新概念英語(yǔ)第二冊(cè) Lesson 43_第1頁(yè)
新概念英語(yǔ)第二冊(cè) Lesson 43_第2頁(yè)
新概念英語(yǔ)第二冊(cè) Lesson 43_第3頁(yè)
新概念英語(yǔ)第二冊(cè) Lesson 43_第4頁(yè)
新概念英語(yǔ)第二冊(cè) Lesson 43_第5頁(yè)
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1、Lesson 43 New words and expressionslie v. 處于處于seem v. 似乎似乎crash v. 墜毀墜毀clear v. 越過(guò)越過(guò)New words and expressionspole n. (地球的)極(地球的)極flight n. 飛行飛行explorer n. 探險(xiǎn)家探險(xiǎn)家point n. 地點(diǎn)地點(diǎn)sack n. 袋子袋子aircraft n. 飛機(jī)飛機(jī)plain n. 平原平原endless adj. 無(wú)盡的無(wú)盡的serious adj. 嚴(yán)重的嚴(yán)重的(地球的)極,極地the North Pole 北極the South Pole 南極Pole

2、-star /the North Star北極星桿,棒,柱a flag pole 旗桿a telephone pole 電話線桿飛行,航班The plane is in flight. 該飛機(jī)在飛行中.This is his first flight over the North Pole.All flights have been cancelled because of the fog. kns()l 因?yàn)殪F的原故,所有的航班被取消了。flight recorder飛行記錄器,黑匣子(飛鳥(niǎo)的)群,(飛機(jī)的)一隊(duì)a flight of wild geese-群飛雁goose gu:s鵝 ge

3、ese gi: s (pl. )勘探者,探險(xiǎn)者Columbus was one of the greatest explorers.哥倫布是最偉大的探險(xiǎn)家之一。a polar explorer 極地探險(xiǎn)家explore the North Pole 探索北極explore the virgin forest考察原始森林The mountains lie below us now. The town lies to the east of London. Taiwan lies in the east of China 臺(tái)灣位于中國(guó)東部。 Beijing lies in the heart of

4、 China.北京位于中國(guó)的心臟地帶。 Lay the book where it was 把書放回原處 lay the table 放桌子 l)v.說(shuō)謊 lie-lied-lied-lying She lies about her age 她就年齡說(shuō)謊了。 2)n謊話 tell a lie 說(shuō)謊話 a black lie 惡意的謊言 a white lie 善意的謊言 3)v,平躺,位于lie-lay-lain lie on one s back 平躺著 lie on one s stomach 趴著 lie in bed 躺在床上1)嚴(yán)肅的,正經(jīng)的a serious conversatio

5、n 一次嚴(yán)肅的談話a serious person 一個(gè)嚴(yán)肅的人I m serious this time. 我這次是認(rèn)真的。2)重大的,危險(xiǎn)的(grave),(疾病,傷痛等)嚴(yán)重的a serious problem 嚴(yán)重的問(wèn)題a serious mistake 一個(gè)嚴(yán)重的錯(cuò)誤a serious accident 重大的事故a serious trouble, 重大的麻煩Take it easy. Nothing serious別緊張,沒(méi)什么嚴(yán)重的。Dont look at me so seriously. He was seriously injured in the traffic acc

6、ident.他在交通事故中受傷嚴(yán)重。 1)尖端,尖頭 a knife-point 刀尖 a pencil- point鉛筆尖 2)點(diǎn)(幾何中) AB and CD intersect at point PAB與CD交于P點(diǎn)。 3)小數(shù)點(diǎn),句號(hào) 2. 6讀作:two point six beside the point 離題的 get to the point 言歸正傳 4)地點(diǎn),位置 a particular point 某個(gè)地點(diǎn) a point of departure 出發(fā)點(diǎn) a turning point 轉(zhuǎn)折點(diǎn) at one point 在某個(gè)地方,在某一時(shí)刻或瞬間 strong po

