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1、2020-2021學年福建省三明市三華初級中學高三英語測試題含解析 20xx-20xx學年福建省三明市三華初級中學高三英語測試題含解析 一、 選擇題 1. According to scientists, our mental abilities begin to _ from the age of 27 after reaching the highest level at 22. A. differ? B. shrink? C. fail? D. decline 參照答案: D 2. _ I have a word with you? It wont take long. A. CanB.

2、 Must C. ShallD. Should 參照答案: A 3. The male is found ?of theft while the female is ?. ? Aguilty; guilty? Binnocence; guilty? ? Cinnocent; guilty? Dguilty; innocence 參照答案: C? 4. The moment she heard her husband was caught by SARS, she _ what she would have to face . ? A. had sensed B. sensed C. has s

3、ensed? D. would sense 參照答案: B 5. The fans _ crazy when their team scored the first goal in the soccer game. A. changed B. went? C. came ? D. drove 參照答案: B 6. fruit Asuit Bgroup ? Cbuild ?Deight 參照答案: B 7. We expected you yesterday. Im sorry,I _ you to say that I couldnt be here until today. A.must?

4、have? called B.would be calling? C.could have been calling? D.should have called 參照答案: D 8. Born into a family with three brothers, David was? to value the sense of sharing. A. brought up? B. turned down? C. looked after D. held back 參照答案: A 考查動詞短語的辨析。句意為“出身在一個三兄弟家庭,大衛(wèi)受到了要重視與人分享的教育。bring up教育,養(yǎng)育(孩子)

5、,嘔吐(食物);turn down關小音量等,拒絕;look after照顧;hold back阻礙,抑制,隱瞞。 9. We want the best for each individual child with _ consideration for the interests of the other children ? Adue? ? Bvital? Cactual? Dconcrete 參照答案: A 10. -Tom, do you have _ time? -Sorry, my watch isnt on me, but I dont think its_ big deal

6、if we miss the beginning of the movie. A/, a? B/, /? ? Cthe, a ? Dthe, / 參照答案: C 11. Generally speaking, the family, not the school, plays the? role in educating children ? for life ? A potential Bprimary Cpersonal D professional 參照答案: B 12. Out of the crowded bus _, who was dressed in a black suit

7、and waved to a woman. ? A. a tall man in his thirties stepped? B. stepped a tall man in his thirties ? C. did a tall man in his thirties step? D. did a tall man step in his thirties 參照答案: B 13. Could you possibly tell me what to do with such sort of situation? 一Its no good asking me all the time,Ann

8、aYou11 have to learn to think ?yourself Aof? Bto? Cby? Dfor 參照答案: D 14. It was unbelievable that the fans waited outside the gym for three hours just a look at the sports stars. ? Ahad Bhaving? Cto have Dhave 參照答案: C 解析:本題考查的是非謂語動詞。動詞不定式作目的狀語。 15. Lend me some more money, will you? Sorry, Ive got _

9、at hand myself. You know the MP3 player cost me all I had just now. A. nothing ? B. no C. none D. not 參照答案: C 考查代詞。None指人指物,特指。No意為不是,沒有,nothing指物,泛指。Not用語否定,表示不。該句中none特指沒有錢。 16. If he had been working hard, he _ in the office now. However, he didnt. A. would be workingB. were to be workingC. was w

10、orkingD. should work 參照答案: A 【詳解】考查虛擬語氣。句意:如果他過去一直努力工作,現(xiàn)在就坐在辦公室工作了。然而,他沒有。依據(jù)“However, he didnt.可知,此句是混合虛擬語氣。If從句與過去事實相反,主句與現(xiàn)在事實相反。與現(xiàn)在相反的虛擬語氣的主句可用would/could/ might +動詞原形。依據(jù)語境及時間狀語“now可知,此處是指現(xiàn)在正在工作,因此要用進行時,應選A。 【點睛】一、虛擬語氣在if引導的條件句中的用法 虛擬語氣用于表示說話人所說的并不是事實,而是一種假設或愿望,往往與事實相反。 1. 表示與現(xiàn)在事實相反的虛擬條件句 If+主語+動詞

11、的過去式be用were,主語+would(should/ could/might)+動詞原形 1) If I were you, I would study English.如果我是你,我就會學英語。 2)I would certainly go if I had time.如果有時間的話,我一定會去的。 2. 表示與過去事實相反的擬條件句 If+主語+ had done,主語+wouldshould /could/ might+ have done 1) If you had taken my advice, you would not have missed the test. 如果你接受

