2013屆高考英語二輪復(fù)習(xí)熱點專題訓(xùn)練 語法單選題系列15_第1頁
2013屆高考英語二輪復(fù)習(xí)熱點專題訓(xùn)練 語法單選題系列15_第2頁
2013屆高考英語二輪復(fù)習(xí)熱點專題訓(xùn)練 語法單選題系列15_第3頁
2013屆高考英語二輪復(fù)習(xí)熱點專題訓(xùn)練 語法單選題系列15_第4頁
2013屆高考英語二輪復(fù)習(xí)熱點專題訓(xùn)練 語法單選題系列15_第5頁




1、2013屆高考英語二輪復(fù)習(xí)熱點專題訓(xùn)練:語法單選題系列151The food in England is strange at first but you will soon _ it.A. adjust with B. adapt for C. get used to D. fit in【答案】【解析】短語辨析。短語不成立;C習(xí)慣于;D適應(yīng);結(jié)合句意 可知C正確。句意:起初英國的食物很奇怪,但是你很快就會適應(yīng)。2The book which _ at the end of last year turned out to be a great success in Shanghai.A. ca

2、me about B. came across C. came out D. came up【答案】【解析】短語辨析。產(chǎn)生;遇見;出版,發(fā)行;出來;走進,出現(xiàn);結(jié)合句意可知正確。句意:在上海去年年底出版的那本書結(jié)果非常成功。3Many Chinese universities provide scholarships for students _ financial aid.A. in favor of B. in honor of C. in face of D. in need of【答案】【解析】介詞辨析。支持;紀念;面對;需要;結(jié)合句意可知正確。句意:很多中國的大學(xué)給那些需要經(jīng)濟支持的

3、學(xué)生提供獎學(xué)金。4Paula_ a special mention for all the donations he had _. A. purchased; gave B. urged; did C. deserved; made D. occupied; made【答案】【解析】動詞辨析。Purchase購買;urge催促;deserve應(yīng)得;occupy占據(jù);固定詞組make donations捐助;結(jié)合句意可知C正確。句意:因為他所作出的捐助,Paula應(yīng)該得到特別的關(guān)注。5While abroad, youll have to ask your host family for thi

4、ngs you dont know the English _.A. of B. for C. with D. to 【答案】【解析】考察介詞。句意:在國外的時候,你不得不向你的住宿家庭詢問用英語怎么說的東西。6- Our new house was completely in_ mess after the party was over. - Dont worry. We can clean it by_ means of our robot.A. a; / B. the; the C. the; / D. a; the 【答案】A【解析】考察固定冠詞用法。In a mess混亂;by me

5、ans of用方法;結(jié)合句意可知A正確。句意:聚會以后我們的新房子一片混亂。不要擔(dān)心,我們將會用機器人來打掃房間。7It is the educational system, rather than the teachers, _ is to blame for the students heavy burden nowadays. A. who B. this C. that D. whom【答案】C【解析】考察強調(diào)句型。強調(diào)句型的基本結(jié)構(gòu):it is/was被強調(diào)成分who/that其它成分;強調(diào)句型的最大特點是把it is/wasthat/who去掉,句子仍然成立。8Film has a

6、 much shorter history, especially when _ such art forms as music and painting. A. having compared to B. comparing with C. compare with D. compared with【答案】D【解析】考察非謂語動詞用法。本題是compare A with B把A與B相比; 動詞compare與film構(gòu)成被動關(guān)系,使用過去分詞來表示。句意:電影的歷史比較短,尤其是與音樂和美術(shù)相比。9- Did he come back early last night? - Yes. It

7、was not yet eight oclock _ he arrived home. A. when B. that C. before D. until【答案】A【解析】考察狀語從句。When引導(dǎo)的是時間狀語從句,根據(jù)句意:昨天晚上他回家很早嗎?是的!當(dāng)他到家的時候,還沒有到8點。10After a few days together, they got to the point _ they could read each others thought. A. which B. that C. where D. when【答案】C【解析】考察定語從句。當(dāng)先行詞是point,且定語從句中使

8、用關(guān)系副詞的時候,使用where,結(jié)合句意可知C正確。句意:在一起呆了幾天以后,他們到了能相互理解對方的思想的地步。11_ I want to know, sir, is whether you have any goods in that bag _ I should know about. A. What; that B. What; what C. That; what D. That; where【答案】A【解析】考察名詞性從句和定語從句。第一空What引導(dǎo)主語從句what I want to know,且在句中作賓語。第二空的定語從句的關(guān)系代詞that指代bag作為know abou

9、t的賓語。12The rate of racial progress varies in different areas of the country, but in the past ten years _ more improvement. A. there is B. it is C. there have been D. there has been【答案】D【解析】考察時態(tài)。In the past ten years與現(xiàn)在完成時連用,結(jié)合句意可知D正確。句意:在過去十年中,已經(jīng)有了更多的進步。13All the settlers nearby demanded that the ni

10、ghtclub _ away as soon as possible because of the loud noise at night. A. must be moved B. might be moved C. should move D. be moved【答案】D【解析】考察虛擬語氣。Demand后面的賓語從句使用虛擬語氣should+動詞原形;should 可以省略。且本題使用被動語態(tài)。故D正確。14When you are done with the book, just give it to Lucy or Helen or _. A. wherever B. whoever

