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1、文檔供參考,可復(fù)制、編制,期待您的好評(píng)與關(guān)注! Academic adj學(xué)院的,學(xué)術(shù)的,理論的;n. 大學(xué)生,大學(xué)教師;學(xué)者academic research學(xué)術(shù)研究academic circles學(xué)術(shù)界academic year學(xué)年academic achievement學(xué)業(yè)成就;學(xué)業(yè)成績(jī)academic performance學(xué)習(xí)成績(jī);學(xué)業(yè)表現(xiàn);學(xué)術(shù)成就1. This is not merely an academic question.這不僅僅是一個(gè)學(xué)術(shù)問(wèn)題。2. This is an academic appointment, after all.這畢竟是一個(gè)學(xué)術(shù)職位。3. These

2、 are not just academic s points.這可不僅是學(xué)者的觀點(diǎn)。province'prvinsn.省Each pair represents one South Korean province.每一對(duì)都代表了南韓的一個(gè)省。It became a province of Canada in 1905.它于1905年成為加拿大的一個(gè)省份。By the way, which province are you from? 順便問(wèn)一下,您是哪個(gè)省來(lái)的?Then you might ask what province she was from. 然后可能問(wèn)問(wèn)她是哪個(gè)省來(lái)的。e

3、nthusiasticin,ju:zi'æstika.熱情的,熱心的Here the crowd was thickest and most enthusiastic. 這里的人群最密集, 熱情也最高。And not only that, people just like to be around enthusiastic people in general. 不僅僅如此,總體來(lái)說(shuō),人都比較傾向于與熱情的人往來(lái)。amazing'meizia.令人吃驚的,令人驚訝的Its amazing what we can learn from others in our live

4、s.在生活中,我們可以從其他人身上學(xué)到的東西是驚人的。This is an amazing keyboard that can be rolled up easy. 這是一個(gè)神奇的鍵盤(pán),可以像春卷那樣卷起來(lái)。If so, I hope its amazing. 如果會(huì)/如果是這樣,我真希望是驚人的體驗(yàn)。information,inf'meinn.消息,信息,通知We can get some information from the map我們可以從這幅圖圖中得到一些信息We were able to get some information from the Internet過(guò)去我們

5、可以從網(wǎng)絡(luò)中得到一些信息。website websaitn.網(wǎng)站,網(wǎng)址We disagree with the article and will be taking it down from our website. 他說(shuō),我們的看法與這篇文章有出入,我們將把它從網(wǎng)站上拿下來(lái)。If you do own a website you probably wondered about the value of it. 如果你擁有一家網(wǎng)站,那么你或許想知道它的價(jià)值究竟有多少。brilliant'briljnta.(口語(yǔ))極好的,燦爛的,閃耀的;杰出的;有才氣的The countryside w

6、as bathed in brilliant sunshine. 鄉(xiāng)間沐浴在燦爛的陽(yáng)光下。He made a brilliant speech. 他的發(fā)言很精彩。comprehension,kmpri'hennn.理解,理解力,領(lǐng)悟 reading comprehension閱讀理解I think this is the immediate comprehension, and the right one. 我覺(jué)得這個(gè)理解首先肯定是最直接的,也是對(duì)的。Unlike many other people, however, I have never called God the light

7、, because God is beyond our comprehension. instructionin'strknn.(常復(fù))指示,說(shuō)明However, the unconscious mind appears to need some instruction. 不過(guò),無(wú)意識(shí)的思考似乎需要一些指導(dǎo)。We execute that instruction, we move to the next one. 我們執(zhí)行那個(gè)指令,我們繼續(xù)下一輪。method'medn.方法,辦法Have you tried the new method? 你試過(guò)那個(gè)新的方法了嗎?The ne

8、w method departs from the old in all respects. 這種新方法與舊方法在各個(gè)方面都不同。My First Day at Senior High 重點(diǎn)詞語(yǔ)講解 1. enthusiastic adj. 熱情的 He is enthusiastic about helping others. 他熱心助人。 He doesn't know much about the subject, but he's very enthusiastic. 他對(duì)這事所知不多, 但卻極感興趣。 His idea received an enthusiastic

