1、Project Management Focus AreasProject Plan DevelopmentOverall Change ControlProject Plan ExecutionIntegration ScopeScope VerificationScope DefinitionScope PlanningScope Change ControlTimeProcurement PlanningRisk IdentificationComm PlanningOrganizational PlanningQuality PlanningActivity DefinitionSch
2、edule ControlSchedule DevelopmentActivity Duration EstimationActivity SequencingCostQualityHuman ResourceCommun-icationsRiskProcure-mentResource PlanningCost ControlCost EstimatingCost BudgetingQuality ControlQuality AssuranceTeam DevelopmentStaff AcquisitionAdministrativeClosurePerformance Reportin
3、gInformation DistributionRisk QuantificationRisk Response DevelopmentRisk Response ControlSoliciation PlanningSoliciationSource SelectionContract AdministrationContract CloseoutInitiationExecuting ProcessControlling ProcessPlanning ProcessInitiating ProcessClosing ProcessInitiationScope PlanningScop
4、e DefinitionActivity DefinitionResource PlanningActivity SequencingActivity Duration EstimationCost EstimatingSchedule DevelopmentCost BudgetingProject Plan DevelopmentProject Plan ExecutionPerformance ReportingAdministrativeClosureOverall Change ControlContract CloseoutInitiatingPlanningExecutingCo
5、ntrollingClosingcorefacilitatingScope Change ControlSchedule ControlCost ControlQuality ControlRisk Response ControlQuality PlanningComm PlanningRisk IdentificationRisk QuantificationRisk Response DevelopmentProcurement PlanningSoliciation PlanningOrganizational PlanningStaff AcquisitionInformation
6、DistributionTeam DevelopmentQuality AssuranceScope VerificationSoliciationSource SelectionContract AdministrationInitiatingPlanningExecutingControllingClosingProject Management Processes GroupsInitiationProject Plan ExecutionPerformance ReportingAdministrativeClosureOverall Change ControlContract Cl
7、oseoutInitiatingExecutingControllingClosingProject CharterProject Mgr IDd/AssignedConstraints / AssumptionsScope PlanningScope DefinitionActivity DefinitionResource PlanningActivity SequencingActivity Duration EstimationCost EstimatingSchedule DevelopmentCost BudgetingProject Plan DevelopmentPlannin
8、gCoreScope StatementSupporting DetailScope Mgmt PlanWBSActivity ListSupporting DetailWBS UpdatesProject Network DiagramActivity List UpdatesActivity Duration EstimatesBasis of EstimatesActivitly List UpdatesProject ScheduleSupporting DetailSchedule Mgmt PlanResource ReqmtsUpdatesResource Requirement
9、sCost EstimatesSupporting DetailCost Mgmt PlanCost BaselineProject PlanSupporting DetailWork ResultsChange RequestsPerformance ReportsChange RequestsProject ArchivesFormal AcceptanceLessons LearnedContract FileFormal Acceptance & ClosureProject Management Processes GroupsScope ChangesCorrective
10、ActionLessons LearnedInitiatingPlanningExecutingControllingScope Change ControlSchedule ControlCost ControlQuality ControlRisk Response ControlQuality PlanningComm PlanningRisk IdentificationRisk QuantificationRisk Response DevelopmentProcurement PlanningSoliciation PlanningOrganizational PlanningSt
11、aff AcquisitionInformation DistributionTeam DevelopmentQuality AssuranceScope VerificationSoliciationSource SelectionContract AdministrationFacilitatingRevised Cost EstimatesBudget UpdatesCorrective Action PlanEstimate at CompletionLessons LearnedClosingProposalsProcurement Mgmt PlanStatement(s) of
12、WorkProcurement DocumentsEvaluation CriteriaStatement(s) of Work UpdatesContractCorrespondenceContract ChangesPayments RequestsCommun Mgmt PlanProject RecordsPerformance ImprovementsInput to Performance AppraisalsRole/Respons AssignmentsStaffing Mgmt PlanOrganization ChartSupporting DetailProject st
13、aff assignedProject team directorySources of RiskPotential RiskEventsRisk SymptomsInputs to other processesOpportunities to PursueThreats to Respond toOpportunities to IgnoreThreats to AcceptRisk Mgmt PlanInputs to other processesContingency PlansReservesContractual AgreementsCorrective Action PlanU
14、pdates to Risk Mgmt PlanQuality ImprovementAcceptance DecisionsReworkCompleted ChecklistsProcess AdjustmentsQuality ImprovementsQuality Mgmt PlanOperational DefnChecklistsInputs to other processesSchedule UpdatesCorrective ActionLessons LearnedFormal AcceptanceProject Management Processes Groups Sco
15、pe ChangesCorrective ActionLessons LearnedInitiatingPlanningExecutingControllingScope Change ControlSchedule ControlCost ControlQuality ControlRisk Response ControlQuality PlanningComm PlanningRisk IdentificationRisk QuantificationRisk Response DevelopmentProcurement PlanningSoliciation PlanningOrga