11、C. whatever D. however【答案】B【解析】考察賓語。作為介詞to的賓語,因為Lucy,Helen都是指人,所以用whoever.15This restaurant wasnt _ that other restaurant we went to. A. half as good as B. as half good as C. as good as half D. good as half as【答案】A【解析】考察倍數(shù)表達法。倍數(shù)表達法:倍數(shù) as 形容詞/副詞夫人原級 as;本題的half就是倍數(shù),故A正確。句意:這家餐廳不如我去的其他餐廳那么好。16Its said

12、that in the sea the fisherman caught a big fish _. A. alive B. lively C. live D. living【答案】A【解析】形容詞辨析。Alive活在的;作為表語或者補足語,不能做定語。Lively生動的,活潑的;live活著的(形容動物);living活著的;本題的alive作為補足語。17He is often listened _ English songs, but this time we had him _ a Russian song. A. to to sing; sing B. to sing; to sin

13、g C. sing; to sing D. sing; sing【答案】A【解析】考察固定結(jié)構(gòu)。Listen to sb (to) do sth聽見某人做某事;to可以省略,但是變成被動語態(tài)的時候to要加上去。Have sb do sth讓某人做某事;結(jié)合句意可知A正確。句意:他堅持被聽見唱英文歌曲,但是這個時候我們是讓他聽俄語歌曲。18Five years later, he returned home, his character greatly _. A. changed B. changing C. having changed D. was changed【答案】A【解析】考察獨立主

14、格結(jié)構(gòu)。因為在兩部分之間沒有連詞,說明后一部分不可能是句子。如果是句子,需要有連詞連接。則使用獨立主格結(jié)構(gòu)his changes greatly changed.因為changes與change構(gòu)成被動關(guān)系,則使用過去分詞的形式。故A正確。19 Victor apologized for _ to inform me of the change in the plane. A. his being not able B. him not to be able C. his not being able D. him to be not able【答案】C【解析】考察動名詞復(fù)合結(jié)構(gòu)。For是介詞

15、,后面要接動名詞,本題是動名詞的復(fù)合結(jié)構(gòu),所有格+動名詞,其否定形式是在動名詞前面加not,故C正確。句意:Victor為他沒有告知我飛機的改變而向我道歉。20All the people present agreed that the matter required _. A. to look into B. being looked into C. to be looked D. looking into【答案】D【解析】考察固定結(jié)構(gòu)。Sth require doing/to be done某事需要被做;結(jié)合句意可知D正確。句意:在場的所有人都同意這件事情需要進一步調(diào)查。21 For so

16、me time, Chinese people, under the leadership of CPC, _ the contents of the Scientific Development Concept in the course of practicing socialism in China. A. had been improving B. have been improving C. were improving D. improved【答案】B 【解析】考察時態(tài)。根據(jù)句意可知是指中國人們一直在豐富這科學(xué)發(fā)展觀的內(nèi)容,故使用現(xiàn)在完成進行時,表示一直在發(fā)生的事情。句意:一直以來

17、在中國共產(chǎn)黨的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)下,中國人民一直在實踐中國特色的社會主義道路上豐富著科學(xué)發(fā)展觀的內(nèi)容。22He is afraid to face the difficulty he thinks hell have _ the driving test tomorrow; he finds it difficult _ rid of the worries. A. passed; got B. passing; to get C. to pass; getting D. in passing; in getting【答案】B【解析】考察固定句型;第一空是have some difficulty in do

18、ing sth做某事有可能的結(jié)構(gòu)。定語從句hell have _ the driving test tomorrow修飾先行詞the difficulty。第二空前的it是形式賓語,真正的賓語是不定式to get rid of the worries.結(jié)合句意可知B正確。23Nick is looking for another job because he feels that nothing he does _ his boss. A. serves B. satisfies C. promises D. Supports【答案】B【解析】動詞辨析。A服務(wù),服役;B使.滿意;C允諾;D支持

19、;結(jié)合句意可知B正確。句意:Nick正在找另外一份工作,因為他發(fā)現(xiàn)做的任何事情都不能讓老板滿意。24Tuesday being _ windy, cold day in Beijing, the President tours _ Forbidden City in Beijing, wearing _ blue shirt with no tie and a casual leather jacket.A. a; the; the B. a; /; a C. /; /; a D. a; the; a【答案】D【解析】考察冠詞。第一空泛指一個有風(fēng)的,寒冷的一天。The Forbidden Ci

20、ty紫禁城是專有名詞,也是一個固定名詞詞組。第三空泛指一件藍色的襯衫。故D正確。25_ while writing, he locked himself in his study.ANot to interrupt BNot being interrupted CNot to be interrupted DBeing not interrupted【答案】C【解析】考察不定式做目的狀語。不定式的否定式是在前面直接加not;結(jié)合句意可知C正確。句意:為了在寫作時不被打擾,他把自己鎖在了書房里。26The incomes of skilled workers went up. _, unskil

21、led workers saw their earnings fall.A. Moreover B. Therefore C. Meanwhile D. Otherwise【答案】C【解析】副詞辨析。A而且;B因此;C于此同時;D否則,要不然;結(jié)合句意可知C正確。句意:熟練工人的工資上漲了,同時不熟練的工人的工資下降了。27The further falling of the stock market as reported today has _ a fresh wave of selling.Agiven off Bset off Cput off Dgot off【答案】B【解析】詞義辨析。A發(fā)出;B引起;C推遲;D下車;結(jié)合句意可知B正確。句意;像今天這樣的進一步股票下跌已經(jīng)引起了拋售的浪潮。28In the current situation, _ the dollar goes above 1.85 reai


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