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1、中小學高級職稱英語全英答辯題(一)1. The purpose of middle school English teaching is to improve the studentsfour skills of listening,Speaking,reading and writing,with the base of necessavy pnonetics. Large vocabulary and good grammar, but this is not the final purpose. The final purpose is to let sbudents to be abl

2、e to use the language. 2.比較規(guī)范的教學目標三例:The students can describe the differences between active voice and passive voice.The students can summarize the main idea of the text by careful reading The students will be able to find the main idea and important deatails of text by reading and discussing.教學難點范

3、列:How to identify the differences between present perfect Tense and Simple past Tense.3.如何布置英語作業(yè):assign(布置)Focus on students interest.Pay attentien to level of students.Pay attention to creative and variety 4. How to deal with textbook.Meet the curriculum standardsTo be based on teaching objectives.

4、To meet the students cognitiue rules /kognitiv/ 認知的Overall consideration. (通盤考慮)Close to the students life.Pay attention to details.How to deal with student-centred Teaching?Use various ways in class to make students confident.Teach the students some technigues,give them more chance to learn. Self-s

5、tudy habits are important.Encourage Ss to communicate with others by using what they have learned in this class.Cultivate Ss abilities of listening.Speaking, reading, writing and their good sense of the English language.We should try to understand the way they think.like them and respect them. Try t

6、o make friends with them.The purpose of reading is to get the correct and useful informatian. Students should hot only have a high speed of reading but also have a correct understanding of detailsDiscussion purpose: Train their ability of analysis and comprehension, and cultivate their spirit of coo

7、peration and benefit a lot in their spoken English.Studying ways:Observation-imitation-practice-production . In order to guide the Ss better and better develop the Ssabilities,the Ss will learn how to be a good language learner through the four steps above and how to communicate with others in this

8、lesson as good stydying ways are helpful for their lifelong study. purpose of Revision design: To review the old knowledge can make it easier for students to learn new knowledge. purpose of presentation design:This step is employed to make the Ss get the general idea of the target language.At the sa

9、me time let the Ss have a chance to practice their listening and spoken ability.purpose of listening practice:It gives Ss practive in understanding the target language in spoken conversations.purpose of pairwork design:Task-based teaching method is used here to develop Ssability of communication and

10、 also their ability of co-operation will be well trained.purpose of summary design: At the end of the class,We should help the Ss to summarize what we have learned in this lesson.purpose of Homework : It is necessary for the Ss to do same extensive exercises after class to consolidate the knowledge

11、they learned.10. 教材充分體現(xiàn)”以人為本”的科學發(fā)展觀,即面向全體又關注并體現(xiàn)學生的個體差異。(翻譯) It totally shows:people oriented principle of scientific outlook. Concern and reflect(體現(xiàn)) individual differences of students. We must face all students. The end of foreign language teaching is to cultivate the learners comprehensive(綜合) lan

12、guage application(應用) ability.It totally shows people-oriented prnciple of scientific outlook. We must face all students and concer and reflect individual differences of students.11.通用的Teaching keys and difficulties.The focus of this lesson is the new expressions and help the Ss to communicate with

13、tach other.The difficulty is to help the Ss make conversavions freely using the target language.Ability objects: Train the Ss listerning and speaking abilities and develop the Ss abilities of communication by learning the useful structures.12.student analysis-English learning for nearly 4 years.-Sop

14、histicated(富有經(jīng)驗的) enough to learn by themselves under the guide of teacher.reflect humanism 體現(xiàn)人文性To use the information gap (信息溝)to practice the target sentence structures.Learn to immigrate knowledge from “whats your name” to “whats his/her name?” Emotiond goals:Get the studemts realize the importa

15、mce of healthy dietGet the students to denelop the coopertive spirit.自我介紹: I hope I can make a good performance today. Im.Im 40.I graduated from Henan college of education. My major is English.After graduation I have worked in No2 middle school of Gongyi city. Im outgoing and open-minded.In my spare