9、 response.他的想法獲得熱烈的響應(yīng)。 2. amaze vt. 使驚異; 使驚奇; 使吃驚 amazed adj. 感到驚訝的 amazing adj. 令人驚異的 Her knowledge amazes me. 她的學(xué)識(shí)令我吃驚。 It amazed me to learn that he had been promoted.得知他已晉升使我驚奇。 We were amazed that he refused to help us.他拒絕幫助我們,我們感到驚訝。 His amazing intelligence led him to make many discoveries. 他

10、驚人的智力使他有很多發(fā)現(xiàn)。 3. instruction n.指示;命令;pl.用法說(shuō)明;操作指南;(輸入計(jì)算機(jī)的)指令 The doctor's instructions must be fulfilled exactly.醫(yī)生的指示必須嚴(yán)格遵行。 The teacher gave them instructions to arrive early tomorrow morning. 老師命令他們明天早晨要早到。 Be sure to follow your teachers instructions while doing an experiment. 做實(shí)驗(yàn)時(shí)務(wù)必按照老師的話(huà)去做

11、。 Before you take the medicine, you should read the instructions on the bottle carefully. 在服藥之前,你應(yīng)當(dāng)仔細(xì)看藥瓶上的用法說(shuō)明。 4. method n.方法; 辦法; 條理; 秩序 【注意】 method指科學(xué)的、合乎邏輯的有效方法,側(cè)重指較高層次的有系統(tǒng)的方法,其后可接of短語(yǔ),不接不定式。 Our teacher is showing us a new method of writing.老師告訴我們一種書(shū)寫(xiě)的新方法。 If you want to solve the problem, you

12、must use method, rather than luck. 要是你想解決問(wèn)題,就要講究方法,不要憑運(yùn)氣。 If you had used more method, you wouldn't have wasted so much time. 要是你安排得更有條理些,就不會(huì)浪費(fèi)那么多時(shí)間了。 5. bore vt. 煩擾,使厭煩 bored adj. 厭煩的 boring adj.令人厭煩的 The long speech bored us all. 那冗長(zhǎng)的演講使我們都感到厭煩。 He always bores her with the same story. 他總是重復(fù)同樣

13、的故事, 使她覺(jué)得厭煩。 Im bored by history dates, battles and the like. 我讓歷史書(shū)上的日期、戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)之類(lèi)的事給煩透了。 It is boring to listen to the same story. 聽(tīng)相同的故事是令人厭煩的。 His long boring story made me yawn. 他的冗長(zhǎng)的故事聽(tīng)得我直打呵欠。 6. embarrass vt. 使窘迫; 使局促不安; 使尷尬; 使感到拮據(jù) embarrassed adj. 感到為難的 embarrassing adj.令人困窘的; 令人為難的 She was embarra

14、ssed when they kept telling her how clever she was. 他們不停地說(shuō)她聰明,令她感到不好意思。 A large family embarrassed him.他子女多, 這使他經(jīng)濟(jì)拮據(jù)。 I was embarrassed, because I had no idea.我因?yàn)闆](méi)有主意而不知如何是好。 I don't like making speeches in public; it's so embarrassing. 我不喜歡在公開(kāi)場(chǎng)合演說(shuō),太難為情了。 7. attitude n.姿勢(shì); 態(tài)度; 看法; 姿勢(shì) take a

15、correct attitude towards 對(duì)抱正確態(tài)度 What I was surprised at was his attitude towards his study. 我所吃驚的是他對(duì)學(xué)習(xí)的態(tài)度。 From different stands there follow different attitudes.不同的立場(chǎng)就有不同的態(tài)度。 As you get older, your attitude towards death changes. 人隨著年齡的增長(zhǎng),對(duì)死亡的看法也會(huì)有所改變。 They sat around in easy attitude. 他們以舒適的姿勢(shì)圍坐在一

