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1、Module 1 Unit 2 Growing pains 基本知識點教學目標:1. 掌握本單元的基本詞匯,包括中英文和詞性的轉換,能在閱讀中讀懂文章。2. 掌握基本短語,包括介詞短語,動詞短語,常用詞的固定搭配。3. 掌握基本句型,并根據(jù)所學句型能夠翻譯句子。4. 掌握定語從句的基本用法,知道關系副詞的運用,能夠做一些簡單練習。一 基本詞匯:1. 容忍,允許2. 行為,句子3. 辯解,辯白;防御,保護4. 解釋,說明 (n)5. 處理,對付6. 堅持,堅持認為7. 爭吵,辯論,論點,論據(jù)8. 耐心9. 自私的10. 疏遠的,遙遠的11. 禁止12. 正常的,常規(guī)的,一般的13. 限制,極限,

2、界限14. 獨立(n)15. 平衡,抵消16. curtain17. frightened18. bend 19. starve20. adult21. fault22. emergency23. deserve24. sigh25. error26. guidance27. freedom28. annoyed29. confused30. wisdom教學要求:給定中文的要求學生會讀,會寫,會用;給定英文的要求學生認識單詞,有助于學生詞匯量的擴大。二 詞性轉換:1. frightened (動詞) _2. bend (過去式) _ (過去分詞) _3. starve (名詞) _4. si

3、nk (過去式) _ (過去分詞) _5. tolerate (形容詞) _ (名詞) _6. behavior (動詞) _7. emergency (形容詞) _ 8. explanation (動詞) _9. chat (過去式) _ (過去分詞) _10. argument (動詞) _11. freedom (形容詞) _ (副詞) _12. harm (動詞) _ (形容詞) _13. patience (形容詞) _ (反義詞) _14. annoyed (動詞) _15. forbid (過去式) _ (過去分詞) _16. misunderstand (名詞) _17. co

4、nfused (動詞) _18. limit 動詞) _ (形容詞) _19. wisdom (形容詞) _20. balance (形容詞) _教學要求:掌握基本詞匯的名詞,動詞,形容詞等的詞性轉換,有助于學生任務型閱讀方法和技巧的提高。三 單詞拼寫:1. It is _ (建議) that the project should be carried out by the end of this year.2. It was r_ of you to interrupt that lady when she was speaking.3. He a_ as a waiter in a sma

5、ll restaurant last summer and earned enough money for his coming term.4. In China, most t_ still depend on their parents, while those in the USA at their age try to be independent.5. He is too s_. He only thinks for himself, and never offers to do anything for other people.6. Smoking is _ (禁止) in th

6、e meeting room.7. The teacher gave a clear e_ on the use of the wood.8. We are quite surprised at that mans strange b_.9. He i_ on seeing the manager as soon as possible.10. They spent hours in _ (爭論) about where to go. 教學要求:學生能根據(jù)每個句子的中文寫出英文,根據(jù)首字母寫出單詞,有助于學生詞匯用法的理解和掌握。四 基本短語:1. 出現(xiàn),露面;調(diào)高,調(diào)大 turn up /

7、拒絕;調(diào)低,調(diào)小 turn down / 向某人求助 turn to ( sb for help ) / 轉身 turn around / 打開 turn on / 關閉 turn off / 遞交,上交 turn in / 翻轉 turn over / 結果是,證明是 turn out / 變成 turn into2. 浪費時間做某事 Its a waste of time to do sth / waste time doing sth3. 強迫某人做某事,迫使某人做某事 force sb to do sth4. 在.中扮演.的角色act a part of sb in sth5. 充當,

8、擔任 act as / 把.表演出來 act out6. 在度假be on vacation / 去度假 go on a vacation 7. 長假 the long vacation8. 外出度假回來 arrive back from vacation9. 應該.,應當. be supposed to do sth / 不應該,不應當 be not supposed to do sth10. 和預料的一樣早early as expected / 比預料的更早 earlier than expected11. 與某人保持聯(lián)系 keep / get in touch with sb12. 與某

9、人失去聯(lián)系 keep out of touch with sb / lose touch with sb13. 處理,處置;對付,應付 do with / deal with14. 廢除 do away with15. 沒有 也行,湊合,將就 do without16. 向某人解釋某事 explain sth to sb / explain to sb sth17. 對某事的解釋或說明 the explanation for sth18. 亂七八糟,一團糟,混亂 (be) in a mess19. 在水池里洗碟子 wash dishes in the sink20. 負責,掌管(be) in