7、ints 優(yōu)點(diǎn) weak points 缺點(diǎn) Achilles heel 致命的弱點(diǎn)seem看起來(lái)(不用于進(jìn)行時(shí)態(tài))appearseem to be看起來(lái)是it seems to be the best answer.seem like看起來(lái)像It seems like a disaster at this moment.在此刻,這看起來(lái)使一場(chǎng)災(zāi)難。 dzst It seems that 一看起來(lái)是It seems that she is right看起來(lái)她是對(duì)的。He seems rich.He seems to be rich.It seems that he is rich.It see

8、ms as if/as though看起來(lái)就像一樣It seemed as if he would win。crash1)v突然倒下,撞擊發(fā)出聲響,嘩啦一聲地沖撞(毀損)The dishes crashed to the floor.The wall crashed down 那面墻嘩啦一聲倒塌了。2)V猛撞,撞毀The plane crashed in the mountains.He crashed his car into the wallA China plane crashed in Korea recently.3)n相撞,(飛機(jī)的)墜毀、迫降,嘩啦聲,轟隆聲All the pas

9、sengers were killed in the plane crash.在飛機(jī)失事中所有的乘客都喪生了。sack n1)大口袋,大袋子a sack of rice 一袋大米a sack of food 一袋食物2)(美)(超級(jí)市場(chǎng)等供給顧客的)購(gòu)物袋a paper sack紙袋3)(口)解雇,革職get the sack 被解雇give a person the sack 解雇sack(v)sb解雇V經(jīng)過(guò)或越過(guò)例: The horse cleared the fence easily.The plane cleared the mountains at last.clear up 天空放

10、晴The sky cleared up just after the rain 雨過(guò)天晴了。adj清楚的,明白的,明顯的Are you clear? 你聽(tīng)明白了嗎?I can hear you loud and clear V移走clear the table 撤桌子,揀桌子clear ones throat 清嗓子clear snow from the streets 清理路面積雪aircraft n.飛機(jī)plane/airplane/aeroplanebomber 轟炸機(jī)fighter 戰(zhàn)斗機(jī)aircraft 飛行器,飛機(jī),飛艇,飛船helicopter 直升飛機(jī)shuttle 航天飛機(jī)

11、endless adj. 無(wú)盡的 the endless road 無(wú)盡的路 the endless plain 一望無(wú)際的大平原 the endless wait 沒(méi)完沒(méi)了的等待 The lecture seemed endless那場(chǎng)演講好像沒(méi)完沒(méi)了 the end of a road 一條路的盡頭 the end of a stick 條棍子的盡頭 the end of a line 一條線的盡頭 a cigarette end 香煙頭 n結(jié)束,終止,終結(jié) at the end of the year 在年末 at the end of the century在世紀(jì)末端 in the e

12、nd (at last / finally)最后,終于 He said hes love her till the end of time. 他說(shuō)他將愛(ài)她到地老天荒。 ending n 結(jié)尾,結(jié)局(尤指故事,電影,或戲劇)plain n平原,曠野the plains of central Canada加拿大中部的大平原a vast plain 大平原a grassy plain 草原課文講解課文講解Text In 1929, three years after his flight over the North Pole, the American explorer, R.E. Byrd, s

13、uccessfully flew over the South Pole for the first time. Though, at first, Byrd and his men were able to take a great many photographs of the mountains that lay below, they soon ran into serious trouble. At one point, it seemed certain that their plane would crash. It could only get over the mountai

14、ns if it rose to 10,000 feet. Byrd at once ordered his men to throw out two heavy food sacks. The plane was then able to rise and it cleared the mountains by 400 feet. Byrd now knew that he would be able to reach the South Pole which was 300 miles away, for there were no more mountains in sight. The

15、 aircraft was able to fly over the endless white plains without difficulty. 參考譯文參考譯文美國(guó)探險(xiǎn)家美國(guó)探險(xiǎn)家 R.E. 伯德在飛越北極伯德在飛越北極3年之后,于年之后,于1929年第年第一次飛越了南極。一次飛越了南極。雖然開(kāi)始時(shí)伯德和他的助手們拍下了飛機(jī)下面連綿群山的雖然開(kāi)始時(shí)伯德和他的助手們拍下了飛機(jī)下面連綿群山的大量照片,但他們很快就陷入了困境。大量照片,但他們很快就陷入了困境。在有個(gè)地方,飛機(jī)似乎肯定要墜毀了。在有個(gè)地方,飛機(jī)似乎肯定要墜毀了。只有在飛至只有在飛至10,000英尺的高度時(shí),它才能飛過(guò)這些山頭。

