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1、College Stude nts 'Attitudes To The Network HypesCollege Students'Attitudes To TheNetwork HypesCollege Students' Attitudes To The Network HypesAbstract:This paper is commissioned to study the college students attitudes towards n etwork hypes. Network has already pen etrated in to every a

2、spect of our life. We use internet to search for almost whatever in formatio n we n eed.Our society has bee n experie ncing a n et-voluti on. Internet has already cha nged our life way. We use internet banking to pay the cost of water and electricity. Through n etwork, we can buy many things without

3、 going out of our house. Accordi ng to the statistics from In dustry In formatio n Departme nt, i nternet users in china have already passed 400 millio ns. Chi na has become NO.1 in the nu mber of internet users.Many eve nts can be spread through internet quickly. So many Network Red are appeared,su

4、ch as Sister Furong , Sharp brother. There are also many hypes on li ne everyday. For many people, they do not know whether these eve nts are true or not. Only people involving in the eve nts know. For many hypes, the purpose is to make more people to know them or to in crease the degree of concerns

5、 about these eve nts. In order to know the students attitudes towards the network hypes and if these hypes and the whole network environment can affect people ' life values, authors of this paper make an in vestigati on and study the results of this survey.Through this study, the paper concludes

6、 that most people are familiar with n etwork hypes and have a comprehe nsive mind with these eve nts. However n etwork environment has a more or less effect on people ' life value and most believe that internet users should obey a moral sta ndard.Key words: n etwork hypes; internet en vir onment

7、; internet users; n etwork red1. M ethodology and procedureThe authors of this paper use the form of the questi onn aire. In this questi onn aire, we desig n ten questio ns. Each of the ten questi ons invo Ives an aspect about n etwork hypes. From these questions, we can study people ' attitudes

8、 towards the network hypes.A total of 20 individuals participate in the survey. They are all from college students. Although the number of people involving this survey is small, they are covering different grades and to some extent, it still can stand for some point of view. If time permits we can d

9、esign more questions in this questionnaire and find more stude nts to join in this in vestigati on.After stati ng these questi onn aires, we use excel to make charts in order to make our investigation more clearly and vividly. Through the statistics, we can get our con clusi ons. Then we an alysis t

10、he results and have our recomme ndati ons. These are our methodology and procedure about this inv estigati on.2. Presentation and resultsIn this part, I will give nine charts. Each chart representsthe result to the corresponding question. Then I will give some explanations to these charts.Among this

11、 investigation, there are 3 girls and 17 boys. Although the number of girls is small, it meets BeiHang university ratio of girl to boy. All of them are stude nts from BeiHa ng uni versity.2. Which of the following do you know?Sister FurongSister fengBV brotherSharp brotherShoushouNo one10155(Multipl

12、e choice)20Chart 1From chart 1, we can see that at least 85% of the participants know network red. This may dem on strate that most college stude nts are concerning more or less these n etwork red and eve nts inv olvi ng with them.3. What are your attitudes about in dece ntvideo(Such as sexually exp

13、licit photo)?(Multiple choice)3College Stude nts 'Attitudes To The Network Hypes#College Stude nts 'Attitudes To The Network HypesChart 24College Stude nts 'Attitudes To The Network HypesAs we can see from chart 2, 70% of the participants believe that celebrity scandalsor hypes are only

14、the private life of stars. Only 5% think that it is very difficult to accept those bad things happened on stars or other celebrities. 30% con sider that those protag oni sts deep in the hypes are the victims. 15% feel that these hypes are against the law. According these statistics we can draw that

15、most of college students have an entertainment attitude to these hypes although some believe that n etwork hypes should be give n a moral concern and not aga inst the law.4. What are the causes of the in cide nts and the n etwork hypesChart 3This questi on is about the reas on why those n etwork hyp

16、es can appear. From the result we can see 70% believe that it is the malicious media speculation that makes the hypes so com mon. From this questi on we believe that most college stude nts in fact have their own ideas about hypes and un dersta nd the esse ntial of those hypes.5. How do you think num

17、bers of speculation ofthe n etwork may not be actual?Chart 4This question is very interesting. We want to see if people are interested those hypes or talk with other people about the hypes. However the result is somewhatdifferent from what we think. 70% of participants think that these hypes are jus

18、t rumors and ignore these events after know of them. Only 20% take the action of spread ing the hypes.6. Do you thi nk such n etworks hypes should be con trolled by gover nment ?Chart 5Fac ing more and more hypes, some of which are malicious, from the point of view of author, we think these maybe ha

19、ve effects on youth. This chart shows us that 75% believe that whether hypes should be con trolled depe nds on the situati on. Only 15% thi nk that they must be con trolled by gover nment. We may con clude that for most internet user hypes on li ne are withi n their tolera nee.7. Which have you done

20、 with the network? (Multiplechoice)Chart 6This question is to find if students more or less change their moral standard when they are surfing in such a network environment. We can see from the chart that some6College Stude nts 'Attitudes To The Network Hypesof them really do many things that the

21、y may never do in real life. Maybe nobody knows what they do online, so some people may lower their moral standard.一 1172YesNo10158. Do you like the way how did Sister feng to be famous?Hard to say207College Stude nts 'Attitudes To The Network Hypes#College Stude nts 'Attitudes To The Networ

