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1、民法典婚姻家庭編中英文對照版第五編婚姻家庭part five marriage court第一章一般規(guī)定chapter 1 general provisions第一千零四十條本編調(diào)整因婚姻家庭產(chǎn)生的民事關(guān)系。article 1040 this part is for the purpose of regulating civil relations arising out of marriage or family.第一千零四十一條 婚姻家庭受國家保護。article 1041. marriage and the family are protected by the state.實 行婚姻自

2、由、一夫一妻、男女平等的婚姻制度。a marriage system based on the free choice of partners, on monogamy and on equality between men and women shall be applied.保護婦女、未成年人、老年人、殘疾人的合法權(quán)益。the lawful rights and interests of women, minors, the elderly and the disabled shall be protected.第一千零四十二條禁止包辦、買賣婚姻和其他干涉婚姻自由的 行為。禁止借婚姻索取財

3、物。article 1042 marriage upon arbitrary decision by any third party, mercenary marriage and any other acts of interference in the freedom of marriage shall be prohibited. it is forbidden to extort money by marriage.禁止重婚。禁止有配偶者與他人同居。bigamy is forbidden. those who have spouses are forbidden to cohabit

4、with others.禁止家庭暴力。禁止家庭成員間的虐待和遺棄。domestic violence is prohibited. abuse and abandonment of family members are prohibited.第一千零四十三條家庭應當樹立優(yōu)良家風,弘揚家庭美德,重 視家庭文明建設。article 1043 families shall cultivate good family customs, carry forward family virtues, and attach importance to the construction of family ci

5、vilization.夫妻應當互相忠實,互相尊重,互相關(guān)愛;家庭成員應當敬老愛幼,互相幫助,維護平等、和睦、文明的婚姻家庭關(guān)系。husband and wife shall be loyal to each other, respect and care for each other; family members shall respect the old and cherish the young, help each other, and maintain the marriage and family relationship characterized by equality, ha

6、rmony and civility.第一千零四十四條收養(yǎng)應當遵循最有利于被收養(yǎng)人的原則,保 障被收養(yǎng)人和收養(yǎng)人的合法權(quán)益。article 1044 adoption shall follow the principle of benefiting the adoptee to the largest extent, and the lawful rights and interests of both the adoptee and the adopter shall be protected.禁止借收養(yǎng)名義買賣未成年人。it is prohibited to buy or sell min

7、ors under the cloak of adoption.第一千零四十五條親屬包括配偶、血親和姻親。article 1045 relatives include spouses, blood relatives and in-laws. (relevant articles: articles 1)配偶、父母、子女、兄弟姐妹、祖父母、外祖父母、孫子女、外 孫子女為近親屬。spouse, parents, children, brothers and sisters, paternal grandparents, maternal grandparents, grandchildren,

8、and maternal grandchildren are close relatives.配偶、父母、子女和其他共同生活的近親屬為家庭成員。spouses, parents, children and other close relatives living together shall be family members.第二章結(jié)婚chapter 2 marriage第一千零四十六條結(jié)婚應當男女雙方完全自愿,禁止任何一方 對另一方加以強迫,禁止任何組織或者個人加以干涉。article 1046 marriage shall be based upon the complete willi

9、ngness of both man and woman. coercion by either party against the other party shall be prohibited, and interference by any organization or individual shall be prohibited.第一千零四十七條結(jié)婚年齡,男不得早于二十二周歲,女不得 早于二十周歲。article 1047 no marriage may be contracted before the man has reached 22 years of age and the

10、woman 20 years of age. (relevant articles: legislation 1)第一千零四十八條 直系血親或者三代以內(nèi)的旁系血親禁止結(jié)婚。article 1048 it shall be forbidden for people who are lineal relatives by blood or collateral relatives by blood up to the third degree of kinship to get married.第一千零四十九條 要求結(jié)婚的男女雙方應當親自到婚姻登記機 關(guān)申請結(jié)婚登記。符合本法規(guī)定的,予以登記,發(fā)給

11、結(jié)婚證。完成結(jié) 婚登記,即確立婚姻關(guān)系。未辦理結(jié)婚登記的,應當補辦登記。article 1049 both the man and the woman desiring to contract a marriage shall apply in person to the marriage registration office for marriage registration. if the proposed marriage is found to conform with the provisions of this law, the couple shall be allowed t