16、英尺的高度時(shí),它才能飛過(guò)這些山頭。伯德馬上命令他的助手們把兩個(gè)沉重的食物袋扔掉,于是伯德馬上命令他的助手們把兩個(gè)沉重的食物袋扔掉,于是飛機(jī)可以上升了,它在離山頭飛機(jī)可以上升了,它在離山頭400英尺的高度飛越了過(guò)英尺的高度飛越了過(guò)去。去。伯德這時(shí)知道他能夠順利飛抵伯德這時(shí)知道他能夠順利飛抵300英里以外的南極了,因英里以外的南極了,因?yàn)榍懊嬖贈(zèng)]有山了。為前面再?zèng)]有山了。飛機(jī)可以毫無(wú)困難地飛過(guò)這片茫茫無(wú)際的白色原野!飛機(jī)可以毫無(wú)困難地飛過(guò)這片茫茫無(wú)際的白色原野! In 1929, three years after his flight over the North Pole, the Ameri

17、can explorer, R.E. Byrd, successfully flew over the South Pole for the first time. for the first time 第一次第一次 first, last and all the time 始終如一,貫徹到底始終如一,貫徹到底 I remind you for the last time that if you dont hurry, youll miss the train. fly over 飛越飛越 Though, at first, Byrd and his men were able to take

18、 a great many photographs of the mountains that lay below, they soon ran into serious trouble. 連詞連詞though引導(dǎo)讓步狀語(yǔ)從句,其含義是引導(dǎo)讓步狀語(yǔ)從句,其含義是“雖然,盡管雖然,盡管” Although/Though/Even though I felt sorry for him ,I was secretly背地里 pleased that he was having difficulties. 雖然我為他感到惋惜,但對(duì)他的困難我卻暗自高興。雖然我為他感到惋惜,但對(duì)他的困難我卻暗自高興。

19、take a photograph of: 拍拍的照片的照片 He took a photograph of his house before he left home. run into trouble=get into trouble 遇到麻煩遇到麻煩,陷入困境陷入困境 Each time he ran into trouble, he asked his parents for help. ask for trouble/ask for it 白找麻煩白找麻煩 shake off the trouble 擺脫麻煩擺脫麻煩 At one point, it seemed certain t

20、hat their plane would crash. at one point: 在某一地方,在某一時(shí)刻在某一地方,在某一時(shí)刻(point 也指時(shí)間上的某一點(diǎn))也指時(shí)間上的某一點(diǎn)) At one point, he made up his mind to become a painter.他曾一度下決心要當(dāng)個(gè)畫家。他曾一度下決心要當(dāng)個(gè)畫家。 it為先行主語(yǔ),真正的主語(yǔ)為為先行主語(yǔ),真正的主語(yǔ)為that 引導(dǎo)的從句引導(dǎo)的從句。it作先行主語(yǔ)時(shí)經(jīng)常與作先行主語(yǔ)時(shí)經(jīng)常與seem,look等連用:等連用: It now looks certain that the meeting is going

21、 to be put off. 現(xiàn)在似乎可以肯定會(huì)議將被推遲?,F(xiàn)在似乎可以肯定會(huì)議將被推遲。有關(guān)有關(guān)at的短語(yǔ):的短語(yǔ):At first Byrd and his men were able to take photographs.Byrd at once ordered his men to throw out two food sacks.Billy is not at home at present. He is at school. 現(xiàn)在現(xiàn)在 目前目前After walking for several hours, we arrived at the village at last.I

22、t s a pity you cant come to the concert .At any way, youll be able to hear it on the radio.不管怎么說(shuō)不管怎么說(shuō)I didnt know you wouldnt be coming. At least you could have telephoned me.He behaves very strangely at times他有時(shí)候確實(shí)古怪。他有時(shí)候確實(shí)古怪。 It could only get over the mountains if it rose to 10,000 feet. get over

