



1、 Asia Grammar Teach ing aims: 1. To grasp differe nt uses of it. 2. To dist in guish differe nt uses of it. Teach ing steps: Step 1 Revisio n 翻譯下列句子,說出 it 在句中表示的意思。 1) .明朝和清朝的皇帝曾住在故宮,但它在 1925 年的時(shí)候被變成了博物館。 The emperors of the Mi ng and Qing dyn asties used to live in the Palace Museum. But it was tur

2、ned into a museum in 1925. (it 表示:the Palace Museum) 2) .有這么多形狀不尋常的巖石真是神奇。 It is amaz ing that there are so many rocks in unu sual shapes. (it 表示:that 從句的內(nèi)容) 3) .租一輛自行車,騎著它環(huán)游鄉(xiāng)村也很受歡迎。 It s also popular to hire a bike and ride around the countryside. (it 表示: hire a bike and ride around the coun trysid

3、e) 4) .從我家到學(xué) It is about 3 kilometres from my home to my school, (it 表示:距離) Step 2 Prese ntati on Uses of it 用法一:Using it as a pronoun 用法二:Using it as an impers onal pronoun 用法三: Using it as to replace the real subject or object Step 3 Using it as a pronoun 1. We useit for animals and lifeless thing

4、s. e.g. Look at the pan da. It is so small. Ano ther famous attract ion is the Great Wall. It runs for over 6,000 kilometers across the n orther n China. We useit for a y oung child when we do not know whether it is a girl or a boy. e.g. My aunt will have a baby soon. She hopes it will be a girl. Lo

5、ok at that cute baby over there! It is a boy, isn t it? We use it for an unknown pers on. e.g. Who was calli ng you on the pho ne just now? It was my cous in. Weuse it for an action, a situation or an idea mentioned in a previous statement. e.g. Reading around the countryside is popular in Guilin, i

6、sn t it? Tourists like to take a boat trip along the Lijia ng River. It is great fun. 2. it作人稱代詞 1) 指代剛提到的事物。 e.g. Look at that car. It is going much too fast. 2) 指無生命的東西。 e.g. It is my pen cil. 3) 指動(dòng)物。 e.g. Is it your dog? No, it isn t. 4) 指未知性別的嬰兒。 e.g. What a beautiful baby! Is it a boy? 5)指所未見的或

7、所未知的那個(gè)人。 e.g. Some one is ringing the doorbell. Go and see who i t is. 2 3. The exchange students visited the SummerPalace yesterday. Kevin is writing about it. Read the passage below and find out what each it refers to. Write your answers in the bla nks. Yesterday we v isited the Summer Palace and

8、spe nt about three hours in it. The palace is a Chin ese garde n and mainly in cludes a hill and a lake. The lake is very big it takes up three quarters of the area. It was froze n, so we could n ot row a boat there. It was really a pity. Across the lake is a 17-hole bridge. There are many stone lio

9、ns on either side of it. The lions are all different from each other. Isn t it amazing? While I was walking along the bridge, my mobile phone rang. It was my mum. I told her that the Summer Palace was well worth visit ing. Keys: 1. the Summer Palace 2. the lake 3. the lake 4. we could not row a boat

10、 5. the bridge 6. differe nt lions 7. an unknown pers on Step 4 Using it as an impersonal pronoun 1. We also use it for the time, the date, the weather, the distance, etc. e.g. It is 6:30 p.m. It is raining heavily outside. It is 1 Jan uary today. It is New Years Day. In Beijing, it is cold and wind

11、y in winter. It is two kilometers from my school to my home. 2. it作非人稱代詞 1) 指天氣。 e.g. It s raining. 2) 指時(shí)間。 e.g. It s half past eight. 3) 指環(huán)境。 e.g. It s quiet here. 4) 指距離。 e.g. How far is it from your home to your office? 3. The exchange students left for Shanghai. Kevin has made some notes in his

12、diary. Rewrite his sentences with it . 1. Today is 22 February. We left Beiji ng for Shan ghai early in the morning. . We left Beiji ng for Shan ghai early in the morning. 2. Shan ghai is about 1,300 kilometers f rom Beiji ng. _ from Beiji ng to Shang hai. 3. I woke up at 5 a.m. this morning. _ whe

13、n I woke up this morning. 4. I felt a little cold when we went out. The temperature was only 2 C . I felt a little cold whe n we went out. _ . 5. Win ter is very cold and dry in Beiji ng. In win ter, _ . 6. We arrived in Shan ghai on a sunny day. _ whe n we arrived in Shan ghai. 7. We got to our hot

14、el at noon. _ whe n we got to our hotel. 8. Our hotel is not far from the Bund. _ from the Bund to our hotel. Keys: 1. It is 22 February today 2. It is about 1,300 kilometers 3. It was 5 4. It was only 2C 5. it is very cold and dry in Beijing 6. It was a sunny day 7. It was noon 8. It is not far Ste

15、p 5 Using it to replace the real subject or object 1. Sometimes we use it to replace the real subject or object in a sentence. In this situati on, we put the real subject or object later in the sentence in the form of a to-i nfin itive or a clause. e.g. It is very tiring to climb the steps. It is po

16、pular to hire a bicycle and ride around the countryside. It is amaz ing that there are so many rocks in unu sual shapes in the cave. Many people find it pleasa nt to travel around. 2. Useful structures with it It is + adjective + (of/ for )+ to 3 It takes some time to It is said/ reported/ - -that t

17、hi nk(s)/ fin d(s) it easy/ difficult/ to 3. it作形式主語或形式賓語 有時(shí)為了保持句子的平衡,常用 it 作形式主語或形式賓語,而把真正的主語或賓語放到 句子的后面。 1) 形式主語。 e.g. It s his duty to look after the sick boy. 2) 形式賓語。 e.g. I find it quite easy to get on with Tom. 4. Miss Thompson, a British teacher traveling with the exchange students, is writi

18、ng dow n what she thinks about Shan ghai. Help her complete her no tes with it. Traffic: The traffic is ofte n busy, but public tran sport here is quite good, _ (easy) for people to get around. Weather: _ (sunny) and warm. We like _ here. Environment: _ (said) that the air is not clean here, but I d

19、o not think the pollution is as serious as I imagined. Signs: Shan ghai is beautiful. _ (fun) to ride around the city and visit the in terest ing places. Food: Chinese food is delicious. I will ask my family to go to a Chinese restaura nt and try whe n I get back. Hotel: We all thi nk _ (comfortable

20、) to stay in this hot .el. They provide a high level of service. People: The local people are frie ndly. _ (kind) of them to an swer all our questio ns. Keys: 1.1 t s easy 2. It s sunny 3. It 4. It s said 5. It s fun 6. it 7. it comforta ble 8. It s kind Step 6 Lan guage points 1. The lake is ve ry

21、big it takes up three quarters of the area. 湖很大,占了四分之三的面積。 take up 占據(jù)(空間);占用(時(shí)間) e.g. The table takes up too much space. 這張桌子太占地方了。 quarter n.四分之一 2. Across the lake is a 17-hole bridge. There are many stone lions on either side of it. 湖上有一座十七孔橋,橋兩邊有很多石獅子。 倒裝句。表示方位的詞或短語置句首時(shí),句子要完全倒裝。 e.g. On the wall are pictures. 注意:主語為代詞時(shí)不倒裝。 e.g. Out he rushed. either det. & pro n. 兩者之一 eitheror不是 . 就是


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