16、起。 8. behaviour n. U 行為; 舉止;表現(xiàn) An unhappy home environment can affect a child's behaviour. 不愉快的家庭環(huán)境能影響兒童的行為. Such behaviour lost him our trust.他這種行為使得我們不再信任他了。 Someday you will answer for your foolish behaviour. 總有一天你將因你的愚蠢行為而受到懲罰。 behave vi. 行為; 舉止; 待人; 表現(xiàn); 舉止端正; 守規(guī)矩 The boy behaved as if he we

17、re an adult.這個(gè)男孩表現(xiàn)得像個(gè)大人。 Behave yourself; don't make a fool of yourself. 注意你的舉止, 別鬧出笑話(huà)來(lái)。 It's hard to train children to behave well at the table. 培養(yǎng)兒童用餐時(shí)舉止得體是很困難的。 You must promise to behave at the party before I can consider taking you along. 你必須承諾在晚會(huì)上規(guī)規(guī)矩矩,我才考慮帶你們?nèi)ァ? 9. *previous adj.先的; 前的

18、; 以前的 His previous attempt was successful.他以前的嘗試成功了。 In previous times, I didnt realize how valuable his advice was. 早先時(shí)候,我沒(méi)有意識(shí)到他的意見(jiàn)是多么寶貴。 The previous train was delayed by the bad weather. 前一輛火車(chē)因?yàn)閻毫犹鞖庋诱`了。 10. description n. 描寫(xiě); 描述; 記述 beyond / past description 難以形容 answer ( to ) the description 與描述

19、相符 The beauty of the sunrise is beyond description. 日出的美景難以描述。 This girl gave a vivid description of the event. 那女孩對(duì)這件事作了一番生動(dòng)的描述。 11. *impress vt. 使印象深刻; 使銘記; 使感動(dòng); 使留下印象 She impressed me as a woman of great kindness.在我印象中,她是一位非常仁慈的女性。 What impressed me most was that they never lost heart. 給我印象最深的是他們

20、絕不喪失信心。 He tried to impress everything he had explained upon us. 他試圖要我們把他所解釋的內(nèi)容都記住。 impress sb. with sth. (=impress sth. on sb. 或 impress sb. sth.)使某人銘記/牢記某事 My father impressed me with the importance of work.父親要我銘記工作的重要性。 They impressed on their children the virtue of always telling the truth. 他們要孩

21、子們明白講實(shí)話(huà)的美德。 be impressed by / at / with 被所感動(dòng); 使(某人)印象深刻 【注意】不用進(jìn)行時(shí) All present were impressed with / by his noble need. 所有在場(chǎng)的人都被他的崇高行為感動(dòng)。 Walking around the city, we were impressed by the city's new look. 在城里走時(shí),城市的新容給我們留下深刻印象。 be impressed on one's mind / memory 被印在腦海里; 留下很深的印象 What he said t

22、hat day was deeply impressed on my memory. 他那天說(shuō)的話(huà)深深地印在我的腦海里。 His words are strongly impressed on my memory.他的話(huà)使我深深銘記在心里。 12. encouragement n.鼓勵(lì); 支持; 鼓勵(lì);贊同 Praise acts as an encouragement to the young.稱(chēng)贊對(duì)于青年來(lái)說(shuō)是一種鼓勵(lì)。 Your encouragement made me more confident of my future. 你的鼓勵(lì)使我對(duì)我的未來(lái)更加有信心。 You will ne

23、ver know how much your encouragement meant to me. 你決不會(huì)知道你的鼓勵(lì)對(duì)我多么有意義。 13. *disappoint vt. 使失望; 使沮喪; 使掃興; 破壞(計(jì)劃),使(希望)落空 I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I can't come after all. 讓你失望,真抱歉,可是我實(shí)在不能來(lái)。 The experiment disappointed their hopes. 那一次實(shí)驗(yàn)使他們的希望落空了。 disappointing adj. 令人失望的,灰心的,掃興的 disappo

24、inted adj. (指人)失望的,掃興的 Your examination marks are rather disappointing. 你的成績(jī)真叫人失望。 He was disappointed to find that his suggestions had been turned down. 發(fā)現(xiàn)自己的建議被拒絕了,他很失望。 He was not so disappointed because he had foreseen those difficulties. 他并不是很失望,因?yàn)樗呀?jīng)預(yù)見(jiàn)到了那種困難。 14. cover vt. 覆蓋; 遮蓋; 占有(面積); 采訪(新