23、 fly over clear飛越飛越 rise to升至升至 rise-rose-risen Byrd at once ordered his men to throw out two heavy food sacks. clear在這里表示在這里表示“(不接觸地)越過(guò)(不接觸地)越過(guò)”: He cleared 2. 10 metres. 他跳過(guò)了他跳過(guò)了2.10米。米。 by表示表示“以以之差之差”: I missed the train by ten minutes. 我晚了我晚了10分鐘,沒(méi)趕上火車。分鐘,沒(méi)趕上火車。 He is younger than me by two year

24、s. 他比我小兩歲。他比我小兩歲。 throw out拋出,丟棄拋出,丟棄throw away拋棄拋棄 Throw those old magazines away throw up放棄(職業(yè),學(xué)業(yè)等):嘔吐放棄(職業(yè),學(xué)業(yè)等):嘔吐 The plane was then able to rise and it cleared the mountains by 400 feet. by prep. 1)住住旁邊旁邊 by the fire住火旁邊住火旁邊 by the lake住湖旁邊住湖旁邊 2)經(jīng)過(guò),沿著經(jīng)過(guò),沿著 He came through the field, not by the

25、 road. 他不是沿著馬路,而是直接穿過(guò)田野來(lái)的。他不是沿著馬路,而是直接穿過(guò)田野來(lái)的。 3)在在之前之前 I have to go back by ten o clock. 我必須在我必須在10點(diǎn)鐘之前回去。點(diǎn)鐘之前回去。 4)以以,用,用. by train坐火車坐火車by phone通過(guò)電話通過(guò)電話by airmail用航空郵用航空郵寄寄 Byrd now knew that he would be able to reach the South Pole which was 300 miles away, for there were no more mountains in sig

26、ht. because,通常表示說(shuō)話人認(rèn)為這種理由或原因是聽(tīng)話人所不知,通常表示說(shuō)話人認(rèn)為這種理由或原因是聽(tīng)話人所不知道的。道的。 He didnt attend the meeting because he had too much work to do。 for 1)表因果關(guān)系時(shí),可與表因果關(guān)系時(shí),可與because互換,但只能放在主句后,不能互換,但只能放在主句后,不能放在句首。放在句首。 He could not have seen me, for I was not there. 2)還可以表示補(bǔ)充的解釋或判斷,不可用還可以表示補(bǔ)充的解釋或判斷,不可用because代替。(顯而代替。

27、(顯而易見(jiàn)的理由)易見(jiàn)的理由) It rained last night, for the ground is wet. 昨天晚下雨了,因?yàn)榈厥菨竦?。昨天晚下雨了,因?yàn)榈厥菨竦摹?since表原因,是指人們一致的事實(shí),表原因,是指人們一致的事實(shí),“既然既然” Since he can t answer the question, youd better ask someone else. 既然他不能回答這問(wèn)題,你就最好問(wèn)別人吧。既然他不能回答這問(wèn)題,你就最好問(wèn)別人吧。 in sight 視線之內(nèi)視線之內(nèi) out of sight 視線之外視線之外 The aircraft was able t

28、o fly over the endless white plains without difficulty. without difficulty 毫無(wú)困難的毫無(wú)困難的 with no difficulty 毫無(wú)困難的毫無(wú)困難的 with some difficulty 有一定的困難有一定的困難 with much difficulty 有很多困難有很多困難 with great difficulty 有極大的困難有極大的困難 with little difficulty 幾乎沒(méi)有困難幾乎沒(méi)有困難 was able to 成功做成成功做成.用帶有用帶有at的詞組來(lái)替換句中括號(hào)部分,如有必要可

29、作些改動(dòng)。的詞組來(lái)替換句中括號(hào)部分,如有必要可作些改動(dòng)。l. We found our way home (in the end).We found out way home at last.2. He stayed(in the house) all day yesterday.He stayed at home all day yesterday.3. You must write to him (immediately).You must write to him at once.4.He cannot see you (now) as he is busy.He cannot see

30、you at the moment as he is busy.5. He annoys me (sometimes).He annoys me at times.6. When I saw that the house was on fire I (didnt know what to do).茫然不知茫然不知When I saw that the house was on fire I was at a loss.7. (When it began) I thought it would be a good film but I was wrong.At first I thought i