10、charge of = take charge of / (be) in the charge of = take the charge of21. 免費 free of charge / for free22. 因向某人索要多少錢 charge sb ( money ) for sth23. 砰地關上門 slam the door24. 垃圾桶,垃圾箱 trash can / garbage can25. (燈,火) 熄滅,出去 go out26. 不再,再也不 not .any more = no more / not . any longer = no longer27. 既然 now

11、that 28. 作記號 make a mark29. 用B在A上作記號,用B給A作記號 mark A with B30. 不睡覺,熬夜 stay up31. 畢竟,終究,到底 after all / 首先,最重要的是 above all / 首先 first of all / 總共,總計 in all / 一點也不,決不not at all32. 把A與B混合在一起 mix A with B33. 混合,弄亂,攪勻,拌和 mix up34. 某人對某事有興趣sb be interested in sth = sth be interesting to sb 35. 培養(yǎng)對某事的興趣 deve

12、lop an interest in sth36. 產(chǎn)生對某事的興趣 take / show / have an interest in sth37. 失去對某事的興趣 lose an interest in sth38. 人民的利益 people's interests39. 錢的利息 the interests of money40. 在人生中的重要時期 during the important period in one's life41. 言論自由 freedom of speech 42. 你忠誠的朋友 yours faithfully / yours sincere

13、ly / yours truly43. 好像,似乎 as though / as if44. 一定要,堅持要求 insist on45. 網(wǎng)吧 Internet Café46. 迫不及待做某事 cant / couldnt wait to do sth47. 與某人閑聊 chat with sb48. 目前,當前,現(xiàn)在 at present = at the present time49. 出席,在場 be present at / 缺席,不在場 be absent from50. 與某人為某事引起爭論 have / cause an argument with sb about (

14、 over ) sth = argue with sb about ( over ) sth51. 為爭取/反對某事而爭辯 argue for / against sth52. 建議某人做某事 suggest (sb / sb's) doing sth53. 提出建議 make / offer a suggestion54. 為反對.而斗爭,與.斗爭 fight with / against 55. 為爭取.而斗爭 fight for56. 因為.而瘋狂 be crazy about / 做某事瘋狂 be crazy to do sth57. 瘋狂地 like crazy58. 某人做

15、某事是瘋狂的 It's crazy of sb to do sth.59. 業(yè)余時間 spare time / 備份 spare part60. 給我騰出幾分鐘 spare me a few minutes61. 建議信 an advice letter / 感謝信 a thank-you letter62. 咨詢建議 / 征求建議 ask for advice63. 一條建議 a piece of advice / 一些建議 some advice64. 采納或聽從某人的建議 take / follow / adopt / listen to ones advice65. 拒絕或不理

16、睬某人的建議 refuse / turn down ones advice66. 四處看看 look around / round67. 對.苛刻be hard on / 對 嚴格 be strict with68. 拉開窗簾 open the curtain69. 撞上,碰上 run into / come across70. 值得做某事,應當做某事 deserve to do sth 71. 某事值得被做 deserve doing sth / deserve to be done72. 寄希望于某人做某事 trust sb to do sth73. 表現(xiàn)好/ 不好 behave well

17、 / behave badly74. 未受懲罰的 go unpunished75. 都是你的錯 It's all your fault.76. 挑剔,對吹毛求疵 find fault with / be particular about77. 變瘋 go mad78. 對某人粗魯無禮 be rude to sb79. 某人做某事是粗魯無禮的 It's rude of sb to do sth.80. 因為.而心煩/ 苦惱 be upset about / with sth81. 禁止某人做某事 forbid sb to do sth / forbid sb from doing

18、 sth / sb be forbidden to do sth82. 某人做某事是禁止的 Its forbidden for sb to do sth.83. 紫禁城 the Forbidden City84. 以的形式 in the form of85. 為自豪 be proud of / take pride in86. 拒絕做某事 refuse to do sth87. 加速 speed up 88. 茫然,不知所措 at a loss89. 做某事害怕,害怕做某事 be frightened to do sth90. 害怕得要死 be frightened to death91. 使

19、某人感到(非常)驚訝的是 (much ) to ones surprise92. 臨近,逼近,靠近 draw near93. 需要 call for94. 制作唱片 make records95. 被覆蓋 be covered with / by96. 提醒某人某事,使某人想起某事remind sb of sth97. 第一次 for the first time98. 既然,由于now that99. 到處都找不到,到處都看不見be nowhere to be seen100. 為心煩,為苦惱be upset about教學要求:學生會寫,會默本單元的常用短語,注意介詞短語和動詞短語的固定搭

