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1、英語構(gòu)詞法(轉(zhuǎn))掌握英語構(gòu)詞法是高中學(xué)生應(yīng)該具備的一項基本技能。它對于幫助學(xué)生擴大詞匯量,準確地推測文章中詞匯的含義具有非常重要的意義。現(xiàn)就英語中常見的三種構(gòu)詞法加以總結(jié)說明。 一 . 轉(zhuǎn)化:指由一種詞性轉(zhuǎn)化為另一種詞性的構(gòu)詞形式。1. 名詞轉(zhuǎn)化為動詞:book ( n 書 v 預(yù)定);seat ( n 座位 v 使就位;落座);water ( n 水 v 澆水);shoulder ( n 肩膀 v 負責(zé)任)2. 動詞轉(zhuǎn)化為名詞:try ( v 嘗試 n 嘗試);look ( v 看 n 表情);swim ( v 游泳 n 游泳);dream ( v 做夢 n 夢)3. 形容詞轉(zhuǎn)化為動詞:di

2、rty ( adj 臟的 v 弄臟);slow ( adj 慢的 v 放慢;減慢);right ( adj 正確的 v 糾正);dry ( adj 干的 v 變干);free ( adj 自由的 v 解放;使自由);wrong ( adj 錯誤的 v 弄錯;受委屈)4. 形容詞轉(zhuǎn)化為名詞:dear ( adj 昂貴的 n 喜歡的人 / 物);quiet ( adj 寂靜的 n 寂靜);total ( adj 全部的 n 總數(shù))5. 其它詞類的轉(zhuǎn)化情況:Our classroom faces south. ( south: n 南方;南面 adv 向南;朝南)6. 當英語詞匯轉(zhuǎn)化時,轉(zhuǎn)化后的詞的

3、讀音常有變化。二 . 合成:指由兩個或兩個以上本身有獨立含義的詞合在一起組成一個有具體意義的新詞的構(gòu)詞形式。1. 合成形容詞的常見構(gòu)詞形式:數(shù)詞 + 名詞a five - year plan (五年計劃);first-class products (一級品);second-hand goods (二手貨);a four-word (四字成語)數(shù)詞 + 名詞 +eda three - legged bench (三條腿的登子);a one - eyed camel (一只眼的駱駝)數(shù)詞 + 名詞 + 形容詞a 20-year-old lady (一位 20 歲的女士);a 1,000-metre

4、-long bridge (一座 1000 米長的橋)名詞 + 現(xiàn)在分詞peace-loving (熱愛和平的);meat-eating (食肉的);English-speaking (說英語的);history-making (創(chuàng)造歷史的)名詞 + 過去分詞heart-broken (傷心的);man-made (人造的);state-owned (國有的);water-covered (被水覆蓋的)形容詞 + 名詞 +edabsent-minded (漫不經(jīng)心的);blue-eyed (藍眼睛的);good-tempered (好脾氣的);kind-hearted (和善的)形容詞 + 現(xiàn)

5、在分詞bad-looking (相貌丑陋的);fine-sounding (動聽的);easy-going (容易相處的)形容詞 + 名詞short-term (短期的);part-time (兼職的);high-class (高級的);large-scale (大規(guī)模的)副詞 + 現(xiàn)在分詞hard-working (努力工作的);far-reaching (深遠的);ever-lasting (永恒的)副詞 + 過去分詞well-developed (高度發(fā)達的);well-known (著名的);well-trained (訓(xùn)練有素的)其他構(gòu)詞形式的合成形容詞all-round (全面的)

6、;face-to-face (面對面的);thank-you (感謝的);out-of-date (過時的)2. 合成名詞的常見構(gòu)成形式:名詞 + 名詞silkworm (蠶);footprint (腳?。?;newspaper (報紙);glasshouse (溫室);bedroom (臥室)名詞 + 動名詞handwriting (書法);sun-bathing (日光?。?;sight-seeing (觀光)形容詞 + 名詞shorthand (速記);hotline (熱線);blackboard (黑板)動名詞 + 名詞waiting-room (候車室);sleeping-pill (

7、安眠藥);writing-desk (寫字臺);reading-room (閱覽室)動詞 + 名詞pickpocket (扒手);post office (郵局);playground (操場);break-water (防波堤)動詞 + 副詞get-together (聯(lián)歡會);break-through (突破);take-off (起飛);lookout (崗哨)副詞 + 動詞downfall (垮臺);overthrow (推翻);outbreak (爆發(fā));income (收入;所得)其他構(gòu)成形式的合成名詞well-being (福利);good-for-nothing (無用之人)