31、t would be a good film but I was wrong.u關(guān)鍵句型關(guān)鍵句型uKey structurescan / be able to1can只有現(xiàn)在是和過(guò)去時(shí),只有現(xiàn)在是和過(guò)去時(shí),can-could,此外,此外could有有時(shí)并不強(qiáng)調(diào)過(guò)去時(shí)而表請(qǐng)求,更加禮貌,客氣。時(shí)并不強(qiáng)調(diào)過(guò)去時(shí)而表請(qǐng)求,更加禮貌,客氣。be able to可用于各種時(shí)態(tài)。可用于各種時(shí)態(tài)。Can I use your telephone? Could I use your telephone?Hell come if he can Hell come if he is able to.I can s

32、ee you tomorrow III be able to see you tomorrow.I couldnt understand him I wasnt able to understand him.He said he could see me next week.他他He said he would be able to see me next week.2當(dāng)我們要表明一個(gè)動(dòng)作已經(jīng)成功地完成的時(shí)候,當(dāng)我們要表明一個(gè)動(dòng)作已經(jīng)成功地完成的時(shí)候,我們必須用我們必須用was/were able to, 不能用不能用could.He was able to go to London yest

33、erday and he enjoyed himself very much.他昨天去了倫敦,而且玩得非常高興。他昨天去了倫敦,而且玩得非常高興。He was able to leave Europe before the war began.他在戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)開(kāi)始之前就己經(jīng)離開(kāi)了歐洲。他在戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)開(kāi)始之前就己經(jīng)離開(kāi)了歐洲。 情態(tài)助動(dòng)詞情態(tài)助動(dòng)詞can/could用于表示用于表示請(qǐng)求別人允許或請(qǐng)求別人允許或答復(fù)時(shí)的情況答復(fù)時(shí)的情況: Can/Could I borrow your pen? can有時(shí)可以表示有時(shí)可以表示可能性可能性: I can have lunch with you tomorrow i

34、f you like. 在表示在表示天生的或?qū)W到的能力天生的或?qū)W到的能力時(shí),時(shí),can/could可用于可用于現(xiàn)在時(shí)和過(guò)去時(shí),現(xiàn)在時(shí)和過(guò)去時(shí),can/could與與be able to通??梢酝ǔ?梢曰Q互換. I could drive a car by the time I was sixteen. I tried again and found I could/was able to swim. 表示表示將來(lái)的將來(lái)的“能力能力”時(shí),則用時(shí),則用will be able to: Can Jane swim yet? No, but shell be able to swim in a fe

35、w months time. 在談到說(shuō)話時(shí)在談到說(shuō)話時(shí)正在發(fā)生的事正在發(fā)生的事時(shí),一般不用時(shí),一般不用be able to: Look! I can stand on my head. 在表示在表示成功地完成某一具體動(dòng)作成功地完成某一具體動(dòng)作時(shí),通常不用時(shí),通常不用could,而,而用用be able to;如果表示;如果表示某一動(dòng)作沒(méi)有取得成功某一動(dòng)作沒(méi)有取得成功, 則可用則可用couldnt: Its pity he couldnt visit Mary. Oh, didnt you know? He was able to visit her after all. He was able

36、 to leave Europe before the war began. 他在戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)開(kāi)始之前得以離開(kāi)歐洲。他在戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)開(kāi)始之前得以離開(kāi)歐洲。 He was able to go to London yesterday and he enjoyed himself very much. 在問(wèn)及在問(wèn)及過(guò)去某一具體活動(dòng)過(guò)去某一具體活動(dòng)時(shí)可用時(shí)可用could,但,但回答回答是肯定的時(shí)候是肯定的時(shí)候則不能:則不能: Could he borrow a car? Yes, he was able to borrow a car after all. /No, he couldnt. 綜合上面的幾點(diǎn),我們簡(jiǎn)單總結(jié)一下:綜合上面的幾點(diǎn),我們簡(jiǎn)單總結(jié)一下: can和和be able to在表示個(gè)人能力時(shí),一般可以進(jìn)行互在表示個(gè)人能力時(shí),一般可以進(jìn)行互換。換。 Can表示表示“能夠做某事能夠做某事”,是未經(jīng)嘗試過(guò)的能力;而,是未經(jīng)嘗試過(guò)的能力;而be able


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