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2、2005年2月6日。今天是星期日,春節(jié)前的最后一個(gè)星期天。你知道的,2月8日就是大年三十了,再不花錢就沒有時(shí)候了!與其他儲蓄所一樣, ELZH儲蓄所里面擠滿了人,不斷有客戶進(jìn)進(jìn)出出,有的顧客在大廳里四處走動(dòng),隨便取些理財(cái)方面的宣傳材料打發(fā)時(shí)間,排隊(duì)機(jī)在機(jī)械地叫著號,聲音聽起來也不如以前悅耳動(dòng)聽了。不過,好在場面還算在控制之中?!拔揖同F(xiàn)在辦!”一位又高又瘦的顧客沖著窗口里面的服務(wù)員高聲叫喊著。隨著這聲叫喊,本來就不平靜的營業(yè)大廳蕩起一陣騷動(dòng)?!澳闶瞧胀ǎ埬鷵Q取人民幣業(yè)務(wù)號排隊(duì)”,胸前掛著“營業(yè)經(jīng)理”標(biāo)示牌的女士耐心地解釋著?!坝惺裁从茫以瓉砣〉氖侨嗣駧艠I(yè)務(wù)197號,已經(jīng)等了40多分鐘,鬼才



5、的課堂討論中使用,任何人不得以任何方式用于其他任何目的。3如果案例材料與某公司或個(gè)人有某種相似,純粹是一種偶合。4出于保密,作者隱去了真實(shí)的名字和其他一些可識別的信息資料。BSB, INC.: The Pizza Wars Come to CampusRenee Kershaw, manager of food services at a medium-sized private university in the Southeast, has just had the wind taken out of her sails. She had decided that, owing to th

6、e success of her year-old pizza service, the time had come to expand pizza-making operations on campus. However, yesterday the university president announced plans to begin construction of a student center on campus that would house, among other facilities, a new food court. In a departure from past

7、 university policy, this new facility would permit and accommodate food-service operations from three private organizations: Dunkin Donuts, Taco Bell, and Pizza Hut. Until now, all food service on campus had been contracted out to BSB, Inc.CAMPUS FOOD SERVICEBSB, Inc., is a large, nationally operate

8、d food-services company serving client organizations. The level of service provided varies, depending on the type of market being served and the particular contract specifications. The company is organized into three market-oriented divisions: corporate, airline, and university or college. Kershaw,

9、of course, is employed in the university or college division.At this particular university, BSB, Inc., is under contract to provide food services for the entire campus of 6,000 students and 3,000 faculty, staff, and support personnel. Located in a city of approximately 200,000 people, the campus was

10、 built on land donated by a wealthy industrialist. Because the campus is somewhat isolated from the rest of the town, students wanting to shop or dine off campus have to drive into town.The campus itself is a “walking” campus, with dormitories, classrooms, and supporting amenities such as a bookstor

11、e, sundry shop, barber shop, branch bank, and food-service facilitiesall within close proximity. Access to the campus by car is limited, with peripheral parking lots provided. The university also provides space, at a nominal rent, for three food-service facilities. The primary facility, a large cafe

12、teria housed on the ground floor of the main administration building, is located in the center of campus. This cafeteria is open for breakfast, lunch, and dinner daily. A second location, called the Dogwood Room, on the second floor of the administration building, serves an upscale luncheon buffet o

13、n weekdays only. The third facility is a small grill located in the corner of a recreational building near the dormitories. The grill is open from 11 A.M. to 10 P.M. daily and until midnight on Friday and Saturday nights. Kershaw is responsible for all three operations.THE PIZZA DECISIONBSB, Inc., h

14、as been operating the campus food services for the past 10 yearsever since the university decided that its mission and core competencies should focus on education, not on food service. Kershaw has been at this university for 18 months. Previously, she had been assistant manager of food services at a

15、 small university in the Northeast. After 3 to 4 months of getting oriented to the new position, she had begun to conduct surveys to determine customer needs and market trends. An analysis of the survey data indicated that students were not as satisfied with the food service as Kershaw had hoped. A

16、large amount of the food being consumed by students, broken down as follows, was not being purchased at the BSB facilities:Percent of food prepared in dorm rooms 20Percent of food delivered from off campus 36Percent of food consumed off campus 44The reasons most commonly given by students were (1) l

17、ack of variety in food offerings and (2) tight, erratic schedules that didnt always fit with cafeteria serving hours. Three other findings from the survey were of concern to Kershaw: (1) the large percentage of students with cars, (2) the large percentage of students with refrigerators and microwave