12、o register and issued marriage certificates. upon completion of marriage registration, the marriage relationship is established. a couple shall go through marriage registration if it has not done so.第一千零五十條登記結(jié)婚后,按照男女雙方約定,女方可以成 為男方家庭的成員,男方可以成為女方家庭的成員。article 1050 after a marriage has been registered,

13、 the woman may become a member of the man's family or vice versa, depending on the agreed wishes of the two parties.第一千零五十一條有下列情形之一的,婚姻無效:article 1051 the marriage shall be null and void under any of the following circumstances:(一)重女昏;1. bigamy; or(二)有禁止結(jié)婚的親屬關(guān)系;(ii)there is the prohibited degree

14、 of kinship between the married parties;(三)未到法定婚齡。(iii)under the legal age for marriage.第一千零五十二條因脅迫結(jié)婚的,受脅迫的一方可以向人民法 院請求撤銷婚姻。article 1052 where marriage is contracted by coercion, the coerced party may appeal to the people's court for annulment of marriage.請求撤銷婚姻的,應當自脅迫行為終止之日起一年內(nèi)提出。the petition f

15、or revoking the marriage shall be submitted within one year from the date when the coercion ceases.被非法限制人身自由的當事人請求撤銷婚姻的,應當自恢復人身 自由之日起一年內(nèi)提出。where the party concerned whose personal freedom is illegally restrained, such an appeal 339for annulment of marriage shall be submitted within one year from the

16、 date of the restoration of the personal freedom.第一千零五十三條一方患有重大疾病的,應當在結(jié)婚登記前如 實告知另一方;不如實告知的,另一方可以向人民法院請求撤銷婚姻。article 1053 if one party suffers from a serious illness, the other party shall be informed truthfully prior to marriage registration; if the other party fails to do so, the other party may re

17、quest a people's court to revoke the marriage.請求撤銷婚姻的,應當自知道或者應當知道撤銷事由之日起一年 內(nèi)提出。an application for annulment of marriage shall be submitted within one year from the date on which the grounds for annulment were known or ought to be known.第一千零五十四條無效的或者被撤銷的婚姻自始沒有法律約束 力,當事人不具有夫妻的權(quán)利和義務。同居期間所得的財產(chǎn),由當 事人

18、協(xié)議處理;協(xié)議不成的,由人民法院根據(jù)照顧無過錯方的原則判 決。對重婚導致的無效婚姻的財產(chǎn)處理,不得侵害合法婚姻當事人 的財產(chǎn)權(quán)益。當事人所生的子女,適用本法關(guān)于父母子女的規(guī)定。article 1054 invalid or revoked marriages shall have no legal binding force ab initio, and the parties shall have no rights or obligations of a husband and wife. the property acquired by them during the period of

19、 their cohabitation shall be disposed of by agreement between the parties; if they fail to reach an agreement, the people's court shall make a judgment on the principle of giving consideration to the unerring party. the property acquired through bigamy shall not be disposed of to prejudice the r

20、ights and interests attached to the property of the party under lawful contract of marriage. with regard to the children born by the party concerned, the provisions of this law on parents and children shall apply.婚姻無效或者被撤銷的,無過錯方有權(quán)請求損害賠償。where the marriage is invalid or revoked, the innocent party sh

21、all have the right to claim for damages.第三章家庭關(guān)系chapter 3 family relations第一節(jié)夫妻關(guān)系section 1: matrimonial relationship第一千零五十五條夫妻在婚姻家庭中地位平等。article 1055. husband and wife shall have equal status in marriage and the family.第一千零五十六條 夫妻雙方都有各自使用自己姓名 的權(quán)利。article 1056 both husband and wife shall have the righ

22、t to use his or her own name and title.第一千零五十七條 夫妻雙方都有參加生產(chǎn)、工作、學習和社會 活動的自由,一方不得對另一方加以限制或者干 涉。article 1057 both husband and wife shall have the freedom to engage in production and other work, to study and to participate in social activities; neither party shall restrict or interfere with the other par

23、ty.第一千零五十八條夫妻雙方平等享有對未成年子女撫養(yǎng)、教育 和保護的權(quán)利,共同承擔對未成年子女撫養(yǎng)、教育和保護的義務。article 1058 both husband and wife shall equally enjoy the right to raise, educate and protect their minor child (children), and shall jointly bear the obligation to raise, educate and protect their minor child (children).第一千零五十九條夫妻有相互扶養(yǎng)的義務

