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1、Unit 1 How can we become good learners? 課時1 Section A(1a-1c,4a) 學習目標: 一.掌握textbook, conversation, aloud, pronunciation等重點單詞。 二.掌握并運用句型:How do you study English? -I study English by making word cards. (重點) 三通過交流和表達,進一步掌握學習英語的技巧與方法。 【自主預習】 1. 詞匯:英漢互譯 (1)教科書 _ (2)conversation_ (3) pronunciation _ (4)st

2、udy for a test_ (5)向老師求助_ (6)制作單詞卡片_ (7)聽磁帶_ (8)參加小組學習_ (9)大聲重復_ (10)練習聽力_ (11)記筆記_ (12)與某人交談_ (13)做練習_ (14)大聲朗讀_ 2.句型:反復朗讀下列句子,并歸納總結這些句子的共同特點。 (1)I study English by listening to tapes. (2) He studies Chinese by reading the textbook. (3) My friend studies English by making word cards. (4) Tom studie

3、s math by asking the teacher for help. 歸納總結:Talk about how to study by using _and “do sth. by + _.” 【展示交流】 1. 通過多媒體導入新課:How can we become good learners? 2. 通過自主學習的內容討論1a,展示討論內容,并將討論內容加以拓展: A: How do you study Chinese/ math/physics/chemistry? B: I study by. 【探究合作】 探究一:by asking the teacher for help通過

4、向老師尋求幫助 ask sb. for help意為“向某人求助”,是固定搭配,其中help是不可數(shù)名詞,沒有復數(shù)形式。 ask sb. for sth.意為“向某人要某物”。ask for意為“要求,請求”。 探究二:“by + doing sth.”表示方式 (補充其他用法見課件)探究三:have conversations with sb.和某人對話 have conversations with sb.是固定搭配,意為“和某人對話”,相當于talk with sb. 例如:You had better not have conversations with strangers.= Yo

5、u had better not_ _ _ .你最好不要和陌生人交談。 探究四: pronunciation發(fā)音,讀音,是可數(shù)名詞。其動詞是pronounce. 例如:Can you _the word “bathroom”?(發(fā)音) My teacher told me “either” has two _(發(fā)音) 【當堂訓練】 用所給單詞的適當形式填空 1.We study by _(work)with a group 2. She doesnt speak English well. She has some problems with her _ (pronounce) 3. Can

6、you finish _(read) these books before 10 oclock? 4. You can practice English by _(communicate) with others in English. 5. I often practice _(speak) English in the morning. 三. 完成教材P4 -4a. 四課后練習(見練習冊)【課后反思】課時2 Section A(2a-2d,4b-4c) 學習目標: 一.掌握patient, practice conversations with friends, practice pron

7、unciation, give a report, word by word等重點詞匯和短語。 二.掌握并運用句型:How can I improve my pronunciation? -One way is by listening to tapes. (重點) 三通過交流和表達,進一步掌握學習英語的技巧與方法。 【自主預習】英漢互譯 (1)看視頻 (2)與朋友練習對話 (3)學到很多 (4)a little nervous (5) the first time (6) get the main ideas (7)耐心點 (8)逐詞閱讀 (9)閱讀詞組 (10) memorize sent

8、ence patterns (11)做語法練習 (12)用英語寫日記 (13)用英語記筆記 【展示交流】 一. 檢查預習情況,展示預習成果。 二.完成教材中2a和2b的聽力練習 三.根據(jù)2a和2b的聽力練習,用英語進行對學習英語的技巧和方法的對話訓練,并在課堂上展示。 四.根據(jù)所學知識完成P4的4b和4c,并加以展示。 五.分角色表演對話,完成2d. 【探究合作】 探究一:What about reading aloud to practice pronunciation?通過大聲朗讀來練習發(fā)音怎么樣? 拓展:英語中表示建議的常用句型有:Why dont you? Why not? Would

