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1、The wire measures exactly twenty meters.The machine worked for ten whole days. The plane takes off at 8 oclock sharp. 這條導線剛好這條導線剛好2020米長。米長。這臺機器整整運轉了這臺機器整整運轉了1010天時間。天時間。這架飛機這架飛機8 8點整起飛。點整起飛。He earns a cool half million dollars a year. 他一年收入整整他一年收入整整5050萬美元。萬美元。Professor Johnson finished the experim

2、ent in twenty-four hours flat. 約翰遜教授完成這一實驗正好用了約翰遜教授完成這一實驗正好用了2424小時。小時。exactly,flat,just,sharp,whole,coolThe T-shirt cost just 10 dollars. 買這個買這個T T恤衫正好花了恤衫正好花了1010美元。美元。It is nearly / toward (s) 4 oclock. It is somewhere about 4 oclock.The price of this new machine is on the border of/ in the neigh

3、borhood of a thousand dollars. 現在將近四點了。現在將近四點了?,F在四點左右?,F在四點左右。這臺新機器的價格約這臺新機器的價格約10001000美元。美元。The book will only cost 15 dollars or so. 這本書只要十五美元左右。這本書只要十五美元左右。About / Some / Around / Round twenty passengers were killed in the road accident. 這次交通事故中約有二十名旅客死亡。這次交通事故中約有二十名旅客死亡。 about,some,around,round,

4、nearly,towards,somewhere about,estimated,approximately,on the border of,close to,or soNever spend in excess of your income.There are three thousand odd students in this normal school.Supplies of this commodity greatly exceed the demand. 花錢切勿超過你的收入?;ㄥX切勿超過你的收入。這所師范院校有三千多名學生。這所師范院校有三千多名學生。這種商品的供應大大超過了需

5、求。這種商品的供應大大超過了需求。 Upwards of seven thousand medical workers and twenty thousand PLA men have left for the earthquake district. 有七千多名醫(yī)務人員和兩萬多名解放軍前往震區(qū)。有七千多名醫(yī)務人員和兩萬多名解放軍前往震區(qū)。The patients are children of three years old and upwards. 這些病人是三歲和三歲以上的兒童。這些病人是三歲和三歲以上的兒童。more than, odd, over, above, long, past

6、, or more, upwards of, higher than, in excess of , exceed等等The child couldnt count past 20.這個孩子不會數這個孩子不會數2020以上的數。以上的數。The price of that tricycle is less than /under /below fifty dollars.He bought the coffeepot at 6 dollars off the list price.那輛三輪車的售價還不到那輛三輪車的售價還不到5050美元。美元。他以低于價目表他以低于價目表6 6美元的價格買下了

7、那把咖啡壺。美元的價格買下了那把咖啡壺。 less, less than, below, no more than, under, short of, off, to, within, as few as等等The invention cost each family no more than one dollar a week.這項發(fā)明使每個家庭每周最多花費這項發(fā)明使每個家庭每周最多花費1 1美元。美元。Its five minutes to five now.現在是現在是5 5點差點差5 5分。分。The motor ran 450 solid days on end. The exper

8、iment will take three months, at least. The temperature at the suns center is as high as 10 000 000 馬達連續(xù)運轉了足足馬達連續(xù)運轉了足足450450天天 。實驗至少需要三個月時間。實驗至少需要三個月時間。 太陽中心的溫度高達攝氏太陽中心的溫度高達攝氏1 0001 000萬度。萬度。They covered full twenty reference sources on clone in a single day. 僅用了一天時間,他們就看完了足足僅用了一天時間,他們就看完了足足2020種有關克

9、隆的資料。種有關克隆的資料。There were no less than 3 000 dead and wounded in the 911 terrorist attack.在在9 91111恐怖襲擊中,死傷者達恐怖襲擊中,死傷者達3 0003 000多人。多人。full, solid, at least, all of, no less than, asas,等,等They covered all of ten miles.他們走了實足十英里。他們走了實足十英里。There is at most / only room for one person. That solar-energy

10、car weighs only / merely / barely / scarcely / but 500kg.至多只有可容納一個人的空間。至多只有可容納一個人的空間。 那輛太陽能汽車重量僅有那輛太陽能汽車重量僅有500500公斤。公斤。 only, merely, barely, scarcely, but, at most, no more than, scant 等等Inspection time for the installation was no more than 2 hours. 安裝檢驗工作僅用了兩個小時。安裝檢驗工作僅用了兩個小時。 They covered a scan