8、;by-product (副產(chǎn)品);touch-me-not (含羞草);self-improvement (自我完善);self-criticism (自我批評)注意:合成詞如果出現(xiàn)復(fù)數(shù)形式時通常在其后加 -s 或 -es ,如 by-products, reading-rooms, 但應(yīng)特別注意: passers-by, lookers-on 等詞語是在其表達該詞中心含義的詞上加 -s 或 -es .3. 合成動詞及其他合成詞類:overthrow (推翻);sleep-walk (夢游);undergo (經(jīng)歷);everything (一切);furthermore (而且);fore

9、ver (永遠);maybe (也許)三 . 派生:指由一個詞根加上前綴和(或)后綴構(gòu)成另一個詞的構(gòu)詞形式。1. 前綴:一般而言,前綴只改變詞的含意,并不改變詞的詞性,有些前綴如 en- , under- 等卻使原詞改變了詞性,如 force ( n 力量) enforce ( v 加強);rich ( adj 富有) enrich ( v 使富裕);line ( n 線) underline ( v 在之下畫線)。表示否定意義的前綴,往往使原詞變成它的反義詞。前綴    含義       &#

10、160;    詞根                  派生詞dis-     不         like (喜歡)         dislike (不喜歡)un-  

11、0;   不         fair (公平)         unfair (不公平)il-    不;無       legal (合法的)      illegal (非法的)in-    不;非    

12、;  correct (正確的)     incorrect (不正確的)im-      非        possible (可能的)    impossible (不可能的)ir-    不;非      regular (規(guī)則的)     irregular (不規(guī)則的)

13、non-   無;非      smoker (煙民)        non-smoker (不吸煙者)en-      使        courage (勇氣)       encourage (鼓勵)fore-  前;預(yù)先   

14、60; head (頭)           forehead (前額)inter- 在之間   national (國家的)   international (國際的)kilo-    千         meter (米)          kilomet

15、er (千米)micro- 微量的;微小的computer (計算機)  microcomputer (微機)mid-   在中間      autumn (秋天)      mid-autumn (中秋)mis-   錯誤地       understand (理解)   misunderstand (誤解)over- 在上,過分;超過  head (頭)

16、     overhead (在頭頂上的)re-   再;重;又     build (修建)       rebuild (重建)seimi-   半          circle (圓)        semicircle (半圓)2. 后綴:通常情況下

17、,后綴不但改變詞,還改變詞性,常見的后綴有動詞后綴、副詞后綴、形容詞后綴和名詞后綴。動詞后綴:后綴       含義        詞根              派生詞 -en       變得   wide (寬的)    w

18、iden (加寬;變寬) -ify      使     beauty (美)    beautify (使漂亮) -ize/ise  使     real(的)       realize (實現(xiàn)) 副詞后綴:后綴      含義       &#

19、160;        詞根                      派生詞-ly    在狀態(tài)中      happy (高興;幸福) happily (高興地;幸福地)-ward   朝方向/地方  ba

20、ck (后)          backward (向后;朝后)形容詞后綴:后綴            含義                   詞根      

21、;            派生詞-able/-ible 可的;能的       comfort (舒服)     comfortable (舒適的)-al/-ial    屬于的;有特點   practice (練習(xí))    practical (實際的;可行的)-ed   &#

22、160;     有特性的           interest (興趣)    interested (感興趣的)-ful        充滿的             harm (傷害;損傷)  harmful (有害的;致傷

23、的)-ish        有屬性的           self (自己)        selfish (自私的)-ive        有傾向的           create (創(chuàng)

24、造)      creative (創(chuàng)造性的)名詞后綴:后綴          含義                詞根                

25、;    派生詞-ance/-ence 指行為、狀態(tài)     perform (表演)      performance (演出;表演)-dom        指性質(zhì)、狀態(tài)     free (自由的)       freedom (自由)-er/or     

26、; 指人的身份       work (工作)         worker (工人)-ess        指人的身份       host (招待;主持)   hostess (女主人)-ese        表示國籍 

27、60;       China (中國)        Chinese (中國人)-ian        指人的身份       music (音樂)        musician (音樂家)-ism     

28、0;  與主義有關(guān)的     social (社會的)     socialism (社會主義)1. able a. ability n. enable v. disabled a. disability n.2. abnormal normal(反) 3. aboard (在船/車/飛機上=on board) abroad (在國外) board (木板) broad (寬闊的)4. abolish v abolishment n5. abrupt a abruptly ad abruptness n.

