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1、(試卷類型:17)I. VocabularyDirections: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence thereare four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completesthe sentence and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.1. We go out for dinner a couple of times a month. Sometimes

2、we _ a movie.(28課) A. take in B. keep down C. take over D. take after2. The modern 7-inch long pencil can draw a line 35 miles in_(44課) A. gap B. interval C. length D. distance3. A university is an educational institution which awards degrees and _ research. A. carries out B. carries off C. carries

3、about D. carries for4. The captain of the ship _ the passengers that there was no danger. A. confined B. insisted C. ensured D. assured5. The speaker is the person who _ a speech transaction.(9課) A. initial B. initiates C. initiatives D. initiation6. Never one to _ second best, John tried his best t

4、o solve the problem. A. admit B. accept C. convince D. receive7. The Atlantic hydrographic chart is being _ continuously; even as we speak submarines are charting the Arctic basin under the ice.(55課) A. rehearsed B. revised C. renewed D. retiled8. The suppliers undoubtedly will get rich at the _ of

5、the customers.(45課) A. expanse B. spend C. warrant D. expense9. When all the present oilfields are_ , its is possible that the North Pole may become the scene of oil activity.(46課) A. exhibited B. exhausted C. exploited D. exposed10. The man _ that most poets and scientists are male.(36課) A. deal wi

6、th B. point out C. hold up D. hand on11.Whereas outside the USA, Coke tends to be a young person's drink, inside the USA anybody of any age can drink it on any_ without embarrassment.(17課) A. choice B. occasion C. occupation D. occurrence12. The waiters will refill your coffee cup several times

7、for no extra_(17) A. expand B. offer C. price D. charge13. A professional degree will _ an average annual income of about twice that of college graduates.(45課) A. feel like B. result in C. hold on D. keep to14. That caves of Altamira, which were _ in northern Spain, contain interesting paintings by

8、early cave dwellers. A. found B. invented C. discovered D. created15. A green building is _ to have reduced its environmental impact by 60% compared with an equivalent conventional building.(60課) A. established B. estimated C. computed D. counter16. If you do not know the subject, you will not under

9、stand what is said or written, even if English is your mother _ what is said or written A. speaking B. language C. saying D. tongue17. You will find the figure of a conqueror or a general on all the highest _ in the great cities of the world.(29課) A. pillows B. pillars C. columns D. plugs18. Persona

10、l worth and self-esteem is the basis of a good _ health.(33課) A. physical B. mental C. practical D. natural19. If you suspect that the illness might be serious you should not _ going to the doctor.( 大綱模擬試題四詞匯第19題) A. put off B. hold back C. put aside D. hold up20. You'll have to buy some new sho

11、es as these are _(模擬試題三詞匯第3題) A. used up B. wasted away C. broken down D. worn outII. Grammatical StructureDirections: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence thereare four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completesthe sentence and mark your ans

12、wer on the Answer Sheet.21. I could see from his face that he_ bad news. A. had received B. receives C. received D. has received22. The peasants _ their land. A. deprived B. were deprived C. deprived of D. were deprived of23. He failed his exam, _ proved that he wasn't working hard enough. A. wh

13、at B. which C. this D. of which24. So frightened _ in darkness that she did not dare to move an inch. A. was the girl B. the girl was C. such a girl was D. that the girl was25. An Olympic Marathon is 26 miles and 385 yards, approximately_ from Marathon to Athens. A. the distance B. distance C. the d

14、istance is D. is the distance26. All flights _ because of the heavy storm, we decided to take the train.(來自2009年GCT考試英語模擬試題一) A. having canceled B. being canceled C. having been canceled D. canceled27. He preferred not to_ with that group. A. identifying B. identify himself C. identify D. being iden

15、tified himself28. He speaks English, but not _ his sister does. A. as good as B. as well like C. so well as D. like well as29. My grandma noticed that the girl _ a short-sleeved dress, so she gave the girl a new sweater.(52課) A. was worn B. was wearing C. wears D. wearing30. Though in New York, Pete

16、r had always preferred to record the plain facts of small town life. A. raised B. was raise C. raising D. raises31. She walked softly _ make any noise. A. as to B. not to C. not so as to D. so as not to32. It's no use_ me. I don't know more than you do. A. in asking B. asking C. for me to as

17、k D. you ask33. We've bought a new house. We'll move in soon and we need to buy _ furniture. A. some other B. another C. other D. others34. Please have your doctor _ that prescription. A. signed B. to sign C. signing D. sign35. A biologist does not merely describe organisms, but tries to lea

18、rn _ act as they do. A. what to cause them B. what cause to them C. what causes them to D. causes them to what36. "Has he come back? . Yes, he _ back for three days. A. has come B. had come C. is D. has been37. Ecology, _ the relationships between organisms and their environments, is also impor