16、 time, I have broad interests.Such as reading,sufing the internet,listening to music and even chatting with foreign friends online if possible. I like children very much. I think children are active, innocent and pure. With them,I feel very relaxed,plesant and younger. Teaching children English is v

17、ery interesting. But it is also challenging.Because children are always active, even sometimes very naughty.So teachers need a lot of patience to deal with children,The most importaut (that I have learned from my teaching experence) is that a teacher should have the mind that always want to go on le

18、aring. Teaching is a job at which are will never be perfect. I will try my best to be a good teacher.Can you name some ways to compliment or to praise students?directly tell the child that you are good!Praise him/her by clap their handsSend the child some small presents like.Let the good child to be

19、 a little teacher, take the class to read.In your opinion,what is a good teacher in English teaching?No matter what teacher,you should like staying with the children. You should be outgoing and open-minded.As an English teacher,only has the knowledge of English is not enough,you should have the mind

20、 that always wants to go on learning. To learn from the teachers have experience, to learn the teaching methools. To learn what the children really interest.You should be good at finding the advantage of every student, and use right way to praise them.To Raise the interest and good habits in studyin

21、g.In your class, if some studentsEnglish is very good,but others is very poor, what will you do?Find the reason why some students is good, some is poor. according to different reason, find the solution. no matter how, a teacher should be patient to every students, not judge by their scores.If the re

22、ason is some students think the lesson is too difficult. I think I should change the contents,set more basic exercises.If the reason is they dont like English, I should develop their interest.What are the good habits for kids to learn English?the good habits of listening/saying/reading/writing Raise

23、 the interest and good habits in studying.閱讀課procedure:Read the questions,then look over the article quickly with the questions.Dont forget to draw out the knowledge dont understand.Read it again and try to find out some expressions.Translate the article and check the answers.The three elements of t

24、he object clause:Connectives 2. the word order of declarative(陳述的)The response of Tense.簡稱: Guide words word order TenseThe relative pronouns: what,which,who,whose,whomThe relative adverbs: when, where,why, howThe subordinate conjunction: If/whether, that when a sentence is used as the object, we ca

25、ll it the object clause.Non-Finite verb 非謂語的詞。 How to prepare English lessons. In the context of new curriculum How to make English more effective中小學高級職稱英語全英答辯題(二)一、Boardwriting have the following functions:(板書的作用)1.Such, providing and listing the key teaching points duning the whole class. 2.Suppor

26、ting teaching with diagrams(圖表),tables(表格) and drawing; Outlining the whole teaching procedure; 3.Offering quick explanation of vocabulary items.4.Setting up a discussion or dialogue and helping summarize the classroom teaching.二Teaching reflection.(談談你對這堂課的教學反思) There are some weaknesses in my clas

27、s: firstly, time distribution(分配) is beyond my expectation. I should emphasize the key taskes and important points in every class and thus Set aside enough time for the studets. Secondly, blackboard design is not proper and I will perfect it next time, providing a concise (簡明的)structure of the class

28、.But I still have several good points, the majority of them take an active part in this class, Can finish most tasks in given tine.Under my guildance(指導), most students are able to cooperate with others and think autonomously(獨立自主的).三、如何才能備好課。Set up teaching aims. Choose teaching method .Design/writ

29、e out the teaching plans.Put plan in practice,adjust the process dynamically.Reflection after class. Look for more efficient methods.1.制定目標,選擇方法 寫出教案。2.課堂實施,動態(tài)調整。3.課堂反思,尋找改進方案。四、.Suggestions for Teaching and learning1. Create a relaxed, democratic and harmonions learning environment2. Use task-based

30、 learning methods to promote (促進)students comprehensive(綜合的;廣泛的)language competence.(能力)3.Provide increased guidance about learning strategies.4.Develop students awareness(意識)of and ability in crosscultural(跨文化;交流) cormmunication.5.Use modern teaching technology and expand(擴大)learning opportunities.

