



1、動詞-ing形式做狀語小結,(珍藏版)基本句型:動詞-ing形式(短語),主語+謂語+其他句子成分1 Not_(know ) my cellphone number, they couldn't get in touch with me . (由于)2Not_ _ (complete) the programme,they have to stay there for another two weeks .3_(hear) the news, they couldnt help jumping.= On _the news, they couldn't help jumping

2、 .聽到這個消息他們禁不住跳了起來.4 when _(leave) the station,he waved again and again to me .5 After_(turn) off the TV Set, he began to go over the lessons.關掉電視機以后,他便開始復習功課。6. He sat in the Chair _ (read) a newspaper.=He sat in the chair and _( read) a newspaper.7. The heavy snow lasted a week, _(result) in seriou

3、s trafficconfusion in the whole city.(-ing形式做結果狀語,放在句末表一種自然的結果)8_ (know)all this, they made me pay for the damage.9._ (work) hard at your lessons ,you will succeed.10 If you_ (work) hard at your lessons,you will succeed.11._(work) hard and you will succeed.12. A _(move)film ,a_( move) girlA_ ( run)

4、machine a _( steal) car.A_(develop) country a- (develop) country13.I don't like_(can) food,I Prefer something fresh .14._(hear) he won first place finally ,we all jumped with joy.15 China belongs to _ (develop) countries.China has no time to lose to catch up with the _(develop) countries.16 All

5、of the girls are _ in music.(interest)The story is very _.17. Mother heard the door_.Mother heard her kid_the door.(open)18 . I heard my brother _in the next room. I heard the song _in English. (sing)19. The news is really_.( excite)He got very_ when he heard that she won the gold medal.20. On_ ( re

6、ceive) a phone call from his wife_(say)she had a fall,Mr. Gordon immediately rushed home from his office.21._ (Find) the course very difficult ,she decided to move to a lower level.22 Lionel Messi,_(set)the record for the most goals in a calendar year, is considered the most talented football player

7、 in Europe .23.The sun began to rise in the sky,_ the mountain in golden light (bathe).24._( know) basic first-aid techniques will help you respond quickly to emergencies .25 With so much work_(fill) his mind ,he couldn't sleep well.26 He died suddenly , _(leave) his work unfinished.27. He hushe

8、d into the room,_(take) the book on the desk and_(rush) out.28.句型轉(zhuǎn)換After we had cleaned the rooms we began to weed the garden._ _the rooms we began to weed the garden.Because he was ill , he couldn't go to school._ _ , he couldn't go to school.Having been told Many times, he still didn't

9、 learn these rules by heart._ _ _ _ _many times, he still didn't learn these rules by heart.If time permits, I will come to see you._ _,I Will come to see You.Studying hard, you will pass the final exam._ _ _ _,you will pass the final exam._ _ _ you will pass the final exam.29 Tom, look at the _

10、(run) river. Is it beautiful?30_ (find) work is difficult these days in many countries.31 Have you found my _(sleep) bag?32 _(pass)a post office, I stopped to buy some stamps.33_(compare) with the size of the whole earth, the highest Moutain does not seem high at all.34_ (save) a little money, Jimmy

11、 was able to buy his mother a lovely new lamp.35 Ive never heard the word_ (use) in spoken English. 36 _(not Know) how to do my homework, I went to ask my teacher for help.37 Deeply_(move),I thanked her again and again.38 He went from door to door,_ (gather) waste papers and magazines.39 It is quite

12、 hot today. Do you feel like_ (go) for a swim?40. It rained heavily in the south,_ ( cause) serious flooding in several provinces.41. Not_(know) which university to attend,the girl asked her Teacher for advice .42. A small plane crashed into a hillside five miles east of the city, _(kill) all four p

13、eople on board.43. His lecture _ _ _ (give), a lively question-and-answer Session followed.44“ It's raining too heavily at this moment,” said the old man,_(look) out of the window.45. All those_(stand) at the desk , please come and sit here.46 Who was the man_(shake) hands with our English teach

14、er just now?47. Tom left home quite early,_(hope) he could catch the first bus.48 After lunch, she sat in the sun , with the dog_ (sleep) beside her.49. Not_ (know) what to do,we asked Mr. Smith for some advice.50_ (arrive) at the station, he found the train had left.51 _(turn) to the left at the cr

15、ossing ,you will find the shop you are looking for.52 We hope the new machine will work faster; thus_ (reduce) our costs.53He is thought to be a _(promise) actor. 54 _(stand) on the top of the mountain ,I could see the whole city.55 Not _(Know) her telephone number, we couldn't get in touch with

16、 her.56. I will never forget the_(smile) faces.57. He often carefully watched the doctors in the_ (operate) room.58_(return) from Boston, he found his home town greatly _(change).59. Look out for cars while _(cross) the street .60_ (notice) the house on fire, he dialed 119.61 Sit down, Emma, you wil

17、l only make yourself more _ (tire),_ (keep) on your feet.62. Do you wake up every morning_ ( feel) energetic and ready to start a new clay.63 With time _ (go) by I came to know I was wrong.64.Near the English coast, long lines of_(fish) boats sail to sea daily.65_(Come) to Hangzhou by train takes ab

18、out 16 hours.66. The doctor advised _(take) more exercise.67. This news is_(encourage).68 _(have) no interest in the topic, he didn't go to the lecture.69 The girl_ (stand) over there is my classmate.70_(drive) So fast,you will damage the car.71. The man_ (take) a walk on the playground is my un

19、cle.72. The plan_ (discuss) is about _( plant) trees in the garden.73 The girls _ (mend) the clothes are from the nearby villages.74._ (stand)on the top of the mountain, I found the houses below looked like tiny toys.75 _ _(Know) how to get there, I had to ask the way.76. They tried their best to sa

20、ve the_(die) man.77. The road is under construction, thus_ (cause) the delay.78. She sat at the desk_ (do) her homework.79. Even if _ (take)a taxi, I will be late for the meeting. Even if _ _ (take)a taxi, I was late for the meeting.80. _(use) his hybrid rice, farmers are producing harvests twice as

21、 _(large) as before.1 Knowing 2 Not having completed 3 Hearing(hearing) 4 leaving 5 turning 6reading(read) 7 resulting 8 Knowing 9Working 10 work 11Work 12 moving moved running stolen developing developed 13canned 14Hearing 15 developing developed 16 interested interesting 17 opened 18 opening 19 exciting excited20 receiving saying 21 Finding 22 having setting 23bathing 24 Knowing 25 filling26leaving 27 took rushed 28Having cleaning Being


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