16、nizational PlanningStaff AcquisitionInformation DistributionTeam DevelopmentQuality AssuranceScope VerificationSoliciationSource SelectionContract AdministrationFacilitatingRevised Cost EstimatesBudget UpdatesCorrective Action PlanEstimate at CompletionLessons LearnedClosingProposalsProcurement Mgmt
17、 PlanStatement(s) of WorkProcurement DocumentsEvaluation CriteriaStatement(s) of Work UpdatesContractCorrespondenceContract ChangesPayments RequestsCommun Mgmt PlanProject RecordsPerformance ImprovementsInput to Performance AppraisalsRole/Respons AssignmentsStaffing Mgmt PlanOrganization ChartSuppor
18、ting DetailProject staff assignedProject team directorySources of RiskPotential RiskEventsRisk SymptomsInputs to other processesOpportunities to PursueThreats to Respond toOpportunities to IgnoreThreats to AcceptRisk Mgmt PlanInputs to other processesContingency PlansReservesContractual AgreementsCo
19、rrective Action PlanUpdates to Risk Mgmt PlanQuality ImprovementAcceptance DecisionsReworkCompleted ChecklistsProcess AdjustmentsQuality ImprovementsQuality Mgmt PlanOperational DefnChecklistsInputs to other processesSchedule UpdatesCorrective ActionLessons LearnedFormal AcceptanceProject Management
20、 Processes Groups Project Life CycleCONCEPTPHASETERMINATIONCLOSE-OUTPHASEIMPLEMENTATIONEXECUTION PHASEDEVELOPMENTPLANNINGPHASEGather dataIdentify needs & alternatives Establish goals, feasibility, risk, strategyGuessitimate resourcesPresent proposalDevelop Project CharterAppoint key team members
21、Develop scope baselineEstablish master plan, budget, WBS, & policies/proceduresAssess risksConfirm justification and obtain approval to proceedSet up organizationEstablish detailed technical requirementsSet up & execute work packagesDirect, monitor, and control scope, quality, time, & co
22、st Review & accept projectTransfer responsibilityDocument & evaluate resultsRelease & redirect resources Project PrioritiesAdministrative Procedures SchedulesProject PrioritiesSchedulesAdministrative Procedures SchedulesTechnical IssuesPersonnel Resources SchedulesPersonality ConflistsPe
23、rsonnel Resources Sources of ConflictProject Selection TechniquesBenefit Measurement MethodsBenefit-Cost ModelsPeer ReviewScoring ModelsMurder BoardPairwise ComparisonsConstrained Optimization Methods note these are NOT costing modelsLinear & Nonlinear programmingInteger ProgrammingDynamic Progr
24、ammingMultiobjective ProgrammingKey INTEGRATION / SCOPE Terms80 Hour Rule = W ork PackageConfiguration Management1. develop specifications2. develop general design3. develop detailed design4. implement & test systemChange Control Board - CCBManagement by Objectivessystem of managerial leadership
25、 that defines individual managerial responsibilities interms of corporate objectives1. establish unambiguous objectives2. periodically evaluate3. actMidproject Evaluation resultsidentification of problems and need for changessignificant changes in projects objectivesterminationScope Verificationoccu
26、rs at the end of each phase; formalizes acceptance of the project scope by stakeholdersDelphi Techniqueforcasting technique for gathering expert opinionK ey Form ulaeStandard D eviations1 = 68.3%2 = 95.5%3 = 99.7% (Six Sigm a)PER T Estim ateO ptim istic + 4*M ost Likely + Pessim istic 6Sigm a = Pess
27、im istic - O ptim istic 6D uration Am ount of W orkAvail R es * R es Productivity R atePresent Value - value today of future cash flows PV = M (1 + r) tM = am ount paym ent t years from nowr = interest rate or discount ratet - tim e periodIR R - Internal R ate of R eturn = interest rate which m ake
28、PV costs = PV benefitsthe higher the IR R , the better the projectB enefit C ost R atio (B C R ) PV R evenue PV C ostC om m unications C hannels N * (N -1) 2Key FormulaeBCWP = earned valueSchedule VarianceBCWP - BCWSdif in budgeted cost of work performed & scheduledSchedule Performance IndexSPI
29、= BCWP BCWSRatio of budgeted cost of work performed vs scheduledSchedule Variance %BCWP - BCWS BCWSschedule variance as percentage of budgeted cost of work scheduledEverything about SCHEDULE is compared to WORK SCHEDULEDPERT - Program Evaluation and Review Techniquethree time estimates per activity:
30、 1. Pessimistic, 2. Most Likely, 3. OptomisticEvent Oriented (SLACK) amount time activity can be delayed w/o delay of projectAOA or AOL - Activity on Arrow / LineCritical Path Methodemphasis on controlling cost & leaving the schedule flexibleone time estimate per activityActivity Oriented (FLOAT
