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1、Whose jacket is this? 1.1. 表示所屬關(guān)系的新單詞有哪些?表示所屬關(guān)系的新單詞有哪些?2.2. 怎樣回答怎樣回答whosewhose引導(dǎo)的特殊疑問句?引導(dǎo)的特殊疑問句?3.3. 如何用物主代詞和名詞所有格表達(dá)物品的如何用物主代詞和名詞所有格表達(dá)物品的所屬關(guān)系?所屬關(guān)系?學(xué)習(xí)目標(biāo)學(xué)習(xí)目標(biāo)What color is his cap?ReviewIts orange.What color are your caps?Our caps are purple.What color is his coat?His coat is yellow.A: Is this your bag

2、, Jack?B: No, its not mine.A: Whose bag is it?B: Its Janes. A: Whose pen is this?B: Its my pen. /Its mine. A: Oh, the pen is yours. Here you are.B: Thank you.A: Whose ruler is this?B: Its not my ruler. Its her ruler. / Its hers. mine 我的我的yours 你的;你們的你的;你們的 hers 她的她的ours 我們的我們的theirs 他他/她她/它們的它們的 our

3、 我們的我們的their 他他/她她/它們的它們的 whose 誰的誰的 bike 自行車自行車 cat 貓貓 banana 香蕉香蕉 my your his her its our your their我我 你你 他他 她她 它它 我我 你你 他他/她她/它它的的 的的 的的 的的 的的 們們 們們 們們 的的 的的 的的形容詞性物主代詞形容詞性物主代詞名詞性物主代詞名詞性物主代詞mine yours his hers its ours yours theirsIs this your cap?Is this cap yours?=Oh, yes. Its mine. =Oh, yes. I

4、ts my cap.No, its not mine.=No, its not my cap.我的我的 mine = my + n.你的你的 yours = your + n.他的他的 his = his + n.她的她的 hers = her + n.它的它的 its = its + n.我們的我們的 ours = our + n.你們的你們的 yours = your + n.他們的他們的 theirs = their + n. 名詞性物主代詞名詞性物主代詞=形容詞性物主代詞形容詞性物主代詞+名詞名詞 Listen & Answer(影片影片)1. Is the cap Janes

5、?2. Whose cap is this? Listen & Answer(影片影片)1. Is the cap Janes?2. Whose cap is this? No, it isnt.Its Sallys.1. Read 1a together.2. Role play . PracticeGroup Work1. Make your own conversations according to 1a. A: Is this your? B: No, its not mine. A: Whose is it? B: Its .2. Some groups act it ou

6、t.2431Listen again and fill.1.A: _ toy car is this? B: Its _.Whosemine2.A: Is this your coat? B: _.Yes, it is3.A: Is this your cap? B: No, it isnt. Its _.hers4.A: Whose T-shirt is this? B: Its _.Kangkangs1.1. 表示所屬關(guān)系的新單詞有哪些?表示所屬關(guān)系的新單詞有哪些? 2. 2. 怎樣回答怎樣回答whosewhose引導(dǎo)的特殊疑問句?引導(dǎo)的特殊疑問句?3. 3. 如何用物主代詞和名詞所有格表

7、達(dá)物品的所如何用物主代詞和名詞所有格表達(dá)物品的所屬關(guān)系?屬關(guān)系?mine. yours, hers, ours, theirs, our, etc.根據(jù)實際情況作答,不能使用根據(jù)實際情況作答,不能使用“Yes”或或“No”回答?;卮稹?(1) Is this your cap? (2) No, its not mine. (3) Whose cap is it, then? (4) Its Sallys.Lets play a game.1234567891011 你會用物主代詞談?wù)撟约旱膶W(xué)習(xí)你會用物主代詞談?wù)撟约旱膶W(xué)習(xí)用品嗎?快來試試吧!用品嗎?快來試試吧!別忘了預(yù)習(xí)下一課哦!別忘了預(yù)習(xí)下一

8、課哦! This is _ (我的我的) pen. That is _ (你的你的).myyours填空題(填空題(2 points)填空題(填空題(3 points) This isnt _ (我的我的) book. _ (我的我的) is red. I think it is _ (她的她的).myMinehers填空題(填空題(2 points)This is _ (我們的我們的) teacher. That is _ (他們的他們的).ourtheirs填空題(填空題(2 points) _ (你們的你們的) bags are white. _ (我們的我們的) are green.

9、YourOurs Thats not _ schoolbag. _ is in the desk. A. his; His B. hers; Her C. yours; YouA選擇題(選擇題(2 points)選擇題(選擇題(2 points) Your photos are nice and _ nice, too. A. theirs is B. theirs are C. their areB選擇題(選擇題(1 point) _ dress is this? Its hers. A. Whose B. Whos C. WhoA讀單詞(讀單詞(1 point)mine 我的我的yours 你的;你們的你的;你們的 hers


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