已閱讀5頁,還剩1頁未讀, 繼續(xù)免費閱讀




1、知識像燭光,能照亮一個人,也能照亮無數(shù)的人。-培根人教版中考各年級翻譯必背短語 (七年級短語)1. be good at doing sth.= do well in doing sth. 擅長事2. be good with善于對付人3. be good for 對某事好, 4. be interested in doing sth 有趣的5. become interested in 對感興趣6. I feel excided / it is an exciting sport 激動人心的7. I feel interested/ it is an interesting sport 有趣

2、的8. are friendly to sb. 對于某人很友好;9. be busy doing 忙于做.某事10. Have fun doing sth 玩的開心 11. have a good time = enjoy doing sth.12. I spend some time (in)doing sth / on sth 13. It take sb some time to do sth 花費某人時間去做某14. finish reading books 讀完了15. practice doing 練習做某事16. decide to do sth 決定做某事 人教版八年級翻譯必背

3、短語 (上冊)1. how often 多久一次once a week一月二次,2. hardly ever幾乎不,sometimes 時常3. how long = for two days 兩天4. how soon = in two days 兩天后 5. somewhere interesting 好玩的地方6. Too much + 許多 / too many + 可數(shù)名詞和7. It seem + (to be) + adj視乎、好像 8. come up 升起 come out 出版9. make a decision to do sth, 下決心做某事10. try to do

4、 sth “努力做某事” 11. try doing sth “嘗試做某事” 12. try ones best to do sth 盡某人最大努力去做某事13. feel like doing sth 想要做某事 14. because of heavy rain 因為(由于)大雨,15. keep you waiting for long time讓你久等16. find out “找出” / find 發(fā)現(xiàn) / Look for 尋找17. without thinking twice 不加考慮 ,毫不猶豫 18. go on doing sth 繼續(xù)做同一件事 19. go on to

5、 do 繼續(xù)做不同的事20. keep on doing sth 堅持做某事21. help with housework 幫助做家務 22. I cant help crying : 忍不住 23. stay up 熬夜, stay awake 保持清醒24. the best way to improve English提高英語的方式25. be full of 充滿 = be filled with 注滿26. at least至少, at most 最多27. by working together 通過合作= by oneself 獨立地28. To ones surprise,令人

6、感到吃驚的。In surprise 29. be talented in music 在音樂方面有天賦,30. care about 關心/留意/關注31. look after = take care of 32. laugh at 嘲笑 33. arrive at/ in / get to / reach 到達34. keep in teach 保持聯(lián)系, 15. in fact事實上,35. bring out the best in sb顯示/顯出/生產(chǎn)/帶來,36. make a difference to 起作用,37. be similar to和.相似38. be famili

7、ar with對熟悉,39. share with sb 和某人共享 40. play a role in 發(fā)揮作用,有影響41. make up 編造(故事、謊言等),42. for example = eg例如,= such as 43. take .seriously 認真對待44. happen to do 碰巧遇見45. expect to do sth 期待做某事 46. = look forward to doing47. think of 關心,想 / think about 考慮,思考48. play joke on sb = tell jokes 同某人開玩笑。 49. b

8、e famous as “作為出名”50. be well known“因出名”51. the way to success 成功之路52. the failure is the mother of success 53. be ready to do something 愿意/準備/ 樂于做某事54. dress up “裝扮”; 55. take ones place “替代”56. come out “出版”:come up 升起57. be sure about / of對某事確信,58. be sure = make sure 確信/有把握, 59. write down寫下/記下6

9、0. make promises to sb 對許下承諾61. have to do with,和有關 62. take up開始從事/著手處理/接受,63. on ones own 獨立地 = by oneself64. play a part in sth 參與/ 在某方面出力/做貢獻65. look for尋找,look after 照看,look up 查詢66. hundreds of成百的,thousand of 上千的67. the sameas與一樣 / de different from 與.不同68. fall down倒下/落下 9、wake up醒來/喚醒69. as