31、) amount time activity can be delayed w/o delay of projectAOA or AOL - Activity on Arrow / LineAOAActivity Sequencing by order of tasksMandatory Dependencies (HARD LOGIC)Discretionary Dependencies (SOFT LOGIC or PREFERENTIAL LOGIC)External DependenciesCritical Path is longest path through the networ
32、kDummy ActivitiesAlways F-S (finish to start)Precedence Diagram Methodimproved PERT and CPM by adding LAG (waiting time) relationships to activities LEAD (accelerated time)S-S, S-F, F-S, F-FAON - Activity on NodePM I believes - CPM & PERT tend to underestimate project durations by comparison to
33、Monte Carlo analysisKey TIME TermsKey TIME Terms Crashingadd more resources to activities on the critical pathincreases COSTSFast-trackinganalyze critical path to see what activities can be done in parallelincreases RISKResource-constrained scheduleTime-constrained schedule: absence of resources cre
34、ates negative floatResponsibility Matrix: who does whatResource Spreadsheet: quantifies how much effort needed from each resourceResource Gantt chartt: shows time periods of workResource Histogram / Resource Loading Chart: vertical bar representing total number of resources during each periodRange E
35、stimationrange of possible results or the probability that the activity will meet the estimateHeuristic Scheduling (Rule of Thumb)trial and error; simple to use but good resultKey COST TermsWBS at lowest level = WORK PACKAGECOST ACCOUNT one level below WORK PACKAGE - used for monitoring & contro
36、llingPMI - lowest level in a project at which organizational responsibilities are assignedAnalogous Estimatingtop down estimating; usually early in project & relies on similar project outcomesParametric Estimatingregression analysis - uses scatter diagram where regression line estimates average
37、value for dependent variable (e.g. learning curve)Bottom-up Cost Estimatingdetailed estimates from project work packagesAccuracy of Estimates1. Order of Magnitude - early ballparks - 25% to + 75%2. Budget Estimates - initial funding - 10% to + 25%3. Definitive Estimates - detailed data - 5% to + 10%
38、 Law of Diminishing Returnsmore put in, proportionately less get outVariable vs Fixed CostsVariable - rise directly w/project size Fixed - non-recurringDirect vs Indirect CostsDirect - applies to specific project Indirect - spread acrossContingency Reservenormally included in projects cost and sched
39、ule baseline - Known RiskManagement Reserve separately planned quantity to allow for future situations impossible to predictUnknown UnknownsPerformance Measurement Baseline (PMB)Sum of Cost Account w/Contingency Reserves includedBudget Baseline (BBL)PMB + Mgmt ReserveWorking CapitalCurrent Assets -
40、Current LiabilitiesValue AnalysisCost reduction tool - anlyze design to consider whether function is required or can be done at lower costLife-Cycle Cost (LCC)total cost of ownership - cradle to grave - extends beyond projectKey COST TermsPMI - need not manage pure risk if you can insure against itB
41、usiness RisksInsurable (pure)both gain and lossonly loss (property damage, indirect loss, legal liability, personnel)Key Risk FactorsRisk Event, Risk Probability, Amount at StakeRisk Identification1. potential sources of risks (technical nature, cost & schedule, WBS, staffing plan, procurement p
42、lan)2. possible risk events (probabiity, possible outcomes, expected timing, anticipated frequency)3. risk symptomsRisk Quantificationevaluating risks & risk interactions to assess the range of possible project outcomesprimary objective - use set of structured tools to help decide which risk eve
43、nts warrant a responseStatistical Independencetwo events statistically independent if occurence of one not related to occurence of the otherExpected Monetary Value (EPM)Sum of the products of each Risk Events value and probabilityDecision Tree Analysiseach decision has total sum probability of 1.0Mo
44、nte Carlo Analysissuperior to PERT & CPM because it considers path convergenceImpact Analysisconsiders trade-offs: likelihood of event will occur versus severity of impact if it doesKey RISK TermsRisk Response Development1. AVOIDANCE alternative strategy2. ACCEPTANCE contingency plan (retention)
45、3. MITIGATION take specific actions or deflect / transfer or use reserve (reduce)Risk Response Controlresponding to changes in risk over the course of the project1. whenever a problem or a risk arises2. whenever the project reahes a major decision point or milestoneContingency PlansWorkaroundsKey RI