24、。article 1059. husband and wife shall have the duty to maintain each other.需要扶養(yǎng)的一方,在另一方不履行扶養(yǎng)義務時,有要求其給付 扶養(yǎng)費的權(quán)利。 the party in need of maintenance shall have the right to demand maintenance paymentsfrom the other party if that other party fails to perform this obligation.第一千零六十條 夫妻一方因家庭日常生活需要而實施的民事法 律行

25、為,對夫妻雙方發(fā)生效力,但是夫妻一方與相對人另有約定的 除外。article 1060 any civil juristic act that is performed by one party of a couple due to the needs of daily family life shall be binding on both parties thereto, unless otherwise agreed upon by the said party and the counterparty.夫妻之間對一方可以實施的民事法律行為范圍的限制,不得對抗 善意相對人。the res

26、triction on the scope of civil juristic acts that can be performed by one party between a couple shall not challenge any bona fide other party.第一千零六十一條夫妻有相互繼承遺產(chǎn)的權(quán)利。article 1061 husband and wife shall have the right to inherit each other1 s property.第一千零六十二條夫妻在婚姻關(guān)系存續(xù)期間所得的下列財產(chǎn), 為夫妻的共同財產(chǎn),歸夫妻共同所有:articl

27、e 1062 the following property acquired by the husband and the wife during the period in which they are under contract of marriage are property in their joint possession:(一) 工資、獎金、勞務報酬;1. wages, bonuses, and remuneration for labor services;(二) 生產(chǎn)、經(jīng)營、投資的收益;(ii) proceeds of production, business operati

28、on or investment;(三) 知識產(chǎn)權(quán)的收益;(iii) proceeds of intellectual property rights;(四) 繼承或者受贈的財產(chǎn),但是本法第一千零六十三條第三項規(guī) 定的除外;(iv) property inherited or donated, except for that provided for in subparagraph (3) of article 1063 of this law; and(五) 其他應當歸共同所有的財產(chǎn)。(v) other property that should be in their joint posse

29、ssion.夫妻對共同財產(chǎn),有平等的處理權(quán)。husband and wife shall have equal rights in the disposition of their common property.第一千零六十三條下列財產(chǎn)為夫妻一方的個人財產(chǎn):article 1063 the following property shall be deemed the personal property of one party of the couple:(一)一方的婚前財產(chǎn);1. the property that belongs to one party before marriage;

30、(二)一方因受到人身損害獲得的賠償或者補償;(ii)compensation or indemnity obtained by one party for a personal injury;(三)遺囑或者贈與合同中確定只歸一方的財產(chǎn);(iii)the property to be in the possession of one party as determined by will or byan agreement on gift;(四)一方專用的生活用品;(iv)articles for daily use specially used by one party;(五)其他應當歸一方的

31、財產(chǎn)。(v)other property which should be in the possession of one party.第一千零六十四條夫妻雙方共同簽名或者夫妻一方事后追認等 共同意思表示所負的債務,以及夫妻一方在婚姻關(guān)系存續(xù)期間以個 人名義為家庭日常生活需要所負的債務,屬于夫妻共同債務。article 1064 debts incurred jointly by a couple in the form of signatures by the couple, acknowledgement by either spouse after such debt was incur

32、red by the other spouse or other form of expression of their common will, as well as debts incurred by either spouse in his or her own name during the existence of the marriage relationship for the purpose of meeting the needs of the couple's daily family life shall be deemed as jointly-incurred

33、 debts of the couple.夫妻一方在婚姻關(guān)系存續(xù)期間以個人名義超出家庭日常生活需 要所負的債務,不屬于夫妻共同債務;但是,債權(quán)人能夠證明該債務用 于夫妻共同生活、共同生產(chǎn)經(jīng)營或者基于夫妻雙方共同意思表示的除 外。any debt that is incurred by either spouse in his/her own name during the existence of the marriage relationship beyond meeting the needs of the couple's daily family life shall not

34、be deemed as community debt, unless the creditor can prove that such debt is used for the couple's life or common production or operation activities, or is incurred based on expression of the couple's common will.第一千零六十五條男女雙方可以約定婚姻關(guān)系存續(xù)期間所得的 財產(chǎn)以及婚前財產(chǎn)歸各自所有、共同所有或者部分各自所有、部分 共同所有。約定應當采用書面形式。沒有 約定

35、或者約定不明確的, 適用本法第一千零六十二條、第一千零六十三條的規(guī)定。article 1065 both the man and woman may conclude an agreement that the property acquired by them during the period in which they are under contract of marriage and the property acquired before marriage shall be in their respective possession separately or jointly o

