1、國家開放大學電大本科高級英語寫作2023-2024期末試題及答案(試卷代號:1359)Part VmabulHry anil Sfruchirr JO points. 2 p<»in(s each :Questions J 一5 are based on the following task.Cho(M;e Ihc appropriate words or expressions from the box to coiiipletc the following paragraph.I here tire THREE rxlra choices thul you don * t
2、ncecL Write your answer on I he Answer Sheet.A. prnduceB. liowwr(-JlJbl 腮D. careE- consequencesF Althoughcom fnicutIL responsibleIE hiiolngy 5urn)nnd< uk and is a jwrt of nur daily liv,、 Wc cun find tri hnobgiral innovations 01 hornet nur wprkplaa our schools and our phygrnun< < 1) cechnolo
3、ffy hasimproved our 11vets in sntne ways. it han hIwi bnrught many ncgatisT <2> <Mndeni technn)Dgy h/R; made life very (3) . VVc have < vcrythi!ig vr tired iind our inventions inke care of so many unpleasant details in om dny to clay lives< lfoods from all over the world nre nvnilnblr
4、 fit Incn) $upcrniarkcl5 IntcmatiohaI irnwl is now fast nnd easy. We ran talk to friends on cd I phnnr5 any rirnet anywhere Hiid wr am catch h FV >how from many countnrs fnr nway.(1) rnrivriiti.-nccs have price. Wr consumr too rnurli rnrry and tod many rrsourccs and we create too much w«sict
5、 The work! is over flawing with pollution aim! waste. We cannot continue like this foreven We should he marc (5)About protecting Our world whih* still enjovrny cnnveruences. If our natural wnrlil is ilrtrnycrL ihr conveniences will he uhvless<Part 2 Paragraph OrgunhaTlon and Development 4Q points
6、Questions 6 8 urc basttfi on the lolloping task. (15 points. S points each)Read the lohowlng paragraphse Choose the be” answer to ench question9 Write your nnswer V B or C on the /Vnswer Sheets(C)In the first place, it is nicire nutntious than store-bought ur restaurantfoocL ll is alsu less expenaiv
7、e# in addilinn. pnqmnng and eaitng home cooked food helps strcnpihcn family bornLi lomt-vuoked ioo<i has higher nutriliods value lliati prepared inni A lot (d prepared fond is hixh in 54giu «nd hl It is alsii not vriy Ire>ht so il has lost nuirifinus value while >Hhng mi the aIivII wni
8、ting <d be boughi.(7)A restnurHiit mt;iL t-ven nt nrrsiauraiil. u. more expensive I han amt-al mi home. Additinnnlly> you have to tip the server and pay for irarixporlation to and from ihc restaurant. Buying a pre pneked menl m n grnrery store* i hoi bettfir. h cost a lot rnhrr than buying ing
9、rvdims nil prrpunnn ihr meh I ynursclGT二三-y 二 mxrow*ro_»cr wrrl =m=y mrmrrB conk 三 wm 一bwFm wTn r三二 y 一=«=-=.,vrr:一 Mr> = id -Oxt4-t;r -hey /-=-=-二二二-二xr-h-4 -hey -二-vr 二: rhnr 三 r 一二 2L二二-三 m nsd d-MsM psm-em?(OCJ n hy -Mw-Mn s = -nm-y -h2 -C-Arclmh 一三 p; £ren 奏-o二耳-uk-d.Tw-*m-r-
10、r 二二 h二-三- l三 r weLhT-二三o三 k 二三-y -_二二二cn。-三7 The;三 § r§s。一二c三3p 一二-三-KX- -Kcmxroc-y A二二2 二7r三 mrlJnn = r-xu-nr -IT-? pC-MIQM -T3r*-opfc Mfu-lMncr5-f 三二Mxrsrwr >二-三三noakcu-ho.二»bo= H =二 5z-x二-二二Wnr2- -ood=?,nrn- wtzy?«HsnokLood Mknu二m 一c-二,-Mr:于=二一一 匕 very«_!_ r-om,nooknc
11、 二cod 云 s-owxn=vz=i二 7 7 C-M5A -z hc:U -op-c 5D5 一 3 -OK 二二 S 一z二-一 Hs-r > Ea二二x_drsr一二 sn_ ?!-二二 v2s-=-±=kf R Mtmy PWTsoy 2-3K、二 ssss (. = 3SN a -2 n- m-=My 3r-y -二二三 r2-=5- 尹 hofJNr 二三三>土 n 三二二5Z三工一3&二> T-wy -Jrrpnrc hs=hy ma®y-k -h-y -urn m 2 二32二 m-CTUr w二 huch 257 (n h<