18、 ovens in their rooms, and (3) the number of times students ordered food delivered from off campus.Percent of students with cars on campus 84Percent of students having refrigerators or microwaves in their rooms 62Percent of food that students consume outside BSB, Inc., facilities 43In response to th

19、e market survey, Kershaw decided to expand the menu at the grill to include pizza. Along with expanding the menu, she also started a delivery service that covered the entire campus. Now students would have not only greater variety but also the convenience of having food delivered quickly to their ro

20、oms. To accommodate these changes, a pizza oven was installed in the grill and space was allocated to store pizza ingredients, to make cut-and-box pizzas, and to stage pre-made pizzas that were ready to cook. Existing personnel were hired to deliver them by bicycle. In an attempt to keep costs down

21、and provide fast delivery, Kershaw limited the combinations of topping available. That way a limited number of “standard pizzas” could be preassembled and ready to cook as soon as an order was received.THE SUCCESSKershaw believed that her decision to offer pizza service in the grill was the right on

22、e. Sales over the past 10 months have steadily increased, along with profits. Follow-up customer surveys indicated a high level of satisfaction with the reasonably priced and speedily delivered pizzas. However, Kershaw realized that success brought with it other challenges.The demand for pizzas had

23、put a strain on the grills facilities. Initially, space was taken from other grill activities to accommodate the pizza oven, preparation, and staging areas. As the demand for pizzas grew, so did the need for space and equipment. The capacities of existing equipment and space allocated for making and

24、 cooking pizzas now were insufficient to meet demand, and deliveries were being delayed. To add to the problem, groups were beginning to order pizzas in volume for various on-campus functions.Finally, a closer look at the sales data showed that pizza sales were beginning to level off. Kershaw wonder

25、ed whether the capacity problem and resulting increase in delivery times were the reasons. However, something else had been bothering her. In a recent conversation, Mack Kenzie, the grills supervisor, had told Kershaw that over the past couple of months requests for pizza toppings and combinations n

26、ot on the menu had steadily increased. She wondered whether her on-campus market was being affected by the “pizza wars” off campus and the proliferation of specialty pizzas.THE NEW CHALLENGEAs she sat in her office, Kershaw thought about yesterdays announcement concerning the new food court. It woul

27、d increase competition from other types of snack foods (Dunkin Donuts) and fast foods (Taco Bell). Of more concern, Pizza Hut was going to put in a facility offering a limited menu and providing a limited selection of pizzas on a “walk-up-and-order” basis. Phone orders would not be accepted nor woul

28、d delivery service be available.Kershaw pondered several crucial questions: Why had demand for pizzas leveled off? What impact would the new food court have on her operations? Should she expand her pizza operations? If so, how?Questions 1. How would you describe the mission of BSB, Inc., on this cam

29、pus? Does BSB, Inc., enjoy any competitive advantages or core competencies?2. Initially, how did Renee Kershaw choose to use her pizza operations to compete with off-campus eateries? What were her competitive priorities?3. What impact will the new food court have on Kershaws pizza operations? What c

30、ompetitive priorities might she choose to focus on now?4. If she were to change the competitive priorities for the pizza operation, how might that affect her operating processes and capacity decisions?5. What would be a good flow strategy for Kershaws operations on campus to meet the food court comp

31、etition?Source: This case was prepared by Dr. Brooke Saladin, Wake Forest University, as a basis for classroom discussion.案例:五環(huán)鋼鐵公司本案例是由北京科技大學(xué)管理學(xué)院馬風(fēng)才,在某鋼鐵公司提供企業(yè)素材并且現(xiàn)場調(diào)查訪問的基礎(chǔ)上編寫的。本案例只是用來作為課堂討論的材料,作者的目的不是為了論證某種經(jīng)營管理方法是否有效。出于保密起見,作者隱去了真實(shí)的名字和其他一些可識別的信息資料。案例中的數(shù)據(jù)并不代表公司的實(shí)際情況。未經(jīng)許可,禁止對本案例進(jìn)行任何形式的復(fù)制、存儲和轉(zhuǎn)載。行 業(yè):鋼