10、soon as possible. 盡可能快, 70. as much as possible 盡可能多71. turn on打開,turn off 關閉,72. turn up 調大 turn down 調小73. make mistakes 犯錯誤 by mistake 錯誤地 74. cut up 切碎,cut out 刪除, cut down 砍倒,減小75. take out 拿出 take away 拿走 take up 開始,從事76. hang out 閑逛,77. refuse to do sth = turn down = say no拒絕做某事78. accept an

11、invitation 接受邀請, 79. refuse = turn down an invitation拒絕邀請,80. look forward to doing = expect to do 期望/渴望81. help out 解決問題 = work out82. hear from sb = receive a letter from sb 收到某人來信83. reply to 答復 34. in writing 以書面形式84. reply in writing書面答復,85. be angry with sb.對某人生氣,86. be upset about 為.而感到沮喪(難過)

12、87. make money 掙錢/賺錢 make friends 交朋友88. make mistakes 弄錯/出差錯 89. be famous for 因.而聞名90. keepto oneself 保守秘密,信守諾言91. worry about = be worried about 擔憂92. run away逃跑 run away from 逃離;逃避93. 5、be afraid to do sth. 害怕做某事,人教版八年級翻譯必背短語 (下冊)1. . What s the matter? 怎么了?2. = Whats the trouble with you?3. = W

13、hat s wrong with you? 你怎么了?4. What the matter with you. 某人怎么了5. whats wrong with you 某人怎么了6. give up 放棄 give up smoking 放棄抽煙7. give in 讓步、 give away贈送8. get into trouble 處于困境中get out of trouble 擺脫 9. get off 下車 / get on 上車 get up 起床10. to one s surprise 使驚訝的;出乎意料11. thanks to 多虧了/ 由于 thank for 因.而感謝

14、12. in time 及時 / on time 準時13. join in , take part in 參加活動 attend a concert 參加音樂會 14. have problems with / doing sth15. have difficulty doing sth 在做某事方面有困難16. takes (take a risk) 冒險17. make a decision = decide to do sth 決定做某事18. be used to doing sth. 習慣做某事19. used to do 過去(以前,曾經(jīng))做過某事,20. run out (of

15、) 用完;耗盡21. Help yourself to 隨便吃/用22. by oneself 單獨地,獨自地23. clean up 打掃(或清除)干凈24. cheer up (使)變得更高興;振奮起來.25. fell lonely 感到孤獨, live lone 單獨居住,26. with satisfaction, 滿意地 27. be satisfied with sb/sth 對.滿意28. to ones satisfaction 令人感到滿意。 29. put off 推遲 put up 建造;舉起;張貼 30. put out 撲滅 put away 放好 put down

16、 放下31. come up with 想出;提出 = think up32. care for 關心;照顧 = take care of = look after 33. hand out 分發(fā);散發(fā);發(fā)給(= give out)34. give out 分發(fā);散發(fā)give away贈送35. give up 放棄 give in 讓步36. make a plan to do sth 制訂計劃37. try out 參加選拔; 試用;試行38. set up 建立;設立 put up 建造 get up 起床39. run out of 用光;花光40. fix it up = repai

17、r it 修理41. for example例如 = such as比如;42. raise money 籌錢;募捐 homeless people 無家可歸43. take after 與相像;像= look like44. be similar to 與相似 = the same as 45. take out the rubbish 倒垃圾46. fold your/the clothes 疊衣服47. sweep the floor 掃地48. clean and tidy 干凈整潔49. do chores 做雜務50. share.with 分擔、 分享 51. keep for

18、two days 借. ( borrow = lend) 52. provide sb for sth = provide sb with sth 53. depend on 依賴;依靠54. develop childrens independence發(fā)展孩子的獨立性55. look after /take care of 照顧;照看56. as a result 結果 in fact 事實上 57. instead of 替代 = take ones place58. offer sb sth / offer sth to sb 主動向某人提供某物59. = provide sb with

19、 sth 、provide sth for sb 60. communicate with sb與某人交流61. leave sth / forget to do 忘記東西/ 忘記做某事62. look through 瀏覽;翻看 look up 查閱63. look for 尋找 look after 照看64. compare with 和.比較65. worry about sth. = sb is worried about擔心某事66. work out 解決 come out 出版67. allow sb. to do sth. 允許(某人)做某事68. = sb is allow