19、tant in petroleum geology.(32課) A. the study of B. it study C. that study D. studying38. If all the continents and mountains were bulldozed flat, the earth _ covered by water.(55課) A. would be B. would have been C. would had been D. would been39. Those _ have six or more close friends are likely to

20、describe themselves as "very happy".(50課) A. who B. whose C. which D. they40. Some habits of_ are incompatible with good health. A. my husband B. my husbands' C. my husband's D. my husbands出自課文 56.Why Antarctica Is Being Explored 為什么要勘探南極洲 and use. The Antarctica treaty applies to

21、all areas (the high seas excepted) below latitude 60 degrees south. This line, running around the globe some 2,000 miles from the South Pole itself, just misses the lower tip of South America, and is well below the Cape of Good Hope and New Zealand. There are a number of small islands between this l

22、ine and the Antarctic continent, but the waters here are known to mariners as "the screaming Sixties" because there is so little obstruction to the world-circling winds. In contrast, in the northern hemisphere, the lands lying above the sixtieth parallel of latitude include much of Scandin

23、avia, Siberia and Alaska, all of Greenland and Iceland, with a total population of several million. Great mountains help subdue the winds; a spur of the Gulf Stream and part of the Japan Current temper the frigid airs of this polar region. This, and the presence of the Arctic Ocean in the center of

24、the great land mass, give the area a markedly different conformation and climate from that around the opposite pole. Antarctica seems a vast basin of rock, filled and overflowing with a load of ice. In the heart of the continent it is almost as high as the summits of the Alps, yet soundings show tha

25、t in some places the rock floor is below sea level. Actually, the ice accumulation is less than it was perhaps 1,000 years ago. Its seaward flow is not so voluminous as it once was, and as a result there are patches of bare rock here and there along the coast and inland. They were scoured clear of s

26、oil ages ago, but one may sometimes find moss or lichens growing, though virtually no flowering plants.41. Unlike the North Pole, the South Pole is A. not fixed in one position B. the same as the South Magnetic Pole C. on land covered with ice D. on water42. The large area in the southern hemisphere

27、 is taken up by A. the major part of South America B. oceans C. Australia D. Africa43. The makers of the Antarctic Treaty clearly wanted to A. prevent the Russians from settling in Antarctica B. prevent possession or control by any nation C. conserve its natural resources D. insure the safety of the

28、 natives of Antarctica44. Land animals on the Antarctic continent A. are insects only B. are relics of the prehistoric past C. are fur-bearing animals and cold-blooded D. exist only in the fossil stateQuestions 45 to 48 are based on the following passage:出自課本11.Smoking and Cancer吸煙和癌 Americans smoke

29、 six thousand million cigarettes every year (1970 figures). This is roughly the equivalent of 4,195 cigarettes a year for every person in the country of 18 years of age or more. It is estimated that 51% of American men smoke compared with 34% of American women. Since 1939, numerous scientific studie

30、s have been conducted to determine whether smoking is a health hazard. Research teams have conducted studies that show beyond all reasonable doubt that tobacco smoking, particularly cigarette smoking is associated with a shortened life expectancy. Cigarette smoking is believed by most research worke

31、rs in this field to be an important factor in the development of cancer of the lungs and cancer of the throat. Male cigarette smokers have a higher death rate from heart disease than non-smoking males. (Female smokers are thought to be less affected because they do not breathe in the smoke so deeply

32、.) The majority of doctors and researchers consider these relationships proved their point and say, "Give up smoking. If you don't smoke-don't start!" Some doctors and research workers-though their small number is decreased even further-are less sure of the effect of cigarette smok

33、ing on health. They consider the increase in respiratory diseases and various forms of cancer may possibly be explained by other factors in the human environment-atmospheric pollution, increased nervous stress, chemical substance in processed food, or chemical pesticides that are now being used by f

34、armers in large quantities to destroy insects and small animals. Smokers who develop cancer or lung diseases, they say, may also, by coincidence, live in industrial areas or eat more canned food. Gradually, however, research is isolating all other possible factors and proving them to be statisticall

35、y irrelevant. Apart from the scientific statistics, it might be helpful to look at what smoking tobacco actually does to the human body. Smoke is a mixture of gases, vaporized chemicals, small particles of ash, and other solids. There is also nicotine, which is a powerful poison, and black tar. As t

36、he smoke is breathed in, all these components form deposits on the membranes of the lungs. One point of concentration is where the air tube, or bronchus, divides. Most lung cancer begins at this point. Smoking also affects the heart and blood vessels. It is known to be related to Beurger's disea