31、6. Organice lively and active extracurricular activities to promote studentsEnglish learning;7.Continue to develop professionally(專業(yè)的)8.Follow high freguency principles to ensure effective teaching and learning.Extracurricular(課外的,業(yè)余的)五、How to deal with vocabulary teaching?結合語境教詞匯利用語篇教學詞匯培養(yǎng)詞匯學習策略。分層

32、次,分階段處理生詞。According to the context.如We should use pictures,objects,backboard drawing,video ,actions to establish the relationship between context and new words, make Ss understand and strengthen memory.By using wordspatternarticle Develop Ss strategies of vocabulary learninga.Guess the meaing of the

33、 word according to the context.b . Momorize words according to word formation(構詞法)(word-builing).eg. Root-word.(詞根)c . Momorize words according to their pronunciation.d. Momorize new words according to mind mup.e. Look up the word in the dictionary.f. Compare some new words.總之,develop Ss the ability

34、 of thinking about questions in English.六、 whats the aim of phonetic teaching? (語音教學的目的) make Ss have the abilities.The lst is enable Ss to get the right pronunciation according to the words shape.The second is enable Ss to spell the new words according to its pronunciation.Firmly establish the cont

35、act between sound and form.be able to speak fluent and standard English.3.語音內容(content)Word stress intonation 語調 Read through phrase accent 句子重讀 Weak forms弱讀 lose blasting 失去 爆破 Pause 停頓 rhythm 節(jié)奏七、what should we pay attention to when we are teaching phonetics? Connect phonetic symbol teaching with

36、new words teaching將音標教學和單詞教學相結合。Encourage Ss to listen to more tapes to imitate(多讀錄音進行模仿)Use fun activities to do phonetic training ,如poem, declaim,songs,text dubbing,movie dubbing.利用趣味性的活動進行語音訓練。如,練歌 ,朗誦,歌曲,課文配音 電影配音等形式. 八、Grammar learming should be linked with contert and fumction. 九、初中英語語法教學該怎么做s

37、howing form and meaning through a situation understaund its structure and function.To use grammar during the interactive(互動的)activities.Create a situation. Set up some tasks.Let Ss use the language freely to do the real things in the course of finishing tasks.十Language acquisition (習得)refers to the

38、process where a language is acquired (獲得)as a result of natural and largely (大部分)randorm(隨機;隨意) exposure(暴露)to language. 十一、關于聽力的基本教學技巧:To help students leavn different listening skillings: listening for general idea, detailed listening, guessing and form night listening habit.十二、How to evaluate(評價)

39、 studentsperformances in the calss?1.I mainly evaluate the students through question , group discussions, and standard tests in class.2. Ord examination, listening comprehension and written examination are combined to investigate students language ability. 測試聽力和筆試相結合的方式,結合考察學生的語言運用能力。 十三、How to trig

40、ger students interest in reading?We should carefully select some interesting passage that must be close to the students life. For example, humorous stories,life commom sense and so onSecondly, design the leading-in of the new lesson carefully. Use a variety of forms to induct the new class, such an

41、questions. tell stories. watching the picture to predict the content of the article.Thirdly. Design a reading task carefully. Before reading, raise some questions associated with the text. The students begin to read with reading quesstions and tasks. This can inspire the students interest.十四、The pin

42、ciples of learning vocabulary presented in the syllabus are that words are not separate from sentences, sentences are not separate from essays(短文)十五、教學語法的目的: The purpose of teaching grammar. is to enable the students to use grammar as a tool for improving their listening, speaking, reading and writi

43、ng, reducing their blindness in practice and application and promoting (促進,提升)their correctness of language.十六、Procedure in Teaching Grammar.presenting new itews of GrammarPractising structuresReviewing the struture1.Fundamental state 狀況 十七、Students analysis 2. knoledge Reserve 儲備3.Class date. 本班實際十

44、八、Teaching steps:lead in warming-up. new points in put 中小學教師職稱評定英語全英答辯題(三)1.How to Teach pronunciationa 1.As a teacher, you must get some knowledge of phonetic rules Ask the students to follow and make use of the rules in your class.Besides your knowledge, you must use some techniques. Ask the stude

