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1、BOOK 4UNIT 1Ant Bird Cat DogElepha nt Frog GoatHorse In sect Jellyfish Kan garoo Lio n Monkey Nest con versati onCircle tria ngle square Recta ngle diam ond ovalHow many circles?1/2/34/5 circles.How many tria ngles?1/2/34/5 triangles.How many squares?1/2/34/5 squares.How many recta ngles?1/2/34/5 re

2、cta ngles.How many ovals?1/2/34/5 ovals.How many diam on ds? "2/34/5 diamo nds.SongShapesCircle, tria ngle, diam ond, square. Circle, tria ngle, diam ond, square. Find two alike, find two alike. Find two alike and make a pair. Oval, recta ngle, oval, recta ngle. Don't leave them out.Don'

3、;t leave them out. Find two alike, find two alike. Find two alike, scream and shout.Speak & act Let's count.On e/two/three/four. Let's draw. Circle.UNIT 2OoOtter, otter, in the lake. Otter, otter, swim and shake.PpPan da, pan da, black and white. Sleepy pan da, say good ni ght.Q qQuesti

4、on, questi on, an swer me. How many questi on s?1,2, 3.Con versati on Grapes, strawberries, cherries Oran ges, papayas木 瓜),peaches Look! Grapes (peaches ) Do you like grapes? Y es, I do.SongI like fruit!I like fruit!Y es, I do.They are sweet and good for you.I like fruit!Y es, I do.And I like fruit

5、more tha n you.No, you don't! Y es, I do!And I like fruit more tha n you.I like grapes! I do too.I like grapes more tha n you.No, you don't! Y es, I do!And I like grapes more tha n you.I like cherries! I do too.I like cherries more tha n you.No, you don't! Y es, I do!And I like cherries

6、more tha n you.Speak & actMore? Y es, please ./No, tha nk you.UNIT 3 R r Rice, rice, I like rice. Rice, rice, tastes so nice.S sSn ake, sn ake, run awa y. Never ever safe to pla y.T tTiger, tiger, orange and black. Tiger, tiger, com ing back.Con versati on Bathroom, dining room, bedroom Garage,

7、liv ing room, kitche n Where is kelsy?She is in the bathroom.Where is Cody?He is in the livi ng-room Where is Tippy?He is in the kitche n.Song (In my home)I take a bath in the bathroom.Where do you go to sleep?I go to sleep in the bedroom.Where do you watch TV?I watch TV in the livi ng room.Where do

8、 you cook your dinner?I cook my dinner in the kitche n.Where do you eat your dinner?I eat my dinner in the dining room. Where do you park your car?I park my car in the garage.Where is Peggy?She's in the dinin groom. I park my bike there, too.Where is Paulo?She is in the bedroom.Speak & actWh

9、ere is Dino?He is in the garage.Y es? May I come in? Come in, please.UNIT 4 U u Umbrella, umbrella, rai ny sky. Open an umbrella, keeps me dry.VvVegetable, vegetable, we must eat. Healthy, healthy, head to feet.WwWorm, worm, crawl all day. Here comes birdy! crawl away!Con versati onRabbit, turtle, g

10、uinea pig ( 豚鼠) Goldfish, bird, kitte nDo you have a pet, Kelsy? (Peggy/D ino/Cody/Paula) I have a rabbit.(bird/goldfish/turtle/gu inea pig)SongDo you have a pet?Do you have a pet? Y es, I do.I have a bird. She will sing for you.Do you have a pet? Y es, I do.I have a turtle. He is only two.Do you ha

11、ve a pet? Y es, I do.I have a kitte n, she hides in my shoe.Do you have a pet? Y es, I do.I have a rabbit. He has the flu.Do you have a pet? Y es, I do.I have a goldfish. Her n ame is Sue.Do you have a pet? Y es, I do.I have a guinea pig. He is feeli ng blue.Speak & actLook!Liste n!UNIT 5XxFox,

12、fox, run run run. Here comes farmer with a gun!YyY am(番 薯),yam, hot hot hot. We like yams a lot lot lot.Z zZipper, zipper, up and dow n. Keep your pants from falli ng dow n.Con versati onRide a bike, fly a kite, swim Rollerblade, jump rope, hit a ball Can you ride a bike.(swim/rollerblade/jump rope/

13、hit a ball) No, I ca n't.Y es, I ca n.SongLet's playFly a kite, fly a kite. I t's so fun. Up, up, up, up, up, up, to the sun. Ride a bike, ride a bike. Go so fast. Dow n the hill, dow n the hill.Don't be last.Hit a ball, hit a ball, hit so high.Take a swing, take a swing, watch it fly. I jump rop


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