29、6. absent a absence n.7. abundant adequate-rich8. accelerate v acceleration n.9. accept v acceptance n acceptable a acquaint v acquaintance n10. access v&n accessible=available (availability n)11. accident n accidental a (突發(fā)的,偶然的) accidentally12. accomplish v accomplishment a13. accountant 會計 ac

30、counting 會計業(yè)務(wù),會計學(xué)14. accumulate v. accumulation n15. accurate=exact a accuracy=exactness n accurately adv16. accuse v accusation the accused 被告17. acknowledge v acknowledgement18. acquire v acquisition19. addicted a addiction n addictive a20. adjust v adjustment n adjustable a21. admire v admirable

31、a admiration n22. advertise v 做廣告 advertising 做廣告 advertisement 廣告 an advertising firm 廣告公司23. advice n advise v.24. affection n affectionate a affectionately ad25. allocate v allocation n26. amaze v amazing a amazed a amazement n27. amuse v amusing a amused a amusement n28. analyse v analysis n ana

32、lytical a29. anger v&n angry a hunger n hungry a30. annual a annually ad yearly31. anxious a anxiety n curious a curiosity n32. appear v appearance n disappear v disappearance n33. apply v applicant n (申請人)n application (申請/運用) home appliances(家用電器)34. an approach to (doing) sth a way to do sth/

33、of doing sth a method of doing sth a means of doing sth35. appropriate a inappropriate a36. approve sth (批準,通過),approve of sth (同意),approval n disapprove disapproval37. rise(上升)/rose/risen arise(問題、矛盾在產(chǎn)生)/arose/arisen arouse (激發(fā)) ones interest /curiosity38. ashamed a shame n shameful a39. aspect(方面)

34、 respect expect except40. assistant v assistance n 41. assume v assumption n consume v consumption n42. sure a surely adv ensure sth assure sb43. attach v attachment n44. attend v attendance n attention n attentive a attentively45. be aware/ conscious /ignorant of unaware awareness unawareness uncon

35、scious consciousness unconsciousness ignorance46. award sb for sth=give sb a award for sth (獎勵) reward sb for sth = give sb a reward for sth(給報酬) in reward for= in return for (作為回報) in turn (相應(yīng)地)46. badly ill need money badly(非常地)47. ban /prohibit/forbid/prevent/keep/stop/hold (sb back) sb from doin

36、g sth48. bath n take a bath bathe v bathe oneself in the sun=be bathed in the sun49. bear /stand /tolerate ones doing sth put up with/ live with/ come to terms with50. behave v behaviour n51. benefit beneficial52. betray v betrayal n53. bitter a bitterness n54. blame sb for sth =blame sth on sb sb b

37、e to blame for sth hold the blame for sth55. blood bloody bleed v bleeding56. breath breathe v breathless=out of breath 57. brilliant brilliance n diligent diligence elegant elegance58. bury v burial n (burial service)59. cancel doing sth=call off doing sth put off doing sth = postpone doing =delay

38、doing60. capable capability capacity able (enable v) ability possible possibly possibility probable probably probability61. care careful carefully carefulness careless carelessly carelessness62. casual casually casualty(傷員,遇難者)63. catastrophe = disaster spell disaster/misfortune64. cater to = appeal

39、 to appeal to sb to do65. the cause of an accident the cause for ones sorrow/anger/anxiety the reason for (ones doing) sth66. caution take caution be cautious with/ of67. celebrate celebration in celebration of celebrity(名人)68. certain certainly certainty n69. change the changing world(變化著的世界) chang

40、eable weather(多變的天氣) changed conditions (改變了的環(huán)境)70. character characteristic a characteristics n.71. chemistry n chemical a chemist n 72. choose (chose, chosen) choice n73. under no circumstance = in no case = in no way = by no means = on no account = on no condition 句首倒裝74circulate circulation75. c

41、lass (階層,類別) classify v classification n clear n clarify pure purify 76. comfort n/v comforting a 令人安慰的 feel comforted a 感到安慰的 comfortable 令人舒適的77. compare v comparison n contrast v/n 78. compete v competition n competitive a competitor n competence n79. complete v/a completion n accomplish n accomp

42、lishment fulfill v fulfillment80. compose v composer n composition n81. concern n/v concerned a(擔(dān)心的,憂慮的;與有關(guān)的) concerning prep. 關(guān)于82. confuse v confused a confusing a confusion n83. consequence n consequent a consequently adv = as a consequence adv 84. consider v considerable a 相當大/多的 considerate 關(guān)心的,體貼的;考慮周全的 consideration n take sth into consideration= take sth into account85. be consistent (a ) with = be in consistence (n)with 86. constant a constantly adv instant a instantly adv87. contact 接觸 contract合同88.


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