45、nts to follow the tape, not your reading. If possible,you can ask the students to listen to English programmes on the radioForm a habit of listening before reading. Imitate the native speakers, make sure the pronunciation of each word, imitate the intonation of each sentence, and then begin to read

46、bythemselves.You must allow some time for the students to read aloud. Check their pronunciation mistakes if any. 2.How to improve students listening ability1.First of all, as a teacher, you must use English as much as possible. 2.Emphasis the phonetic teaching, make every student have a perfect pron

47、unciation. Good pronunciation is important for their listening .3. Use various ways in class to make students confident in listening. From words, sentences to passages.4. Teach the students some techniques. Ask students to take notes when necessary.5. Give them enough listening practice3.How to Teac

48、h English GrammarTeaching children English grammar can be a hard task for two main reasons. First, English grammar rulers are quite different from Chinese. Second, learning all of these rules can be boring.However, teaching English grammar can be done like this.1. Find some sentences for the student

49、s to watch by themselvesAsk them to find the grammar rules, Don t tell them the rulesdirectly.2. Don t teach too many grammar rulers in one class. Ask themto grasp one or two rules in one class, and learn to use them.After a few days, teach them another.3. Give them more chances to use the rules. Wr

50、itten exercisesand spoken exercises are both efficiently. Don t make them dotoo many multiple choices.4. Ask Ss to read grammar books by themselves and then ask themto answer some questions next time, self-study habits areimportant in grammar teaching classes.4.How to teach new words1.Teach news wor

51、ds in a sentence, making them guess the meaning first, Sometimes you can use pictures, gestures to help you2. Ask them make sentences after the models. Grasp the usage is the most important.3. Ask them to compare the new words with the old words, let them remember them.4. Pay more attention to the s

52、pelling, or they Il be not able to write them in a composition5. Ask the students to follow you to read the news words until they have the correct pronunciation of the word.5.How are you going to give| essons to your students?你打算怎么樣給學生上課?I think i am going to use all kinds of materials that are avai

53、lable like CD player, pictures, word cards, TV, magazines, games ects in my lessons.I am going to use different teaching meathods to help children with different learning styles6.How are you going to keep your lessons interesting?如何將你的課上得有趣?I will try my best to use all the teaching methodologies.I

54、learned at school to teach each child. Stories, poems, riddles, jokes songs are all good for little kids. I wil! Have them practice English as a whole class, group work, pair work or independent work. Whatever works out for the children I will do it. There is never one way to success7.What is the di

55、fference between teaching students in elmentary school and in junior high school?你覺得教小學跟教中學生有什么不同?well, when teaching elmentary school kids a teacher has to be morepatient. He/she has to use lots of songs, games, body language to help student learn English. The forms of each lesson should be differe

56、ntTeaching junior high school kids is a little bit different. I can introduce some grammer. I can give them more written work and I can have more discussions with the children8.你教了幾年書?How long have you been teaching? I have been teaching for. 9.有教小學的經(jīng)驗嗎?Did you have any experiences teaching in eleme

57、ntary school/primary school? Yes, I did. Or No, I didnt. 10.能否示范一下?Can you demonstrate one lesson? Sure. If I teach days of the week, I will teach children a song: Sunday, Monday.(用twinkle twinkle little star 的tune) 11.英語學科答辯題目1.How can you deal with the new words in the reading lesson skillfully?2.

58、Can you tell me the differences between ESL and EFL?3.In your opinion, whats the best proportion of the teacherslanguage in an English lesson?4.Can you tell me the teachers roles in class activities?5.Input and output, which one is more important in language learning?6.What are students? And what ar

59、e teachers?7.What is language knowledge?8.What are language skills?9.Can you tell me some ways of leading-in a new lesson?10. Can you tell me some methods of English teaching and learning?11.What is the real meaning of “l(fā)iteracy”in senior English teaching and learning?12.Teaching and learning are th

60、e two sides of a corn. How do you think of it?13.“Reading makes a full man.”As a senior English teacher, how do you think of it?14.Tell me something about yourself professional improvement?15. How do you often do to help your students learn English out of school?16. What do AE, BE and CE stand for?1


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