



1、 仁愛英語八年級上Unit 2 Topic 2 Section B 教學(xué)設(shè)計教材說明本課是仁愛版英語八年級上冊unit 2 topic 2 section b的內(nèi)容。本課分五部分進行,1a、2b談?wù)撋盍?xí)慣,要求學(xué)生會區(qū)分好習(xí)慣和壞習(xí)慣及如何養(yǎng)成好習(xí)慣保持健康的身體。1b、1c學(xué)習(xí)情態(tài)動詞must 和must not 的用法,要求學(xué)生會運用它們談?wù)摫仨氉龊徒棺龅氖虑椋▽W(xué)校的一些規(guī)章制度。2b部分綜合運用所學(xué)做聽讀訓(xùn)練。設(shè)計理念本課內(nèi)容較多,且安排較散,我不局限于課本的安排,按照自己的上課思路巧妙地替換教學(xué)步驟,把課文分兩大部分上。第一部分為2a和1a,講解好壞習(xí)慣,第二部分為1b、1c和

2、2b,講解情態(tài)動詞must 和must not 的用法。在新課導(dǎo)入過程中我采用簡筆畫的方式把2a 部分內(nèi)容呈現(xiàn)在黑板上,既吸引了學(xué)生的眼球又為本課的學(xué)習(xí)作好了鋪墊。在1a部分的學(xué)習(xí)中我巧妙地設(shè)制了幾個問題自然地引出了情態(tài)動詞的用法。在1c部分的教學(xué)中我采用看圖對話,并貼標志的方式,讓學(xué)生充分地參與在課堂中。在達標測評中,我采用我讀文章,學(xué)生邊聽邊改錯的方式,既鍛煉了學(xué)生的聽說能力,又極好地對本課進行檢測。總之,本堂課我將采取多種多樣的教學(xué)方法,充分調(diào)動學(xué)生的學(xué)習(xí)熱情,讓學(xué)生輕松快樂的學(xué)習(xí)。教學(xué)目標:1.知識目標new words: article, cause, cancer, litter,

3、 energy, necessary, enough, dustbinexpressions: give up, throw about, relax sb, walk on the lawngrammar: to learn master modal verbs “ must” and “must not”.2.能力目標1 go on learning good habits to keep healthy.2 improve from “l(fā)istening, reading” skills to “speaking, writing” skills step by step.3.情感目標(

4、1) to encourage the students to be confident to say english more.3 let students know health is important for us, we should keep healthy.教學(xué)重難點:how to have good habits and keep healthy.教學(xué)方法:listen, read and say. discuss in pairs and practice with partner.教學(xué)流程:step 1 introducet: hello, everyone! im ver

5、y glad to have this class with you, my name is wu xiaoxin, so you can call me miss wu. i know you are a great class, i hope you will do your best in this class. i believe you will have a good time with me.step 2 presentationdraw some pictures on the blackboard, show good habits and bad habits.good h

6、abits bad habitsget up early get up latehave breakfast go to school without foodwalk to school read in the sundrink enough water throw litter aboutgo to bed early stay up late設(shè)計說明:在黑板上畫出一些好壞習(xí)慣的簡筆畫,既引入了課題,又引出了部分新單詞,且為后面的學(xué)習(xí)打下鋪墊。step 3 guidestudy 2a & 1a4 listen and read after the tape.5 t:my father li

7、kes smoking very much. do you think it is good for health? today maria and wang junfeng are reading an article about smoking in renai english post. do you know what the article says about smoking?6 listen to the tape and answer the questions.7 listen and read after the tape.8 explain the important p

8、oints:relax sb, cause cancer, give up doing sth.1 ask and answer:t: does your father smoke?ss: yes, he does.t: will you ask him to give up smoking?ss: yes, i will.t: will you smoke when you grow up?ss: no, i wont.t: ok, very good. smoking is bad for health. so we must not smoke, and we mustask our f

9、athers to give it up.設(shè)計說明:通過1a 部分的對話學(xué)習(xí)了吸煙的壞處后,給學(xué)生灌輸不吸煙保持健康的意識,及勸說周圍人養(yǎng)成不吸煙的好習(xí)慣。并從中引出 must 和 must not 的用法。study 1b9 write “must” and “must not” on the blackboard.10 use “must” and “must not” to say these sentences:we mustwash hands before meals. we must not throw the litter about.we must do morning ex

10、ercises. we must notread in the sun.2 let students practice dialogues like these:a: i often get up early. a: i often stay up late.b: oh, its a good habit. b: oh, its a bad habit.you must keep it on! you mustnot do it.a: ok, thank you! a: ok, i will give it up.設(shè)計說明:利用黑板上的短語結(jié)合must , must not 的用法,編對話,繼

11、續(xù)討論好壞習(xí)慣,在對話中讓學(xué)生親身體會到must 和must not 的用法,并鍛煉了他們從聽讀技能提高到寫和說的技能。這部分為本課的重點,讓學(xué)生先分組練習(xí),再請三四組學(xué)生上講臺前表演,教師以鼓勵為主。study 1c and 2b1. draw a picture of a school on the blackboard. talk about it with students.t: every school has its rules. they tell us about what must do, what must not do. lets look a picture and f

12、ind out what things we must not do. look at kitty, what is she doing?ss: she is walking on the lawn.t: must we do that?ss: no, we must not do it.t: yes, we must not walk on the lawn, and we can say “dont walk on the lawn”.show these signs: dont climb the tree.dont fly paper plane.dont drive around t

13、he school.dont bring the pets to school.2. let ss put the signs on the picture and tell others not to do them.3. learn 2b. listen, read and complete.設(shè)計說明:學(xué)習(xí)此部分我先在黑板上畫一幅學(xué)校的簡筆畫,類似于我們書上的畫,給予畫中人物名稱,讓學(xué)生討論他們能不能做圖中人物正在做的事情。接著讓學(xué)生把標有不能做的事情的標志貼在圖中對應(yīng)的位置。此部分不僅訓(xùn)練了學(xué)生的動口動手能力,也鍛煉了他們的觀察能力。step 4 evaluation workteach

14、er says: today we learnt what we can do, what we cant do and how to keep healthy. now, let me check whether you remember them. i read an article, if i am wrong, you must say “stop” and help me correct it, ok?text: im a school girl. every morning, i go to school without breakfast. sometimes i take my

15、 cat mimi to school. i have lunch at school, but i dont wash my hands before lunch. after lunch, i walk on the lawn.students correct: you must go to school with breakfast.you must not take your cat to school.you must wash your hands before lunch.you must not walk on the lawn.t: if you do these, and dont do those, youll be a good and health


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