46、SK TermsTypes of QUALITY Charts and/or DiagramsHISTOGRAM simple probability distributionSPC ChartStatistical Process Control; shows current capability of the processTop-Down Flowchart presents only the major or most fundamental steps in a process or projectDetailed Flowchartprovides very specific in
47、formation about a process flowWork-Flow Diagramgraphic representation of how work actually flows thru a physical spacePareto Charts data is arranged in descending order of their importance, generally bymagnitute of frequency, cost, time, or other similar parametershows frequency but not impactCause-
48、&-Effect Diagrams ISHIKAWA or FISHBONEgraphic representation among a list of items or factorsControl Chartsgraph that display data taken over time & computed variations of those datausually shows Upper and Lower Control Limits (natural variations in the process)Rule of Seven applies as indic
49、ator that something is wrongAssignable (random) Causes are Special Events outside the control limits (problem/defect)Checksheets Key QUALITY TermsQuality is Free - CrosbyQuality Management involved carrying out a project through its phases with zerodeviations from project specificationsQuality Manag
50、ement Maturity Grid1. Uncertainty, 2. Awakening, 3. Enlightenment, 4. Wisdom, 5. CertaintyGold Platinggiving customer more than what was required - not goodFormative Quality Evaluation - Quality AuditSummative Quality Evaluation - Quality ImprovementOwnership of Qualityindividual performing the task
51、 has the ultimate responsibilityCost of Qualitycost of Conformance (proactive) and cost of Non-Conformance (failure)85% of cost of quality are direct responsibility of managementKaizen continuous improvementWarusa-kagen refers to things not yet problems, but not yet quite right (Masaaki Imai)Quality
52、 should share equal priority with cost and scheduleBenchmarking - comparing your practices to those of othersJIT - just in time - inventory control approachForms of Organization1. Functional 2. Project Expeditor3. Weak Matrix4. Balanced Matirx5. Strong Matirx6. ProjectizedProject Manager Functionsju
53、st PLOCing alongMOST IMPORTANT: PLANNING, ORGANIZING, LEADING, CONTROLLINGAlso: Reporting, Client Relations, Logistics, Procedure Writing & AdminProject Manager Roles I Could Tell Laura DAntoni My Choice CluesIntegrator, Communication, Team Leader, Decision Maker, Climate creator/builderPM Quali
54、icationsWORKS WELL WITH OTHERSExperience in area, supervisory experience, education, contract admin, reflect companys position,profit oriented, qualfied negotiatorTypes of Power * PM I suggests PMs use these1. Legitimateposition in organization hierachy & degreeof control over project, as mod by
55、 org2. Coercivecontrol over project and project personnel3. Reward * position in organization hierachy & degreeof control over project4. Expert *personal reputation, knowledge, & experience5. Referentposition in the organizatonKey HR TermsProject Conflict SourcesHigh to Low1. Schedules 2. Pr
56、oject Priorities 3. Personnel Resources 4. Techical Opinions and Peformance Trade-offs 5. Administrative Procedures6. Cost Objectives7. PersonalitiesConflict Management in PMI strongest to weakest1. Problem Solving / Confrontation2. Compromising3. Smoothing4. Withdrawl5. ForcingKey HR TermsTeam Buil
57、dingTeam members INDEPENDENTCONSENSUS on well-defined project goals & objectivesTeam members COMMITTED to working togetherTeam is ACCOUNTABLE as unit with larger organizatonModerate level of COMPETITION and CONFLICTSymptoms of Poor TeamworkFrustrationConflict & unhealthy competitionUnproduct
58、ive meetingsLack of trust or confidence in the project managerTeam Building ProcessPlan for Team BuildingNegotiate for Team MembersOrganize teamHold kickoff meetingObtain eam member committmentsBuild communications linksConduct team building exercisesIncorporate team building activities into all pro
59、ject activitiesKey HR TermsMaslows Hierarchy of Needslow to highPhysiologicalSafetySocialRespect, self-respect, self-esteemSelf-fulfillment and creativity (self-actualization)McGregors Theory X and Theory YX = workers are inherently LAZY, SELF-CENTERED, LACKING AMBITIONY = workers can achieve their
60、own goals best by directing their own efforts toward organizational objectivesHerzbergs Theory of MotivationHygiene Factorspay, attitude of supervisor, working conditions poor may destroy motivation, but improvements not likely to increaseMotivators positive motivation results from an opportunity to achieve and experience self-actualizationExpectancy TheoryPeople tend to be highly producive and mot
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