11、t six miles today.他們今天走了近他們今天走了近6 6里路。里路。 1. “be n times as a. (ad.)+ as”The grain output of this year is about three times as great as that of last year.2. “n times + a.(ad.)比較級比較級+than ”“是是的的n n倍倍”或或“比比大(大(n n1 1)倍倍”今年的糧食產量大約是去年的今年的糧食產量大約是去年的3 3倍倍/ /比去年多兩倍左右。比去年多兩倍左右。Asia is four times larger than

12、 Europe.“是是的的n n倍倍”或或“比比大(大(n n1 1)倍倍”亞洲的面積是歐洲的亞洲的面積是歐洲的4 4倍倍/ /亞洲的面積比歐洲大亞洲的面積比歐洲大3 3倍。倍。This power plant is four times larger than that one. 這個發(fā)電站比那個發(fā)電站大三倍。這個發(fā)電站比那個發(fā)電站大三倍。 1. This wire is as long again as that one. 2. Brown has half as many books again as Peter does. 這根金屬線的長度是那根的兩倍。這根金屬線的長度是那根的兩倍。布

13、郎的書比彼得的書多一半。布郎的書比彼得的書多一半。 3. Prof. Peter has books as many again as I do. 彼得教授的書比我的書多一倍。彼得教授的書比我的書多一倍。3.“be as + a. (ad.)+ again as” ; “again as+ a. (ad.) + as”“是是的兩倍的兩倍”或或“比比多一倍多一倍”另外,若另外,若againagain之前有之前有halfhalf,則表示,則表示“比比長(大,寬,長(大,寬,多多)半倍)半倍”;若;若againagain之前有之前有muchmuch或或manymany,則表示,則表示“比比長(大,寬

14、,多長(大,寬,多)一倍)一倍”。4. “n times + upon/over”“是是 n倍倍”或或“比比 多多n-1倍倍”The industrial output in our factory this year is ten times over that of 1999.今年我們工廠的產量是今年我們工廠的產量是1999年的年的10倍。倍。The total output value of the citys light industry has grown three times over that of last year. 這個城市的輕工業(yè)總產值比去年增長了兩倍。這個城市的輕工業(yè)

15、總產值比去年增長了兩倍。He is five times upon your age.他的年齡是你的他的年齡是你的5倍。倍。The population of this county has increased by a factor of 5. By 2004 the production of primary copper has increased fivefold. 該縣的人口已經增長了該縣的人口已經增長了4 4倍。倍。 到到20042004年,原銅產量增長了年,原銅產量增長了4 4倍。倍。The sales of industrial electronic products have

16、 multiplied 5 times.工業(yè)電子產品銷售額增加了工業(yè)電子產品銷售額增加了4 4倍。倍。The steel output has increased by three times. 鋼產量已增加了兩倍。鋼產量已增加了兩倍。 5. “increase (rise, grow, go up等等) +(by) n times” “increase (rise, grow, go up等等) + to + n times” “increase (rise, grow, go up等等) + n-fold” “increase (rise, grow, go up等等) + by a fa

17、ctor of + n” “增加到增加到n n倍倍”、“增加了(增加了(n n1 1)倍)倍”The price of rice has increased to three times.大米的價格漲到了原價的大米的價格漲到了原價的3 3倍。倍。The output went up by 45 000 tons.The production has increased by 5 %. 7. “an increase of n +單位單位”或或“a n% increase of” 表示凈增量,數詞表示凈增量,數詞n n 照譯。照譯。 產量增加了產量增加了45 000 45 000 噸。噸。生產已

18、增加了生產已增加了5 5。There is an increase of 4.5 million tons of steel as compared with last year.鋼產量比去年增加了鋼產量比去年增加了450450萬噸。萬噸。There is a 25% increase of steel as compared with last year. 鋼產量比去年增加了鋼產量比去年增加了2525。6. “increase (rise, grow, go up) +by n +單位(或單位(或n %)” 表示凈增量,數詞表示凈增量,數詞n n等照譯。等照譯。180 decreased b

19、y 80 is 100. The cost decreased by 40%. 180180減去減去8080等于等于100100。成本下降了成本下降了4040。This new process used 35 % less fuel.這種工藝少用了這種工藝少用了3535的燃料。的燃料。8. “decrease ( reduce, fall, lower,等等) + by n 或或n%”; “(系)動詞(系)動詞 + n或或 n% less (than)” 表示凈減量,所減數字表示凈減量,所減數字n n均可照譯。均可照譯。The enterprise management expenditure

