12.be aware of 13.be informed of 14.be enthusiastic about15.in favor of 16. result in

15、17.to ones sorrow 18.to ones relief19.put aside 20.rather than 21.catch hold of 22.in panic23.lead to 24.join in 25.slow down 26.pray for 27.assumeto be 28.burst out doing 29.out of tune 30.have patience doing31.in advance 32.depend on it that33.in shock 34.in case of 35.put up 36.be consistent with

16、37.acknowledge doing 38.have an impact on 39.put off 40.put up with41.make a list of 42.make ends meete to an end 44.as a result 45.set in motion 46.be set in 47.take hold of 48.a chorus of 49.correspond with 50.reflect on 51.part from 52.remind sb. of sth53.as far as 54.in return 55.by heart 56.att

17、itude to57.be addicted to 58.cater for 59.other than 60.take on 選修八module5-6重點短語檢測答案1.a series of 一系列 2.accuse sb. of doing sth控告3.at the beginning of 在開始 4.on board 在甲板上5.in space 在太空 6.be similar to熟悉7.in spite of盡管 8.set foot on 踏上9.head for 前進(jìn) 10.so far 到目前11.be accustomed to 習(xí)慣 12.be aware of 意

18、識到13.be informed of 被通知 14.be enthusiastic about熱心15.in favor of支持 16. result in 導(dǎo)致17.to ones sorrow令人傷心 18.to ones relief令人安心19.put aside 留出 20.rather than 而不是21.catch hold of 抓住 22.in panic恐慌23.lead to 導(dǎo)致 24.join in 參加25.slow down 減速 26.pray for 祈禱27.assumeto be假定 28.burst out doing 突然做29.out of tune跑調(diào) 30.have patience doing耐心做31.in advance 提前 32.depend on it that相信33.in shock 震驚 34.in case of 以防35.put up 搭建 36.be consistent with一致37.acknowledge doing 承認(rèn)做 38.have an impact on 影響39.put off 推遲 40.put up with忍受41.make a list of 列清單 42.make ends meet收支相抵e to an end 結(jié)束 44.as a re


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