



1、精選優(yōu)質(zhì)文檔-傾情為你奉上 學(xué)校: 班級(jí) 姓名 考號(hào) 20142015學(xué)年第二學(xué)期期末質(zhì)量檢測(cè)題小學(xué)五年級(jí)英語(yǔ)試題(時(shí)間:60分鐘;總分:100分,其中卷面分5分)等級(jí)1、 英漢互譯(14分)1. 看電視_ 2.走著去學(xué)校_ 3.在報(bào)紙上_ 4.努力學(xué)習(xí)_ 5.帶回,歸還_ 6.in lots of Chinese cities_ 7.in three days_ 8.the same as _ 9.找到、發(fā)現(xiàn)_ 10.a letter from England_ 11.after the show _ 12.好吧 _ _13.怎樣_ _ 14.擅長(zhǎng) 二、選擇適當(dāng)介詞填空(12分) in on

2、 at to about1. I want to buy a book _science.2. Give the book _ Jack.3. Mary often goes to the library_ Sunday.4. Yestday I got up _9:00_the morning.5. It is very late . Mr Li is _work.6. The little girl _ red looks very beautiful.三、用所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空(16分)1. I _(visit)Hainan last year.2.Let us _(go) for a

3、 walk.3.Thank you for _(talk) to us ,Miss Li.4.He didnt _(watch) TV last night.5.Line A is _(long) than Line B.6.Look at the _(women). They are so fat. 7.Give the oranges to _(they).8.Please _(read) after me.四、單項(xiàng)選擇(20分)( )1.My bike is _.I want a new one.A.nice B.broken C.new D.lovely( )2.She cooked

4、Chinese food _.A.tonight B.tomorrow C.last night D.now( )3.I like meat and she _vegetables. A.like B.likes C.liked D.like to ( )4.Let s send an email _our teacher.A.for B.to C.on D.form( )5.Hainan is _the south _China. A.on;form B.to;in C.in;of D.in form( )6.I want _a map of China.A.buy B.is buying

5、C.to buy D.bought ( )7.I ll _home at six oclock. A.at B. be C. go to D.go ( )8.Tom is _ at school now.A.study B.studying C.studies D.studied ( )9.The pink bag _ got four pockets. A.is B.has C.have D.had. ( )10.-When did you go to Xinjiang? -_. A.Tomorrow B.Today C.Last week五.按照要求改寫(xiě)句子(10分)1. She ate

6、an ice-cream yesterday .(改為一般疑問(wèn)句) _she_an ice-cream yesterday.2.He wrote a letter last night .(改為一般否定句) He _ _ a letter last night.3.They went to Herbin last summer.(劃線部分提問(wèn)) _ _they _ to Harbin?4.He did his homework.(對(duì)劃線部分提問(wèn)) _did he _?5.Are you ready for you trip?(作肯定回答)_.六、連線題,將問(wèn)句與答句相連。(5分)1.Did s

7、he do her homework? A. Yes, it is2.Whos this? B. Yes, I can3.Can you play basketball? C. No, she didnt4. Is this your uncle? D. Chips5. What did she have for dinner? E. Its my grandma七、選擇正確單詞填空.(4分)(1) play playedA. Yesterday I _ football.B. I will _ football tomorrow.(2) meet met A. Lingl

8、ing and John _ me at the zoo yesterday. B. Im going to _ you in New York.(3) go went A. Yesterday I _to the park. B. Ill _ to park tomorrow.(4) buy bought A. Yesterday my mother _ a book for me. B. Ill _ to park tomorrow.8、 小小閱讀園(4分)A TripI went to Jinan with my parents two years ago. Its the capita

9、l(省會(huì)) of the Shandong .Its in the east of China. There are lots of springs (泉)in Jinan. So its also called the Spring City. We visted Daming Lake ,Baotu Spring Park and Spring City Square. We also climbed the Qianfo Mountain. We took lots of photos. We had a good time.閱讀短文,判斷正(T)誤(F)( )1. We went to Jinan five years ago.( )2. Jinan is in the east of China.( )3. Jinan is also called the Spring City.( )4. We had a good time in Jinan.七、按要求寫(xiě)單詞。(6分) learn(過(guò)去式)_write (現(xiàn)在分詞)_ put (過(guò)去式) _ these(單數(shù))_ us(主格)_ easy (反義詞)_ _


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