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1、 Vocabulary and Structure1.The aircraft base is protected with specially designed shelters which are built to_ ground and air attacksA) launch B) withstand C) contest D) contend2I'm pleased to hear of your job offer一all that hard work at school has obviously_.A) paid off B) taken its toll&#

2、160; C) made a difference D) shown up3The talks might_ for weeks before any concrete result is announced.A) press on B) drag on C) get bogged down D) hold out4. We need someone really_ who can organize the office and make it run smoothly.A) crucial B) realistic C) essential D) efficient5Once MrsKirk

3、patrick_ you in conversation, youre stuck with her for at least half an hour.A) submerges B) engages C) occupies D) launches6. Their refusal to compromise is a major _that stands in the way of further peace talksA) obstacle B) complication C) entity D) hazard7. However, the new law, once passed, wil

4、l_ the Bridlington agreement illegal by giving workers the right to join unions of their choice.A) convert B) render C) cancel D) eliminate8.1 will hold you personally _ if anything goes wrong in this project.A) destructive B) lucrative C) diverse D) responsible9. Due to his recent failure to meet t

5、he deadline, Jason is_ from the list for promotionA) eliminated B) retreated C) pried D) wrenched10. The intelligence department was accused of failure to _the troops to the possibility of an enemy attack during the weekend.A) instruct B) warn C) dictate D) alert11Now that weve got a loan from the b

6、ank, our project is financially _.A) constructive B) feasible C) favorable D) stiff12. Under normal circumstances the body can _these naturally occurring substances into vitamins.A) convert B) render C) derive D) originate13. This course focuses on the _ of economic analysis to the problems of infla

7、tion, unemployment, the balance of payments and enterprise behavior.A) conception B) combination C) application D) introduction14. You can _ the video camera on a tripod(三腳架),so that you don't have to worry about holding it steady while you ask questionsA) withstand B) mount C) implement D) dwel

8、l15The camps are not usually tent-type campsThey are mostly long-established, _ structures,often with strange Indian namesA) permanent B) historical C) monotonous D) raw16A firm might sometimes sell at a loss to drive a competitor out of business, and _ increase its market power.A) therefore B) ther

9、eby C) hence D) further17. _ students should be motivated by a keen interest in theatre and should have some familiarity with plays in productionA) Prospective B) Responsible C) Ethnic D) Realistic18Our postgraduate students are fully integrated into the departmental research _and, in addition,

10、participate in the Postgraduate Education ProgrammeA) cooperation B) endeavor C) administration D) network19As a reporter, I was paid to _ into other people's livesA) pry B) convert C) blurt D) carve20. The ball was _ out of his grasp by a player on the other team.A) wrenched B)contested C) inte

11、rrupted D) sucked21. As he walked out of the court, he was _ with frustration and rage.A) applauding B) quivering C) paralyzing D) limping22AIDS activists permanently changed and shortened America's _ process for testing and approving new drugs of all kinds, for all diseasesA) efficient B) stagn

12、ant C) intricate D) appropriate23Some of the tunnels in the cliff are natural,some were _ out.A) carved B) pried C) penetrated D) decorated24. The doctor _ Billys operation with x-rays and special exercises to make him stronger.A) went after B) followed up C) started up D) took on25. People from dif

13、ferent cultures have different _ of the world.A) impressions B) complications C) foundations D) conceptions26. Don't let his criticism _ you; he belongs to the kind of people who take delight in finding fault with others workA) discourage B) concern C) dictate D) paralyze27. The survey found 80

14、percent of viewers were _ by the violent scenes in the film.A) eliminated B) alerted C) offended D) discouraged28The mayor promised to trim the city budget without cutting _ servicesA) essential B) appropriate C) equivalent D) lucrative29. In todays working world the roles of men and women are becom

15、ing _.A) dwarfed B) incorporated C) correlated D) blurred30. This disease _ in Africa but has now spread to many parts of the world.A) derived B) originated C) sparkled D) dwelled31.Today, household chores have been made much easier by electrical_.A. appliances B. equipment C. facilities D. utilitie

16、s32. The tenant must be prepared to decorate the house _the terms of the contract.A. in the vicinity of B. in quest ofC. in accordance with D. in collaboration with33. At the beginning of each course, the teacher should give a very _ explanation of his planfor this courseA. comprehensive B. consider

17、ate C. compound D. complicated34. The Space Age _in October 1957 when the first artificial satellite was launched by theformer Soviet Union.A. initiated B. originates C. embarked D. commenced35. A bad cold _ him to his bed last week.A. restricted Bconfined C. controlled D. restrained36. It is high t

18、ime that you _the test paper and _it in.A. finish, hand B. finished, handedC. finished, to hand D, have finished, handed37.Her parents wanted to change her mind so they tried to _ her to their way of thinking.A. convert B. alter C. transfer D. convey38.In the early 1990s various measures wereto enco

19、urage savings, stimulate investmentand motivate workers effort.A. implemented B. imparted C. complimented D. exploited39.I wouldnt to interfere. Instead, I let my students make their own decisions.A. resume B. presume C. assume D. consume40. While both plans were perfectly sensible, only one seemedi