12、;lyssy hu<- n 一>-Ka3r ?5- -n-二二 y c=3 二-三 Vcmma。-hor-Fw-w _二言Kr=_h byBddsK -a三F一 25X二 nto ”一skc !H=.=r -=2一二=一二-re-xu二二二nry y=- u,= =3=y w=h -he IT-CVS3- psr5Krsph wxn=x三一 60 80 word*wrl?yusr nmtwcrv on he Answer sh2Lxao (蘭 I-xncF一xrfHy K" preyed by Aaonxixc; n 一二 mrm-二二土 -om -三三 cr-二 T 二
13、二二二., wh2L= £二,一 -h 二k ./mm -OS 一。一 pnrsMN >m-三三X5MM- -c-三 rnm?Ihm nrd mnr-y -*一三二-揚0一 hrm工>£= -ownrds pmnzby 9 non s »5-cKh-M Nkcb -qx.2二Xy-二二一三 r三,Xw 二7-=mos-y suplmw yo-Jr 一技?二 =Mer-cr-y whs -hry -wad -r二-A nTn b-二-三二二一 y 三三一二二蕓Arm 二 s o=三 *.一 =nl=三. =1 二五一F.y W3二一-= 一 wc二 y
14、Aboc二 nm- JH- -h£-ryc=3-=- nn- M-三 m 二事 i- 二二y z-二二二 w_ 三1二 N£ w n三orKmm nbo三 y 三二一nr-三r£ =rAdd SUPPCZ3K -oB-rxrv )一srr- H wr=K= _;£y c=zc3-0 wxnM 待,cy rs-rwsK =-=-orAq 二 m=y二三一 huisvz.d Yu= £= wsrv =hn£ Th三ki.5三吝-二 I WS-0II5二二 59SQWr 二;r gny ±3 三,vrs (= c=y yemr =
15、r*-mpr32n3z r-xLm?F;rInMl:-三 m 三弓o三二=-. wct-fPart 2 pDro.TCniph orvsiza-cn 三三 Dz±=pmg-2o POSEQuestions 68 (I5pointst 5 points each)0. A7.C8. BQuestion 9. <25 points)Marking Guideline 供參考)21-25內(nèi)容切跖連叩性好市法正確廊言通膜恰祭基本無話法錯誤,篇幅姑當.16-20內(nèi)吾切連株性較好S語fl較為灑順恰馬.有少fit語法錯誤,篇娘詁當.11-15內(nèi)罟較完整廂句基本連跖譜言基本通刪,有本通語法愣如
16、篇幅適當.A 10內(nèi)容不完整:語句欠連沿法錯誤較多0-5內(nèi)容不完整;語言支陶破蜉&無法閱讀.Here h a sample(Given an the 心I pajirr: Xiuu is a fundamental ronevpt in Chinese- ruhurr. Whm is 'M? I think Xiao is b>vr for parents and heing good tn pnrms I here are many rxatnplvs pl be Xtao io wants pnrrnts hy a son or n diiuhrer. Xtati m
17、 respecting yuur parents. X/au i, ndl only supporting your parents inntcrudly when they net il 111 it is also frequently updating pufent on r>ur sitnatioiu so that they wouldn*! worry nbnui uh and so that they can lulp nnd advise us il they sc ihn< we nvecl iL iw nol forglting aboul youi pnren
18、l廠 ht山h.)Xi mi is waking up al f m> q f clock in llu morning tn remind yont inothcf io 偵 k Itrr niviliciiic. Xmu is not viMlitvg parrnionly on wcvkently yQH dm huw hmnPnrl I VtK Hlitilary und Strudure (10 point* 2 points cuch)2-E3.GIIPurl 2 Pamtniph OrganUntioit and Development (10 points)Qur%tio
19、ns 6 8 (ISpohits* 5 points cuch)7.C6. AQuestion 9. (25 p<dnts)Marking (>uldcline<(X V)21-25財&.,1 狀 n H »ih 們 1 hi(i.i:i. jQMtft ;,i "卜無論法 WH加 0 MiA "匕_16-20uML婦!成性較好奇券較為通淵ft當.有少景屜燹由岬 _11 一 15內(nèi)容較煲臻lift句M木連枇藥H聲% *通地有少H訥法倡i加篇幅話當610PI fr序.仍可欠理!!.".,.出濕較多. 0 !>內(nèi)料不兜16以盲
20、賣南虢跖無法閱讀.Hrrr 2 n Maniple.(hvrn on ihr irsi paperj .”m i> n fundnrnrnnil cniu rpi incuhure> Whiit i*Auru? I think Xhin * love for parrnth and living «oo(l tn piirmift. fhen Jirr nwmy exntnplcsof be Xiao lowurtk prm nt<. hy m >oti ut N (biuglurr. Xi(hi in r< >pccimn ymn pnicrn&
21、gt;> ,0” " nni cinly nupiiorting your iwirvriiwhrn they nrrd il)il in mInii liri|Ufiilly updntiriKpiirrnts(;n nnr mhuiiioiu w that ihry wouldn'i wrury nlicnit uk atid e that they inn hrlp nnd nlvi5c lire il they *er ih;i< wr nrvd il.i,nut lorurtnein ihom youi 叩心® Iwlih. )A run in wnking up tw<> o'clock m the mnrnjnR h、l*o l/ik< hrr tiHMlirnh m,“ ” rmipnr
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