32、鐵、制藥等流程型企業(yè)主 題:計(jì)劃排程、企業(yè)資源計(jì)劃版 本:2004年11月23日作 者:馬風(fēng)才“今年的冬天來得真早呀!”望著窗外時(shí)不時(shí)漂落的梧桐樹葉,緊了緊披在身上的棉衣,三煉鋼的李廠長感到陣陣涼意。昨天,總公司召開了每周一次的集團(tuán)公司ERP系統(tǒng)建設(shè)協(xié)調(diào)例會。協(xié)調(diào)會上做出了若干有關(guān)三煉鋼的決議。其中的兩項(xiàng)決議不斷敲擊著王廠長的神經(jīng):(1)于本月底前拿出基于DHCR的澆次編組方案;(2)三煉鋼廠必須在組織人事上、進(jìn)度上與二熱軋及其他相關(guān)部門密切配合,以保證集團(tuán)公司ERP系統(tǒng)如期上線。一、五環(huán)鋼鐵公司ERP系統(tǒng)2001年3月,為配合集團(tuán)公司“管理變革和產(chǎn)品差異化”發(fā)展戰(zhàn)略的實(shí)施,五環(huán)鋼鐵公司正式啟

33、動(dòng)了ERP項(xiàng)目。該項(xiàng)目投資2億元人民幣,是截止目前中國在建的投資規(guī)模最大的ERP系統(tǒng),包括銷售管理系統(tǒng)、技術(shù)質(zhì)量管理系統(tǒng)、生產(chǎn)管理系統(tǒng)、存貨與出貨管理系統(tǒng)、財(cái)務(wù)管理系統(tǒng)等五大管理系統(tǒng)。這一系統(tǒng)上線后,將用信息化改造五環(huán)傳統(tǒng)的經(jīng)營模式,實(shí)現(xiàn)生產(chǎn)經(jīng)營的物流、信息流和資金流的有效結(jié)合,從而使五環(huán)的管理高度集中、產(chǎn)銷高度銜接、數(shù)據(jù)高度一致、信息高度共享、系統(tǒng)高度安全、人員精簡高效,滿足客戶的個(gè)性化需求。二、二熱軋DHCR系統(tǒng)1煉鐵-煉鋼-連鑄-軋制生產(chǎn)流程煉鐵-煉鋼-連鑄-軋制生產(chǎn)流程見圖1。在現(xiàn)代鋼鐵企業(yè)中,一般采用拉式生產(chǎn)組織方式。圖1 煉鐵-煉鋼-連鑄-軋制生產(chǎn)流程圖煉鋼-連鑄-軋制生產(chǎn)管理過程

34、見圖2。圖2 煉鋼-連鑄-軋制生產(chǎn)管理流程圖2五環(huán)鋼鐵公司二熱軋工程與三煉鋼廠五環(huán)鋼鐵公司二熱軋2250mm工程是中國國家重點(diǎn)建設(shè)項(xiàng)目,該項(xiàng)目的建設(shè)可以極大地提高五環(huán)鋼鐵公司的板帶比水平,同時(shí),可更好地滿足日益增長的汽車寬帶需求,減少中國對寬帶進(jìn)口的依賴。熱軋系統(tǒng)的主要裝置和技術(shù)是引進(jìn)國外的。軋線裝備具有先進(jìn)的粗軋和精軋調(diào)節(jié)系統(tǒng),可精確地控制帶鋼的厚度、凸度、平直度、寬度、終軋和卷取溫度等。五環(huán)鋼鐵公司三煉鋼廠是中國國內(nèi)現(xiàn)代化水平最高的大型復(fù)吹轉(zhuǎn)爐二次精煉全連鑄煉鋼廠,有完善的鐵水預(yù)處理系統(tǒng),采用320t魚雷罐車運(yùn)送鐵水,在脫硫站魚罐車內(nèi)進(jìn)行頂噴100%脫硫。三煉鋼廠現(xiàn)有兩座公稱容量為250t

35、頂?shù)讖?fù)合吹煉轉(zhuǎn)爐,并預(yù)留了3號轉(zhuǎn)爐的位置。三煉鋼廠的爐后精煉部分設(shè)有兩個(gè)氬站、一座LF鋼包爐和一套RH真空處理裝置。吹氬調(diào)溫站對鋼水成份進(jìn)行微調(diào);LF鋼包精煉爐對合金成份微調(diào),同時(shí)可改變夾雜物形態(tài),調(diào)節(jié)鋼水溫度;RH真空處理裝置可進(jìn)行脫氣、微調(diào)合金成份,并可減少鋼水中夾雜物。三煉鋼廠現(xiàn)有兩臺雙流弧形板坯連鑄機(jī),3號連鑄機(jī)正在建設(shè),增加的3號寬板連鑄機(jī)與二熱軋配套,以滿足二熱軋對寬幅原料的需求。三煉鋼廠主要工藝路徑如下:² 脫硫g扒渣gLDg吹A(chǔ)rgCCg精整² 脫硫g扒渣g LDgRHgCCg精整² 脫硫g扒渣gLDgLHFgCCg精整² 脫硫g扒渣gL