37、se, a narrowing of the small vessels in the hands and feet that can cause great pain and lead even to the amputation of limbs. While all tobacco smoking affects life and expectancy and health, cigarette smoking appears to have a much greater effect than cigar or pipe smoking. However, nicotine consu

38、mption is not decreased by the latter forms, and current research shows a causal relationship between all forms of smoking and cancer of the mouth and throat. Filters and low tar tobacco are claimed to make smoking to some extent safer, but they can only reduce, not eliminate the hazards.45. What ca

39、n we mainly get from the passage? A. Smoking is harmful to health. B. Women smokers are healthier than men smokers. C. The increased diseases have something to do with pollution. D. Smoking cigarettes is more harmful than smoking pipes.46. Cigarette smoking is believed by doctors to _ A. reduce nerv

40、ous stress B. causes lung and throat cancer C. make life shorter but exciting D. broaden the blood vessels47. Women smokers have a lower death rate than men smokers because _ A. women smoke light cigarettes B. women smoke less cigarettes C. women's bodies can prevent nicotine D. women don't

41、breathe in the smoke so deeply48. What is Beurger's disease? A. It is a kind of lung cancer. B. It happens in the hands and feet. C. It happens in the heart while smoking D. It is a kind of throat disease.Questions 49 to 52 are based on the following passage:(課外文章) From National to International

42、Do you have what it takes? It's our job to help you make that leap.The world is waiting. Are you ready? Is your small business ready to make that next step and expand abroad? A recent survey estimates that up to 40% of all small businesses are intending to do just that. Is your business making u

43、p this 40%? Making that move and expanding into the international market requires a different approach from the one you're used to. On a national level, it is often enough to sell the right products at the right price. Failure to adopt a different sales approach on the international market can o

44、ften lead to failure as international customers expect different things. This is where we come in. The right knowledge and the right preparation can make all the difference on the international level.The main aspects of the program we offer are: 1. How can weaknesses be identified and reduced? 2. Ho

45、w are cultural differences handled in the business world? 3. In-depth knowledge of district law, how does it help? 4. How can we target the right kind of international customers and how can wefinance this bigger, more complicated international operation? 5. What can be done to create a foolproof bus

46、iness plan?Cost of the course:$2,000 per person. If 4 or more people apply from the same company, thendiscounts can be arranged. Course times can be changed to accommodate your employees' schedule. This course is fully accredited by some top level colleges and universities.49. Who will most like

47、ly benefit from this course? A. Anybody not interested in business administration B. A small international business manager C. An individual running a small company D. Any owner of an international business hoping to go domestic50. Why is there a danger of an international business failure? A. The p

48、rice of shipping is too high. B. It takes too long to deliver products. C. International customers do not speak the same language. D. The business owner cannot understand the local market.51. What is NOT listed in the advertised program? A. How to pay the international workforce B. The best way to s

49、tudy international law C. Cultural diversities that must be known exactly D. What we should learn from our deficiencies52. What is the main advantage of participating in this study program? A. International travel B. Fixed schedule for the employees C. The availability of discounts of 20% D. Credits

50、 that can be transferred to university coursesQuestions 53 to 56 are based on the following passage:(課外文章) With the widespread and still growing use of personal computers, typing has become an indispensable part of our ordinary lives. As a result, many users now find they can't write even famili

51、ar words though they can type them quickly and correctly on a computer keyboard. To make matters worse, some people even forget how to write at all. Currently, 90 percent of students in America, a nation which has completely adapted to everyday use of computers and the Internet, are unable to write

52、properly and clearly because they have been typing onto keyboards since early childhood. Many younger teachers also have trouble writing clearly on blackboard. A university student never imagined that he would lose the chance to get his first job because of his handwriting problem. Another student,

53、for fear that she wouldn't be able to write well when doing the test papers for the university entrance examination, quit using a computer for two months before the exam. "It is not surprising," an expert of psychological medicine said. "The occurrence can be attributed to several

54、 factors. Firstly, it's the result of social developments and the work needs of constant computer use. Secondly, it relates to introverted(內(nèi)向的) personal character and lack of self-control abilities especially for those students who indulge in playing computer games." Experts also think that

55、 many activities on computers make people's thoughts simplified, which also affects their lives in other aspects, such as how they communicate with others and the way they think. Writing can strengthen human body's functions in psychology and physiology, which cannot be substituted by typing

56、 into a computer. Relevant research indicates that inscribing or drawing something on paper can leave a deep impression in the language processing areas of the central nervous system in the brain. This process does not occur when typing on a computer. Experts' tips are arranging work time well and paying particular attention to not working in front of the screen for long periods of time and trying to read books and writing d


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