25、聞); 包括; 包含; 論及; 走過(guò); 支付(開(kāi)支等); 彌補(bǔ)(損失等) Please cover the table with a tablecloth.請(qǐng)把桌布蓋在桌子上。 Water covers nearly third quarters of the earth's surface. 水大約覆蓋了地球表面的四分之三。 He used to be sent to cover the battles during the war. 他曾經(jīng)被派去做戰(zhàn)地采訪。 Do the rules cover all possible cases? 這些規(guī)則是否通用于所有可能的情形? The d

26、iscussion covered a wide range of subjects. 這次討論涉及內(nèi)容廣泛。 15. divide vt. 分; 劃分; 分配; 分享; 分擔(dān); 隔開(kāi) divide the profit分配利潤(rùn) His time is divided between work and play.他把時(shí)間分別用在工作和娛樂(lè)上。 Mother divided the food into four equal shares.母親把食物分成相同的四份。 A low wall divides our garden from our neighbour's garden. 一堵矮

27、墻把我家的花園和鄰居的花園隔開(kāi)來(lái)。 The Red Sea divides Africa from Asia.紅海把非洲和亞洲隔開(kāi)。 divided adj.被分割的; 分開(kāi)的; 對(duì)立的, 意見(jiàn)分歧的 a divided country分裂的國(guó)家 Public opinions are divided on this question.對(duì)于這問(wèn)題,公眾輿論不一致。 【辨析】divide和 separate 都含“分開(kāi)”的意思。divide 指施加外力或自然地把某人或某物由整體分成若干部分,如: divide the candies among the children給孩子們把糖塊分開(kāi)。Our

28、 class is divided into four groups.我們班被分成四組。The shop assistants divided the apples into different classes.店員把蘋(píng)果按級(jí)分類(lèi)。 separate指把原來(lái)在一起的人或物分開(kāi), 或把混雜在一起的東西分開(kāi), 有時(shí)含有強(qiáng)行分隔的意味, 也可指“離別”,如果指由于某種自然障礙而造成的阻隔, 其后常與from連用, 可與divide通用。Separate those two boys who are fighting, will you? (你)把那兩個(gè)打架的孩子拉開(kāi),好嗎? The Taiwan S

29、traits separates / divides Taiwan from Fujian.臺(tái)灣海峽把臺(tái)灣和福建分隔開(kāi)了。 注意:被divide分開(kāi)的東西在一定的條件下具有統(tǒng)一性,被separate分開(kāi)的東西沒(méi)有統(tǒng)一性。 16. similar adj.相像的; 相似的; 近似的 be similar to 與相似 be similar in在相似 The products of these two factories are similar. 這兩家工廠的產(chǎn)品很相似。 Your views on education are similar to mine.你的教育觀點(diǎn)和我的類(lèi)似。 This

30、city appears similar to mine, but Im not familiar with it at all. 那座城市和我的城市很相似,但我對(duì)它一點(diǎn)也不熟悉。 My wife and I have similar tastes in music.我妻子與我有相似的音樂(lè)愛(ài)好。 【辨析】similar,like與alike similar指有明顯的共同性質(zhì), 但不完全一致或同一。like指事物在外貌、性質(zhì)或特征上非常相似以致區(qū)別不開(kāi),但并非同一。alike意義同like,但只能作表語(yǔ)。 A similar mistake occurs at the end of the pa

31、ragraph. 這一段末尾有一個(gè)類(lèi)似的錯(cuò)誤。Like thinking produces like ideas. 相似的思維產(chǎn)生相似的主張。He and his brother are very alike. 他們兄弟倆太相似了。 17. in other words 換句話(huà)說(shuō); 也就是說(shuō) The woman has stopped crying,in other words,she calmed down. 婦女停止了哭泣,也就是說(shuō),她平靜下來(lái)了。 You failed the exam this timeIn other words, you didn't pass the ex