20、n China's particular situation.A. imaginable B. available C. feasible D. desirable41At first the institute refused to buy the instruments, but this decision was _ revised.A. occasionally B. consequently C. successively D. subsequently42Provided that my expenses,I will go with you for the investi

21、gation next week.A. are paid for B. will be paidC. can be paid D. be paid for43Let us hope thata nuclear war, the human beings might survive. A. in the event of Bin relation to C. in the case of D. with reference to44All the year she has beenbetween optimism and despair.A. vibrating B. swinging C. f

22、luctuating D. waving45The scientists at the University of Bern in Switzerland have used a weakened virus that is not_ and has proved safe and effectiveA. infectious B. harmful C. dangerous D. invading46. The introduction of gunpowder gradually made the bow and arrow,particularly inWestern Europe.A.

23、obscure B. obsolete C. optional D. overlapping47.Tourism has also been greatlythe rapid development of some developing nationsA. lain in B. consisted in C. responsible for D. accounted for48.Weher letter last week. We dont know what has happened.A. must receive B. ought to receive C. must have recei

24、ve D. ought to have received49. If no one asks any question,Ieverybody understandsA. deduce B. presume C. pretend D. presuppose50.It was important for any lecturer to get the audienceright at the beginning and thengradually increase the pressureA. related Bconcerned C. involved D. mixed51.When I lef

25、t Canada five years ago,the municipal administration of Montreal waspolicies to limit the number of cars and to improve public transportationA. setting up B. setting about C. setting forth D. setting down52. Cars are eating up too much spaceThey are packed on sidewalks and pedestrians have to_to the

26、se cars.A. obey Bsacrifice C. attribute D. contribute53. After a few months of working with his hands,Dr. Brown returned to his college, _that his time had been well spent.A. persuaded B. convinced C. noticed D. promised54. Every precaution must be made to keep all medications and dangerous substanc

27、es out of achilds _.A. reach B. approach C. range D. hand55. As soon as class began, the teacherthe test papers to us.A. divided B. distributed C. displaced D. passed56. Population expansion and its adverseon resources and environment have become theprimary problem restricting environmental and econ

28、omic development.A. stroke B. blow C. beat D. impact57.Man is controlled by his instincts as well as byA. reason B. intuition C. cause D. result58.Before police could stop the drink-crazed driver, he had crashedanother car and sentsix persons to the hospitalA. out Bagainst C. into D. on59. The high

29、court reversed the decision of the lower court because the rulingthe defendant his right.A. refused B. declined C. denied D. ignored60. What do youto do about the problem now that this solution has failed?A. consider B. think C. suggest D. intend61. Because of the accident, grandmother willmy brothe

30、r and me to swim in the river unless someone agrees to watch usA. prevent B. forbid C. prohibit D. restrain62.Ilooking at him with what must have been all but unbearable curiosityA. remind B. recall C. recognize D. realize63. No one has everthe senator of being at a loss for words; he can speak at a

31、 greatlength on almost any subject.A. accused B. blamed C. charged D. scolded64.The health program outlined in the article seems very sound to me, but it hasconsiderable public outcry.A. run into B. met with C. put up with D. put down65. Hehis engagement just before the wedding.A. broke out of B. br

32、oke away from C. broke off D. broke up66. Iton us rather suddenly that the number of passengers on the small spaceship we inhabit is doubling about every forty years.A. dawned Boccurred C. drew D. struck67. He wouldin Pacete every few months and stay a little while; he would get money outof someone

33、or other and then disappear againA. turn in Bturn out C. turn over D. turn up68. The sergeants orders were perfectlyA. executed B. exercised C. developed D. applied69.Not until toward the end of the Eisenhower years, however,the task of educating the public and promoting legislative action.A. public

34、ists begin B. publicists didn't begin C. did publicists begin D. publicists had begun70. He stressed that the financial crisis must be solved by the member statesthe United Nationsitself because the UN does what the member states decideA. rather than B. not only C. but D. besides71. A newly deve

35、loped robot that can show its emotions by smiling or frowning may one day helpcomputer users talk as quickly and easily to machinewith other people.A. such as they now talk B. like they now talkC. as much as they now do D. as they now do72. Initially the Lincoln administration refused black voluntee

36、rs; they feared that the appearance of black Yankees on the battlefield might suggest that the warother purposes in addition to the restoration of the Union.A. have Bhad C. had had D. would have73. The police admitteda mistake in arresting an innocent man.A. to make B. to have made C. to having made

37、 D. to making74. Protective measures have been adopted in most hospitals since too muchto X-rayscan cause skin burns,cancer or other damage to the bodyA. disclosure B. exhibition C. exposition D. exposure75. He was elected president of the Literary Research Association byof his academic andorganizat

38、ional abilities.A. virtue B. means C. way D. chance76. The customs inspector wasfor smugglersA. on the guard B. on the watch C. on watch D. on alert77. He used to be a Christian, but he is nowto Buddhism.A. converted B. changed C. transformed D. turned78.In the first several years of our economic re

