



1、精選優(yōu)質文檔-傾情為你奉上Example of English Morning ReportUrological Departmentmorning report.There are 50 patients in our ward. Three patients were discharged from the hospital yesterday :Bed 1,Bed 28 and Bed 40.Bed 28.Mr.周儀水,82-years-old,with advanced bladder cancer.was discharged from the hospital against ad

2、vice due to financial problem yesterday evening. Health-care suggestions had been made to these patients.Three patients were admitted yesterday:Bed 1,Mr.,age 60,complains of painless hematuria for several weeks.The tentative diagnosis of bladder carcinoma is made according to ultrasonography at loca

3、l hospital.Cystoscopy will be performed this afternoon for final diagnosis.(further investigation)Bed 28,Mr.,aged 55,is a patient with BPH(benign prostatic hyperplasia),suffering from urgency ,frequency of micturition and weak urinary stream for about 3 years. Five days before admission ultrasonogra

4、m showed a large prostate gland of 60 gm associated with a bladder stone 4cm in diameter. Because of acute urinay retention, catheterization was conducted yesterday afternoon. The urine is draining well and slightly bloody.Bed40,Miss her definite diagnosis is calculus of right kidney according to IV

5、U(intravenous urogaphy),admitted for undergoing ESWL(extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy).Blood samples of these 3 new patients were taken and sent to the laboratory for examination this morning.Two patients will be operated on today:Bed 9,Mr.封云清 with hydronephrosis.will undergo preloplasty under

6、general anesthesia.He had a good sleep last night. After administration of 2 pills of valium by mouth, he was sent to the operating room at 7:30 am.DVIU(direct vision internal urethrotomy) will be perfomed under epidural block anesthesia for Mr.王僅僅,Bed 26, with urethral stricture. The patients condi

7、tions such as vital signs and mood are stable and everything for pre-operative preparation has been made.One patient was operated on yesterday:Bed 23,Mr.洪草君,with carcinoma of renal pelvis on the right side, underwent hand-assisted laparoscopic right nepho-ureterectomy and partial cystectomy under ge

8、neral anesthesia yesterday. The operation was successful and the patient was send back to the ward at12:30pm.Intensive care managements including oxygen inhalation, bedside electrocardiography supervision and venous transfusion were conducted.Up to now, the patients respiration was smooth, heart rat

9、e 80 to 92/min, blood pressure 123-142/62-80 mmHg and SO2(saturation) 96-100%.Because of using PCA(patient controlled analgesia),the patient didnt feel much pain in his wound. The dressing was dry and only 10 ml bloody fluid was drained. The urethral catheter drained 1100ml clear urine. But special

10、attention should be paid to the patients temperature. He had a high fever of 39 at 8pm yesterday evening. After administration of 1 pill indomethacin per rectum and alcohol sponge bath for 1 hour , the temperature was still high, 39.1 at 9:30pm. And then 1ml antodine was injected intramuscularly, hi

11、s temperature dropped down to 38.3 1 hour later .I took his temperature just now. It was 37.5 and he feels much better. The postoperative input was 2500ml, i.e. the volume of the intravenous infusion. And the output was 1760ml including urine 1150ml, drainage 10ml and sweat 600ml respectively. The p

12、atient could be able to cough and do deep breathing from time to time to expand his lung according to nursing advice. Morning nursing such as oral care, preventing bedsore care and perineum cleaning has being carried out and the patient can rest in bed on semireclining position now.Following patient

13、s also should be reported:Bed 25,Miss 倪水藍,is a patient with pheochromocytoma on the left side, 3days after left adrenalectomy. Her condition is doing well and started to break wind. Therefore a liquid diet is suggested today.Bed 45,Mr.孫橋,is a patient with BPH, 2 days after TURP(transurethral resecti

14、on of the prostate). Continuous bladder irrigation through a 3-way catheter is still carrying out and draining well. The colour of the irrigated fluid looks slightly bloody. The temperature was 37.2 at 6am this morning. I told him to drink more water, take some vegetables and fruits to prevent const

15、ipation and he accepted.Two patients had a fever : Bed 7,38.1; Bed 30,38.The input and output in 24 hours for patients at Bed 34 and Bed 42 were normal, written down on the blackboard.Thats all for todays morning report .Now the duty doctor, please.參考譯文英語晨交班范例各位!早上好!現(xiàn)在開始晨交班。病房病人總數(shù)50人。昨天出院病人3個:1床、28床


17、整形術。昨晚睡眠好,7:30AM口服兩片安定后已送手術室。26床,王僅僅,男,尿道狹窄,今擬在硬膜外阻滯麻醉下行直視下尿道內切開術。病人生命體征和心理等情況穩(wěn)定,術前準備就緒。昨天手術病人1個:23床,洪草君,男,右腎盂癌,昨天在全麻下行手助腹腔鏡右腎輸尿管切除和膀胱部分切除術。術程順利,中午12點半送回病房。予以吸氧、床邊心電監(jiān)護和輸液等重癥護理措施。迄今,病人呼吸平穩(wěn),心率在80-92次/分,血壓123-142/62-80 mmHg,血氧飽和度在96-100%。因為使用了自控止痛包,病人并沒有覺得傷口很痛。傷口敷料干燥,腹腔引流管引流10ml血性液體,導尿管引流1150ml尿液,尿色清。但應特別注意病人的體溫,昨晚8點病人體溫高達39,予1粒消炎痛栓劑塞肛和酒精擦浴,一小時后即9點半病人體溫仍高達39.1,再予復方氨基比林1毫升肌肉注射,一小時后體溫降至38。3。剛才測體溫為37.5,病人感覺好多了。術后進量為2500ml,即為靜脈補液量;出量為1760 ml,其中尿量1150 ml、引流液10 ml、估計出汗量600 ml。病人能按照責任護士的建議,常常


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