32、am this time. 你這次沒(méi)有通過(guò)考試。換句話(huà)說(shuō),你這次考試沒(méi)及格。 To help students develop the social skills, schools offer a large number of after-school activities, in other words, activities that take place outside classroom lessons.為幫助學(xué)生發(fā)展社交技能,學(xué)校安排大量的課外活動(dòng),即在教室里上完課后進(jìn)行的活動(dòng)。 18. look forward to sth. / doing sth. 期待某事物/ 做某事 I

33、am looking forward to seeing you again. 我盼望再見(jiàn)到你。 Mary is looking forward to a birthday gift. 瑪麗期待著一份生日禮物。 Xiao Ming looked forward to visiting the moon by spaceship day and night. 小明日夜盼望著能夠乘坐宇宙飛船到月球上去參觀。 19. far from 離很遠(yuǎn); 遠(yuǎn)遠(yuǎn)不 The sun is far (away) from the earth. 太陽(yáng)離地球很遠(yuǎn)。 Your home is not far from h

34、ere。So you neednt have left in such a hurry then 你家離這兒不遠(yuǎn), 因此你當(dāng)時(shí)沒(méi)必要匆匆忙忙的。 Looking back on it, one realizes that it was far from being a satisfactory conference. 回顧過(guò)去,人們會(huì)意識(shí)到那不是一次成功的會(huì)議。 Your work is far from (being) satisfactory. 你的工作遠(yuǎn)遠(yuǎn)不能令人滿(mǎn)意。 20. nothing like 一點(diǎn)也不象; 沒(méi)有什么能比得上 Her cooking is nothing lik

35、e as good as yours. 她做飯的手藝絕比不上你。 The town offers entertainments of a kind, but nothing like what you'll find in the city. 鎮(zhèn)上有些所謂的娛樂(lè), 但與城里的截然不同。 21. take part in 參加(某一活動(dòng)并發(fā)揮作用) He makes it a rule to take part in some physical labor though he is old. 雖然年齡已大,他仍習(xí)慣于參加一些體力勞動(dòng)。 Every summer vacation I

36、9;ll take part in social practice.每年暑假我都參加社會(huì)實(shí)踐。 【辨析】take part in, attend和join(in) take part in指參加會(huì)議或群眾性活動(dòng)等,重在說(shuō)明句子主語(yǔ)參加該項(xiàng)活動(dòng)并在活動(dòng)中發(fā)揮作用;part前有修飾語(yǔ)時(shí),要用不定冠詞aan。 Lincoln took an active part in politics and was strongly against slavery. 林肯積極參加政治活動(dòng),強(qiáng)烈反對(duì)奴隸制。The leading group decided to tell all the workers to t

37、ake part in the strike. 領(lǐng)導(dǎo)小組決定通知所有的工人參加罷工。 attend主要指出席,參加某一活動(dòng),強(qiáng)調(diào)出席者只是在其中“聽(tīng)”或“看”等,不起積極作用,主要指參加會(huì)議;上課(學(xué));參加典禮(葬禮);聽(tīng)演講等。They went to their school to attend a get-together. 他們?nèi)W(xué)校參加聯(lián)歡會(huì)去了。 join可指參加某一團(tuán)體或組織,成為其中一員,也指參加某項(xiàng)正在進(jìn)行著的活動(dòng),但不如join in常用。Do you know how many people joined the organization? 你知道有多少人參加了那個(gè)組織嗎? Will you join us? 你參加我們的活動(dòng),好嗎? join in多指參加比賽或活動(dòng),參加競(jìng)賽、娛樂(lè)、游戲、談話(huà)等某項(xiàng)具體活動(dòng),常用于口語(yǔ)。有時(shí)join in后不跟賓語(yǔ)。 I first just watched the game,then was invited to join in. 我起初只是看比賽,后來(lái)被邀請(qǐng)參加。 join (sb.) in joinin中的join為及物動(dòng)詞,須接人稱(chēng)代詞賓語(yǔ)。in后接表示某項(xiàng)活動(dòng)的名詞或動(dòng)名詞,意為“和一起”。 Will you join us in playing basketball now? 現(xiàn)在和我們一起打籃


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