20、配,尤其要掌握考試和練習中的高頻詞組,有助于學生提高選擇題的正確率。五 翻譯句子:1. Eric 跑進起居室追足球,身后跟出一條大狗,走路慢吞吞的。Eric _ in _, _ by a big dog, _ very slowly.2. Eric 坐在床上,看著雙臂交叉,表情氣憤的Daniel.Eric sits on his bed _ at Daniel, who has his arms _ and looks angry.3. 你倆用我們留給你們的錢做什么了?_ did you _ _ the money we left?4. 讓你們用來買狗食的錢已經(jīng)不見了。The money _

21、which you were to buy dog food is gone.5. 我堅持要求他和我們一起來。I _ _ his coming with us.6. 他躺在草地上,手交叉放在腦后,望著天上的星星。He _ on the grass, _ his hands crossed under his head, looking at the stars in the sky.7. 他沒來參加晚會的原因是他不得不參加一個重要的會議。The reason _ he didnt come to the party was _ he had to _ an important meeting.

22、8. 天氣預報說周末天氣會轉晴。The weather forecast says that it will _ _ this weekend.9. 對不起,我把你的分數(shù)和其他某人的搞錯了。Im sorry I _ _ your marks _ someone elses.10. 最近,他就是不做家庭作業(yè),而總是把時間浪費在看DVD和聽外國音樂上。_, he _ _ refusing to do his homework, and insists on wasting his time _ DVDs and _ _ foreign music.教學要求:熟悉本單元的常用句型結構,并能舉例或翻譯

23、,有助于夯實學生的基礎知識。六 基本語法:1. The most important thing _ we should consider is the first idea _ he has mentioned in the speech.A. which; that B. that; which C. which; which D. that; that2. This is the very plan for the summer holiday_ will be suggested by his cousin.A. which B. that C. / D. it3. Do you st

24、ill remember the name of the factory _ we visited last month?A. where B. what C. which D. when4. Ill never forget the days _ I stayed in your beautiful country.A. when B. in which C. that D. for which5. I met a foreigner in the park yesterday afternoon _ could speak Chinese very well.A. who B. which

25、 C. when D. he6. This is Mr Smith, _ I think has something interesting to tell you. A . who B. whom C. that D. x 7. A football fan(球迷) is _ has a strong interest in football. A. a thing that B. something that    C. a person who D. what 8. He made another wonderful discovery _ of great impo

26、rtance to science.A. which is B. which it is C. who is D. it is9. Those _ break the rule will be punished. A. that B who C. they D. whom 10. In the dark street,there wasnt a single person_she could turn for help.A.that B.who C.from whom whom11. _is known to everybody,the earth moves around the

27、sun.A.It B.As C.That D.What12. She is such a lovely girl_liked by everybody.A.what C.that D.which13. This is one of the most interesting movies_I have_seen.A.that,ever B.which,never C.that,never D.which,ever14. All_is needed is enough time.A.the thing B.that C.what D.which15. _we cant get seems

28、 better than _ we have.A.What;what B.What;that C.That;that D.That;what16.That is the only book _ he has borrowed from the library this term.A.which B.that C.whom D.what17.This is the museum _ they will visit which B.where C./ D.when18. Is there anything else _ you want to buy?A.which B

29、.that C.whose D.what19. That is the worst film _ Ive ever seen.A.that B./ C.whose D.A&B20. The famous singer has made 50 records, _ are well thought of.A.most of which B.most C.all of whom D.most of them21. I wont forget the vacation _ we spent together.A.when B.which C.on which D.where22. The E

30、nglish play _ my students acted at the New Years party was a great success.A. for which B. at which C. in which D. on which23. Have you seen the film wuji , _ leading actor is world famous.A. its B. its C. whose D. which24. There is a mountain _ the top is always covered with snow.A. of that B. its

31、C. whose D. of which25. The place _ the bridge is supposed to be built should be _ the cross-river traffic is the heaviest.A. which; where B. at which; which C. at which; where D. which; in which26. There are 55 students in our class, _24 are girls, _ are boys.A. of which; others B. of which; the re

32、stC. of whom; others D. of whom; the rest27. America has more than fifty states, _, Kentucky, is the place _ Abraham Lincoln was born.A. one of it; where B. one of which; whereC. one of that; which D. one of which; which28. Luckily, wed brought a road map without _we would have lost our way.A. it B.