20、ed to do 某人被允許做某事allow doing sth允許做某事 69. get on with = get along with 和睦相處;關系良70. compete with sb. 與某人競爭71. in ones opinion 依我.看72. as for. 對于 as far as I know 據(jù)我所知73. go off (鬧鐘)發(fā)出響聲74. fall asleep 進人夢鄉(xiāng);睡著 feel sleepy 感到瞌睡75. die down 逐漸變弱;逐漸消失 be dying down 76. wake up 醒來77. break down 損壞 = be br

21、oken 壞了,破了78. keep silent 保持安靜 in silence 沉默;無聲 79. work on doing sth. 致力于做某事80. remind sb of sth 使某人想起某事,81. remind sb to do sth 提醒某人去做某事82. instead of 代替;而沒有= rather than 而不是83. turn into變成 84. stick to sth 堅持某事 85. try to do sth.努力做某事 try doing 嘗試做86. keep on doing sth. 堅持做某事87. fall in love 愛上;

22、喜歡上88. get married 結婚 get lost 迷路89. protect from / against doing 保護免受90. prevent /keep/stopfrom doing 阻止.做某事91. succeed in doing sth 成功做某事92. be successful in sth 在某方面很成功93. the way to success 成功之路94. fail to do sth 未能夠做事 failed in doing 做事失敗95. be kind to each other 善待彼此96. belong to 屬于97. hurry u

23、p 趕快;急忙(做某事)in a hurry 匆忙地98. be popular with sb 受到.歡迎99. be famous as / be famous for 以./ 因而著名100. try to do sth 努力去做某事101. try ones best to do sth 盡最大努力去做某事102. try doing sth 試著去做某事103. make progress 進步104. encouragesb.todosth.鼓勵某人做某事105. havebeentosp.去過某地106. have gone to sp 去了某地107. have been in

24、 sp 一直在某地108. regard as 將認為109. sofar迄今;到現(xiàn)在為止110. to be honest 說實在的 = honestly 111. not anymore不再 = no more112. nolonger不再;不復= not .any longer 113. search for 搜索look for 尋找114. consider doing sth 考慮做某事 = think of doing sth115. consider it as 認為是(客觀) = regard it as (主觀116. bringbacksweetmemories勾起甜美的

25、回憶117. dowith.處置;處理= deal with118. accordingto依據(jù);按照119. inonesopinion依看九年級英語期末總復習(1-14)單元知識點及檢測題Unit 1 How can we become good learners? A. 短語歸納Period 1period 2 1. by working with friends 通過小組合作 2. by asking teacher for help 尋求幫助 3. be afraid to do sth = be afraid of doing sth害怕 4. because of 因為 / be

26、cause 從句 12. unless 除非 5. be patient to do sth / be patient with sb 耐心做某事/ 對某人很耐心1. increase by 10% 百分數(shù) 增加了2. make mistakes = make a mistake 犯錯誤 by mistakes 錯誤地3. be born with 天生具有 4. depend on 依靠 依賴 5. pay attention to 注意 關注6. for example 例如 = such as 7. think about 考慮 think over / think of 8. be s

27、tressed out緊張的 9. instead of = rather than 10. = in place of = take ones place 代替 而不是11. by mistakes 錯誤地 by accident 意外地Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious! A. 短語歸納period 1period 2 1. be crowed with 擠滿了 = be full of 2. I wonder whether = I want to know 我想知道.3. put on 增加(體重)發(fā)胖 wash away 沖走4.

28、be similar to 與相似 = be the same as = take after = look like 像5. lay out 擺開 布置 6. look up to = admire for 因.而欽佩 7. as a result 結果 因此 1. dress up 裝扮 穿上盛裝 2. play a trick on sb 開玩笑. 3. care about 關心= look after在乎= 4. make a promise承下承諾5. give out 分發(fā) 發(fā)放 give up / give in6. think of 想起 認為 思考 = think over

29、 = think about 7. not only but also不但而且(倒裝) 8. sound like 聽起來像 / feel like 感覺到像 9. try ones best to do sth 盡最大努力10. call out 大聲呼喊 / call for 號召Unit 3 Could you please tell me A. 短語歸納Period 1period 2 1. suggest doing sth 建議去做某事1. as the time pass by 隨著時間的移逝 2. in a hurry = in a rush 匆忙地 3. on ones /