9、 you like to? Lets? 探究二:Have you ever studied with a group?你曾經參加過小組學習嗎? “have/has+動詞過去分詞”是上學期所學_結構。 探究三:Try to guess a words meaning by reading the sentences before and after it.通過讀單詞前后的句子,盡力去猜測一個單詞的意思。 try _ sth. 意為“努力,盡力做某事”,try _ sth.意為“試著做某事” 例如:Please _this work in ten minutes.請盡量在10分鐘內完成這項工作。

10、Why didnt you _a bike to go to school? 你為什么不試著騎自行車去上學? 探究四:I am a little nervous.我有一點兒緊張. a little 一點兒,少量的,此處修飾形容詞nervous,意為“有點兒緊張”,它還可修飾不可數(shù)名詞和形容詞的比較級。 易混辨析:(a) little與 (a) few的區(qū)別: 探究五:finish doing干完某事 例如:I finished_(read) the book. 探究六:The more you read, the faster youll be.你讀得越多,你將越快。該句中用到的句型為“the

11、+比較級, the+比較級”表示“越,越” (見課件)【當堂訓練】 按要求完成單詞: 1. Can you speak English? Yes ,but only _ (little, a little) 2. Dont read word by word. You should read quickly_( get ) the main idea of the passage. 3. As a teacher, you should be p_(耐心的)with your students. 4. James_(learn) Chinese since he came to China 5

12、. What about _(watch) a film tonight? 【達標檢測】 單項選擇: ( ) 1. Why_ us? A. dont join B. not join C. not joining ( ) 2 .Have you ever practiced _English with a native speaker? A. speaking B. to speak C. speak( ) 3.You can pass the test by_hard A. study B. to study C. studying ( ) 4.Please read as_as possi

13、ble. A. aloud B. loud C. loudly ( ) 5. It_ me a lot of time to make the model plane last week. A. spent B. cost C. took ( ) 6._ children there are in a family, _ life there will be. A. The, less: the better B. The fewer, the better C .More, poorer 課后練習:見練習冊課后反思: 課時3 Section A(3a-3b,Grammar Focus)學習目

14、標: A.重點單詞:expression,discover,secret,grammar,repeat,note,physics,chemistryB.重點詞組:1 fall in love with 2. as well 3. its a piece of cake 4. look up 5. take notesC.學習和借鑒他人的好的英語學習方法。預習導學Step 1 Revision and Leading-in Free talk and then practice reading the dialogues.Step 2 SB Page 3完成教材上3a-3b的任務 1 3a.(1

15、)Ask the students to read the passage by themselves,then answer the three questions; (2)Explain the key words and difficult points in the passage. Ask the students to underline the sentences with “do sth. by doingsentence pattern. (3)Play the tape. Then the students read the passage after the teache

16、r. 2. 3b. Complete the sentences with what Wei Fen learned from watching movies. Use words and phrases from the passage.(答案1body language;expressions2.keywords 3. conversations 4. useful 5. dictionary) 環(huán)節(jié)說明:將聽、說、讀、寫的任務結合起來不僅鍛煉了學生的語音綜合運用能力,而且鞏固了學生對目標語言的學習、識記和運用。Step 3 SB Page 4完成教材上Grammar Focus-4c的任

17、務 1. Grammar Focus:歸納Section A的語法:運用by+doing sth.來表達做某事的方法手段。 How do you learn English? I learn by studying with a group. 要求學生運用“通過某種方式來做某事”的句型造句,談論自己是如何來學習數(shù)學、物理、化學、語文、歷史和地理等學科的。操作案例: A:How do you learn English? B:I usually practice my English by taking notes/reading books and newspapers/ speaking E

18、nglish with my classmates/ memorizing sentence patterns 當堂檢測:見課件課后練習:見練習冊課時4 Section B(la-2a)學習目標 A.重點單詞: pronounce,increase,speed,partner B.重點詞組:1 spoken English 2 increase reading speed 3. make mistakes in grammar 4. practice speaking/writing C.要求學生談論學英語時可能遇到的困難以及相應的解決辦法。預習導入 預習教材,回答下列問題:1 Does th