36、r part of the property shall be in their possession separately and the other part jointly. the agreement shall be in writing. where such an agreement is lacking, or the provisions in the agreement are not clear, the provisions of articles 1062 and 1063 of this law shall apply.夫妻對婚姻關(guān)系存續(xù)期間所得的財產(chǎn)以及婚前財產(chǎn)的

37、約定,對雙 方具有法律約束力。the agreement concluded by the husband and the wife with regard to the property acquired during the period in which they are under contract of marriage and the property acquired before marriage shall be legally binding on both parties.夫妻對婚姻關(guān)系存續(xù)期間所得的財產(chǎn)約定歸各自所有,夫或者妻 一方對外所負的債務,相對人知道該約定的,以

38、夫或者妻一方的個人財產(chǎn)清償。where the husband and the wife agree that the property acquired by them during the period in which they are under contract of marriage shall be in their possession separately, debts contracted by the husband or the wife shall be paid off with the personal property of the party of the h

39、usband or the wife, if the other party knows that there is such an agreement.第一千零六十六條婚姻關(guān)系存續(xù)期間,有下列情形之一的,夫 妻一方可以向人民法院請求分割共同財產(chǎn):article 1066 during the period in which they are under contract of marriage, either of them may make a request to the people's court for division of their jointly owned pro

40、perty under any of the following circumstances:(一)一方有隱藏、轉(zhuǎn)移、變賣、毀損、揮霍夫妻共同財產(chǎn)或者偽 造夫妻共同債務等嚴重損害夫妻共同財產(chǎn)利益的行為;1. one party commits the acts that seriously harm the interests of community property, such as hiding, transferring, selling off, destroying, or squandering community property or forging community de

41、bts; or(二)一方負有法定扶養(yǎng)義務的人患重大疾病需要醫(yī)治,另一方不 同意支付相關(guān)醫(yī)療費用。(ii) if a person who is legally obliged to maintain one party suffers from a serious disease and needs medical treatment, the other party does not agree to pay the relevant medical expenses.第二節(jié)父母子女關(guān)系和其他近親屬關(guān)系section 2 parents, children and other close r

42、elatives第一千零六十七條父母不履行撫養(yǎng)義務的,未成年子女或者不 能獨立生活的成年子女,有要求父母給付撫養(yǎng)費的權(quán)利。article 1067 if parents fail to perform their duty, children who are minors or who are adults and are not capable of living on their own shall have the right to demand the costs of upbringing from their parents.成年子女不履行贍養(yǎng)義務的,缺乏勞動能力或者生活困難的父母

43、, 有要求成年子女給付贍養(yǎng)費的權(quán)利。if children who have come of age fail to perform their duty, or if parents are unable to work or have difficulty in providing for themselves, they shall have the right to demand support payments from their children.第一千零六十八條父母有教育、保護未成年子女的權(quán)利和義務。 未成年子女造成他人損害的,父母應當依法承擔民事責任。article 1068

44、 parents shall have the right and duty to educate and protect their children who are minors. if children who are minors cause damage to others, their parents shall bear civil liability according to law.第一千零六十九條子女應當尊重父母的婚姻權(quán)利,不得干涉父 母離婚、再婚以及婚后的生活。子女對父母的贍 養(yǎng)義務,不因父母 的婚姻關(guān)系變化而終止。article 1069 children shall

45、respect their parents1 right of marriage, they are not allowed to interfere in their parents1 divorce, remarriage and post-marriage life. the duty of the children to support their parents shall not end with the change of the marriage relationship of their parents.第一千零七十條父母和子女有相互繼承遺產(chǎn)的權(quán)利。article 1070

46、parents and children shall have the right to inherit each other*s property.第一千零七十一條非婚生子女享有與婚生子女同等的權(quán)利,任 何組織或者個人不得加以危害和歧視。article 1071 children born out of wedlock shall enjoy the same rights as children born in wedlock. no organization or individual may harm or discriminate against them.不直接撫養(yǎng)非婚生子女的生父

47、或者生母,應當負擔未成年子女或 者不能獨立生活的成年子女的撫養(yǎng)費。the natural father or mother who does not directly bring up a child born out of wedlock shall bear the costs of support for his or her minor children or adult children who are notcapable of living on their own.第一千零七十二條繼父母與繼子女間,不得虐待或者歧視。article 1072. maltreatment and