39、form, many military factories have been_into civil ones in order to meet the needs of the countryA. altered B. converted C. changed D. transformed79. She once again went through her composition carefully toall the spelling mistakesfrom it.A. exclude Beliminate C. abolish D. diminish80. Territorialwa

40、s the emperors principal consideration in making policy decisions.A. extension B. expansion C. increase D. enlargement81. The tensionas the guest of honor was about to announce the winner.A. mounted Bascended C. climbed D. raised82."We dont have much time left!The train is to start in 30 minute

41、s.”" I wont keep you waiting long. I11 join you”A. currently B. eventually C. presently D. definitely83. Diamonds have littlevalue and their price depends almost entirely on their scarcityA. extinct B. permanent C. surplus D. intrinsic84. The policemen went into actionthey heard the alarmA. pro

42、mptly B. presently C. quickly D. directly85. One of the attractive features of the training was the way the practical work had beeninto the learning processA. adjusted B. alternated C. incorporated D. combined86. Sawdust is not a waste product;it is the mainof particle board,from which somefurniture

43、 is madeA. element B. ingredient C. component D. factor87. He hated wandering about and expected to find aposition in the Civil Service ofgovernment.A. permissive B. perceptive C. permanent D. perpetual88. Despite their good service, most inns are less costly than hotels ofstandardsA. equivalent B.

44、alike C. uniform D. likely89. For many patients, institutional care is the mostand beneficial form of careA. pertinent Bappropriate C. acute D. persistent90. A monkey isat a few years old, but a human being isnt till at least 16. Which of thefollowing four words is WRONG?A. grown-up B. ripe C. adult

45、 D. mature91. Your design is not technicallyFor instance, how can we make such tiny motors?A. possible B. imaginable C. feasible D. probable92. The delegation would spend their first day touring around Bangkok, and after that all their plans were _.A. in the air B. by the air C. on the air D. off th

46、e air93. The fire has caused great losses,but the factory tried tothe consequences by saying that the damage was not as serious as reported.A. decrease B. subtract C. minimize D. degrade94. The bulbwas the invention of Thomas EdisonA. as is know by us B. as do we know it C. as we know it D. as we kn

47、ow95. Within the last year, astronomers have come closer than everA. to deciding which of the questions is rightB. to decide which of the questions is rightC. deciding whether the question is right or notD. and decide which of the question is right96. This medicine is sold everywhere in the country,

48、so you may buy itA. somewhere B. anywhere C. nowhere D. elsewhere97. Superconductors lose electrical resistance onlysubjected to intense cold.A. through B. when C. as D. by98. Please check the copythe original before handing inA. with B. against C. over D. A and B99. Bill's performance washersA.

49、 as good as, if not better than, B. so good as, if not better than,C. as good, if not better than, D. as good as, if not better,100.Clare Louis Masa was the only womanin the experiment and among the few volunteers _from it.A. participating, to die B. to participate, dying C. participating, who die D

50、. to participate, to dieReading comprehension(Directions:Choose the best answer for each of the questions or unfinished statements after reading the passages.)Passage OneAnimation means making things which are lifeless come alive and move.From earliest times, people have always been fascinated by mo

51、vement , but not until this century have we managed to capture movement,to record it, and in the case of animation,to reinterpret it and recreate it. To do all this, we use a movie camera and a projector.In the world of cartoon animation,nothing is impossibleYou can make the characters you create do

52、 exactly what you want themA famous early cartoon character was Felix the Cat, created by Pat Sullivan in America in the early nineteen twentiesFelix was a marvelous cat. He could do all sorts of things no natural cat could do like taking off his tail, using it as a handle and then putting it back.M

53、ost of the great early animators lived and worked in America, the home of the moving picture industry. The famous Walt Disney cartoon characters came to life after 1928Popeye the Sailorman and his girl friend Olive Oyl were born at the Max Fleischer studios in 1933But to be an animator, you dont hav

54、e to be a professionalIt is possible for anyone to make a simple animated film without using a camera at allAll you have to do is draw directly on to blank film and then run the film through a projector.1. What's the main topic of the passage?A. American history. B. Cartoon making.C. Movement. D

55、. Cartoon character.2Felix the Cat can do many things to its tail except.A. taking it off B. putting it backC. eating it up D. using it as a handle3According to the passage, Felix the Cat.A. was created by the American cartoonist FelixB. was created in the United States in the nineteenth centuryC. w

56、as designed by Pat Sullivan in the early twentieth centuryD. was unable to do what natural cats could not do4It can be inferred from the passage that.A. only professional can create cartoon charactersB. Walt Disney cartoon characters were born earlier than Pat Sullivan'sC. animation means making things lifelessD. the cartoon industry started in the United States5Which of the following statements best describes the author's attitude towards cartoon making?A. It's interesting but hard to do.B. We need professional to instruct us. C. It takes a lot of time to draw on to


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