20、 this year has decreased by three times as against that of 2002.The price of farm tools has decreased by a factor of 4. 該企業(yè)今年的行政管理開支比該企業(yè)今年的行政管理開支比20022002年降低了年降低了2/32/3。 農具價格降到原價的農具價格降到原價的1/41/4。 The error probability of the equipment was reduced by 2.5 times through technical innovation.通過技術革新該設備誤差

21、概率降低了通過技術革新該設備誤差概率降低了3/53/5。 因為英漢語言在使用分數方面的差異(如漢語的分母中極少使用小因為英漢語言在使用分數方面的差異(如漢語的分母中極少使用小數點),如果英語減少的倍數中有小數點時,則應換算成分數。根據表數點),如果英語減少的倍數中有小數點時,則應換算成分數。根據表達習慣英語中的達習慣英語中的2.5times2.5times,漢語一般不說,漢語一般不說“二點五分之一二點五分之一”,這時應換,這時應換算成整數分母,即算成整數分母,即“降低到五分之二降低到五分之二”或或“降低了五分之三降低了五分之三”。9. “decrease (reduce,fall等)等)+ (

22、by) n times” “decrease (reduce,fall等)等)+ n times as + a. (ad.) + as” “decrease (reduce,fall等)等)+ by a factor of n “減少到減少到n n分之分之1 1” 或或“減加少了減加少了n n分之(分之(n n1 1)”By using a new process the prime cost of the television set was reduced by 3.4 times.采用一種新工藝使這種電視的主要成本降低了采用一種新工藝使這種電視的主要成本降低了71%71%。算成整數分母,

23、即算成整數分母,即“降低到降低到5/175/17”或或“降低了降低了12/1712/17”,但這,但這樣仍不符合漢語習慣。在不要求絕對精確的情況下,可進一步樣仍不符合漢語習慣。在不要求絕對精確的情況下,可進一步換算成百分數,即換算成百分數,即“降低到降低到29%29%”或或“降低了降低了71%71%”。 中國與英美數字方面的差異:中國與英美數字方面的差異: 首先,數目的分位制不同。中國數字分位是首先,數目的分位制不同。中國數字分位是“個、個、十、百、千十、百、千”,再往上是,再往上是“萬、十萬、百萬、千萬萬、十萬、百萬、千萬”,然后是然后是“億、十億、百億、千億億、十億、百億、千億”,等等。而

24、英美則習,等等。而英美則習慣上以三位數來分位,即慣上以三位數來分位,即“個、十、百個、十、百”,往上去是,往上去是“千、十千、百千千、十千、百千”,然后是,然后是“M(millionM(million百萬百萬) )、十、十M M、百百M M”,最后落腳點都在,最后落腳點都在“百百”上。上。 其次,命數法不同。中國以其次,命數法不同。中國以“萬萬”和和“億億”來命數,來命數,而英美以而英美以“millionmillion”和和“billionbillion”來命數。同時,英美來命數。同時,英美的命數也有不同:的命數也有不同:“billionbillion”在美國指在美國指“十億十億”,在英,在英

25、國指國指“萬億(兆)萬億(兆)”,美國則用,美國則用“trilliontrillion”指指“萬億萬億(兆)(兆)”。nine thousand, seven hundred and forty-three a hundred and seventy-four thousand, three hundred and oneeighteen million, six hundred and fifty-seven thousand, four hundred and twenty-oneseven hundred and fifty millionfour billion(美式)或(美式)或fo

26、ur thousand million(英式)(英式)twenty billion (美式)(美式)three hundred billion (美式)(美式)four million million9,743174,30118,657,421750,000,00040億億200億億3000億億4萬億萬億 英文數字讀法規(guī)律英文數字讀法規(guī)律(從右開始讀,以美式英語為例從右開始讀,以美式英語為例): 第一個逗號前的數字讀成第一個逗號前的數字讀成thousand, 1,000 = one thousand第二個逗號前的數字讀成第二個逗號前的數字讀成million, 1,000,000 = one m

27、illion第三逗號前的數字讀成第三逗號前的數字讀成billion, 1,000,000,000 = one billion第四個逗號前的數字讀成第四個逗號前的數字讀成trillion, 1,000,000,000,000 = one trillionIn this region the grain output is now five timesfive-fold that twenty years ago本地區(qū)現在的糧食產量是二十年前的五倍。本地區(qū)現在本地區(qū)現在的糧食產量是二十年前的五倍。本地區(qū)現在的糧食產量比二十年前增長了四倍。的糧食產量比二十年前增長了四倍。Johnson finished the 200-meter dash in 22 seconds flat.約翰遜跑完約翰遜跑完200200米正好用了米正好用了2222秒。秒。The company spent a solid year on the acquisition of its rival.該公司花了整整


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