30、the way to 在去的路上 1. depend on 取決于 sound impolite 不禮貌2. require sb to do sth 要求某人做某事3. lead to 導致 lead sb to sth 帶領某人去某地4. happen to meet 碰巧遇見 happen to sb發(fā)生某人 5. thank to 多虧 thank for多謝6. look forward to doing 期待;期望做某事7. devote to doing sth 立志于. 8. remind sb of sth 使某人想起某事9. remind sb to do sth 提醒某人

31、做某事Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.A. 短語歸納period 1period 2 1. used to do 過去常常做2. sth be used to do 物被用于 3. sb be used to doing 人習慣于 4. how.deal with = what do with對付 應付5. pay attention to 對注意,留心 6. in private 私下地, in public 公開地 7. fight against 對抗, 治理 8. require sb to do sth 要求某人做某事9. a numbe

32、r of 許多+ 復數(shù) the number of 數(shù)量 +單數(shù)10. at least 至少 at most 最多 11. from time to time 時常,有時 12. be silent = in silence 安靜地 13. take up doing sth開始做某事,take off/ take after 14. deal with 處理,打交道 15. no longer 不再 、 no anymore 16. give up 放棄 give out / give in 讓步17. be prepared to do sth 準備做某事Unit 5 Could you

33、 please tell me 1. be absent from classes 曠課2. Fail in sth / failed in doing sth / fail to do sth 3. advise doing sth / advise sb to do sth建議某人去做4. in person 親身,親自 5. have an influence on 影響 = make a different to sb 6. be proud of 為驕傲 ,感到自豪 7. take pride in 為感到自豪8. notanymore 不再 = no more 9. hang ou

34、t 閑逛 10. think about 考慮 = think over11. make a decision to do sth 做決 定 = decide to do sth 12. to ones surprise 令某人吃驚的是 13. even though 盡管14. be interested in 對感興趣 15. succeed in doing sth.成功做某事 16. fail to do sth. 做某事失敗 17. cant afford(支付得起)的用法18. take pride in sth/ sb = be proud of sth/ sb 為感到自 1.

35、be made of 由.制成的 (可看出原材料是什么)2. be made from 由.制成的(無法辨認原材料)3. be known for 以.聞名 4. no matter who / = whoever 不論;無論 5. no matter what = whatever 無論什么6. be covered with 用.覆蓋 7. as far as I know 據(jù)我所知 8. be good for 對有益 be good at 擅長 9. It seems that .好像、視乎. it seems to be 10. according to 根據(jù) 按照 11. avoi

36、d doing sth 避免做某事 12. be famous for 以著名 1. turn into 把變成 、be turned into 2. send out 放出 find out 查清 3. according to 根據(jù)4. rise into 上升 上漲 Unit 6 When was it invented ? A短語歸納period 1period 2 1.Its my pleasure.= with pleasure. 我的榮幸 7.have a point 有道理 8. by accident 偶然地,意外地 by mistake 錯誤地11.It is said t

37、hat 據(jù)說 12.It is believed that人們相信15.spread to other countries 傳播到其他國家 18.all of a sudden 突然地 = suddenly 19.less than少于,不到 more than = over 超過20.without doubt 毫無疑問、I doubt whether 我懷疑. 22. advise sb (not) to do sth建議某人(不要)做某事24. work on sth從事于 devote to doing 立志于29.divide .into把分成 ,be divided into 被分

38、成 e up with 想出 = think up 34.encourage sb. to do sth.鼓勵某人做某事 36.stop sb from doing sth 阻止某人做某事 37.look up to sb.欽佩某人 38.look up the word 查找單詞 40. achieve my dream.實現(xiàn)夢 41. My dream will come true. 我的夢想會實現(xiàn) 43.decide on 決定 (某事)= decide to do = make a decision to do 決定做某事44.lead to導致 leader 領導,引路人 46.tr

39、o.把翻譯成48.dream of doing sth 夢想做某事= achive my dreamUnit.7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose A短語歸納period 1period 2 1. Sb are allowed to drive sixteen-year-old 十六歲的4. be worried about=worry about 擔心 6. get ones ears pierced 打耳洞= get.sth done 78. stop from doing sth 停止做某事9. stop to do sth