48、discrimination shall not be allowed between step-parents and step-children.繼父或者繼母和受其撫養(yǎng)教育的繼子女間的權(quán)利義務關(guān)系,適用 本法關(guān)于父母子女關(guān)系的規(guī)定。the provisions of this law governing the relationship between parents and children shall apply to the rights and duties in the relationship between step-fathers or step-mothers and t

49、heir step-children who receive care and education from them.第一千零七十三條對親子關(guān)系有異議且有正當理由的,父或者 母可以向人民法院提起訴訟,請求確認或者否認親子關(guān)系。article 1073 where a paternity dispute is raised with proper reasons, the father or the mother may bring a suit to the people's court to claim confirmation or denial of the paternity

50、.對親子關(guān)系有異議且有正當理由的,成年子女可以向人民法院提 起訴訟,請求確認親子關(guān)系。where parenthood is objected with justification, the adult child may file an action with the people's court to request confirmation of parenthood.第一千零七十四條有負擔能力的祖父母、外祖父母,對于父母 已經(jīng)死亡或者父母無力撫養(yǎng)的未成年孫子女、外孫子女,有撫養(yǎng)的 義務。article 1074 grandparents and maternal grandpa

51、rents who can afford it shall have the duty to bring up their grandchildren who are minors and whose parents are dead or have no means to bring them up.有負擔能力的孫子女、外孫子女,對于子女已經(jīng)死亡或者子女無 力贍養(yǎng)的祖父母、外祖父母,有贍養(yǎng)的義務。grandchildren and maternal grandchildren who can afford it shall have the duty to support their gra

52、ndparents and maternal grandparents whose children are dead or have no means to support them.第一千零七十五條有負擔能力的兄、姐,對于父母已經(jīng)死亡或 者父母無力撫養(yǎng)的未成年弟、妹,有扶養(yǎng)的義務。article 1075 elder brothers and elder sisters who can afford it shall have the duty to maintain their younger brothers and sisters who are minors, if their p

53、arents are dead or have no means to bring them up.由兄、姐扶養(yǎng)長大的有負擔能力的弟、妹,對于缺乏勞動能力又 缺乏生活來源的兄、姐,有扶養(yǎng)的義務。a brother or sister who is brought up by his or her brother or sister and can afford it shall have the duty to maintain his or her brother or sister who lacks both the ability to work and the source of h

54、is or her income.第四章離婚chapter 4 divorce第一千零七十六條夫妻雙方自愿離婚的,應當簽訂書面離婚協(xié) 議,并親自到婚姻登記機關(guān)申請離婚登記。article 1076 where both husband and wife intend to get divorced voluntarily, they shall sign a written divorce agreement and shall apply for divorce registration in person to the marriage registration authority.離婚協(xié)

55、議應當載明雙方自愿離婚的意思表示和對子女撫養(yǎng)、財產(chǎn) 以及債務處理等事項協(xié)商一致的意見。the divorce agreement shall set forth both parties* intention of voluntary divorce and consensus on matters of children upbringing, property and debt settlement through consultation.第一千零七十七條自婚姻登記機關(guān)收到離婚登記申請之日起三 十日內(nèi),任何一方不愿意離婚的,可以向婚姻登記機關(guān)撤回離婚登 記申請。article 1077

56、if, within 30 days after the marriage registration bureaus receive the divorce registration applications, any of the parties does not want to get divorced, he/she may withdraw the divorce registration applications from the marriage registration bureaus.前款規(guī)定期限屆滿后三十日內(nèi),雙方應當親自到婚姻登記機關(guān)申 請發(fā)給離婚證;未申請的,視為撤回離婚

57、登記申請。within 30 days after the expiration of the above prescribed period, both parties shall in person apply to the marriage registration bureaus for the issuance of divorce certificates; those who fail to make the application shall be deemed to have withdrawn the application.第一千零七十八條 婚姻登記機關(guān)查明雙方確實是自愿

58、離婚,并已經(jīng)對子女撫養(yǎng)、財產(chǎn)以及債務處理等事項協(xié)商一致的,予以登記, 發(fā)給離婚證。article 1078 the marriage registration office, after clearly establishing that both parties desire divorce voluntarily and have reached unanimity through consultation in matters of child rearing and property management and the handling of debts, shall grant registration and issue the divorce certificates.第一千零七十九條夫妻一方要求離婚的,可以由有關(guān)組織進行調(diào)解或者直接向人民 法院提起離婚訴訟。article 1079 if one party alone desires a divorce, the organization concerned may carry out mediation or the party may directly file a divorce suit in a people's court


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