33、 that C. this D. which29. The book _cover is broken, is not mine. A. which B. that C. whose D. of which 30. His parents wouldnt let him marry anyone _ family was poor.A. that B. whom C. of whose D. whose 教學要求:掌握定語從句中關系副詞的用法以及一些難點或注意點。七 單項選擇:1. The old photo reminded me my childhood.A. in B. of C. wi

34、th D. to 2. everybody knows about it, I dont want to talk any more.A. For B. Even C. Since D. However3. -Theres coffee and tea; you can have . -Thanks.A. either B. each C. one D. it4. -Why cant you and Bill go to the movie tonight? -We are a history test tomorrow.A. supposed to have B. supposed to h

35、aving C. thought to have D. allowed to have5. The old man has no children , but she has been used to .A. live alone B. live lonely C. living alone D. living lonely6. The English teacher keeps advising us more. A. to practise speaking B. practicing to speak C. to practise to speak D. practicing speak

36、ing7. The car is very old , so it is in bad now.A. situation B. state C. condition D. way8. He to us that the outside of the earth is made of a number of different plates.A. told B. explained C. promised D. seemed9. We of the decision until eight oclock yesterday. A. got informed B. didnt inform C.

37、werent informed D. were informed10. I can manage the machine again. A. to get; run B. getting; running C. to get; running D. getting; to run 11. “The matter required ,”they all said.A. to look into B. being looked into C. to be looked D. looking into12. Are you going home? .A. Yes. I forgot to bring

38、 my key B. No. I forgot to bring my keyC. Yes. Im going to see my teacher D. No. I remembered to bring my key.13. If by any chance someone comes to see me, ask them to leave a .A. letter B. notice C. message D. sentence14. Fran is an honest girl, I dont like her.A. even though B. as if C. as long as

39、 D. as though15. How does the plan sound to you? .A. Very well B. Differently C. Wonderful D. Possibly16. I want of water because I am thirsty.A. a bit, a little B. a little, a bit C. a bit, not a little D. a little, not a bit17. we have made thirty pounds by selling the raw meat.A. So far B. So lon

40、g C. So much D. So there18. When asked what to the earned money, he simply made no answer.A. go with B. deal with C. do with D. manage with19. “I dont think its my that the TV blew up (爆炸). I just turned it on, thats all,” saidthe boy. A. error B. mistake C. fault D. duty20. He is such a man who is

41、always fault with other people. A. putting B. seeking C. finding D. looking for21. Please make sure the lights will if no one is in the room.A. go out B. turn off C. put out D. take away22. -What do you think makes him so cross? - the exam.A. He failed B. He failing C. His failing D. To have failed2

42、3. He was so with the lecture that he fell asleep in the hall.A. bored; bored B. boring; boring C. boring; bored D. bored; boring24. He insisted that he the bike and therefore .A. shouldnt steal; shouldnt be punished B. hadnt stolen; shouldnt be punishedC. didnt steal; hadnt been punished D. not ste

43、al; not be punished25. He has always insisted on Dr Turner instead of Mr Turner.A. been called B. called C. having called D. being called26. They thought Daniel didnt spend the money reasonably, did he clean the B. neither C. not D. either27. Janes pale face suggested that she ill, and he

44、r parents suggested that she medical examination. A. be; should have B. was; have C. should be; had D. was; has28. I really need to talk to you. Certainly. Whats the matter?A. Where are you going? B. What shall I tell you?C. Can you spare me a few minutes? D. When are you free?29. The manager happen

45、ed to out the moment I called.A. in charge of the project B. who in charge of the projectC. was in charge of the project D. the project was in charge of30. Excuse me, whats the of the room for a night? Fifty dollars.A. pay B. use C. income D. charge31. I hate my mother, for she always forbids me mee

46、ting my friends on line at the Internet café!A. of B. on C. from D. off32. It that the meeting about the environmental problems at 9:00 am.A. has decided; is to hold B. has decided; is to be heldC. has been decided; is to be held D. has been decided; is to hold33. The big earthquake is reported

47、 to have more than 4,000 people homeless.A. remained B. had C. brought D. left34. He was so careless that he the door .A. left unlocked B. to leavelockedC. leftunlocking D. leavinglocking35. This problem may lead to more serious ones if unsolved.A. making B. remained C. keeping D. left36. Excuse me, but its time to have your temperature .A. take B. taken C. taking D. be taken37.I saw her in the office this morning. She back to work without the doctors per


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