40、. 停下來去做某事 10. spend time with sb. 花時間和某人在一起 spend money on sth 在某方面花錢11be excited about doing sth/ to sth 做某事很興奮15.make sure = be sure 確保,確定 16. keep sb. (away) from sth使某人遠離某物17. hurt oneself 傷害某人自己 18. achieve ones dream 實現(xiàn)某人夢想 19. give sb a lift 捎某人一程 lift up 舉起21. talk back to sb 對.回嘴 23. think

41、back to 回想起 keep away from 遠離24. regret doing sth. 后悔做了某事c)regret not doing 悔恨沒做過sth;(未做sth)25. make ones own decision 做某人自己的決定 26. learnfrom從學到 28.agree with sb 同意某人的觀點29. disagree with sb. 不同意 (不贊成)某人的觀點 31. take care of = look after=care of 32.manage ones own life 管理自己的生活 33.manage to do sth 努力完成

42、某事 35.continue to do sth繼續(xù)做某事38. fail the test考試不及格 39. be strict with sb in sth在某方面對某人要求嚴格 40. get in the way of妨礙41.grow up 長大. Be serious about 對某事認真 44. allow sb. to do sth.允許某人做某人 45. should be allowed to do sth. 應該被允許去做某事46.have nothing against doing sth.不反對做某事 47.end up with 以結束 end up as 最終成

43、為50.practice doing sth.練習做某事 51. see sb. do sth. 看見某人做了某事52.spend time on sth.在某事上花時間 spend time in doing sth在做某事上花時間53. care about sb.關心某人 、 take care of 照看 54. be serious about doing 對做某事很認真 Take something seriously 認真對待 55.make a choice做選擇 = choose to do sth選擇做 56.have a chance to do sth.有機會去做某事U

44、nit 8 It must belong to CaralA短語歸納period 1period 2 1. go to a picnic=go for a picnic去野餐2. belong to 屬于 2. asas possible = as.as sb can 盡可能的14. each other=one another 互相,彼此19. be interviewed by 被采訪 21. feel sleepy / fall asleep 瞌睡/ 熟睡 23. at first 首先,起初 24. run away 逃走 run after 追趕29. have fun doing

45、sth.做某事開心 36. run after追趕 run away 逃離 50. not only but also不僅而且51.be suitable for 適合于57. try to communicate with the gods努力和帝交流59. point out 指出 point at 指向,指點 61.on purpose 故意地,有意地67. Prevent from doing= stop from doing = keep .from doing sth 防止做某事68. be honored with 被授予榮耀 In honor of 向. 表示尊敬, 紀念. B

46、e honored to be invited 榮幸的被邀請Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to (定從句)一短語歸納period 1period 2 17. prefer A to B 比起B(yǎng)來更喜歡A18. prefer doing A to doing B 19. prefer to do sth. rather than do sth. 7. be supposed to do sth 應該做某事20. feel like doing sth 想要做某事 21. stick to my dream = hold on my dream 堅持夢想

47、 29. provide sb with sth / provde sth for sth = offer sb sth = offer sth to sb 向某人提供某物23. cheer sb up 使 高興/ 振奮42. look up 查看,查閱 43. write down 寫下47. be known for才能而出名 = be famous for52. get married (to sb) (和某人)結婚57. Its a pity that 遺憾的是 58. in total 總共Unit 10. You are supposed to shake hands 一短語歸納1

48、. be supposed to do sth 應該做 2. be expected to do sth. 應該/被期望做5. for the first time 首次,第一次12. as soon as sb can 盡可能快的。13.hold out (my hands) 伸出(我的手) 20. drop by 順便拜訪,隨便進入28. after all 畢竟,終歸 32.make an effort (to do sth) 努力做33.avoid heavy traffic 避免交通擁擠39. clean off 把擦掉 clean up 清理44. take off 脫下,起飛 put off 推遲 45. be worth doing sth. 值得做Unit 11. Sad movies make me cry 一短語歸納39. feel left out 被冷落40. take ones position/place取


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