19、e writer think everyone is born with the ability to learn well? No,he/ she doesnt.2. Do the successful learners have any good habits in common? Yes,they do.預習導學Step 1 Revision and Leading-in Have a discussion:Questions:Do you think learning English is difficult or not? Why or why not? What will you

20、do when you meet some difficulties? Who will you ask for help? etc. 環(huán)節(jié)說明:課前的師生問答互動不僅讓學生回顧了上節(jié)課的內容,引導學生大膽地說英語,而且還可以很自然地導入到本節(jié)課的內容。Step 2 SB Page 5完成教材上la-le的任務 1. la.教師課前根據(jù)la的內容制作課件并把課件展示在電子白板上,列舉出學生在英語學習中會遇到的問題,引導學生根據(jù)課件所示的內容作答,也可以添加一些內容。 2. 1b.要求學生根據(jù)自己的學習情況結合上述課件所示的內容,引導學生說出在英語學習中還有哪些問題,并把它們一一列舉出來。 3

21、lc. Listen and complete the learning challenges Paul talks about. 4. 1d. Listen again and complete the solutions. 5. le.分角色表演:運用lc和1d里面的信息,表演學生和老師之間或者學生跟學生之間的對話。Step 3 SB Page 6 完成教材上2a的任務 1 What good learning habits can you think of?Make a list and discuss them with your partner. 2 Ask the students

22、 to preview the passage and know how to use the reading strategy:USING DICTIONARIES當堂檢測:見課件課后作業(yè):課時5 Section B(2b- 3b)學習目標 培養(yǎng)良好的學習習慣對于提高學習技能至關重要,懂得知識來自提問。預習導入 預習教材,回答下列間題:1 What does the saying "Practice makes perfect" mean? 熟能生巧。2. What does knowledgecome from?Knowledge comes from question

23、ing.Step 1 Revision and Leading-in Free talk.師生之間進行小對話或者學生之間展開談論。話題:閱讀習慣。要求學生說出一些好的閱讀習慣。老師也可以指出學生在閱讀中有哪些不良習慣,并予以糾正。Step 2 SB Page 6-7完成教材上2b-2e的任務 1 2b. Read the passage and underline the new words,then ask the Ss to look up the words in a dictionary and write down their meanings. 2. Read the passag

24、e quickly and check if any of the habits the students listed in 2a are mentioned. Which four habits of successful learners can the students find from the passage? (1)Creating an interest in what they learn. (2)Practicing and learning from mistakes. (3)Developing their study skills. (4)Asking questio

25、ns. 3. 2c. Read the passage again and answer the questions. 4. 2d. Find the following words from the passage in the dictionary. Then write a sentence using each word. 5. 2e.小組活動:Do you think you are a good learner?What learning habits do you think are useful? Discuss with your group and share the id

26、eas with the class.Step 3 SB Page 7-8完成教材上3a-3b的任務 1. 3a.請求幫助和提出建議。Suppose your friend wants to improve his/her English and ask you for help.What are the three best ways to learn and why? Make some notes. 2. 3b.寫作訓練:就好的學習英語的方法提出建議。Write a letter to your friend. Give him/her some advice about the bes

27、t ways to learn English. Use the notes in 3a. 課后練習:請學生熟讀教材并完成同步練習。導學反思:課時6 Self Check目標 1.要求學生整體復習本單元的詞匯、短語和重點句式。 2.要求學生復習學生用書上每課時的重點知識點。Step 1復習與記憶 Ask students to review the whole unit,including words,expressions,sentences,and their notes.Step 2完成教材上Self Check的任務 1Fill in the blanks with the words in the box.(參考答案:stressed, develop, take, practice, exercises, remember,until,everything,prepare,w


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