12、了我的建議,你就不會錯過考試。 3.表示與將來事實相反的虛擬條件句。 If+主語+shouldwere to+動詞原形/動詞的過去式,主語+wouldcould /should /might+動詞原形。 If it were to rain tomorrow, the meeting would be put off. 如果明天下雨,會議就會推遲了。 二、 錯綜時間虛擬條件句。即條件從句與主句所指時間不一致,如從句指過去,而主句即指的是現(xiàn)在或將來,此時應依據(jù)具體的語境狀況,結合上面提到的三種基本類型對時態(tài)作相應的調整: If it had rained last night, the grou

13、nd would be wet now. 要是昨晚下雨的話,現(xiàn)在地面就會是濕的。 17. Sorry to have kept you waiting so long, but itll still be some time _ Mr. Smith is available. A. when B. before? C. after? D. since 參照答案: B 18. ?_ Tom to be fit for the office, the boss _ taking him on. A. Consider, considered B. Considering, considering

14、C. Considering, considered? D. Considered, considering 參照答案: C 二、 短文改錯 19. 假定英語課上老師要求同桌之間交換修改作文,請你修改你同桌寫的以下短文。短文中共有10處錯誤,每句中最多有兩處。錯誤涉及一個單詞的增加、刪除或修改。 增加:在缺詞處加一個漏字符號,并在此符號下面寫出該加的詞。 刪除:把多余的詞用斜線劃掉。 修改:在錯的詞下劃一橫線,并在該詞下面寫出修改后的詞。 注意:1.每處錯誤及其修改均僅限一詞; 2.只同意修改10處,多者從第11處起不計分。 Everyone needs help.Often there ar

15、e some cases that we help ourselves indirect in helping others.Last month, Tom asked for me to help him with his math.In order to help him,I go over the textbook again and again,and did lots of exercises.To his surprise,some difficult problems that I could not understand before worked out by myself.

16、After a month,with my help,Tom made great progresses in math,too.Such a experience enabled me to realize that help others also does good to ourselves.So when others is in trouble,never hesitate to help them. 參照答案: 1.case做先行詞,并且關系詞指代case在從句中作狀語,關系詞應該用where.故把that改為where. 2.indirect在句中修飾動詞help,英語中應該用副

17、詞修飾動詞,故把indirect改為indirectly. 3.ask sb. to do sth.是固定短語,“讓某人做某事,for多余,故去掉for. 4.依據(jù)上一句時間狀語“Last month可知陳述過去事情,用一般過去時,故把go改為went. 5.依據(jù)句意“令我吃驚的是,之前無法理解的難題靠我自己解決了。可知,人稱出錯了,故把his改為my. 6.句子主語是some difficult problems,謂語動詞是work out,主謂之間是被動關系,那么謂語要用被動語態(tài)。故加上were. 7.make progress是固定短語,“取得進步,progress是不可數(shù)名詞。故把pr

18、ogresses改為progress. 8.experience讀音是以元音開頭,不定冠詞要用an.故把a改為an. 9.該句中that之后是賓語從句,從句的主語是help others,主語應該用名詞形式。故把help改為helping. 10.when引導從句,從句主語是others,復數(shù),依據(jù)主謂一致原則,系動詞用are.故把is改為are. 20. 短文改錯共10小題;每題1.5分,滿分15分 下面短文中有10處錯誤。請在有錯誤的地方增加、刪除或修改某個單詞。 增加:在缺詞處加一個漏符號,并在其下面寫出該加的詞。 刪除:把多余的詞用斜線劃掉。 修改:在錯的詞下劃一橫線,并在該下面寫出修

19、改后的詞。 注意: 1. 每句不超過兩個錯誤; 2. 每處錯誤及其修改均僅限一詞; 3. 只同意修改10處,多者從第11處起不計分。 ? Im a middle school student name Li Ming. Im writing to tell you something. Recently I noticed many of my classmates often go to the cyber cafe near our school. I went there too in the other day. I was surprising to see many student

20、s playing computer games, watching films or chat. Some students were even talking about love affairs online. On my opinion, cyber cafes should be a place which we can find much useful information. The Internet should be a window to the outside world rather than place for games. The Internet is good