36、Dg吹A(chǔ)rgLHFgCCg精整² 脫硫g扒渣gLDg吹A(chǔ)rgRHgCCg精整² 脫硫g扒渣gLDg吹A(chǔ)rgLHFgRHgCCg精整² 脫硫g扒渣gLDgRHgLHFgCCg精整三煉鋼設(shè)備特性及參數(shù)見表1。表1三煉鋼設(shè)備特性及參數(shù)設(shè)備名稱工藝參數(shù)備注轉(zhuǎn)爐公稱容量250×2=500噸年設(shè)計(jì)產(chǎn)量250萬噸×2=500萬噸冶煉周期32-38分鐘,濺渣時(shí)34-40分鐘出鋼量264±5噸連鑄機(jī)1#機(jī)2#機(jī)3#機(jī)年設(shè)計(jì)產(chǎn)量150萬噸150萬噸250萬噸拉速1.0-1.6m/min1.0-1.6m/min1.0-1.8m/min澆鑄周期38-60分鐘



39、間通過輸送輥道直接相連,二熱軋板坯可采用冷裝CCR、熱裝HCR、直送熱裝DHCR等多種形式裝入步進(jìn)梁式加熱爐進(jìn)行生產(chǎn),同時(shí)還考慮了以后直接軋制HDRHH方式生產(chǎn)。對于軋線的各種生產(chǎn)模式,粗軋機(jī)組可使用連續(xù)工作的定寬壓力機(jī)以獲得靈活的寬度調(diào)節(jié),而精軋機(jī)組將用SMS Demag開發(fā)的經(jīng)過驗(yàn)證的板形控制系統(tǒng),借助上述兩套系統(tǒng),可實(shí)現(xiàn)必要的靈活軋制計(jì)劃編制。五環(huán)鋼鐵公司三煉鋼廠g二熱軋的工藝路線見圖3。圖3 三煉鋼廠g二熱軋的工藝路線圖4五環(huán)鋼鐵公司二熱軋DHCR系統(tǒng)二熱軋DHCR系統(tǒng)是五環(huán)集團(tuán)公司ERP項(xiàng)目生產(chǎn)管理系統(tǒng)的一個(gè)子系統(tǒng),投資450萬元,由開發(fā)商與五環(huán)鋼鐵公司合作開發(fā)。開發(fā)內(nèi)容包括生產(chǎn)計(jì)劃

40、編制系統(tǒng)、產(chǎn)線跟蹤和生產(chǎn)調(diào)度三大子系統(tǒng)。系統(tǒng)的功能主要在五環(huán)鋼鐵公司四級機(jī)上實(shí)現(xiàn)。系統(tǒng)要實(shí)現(xiàn)的技術(shù)目標(biāo)為:熱裝溫度為800,直送率為80%。系統(tǒng)流程見圖4。圖4 二熱軋DHCR系統(tǒng)流程圖三、煉鋼-連鑄生產(chǎn)計(jì)劃排程1計(jì)劃排程目的和原則煉鋼連鑄生產(chǎn)計(jì)劃排程系統(tǒng)是五環(huán)鋼鐵公司二熱軋DHCR系統(tǒng)的一個(gè)子系統(tǒng)。五日和日生產(chǎn)計(jì)劃排程的目的是從二熱軋、一熱軋、軋板廠等提出的板坯需求出發(fā),根據(jù)三煉鋼產(chǎn)能、設(shè)備檢修計(jì)劃、爐機(jī)匹配原則編制三煉鋼廠煉鋼連鑄五日生產(chǎn)計(jì)劃及日生產(chǎn)計(jì)劃,并生成日生產(chǎn)時(shí)刻表。當(dāng)正式日生產(chǎn)計(jì)劃確定后,系統(tǒng)實(shí)現(xiàn)日生產(chǎn)計(jì)劃和煉鋼P(yáng)DI的拋送。在編制煉鋼生產(chǎn)計(jì)劃時(shí)堅(jiān)持以下原則:從總體產(chǎn)能平衡考慮優(yōu)先安排DHCR需求,然后安排CCR需求及向其他成材廠的供料,把CCR和其他板坯需求作為一定的調(diào)節(jié)手段。在時(shí)序上,以全連鑄為中心,在滿足爐機(jī)匹配原則的前提下,煉鋼連鑄生產(chǎn)計(jì)劃安排盡可能地保證DHCR生產(chǎn)計(jì)劃的執(zhí)行順序,通過調(diào)整CCR或其他板坯


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