22、k HypesChart 7Take Sister feng for example, 85% do not like the way Sister feng gets famous. Only 5% believe it is all right. From the result we can see that although students are concerned with hypes, they do not thi nk this way to get famous is a good mode.9.Do you thi nk these hypes will affect y

23、our values?Chart 8Although hypes do not have essential effects on our real life, maybe they can gradually change our outlook on life. This question is to determine if students are affected by these hypes. From this result we can get that 45% stude nts are affected to some exte nt by hypes.10. Do you

24、 think people should obey the moral whe nthey use the in ternet?Should obeyInternet should not bebound by the moral andDoes not matterDiffere nt moral systemshould be established05101520Chart 9Internet provides us a virtual world, totally different from our real life. As the corresponding, whether d

25、ifferent moral system should be obeyed. Through this statistic, 80% stude nts believe that we should obey the traditi onal moral. 20% think that we should cha nge our moral system.From the statistic we could see that most college stude nts know of the hypes happening recently. However most believe t

26、hat the hypes are just entertainment products, and have an en terta inment attitude towards them. Although almost half of the stude nts are more or less affected by the hypes, they do not hope these hypes happe ning on them. Fac ing the virtual n etwork world, most stude nts call for obey the moral.

27、3. ConclusionCollege stude nts take more time on n etwork surfi ng everyday, which already is their life style. Things and pers ons are easily beco ming popular on the n et. And now some personsare very well-known through network hypes, Such as Sister Furong, Shoushou, Sharp brother which are alread

28、y famous figures on the net for a short time. The protagonists of network hypes gain the fame in a non-traditional way and gain the ben efit more or less. Whereas, on one hand, the mass are rati onal fac ing the n etwork hypes, they clearly realize that n etwork hypes are bad activities and rumors w

29、hich are mostly fabricated and arranged deliberately by the organizers. The majority will ignore and not care the n etwork hypes. On the other hand, the mass more or less atte nd the com muni cati on of the n etwork hypes as an en terta inment and seek the pleasure from them. Whereas, as a cha nnel

30、of the culture, the mass holds that the n etwork hypes which affect the value con cept of the mass should be forbidde n, and the regulati ons or laws should be established quickly.4. Discussion and RecommendationAs a new cha nnel of the culture of public com muni catio n, net plays an importa nt rol

31、e in the com muni cati on of the mass. Net is already differe nt from the others old com muni cati on cha nn els, its range of the com muni cati on is more wide, its speed of the com muni cati on is quicker, and its in teracti on of the com muni catio n is stro nger.What are the in flue nces of n et

32、work hypes on the social educatio n?Now, n etwork hypes are very com mon on the n et. The min ority make use of the n etworks hypes to obta in in dividual in terest through the n et, especially gain the economic interests. They take all kinds of measures to achieve theirs aims not thi nki ng of the

33、in flue nces on the mass . So they totally com muni cate some stro ngly wrong messages to the mass. Especially, some wrong valve concepts are com muni cated to the young populati on, so they affect the thinking grow ing of the young populatio n, which is a serious social problem. So n etwork hypes o

34、nly service the minority which is black-hearted and selfish, whereas harm the interests of the mass. This kind of phenomenon is totally wrong.What and how do the mass and the gover nment should do facing the n etwork hypes?We need the right world view, philosophy and value concept in the society, es

35、pecially for the young populati on whose thi nking is maturi ng. The society n eed be harm onious and healthy, and develop as a right method. Every one can seek someth ing meanin gful from the society to develop themselves actively and rightly.So net should com muni cate somethi ng right and meanin

36、gful, not dirty and wrong. On one hand, the orga ni zers and the protag oni sts of n etwork hypes have better realize what they do on the earth and the bad in flue nces of their activities on the society and the mass. If possible, they may correct their bad thoughts and activities. On the other hand

37、, the gover nment should make some regulatio ns or laws to restrict the n etworks hypes to protect the in terests of the mass. The real n ames are registered on the BBS to avoid n etwork hypes. If the orga ni zers and the protago ni sts of n etwork hypes appear, they can be pursued his legal respons

38、ibility. At the same time, the mass should obey regulations or laws, and make our best and restrict ourselves on the morality.9College Stude nts 'Attitudes To The Network HypesAppendix A: QuestionnaireWhat are your opinions about The network hypesDo you have any ideas of sexually explicit photo,

39、 baleony scandal and other kinds of scandals?And what are about Sister Furong, Sharp brother, Sister feng and so on? We very appreciate that you will finish this questionnaire which is about the attitudes of the network hypes.Thank you very much!I.Your sex:A. WomanB.ma nCollege Stude nts 'Attitu

40、des To The Network HypesCollege Stude nts 'Attitudes To The Network Hypes2. Which of the following do you know? (Multiple choice)A. Sister FurongB. Sister fengC. BV brotherD. Sharp brotherE.ShoushouD. No oneCollege Stude nts 'Attitudes To The Network HypesCollege Stude nts 'Attitudes To The Network Hypes3. What are your attitudes about in dece nt video(Such as sexually explicit photo)? (Multiple choice)A. Difficult to accept, Pop starss life are very lustfulB. Feel normal,


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