21、if we make good use of him. Otherwise, it will give us great harm. So the local government should take measure to make sure that students use cyber cafes positively. 參照答案: 【答案】【知識點】T3 短文改錯 【答案解析】 1. name - named一個被叫做什么的男孩 a boy named xx? named作后置定語 2. 去掉inthe other day 幾天以前=several days ago 不和in搭配 3

22、. surprising - surprised 修飾人用-ed形式,-ing用來修飾物。 4. chat - chatting? or前后詞性堅持一致,前面用watching,后面要用chatting。 5. On - In固定搭配 in ones opinion 在我看來 6. which- where先行詞為place,且在從句中作狀語,故用where。 7. rather than后加 a單數(shù)名詞前表示泛指,用a 。 8. him - it the Internet是物,用代詞it。 9. give - do固定搭配 do harm 對有害 10. measure - measures

23、 固定搭配 take measures采用措施 三、 閱讀理解 21. As someone who grew up in this city, Im familiar with what you think you know about it: its dull, its cold, everybody talks about money, there is no subculture, no real nightlife, and why arent you in Berlin already? Let me stop you there. First, we are good-humor

24、ed, friendly bunch, who are interested in getting things done without being pretentious(自命不凡的)about it. Thats why there are always new places popping up. The Museum of Romanticism is being built right next to the poet Goethes birthplace and is due to open in early 20xx. Altstadt, the old town destro

25、yed in the Second World War, is being reconstructednot as a Disney fantasy but as a modern version of its former self. Neighborhoods are changing fast. Most famously, the once druggy and seedy(破爛的) Bahnhofsviertel area around the train station has gained its reputation as one of the citys most inter

26、esting places, with new restaurants, galleries and clubs. In the industrial cast end, the Marriott hotel chain has opened a third Moxy hotel near the new European Central Bank. The city really comes into its own in summer, when everyone chills(乘涼)on the banks of the river Main, drinking Ebbelwoi(app

27、le wine), cycling, skating, strolling漫步and looking up at the one notable(顯著的)city skyline in Germany. A few more skyscrapers will be added in the near future, thanks to Brexit. This city has always been open and friendly to outsiders. So, welcome to Frankfurt. 28. From the first paragraph, we can in

28、fer that ? . A. Frankfurt used to have a bad reputation B. the writer used to think little of Frankfurt C. some people dont think highly of Frankfurt D. the writer is familiar with the weak aspects of Frankfurt 29. According to the passage we can know that Altstadt ? . A. is a part of Frankfurt B. i

29、s the poet Goethes birthplace C. is being reconstructed as a Disney fantasy D. was a Disney fantasy during the Second World War 30. What reputation did Bahnhofsviertel area have in the past? A. It was an interesting area. B. It was an area of drug abuse. C. It was full of poor people. D. It had two

30、Moxy hotels. 31. Which of the following is the best title of the passage? A. Frankfurtan Old City B. Frankfurta Modern City C. Frankfurta Cultural Center D. Frankfurta Changing City 參照答案: CABD 22. James Cooke, of Islip,N.Y.,cant recognize other people. “I see eyes, nose, cheekbones, but no face, he

31、said. “Ive even passed by my son and daughter without recognizing them. He is not the only one. Those with prosopagnosia, also known as face blindness, can see perfectly well, but their brains are unable to piece together the information needed to understand that a collection of features represents

32、an individuals face. The condition is a neurological神經(jīng)病學的mystery, but new research has shed light on this strange disease. Some scientists had believed that faces and voices, the two main ways people recognize one another, were processed separately by the brain. Indeed, a condition parallel to proso

33、pagnosia, called phonagnosia, similarly leaves a person unable to distinguish a familiar voice from an unfamiliar one. But by testing for these two conditions at the same time, researchers at the Max Planck Institute recently found evidence that face and voice recognition may be linked in a unique p

34、erson-recognition system. The scientists observed the brain activity of 19 healthy volunteers as they were led through tasks that tested their ability to recognize both faces and voices. The researchers found that regions of the brain, associated with facial recognition, are directly linked to regio

35、ns responsible for voice recognition. This research helps explain why a person with prosopagnosia may still have difficulty determining who a person is even after he has begun to speak. The challenge for scientists is to find out where this system breaks down. Are these connections in the brain miss

36、ing entirely, or are people unable to recognize faces and voices simply unable to use these links in some way? It is unclear how many people have these conditions. Many dont even realize they have problems with facial or voice recognition. While some develop these difficulties after a brain injury, others develop it in c


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