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1、1 Pieler T.Trends in atmospheric carbon dioxide-Global. http:/www. esrl. noaa. gov/gmd/ccgg/trends/ . 2009 2 Etheridge D M,Steele L P, el al.Historical CO2record derived from a spline fit (20 year cutoff) of the Law Dome DE08 and DE08-2 ice cores. http:/cdiac. ornl. gov/ftp/trends/co2/lawdome. smoot

2、hed. yr20 . 1998 # -# USE OF NOAA ESRL DATA# # These data are made freely available to the public and the# scientific community in the belief that their wide dissemination# will lead to greater understanding and new scientific insights.# The availability of these data does not constitute publication

3、# of the data. NOAA relies on the ethics and integrity of the user to# insure that ESRL receives fair credit for their work. If the data # are obtained for potential use in a publication or presentation, # ESRL should be informed at the outset of the nature of this work. # If the ESRL data are essen

4、tial to the work, or if an important # result or conclusion depends on the ESRL data, co-authorship# may be appropriate. This should be discussed at an early stage in# the work. Manuscripts using the ESRL data should be sent to ESRL# for review before they are submitted for publication so we can# in

5、sure that the quality and limitations of the data are accurately# represented.# # Contact: Pieter Tans (303 497 6678; )# # File Creation: Wed Jun 5 12:05:50 2013# # RECIPROCITY# # Use of these data implies an agreement to reciprocate.# Laboratories making similar measurements agre

6、e to make their# own data available to the general public and to the scientific# community in an equally complete and easily accessible form.# Modelers are encouraged to make available to the community,# upon request, their own tools used in the interpretation# of the ESRL data, namely well document

7、ed model code, transport# fields, and additional information necessary for other# scientists to repeat the work and to run modified versions.# Model availability includes collaborative support for new# users of the models.# -# # # # Data from March 1958 through April 1974 have been obtained by C. Da

8、vid Keeling# of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO) and were obtained from the# Scripps website ().# The estimated uncertainty in the annual mean is the standard deviation# of the differences of annual mean values determined independently by# NOAA/ESRL and the Scripps In

9、stitution of Oceanography.# NOTE: In general, the data presented for the last year are subject to change, # depending on recalibration of the reference gas mixtures used, and other quality# control procedures. Occasionally, earlier years may also be changed for the same# reasons. Usually these chang

10、es are minor.# CO2 expressed as a mole fraction in dry air, micromol/mol, abbreviated as ppm# year mean unc 1959 315.97 0.12 1960 316.91 0.12 1961 317.64 0.12 1962 318.45 0.12 1963 318.99 0.12 1964 319.62 0.12 1965 320.04 0.12 1966 321.38 0.12 1967 322.16 0.12 1968 323.04 0.12 1969 324.62 0.12 1970

11、325.68 0.12 1971 326.32 0.12 1972 327.45 0.12 1973 329.68 0.12 1974 330.18 0.12 1975 331.08 0.12 1976 332.05 0.12 1977 333.78 0.12 1978 335.41 0.12 1979 336.78 0.12 1980 338.68 0.12 1981 340.10 0.12 1982 341.44 0.12 1983 343.03 0.12 1984 344.58 0.12 1985 346.04 0.12 1986 347.39 0.12 1987 349.16 0.12

12、 1988 351.56 0.12 1989 353.07 0.12 1990 354.35 0.12 1991 355.57 0.12 1992 356.38 0.12 1993 357.07 0.12 1994 358.82 0.12 1995 360.80 0.12 1996 362.59 0.12 1997 363.71 0.12 1998 366.65 0.12 1999 368.33 0.12 2000 369.52 0.12 2001 371.13 0.12 2002 373.22 0.12 2003 375.77 0.12 2004 377.49 0.12 2005 379.8

13、0 0.12 2006 381.90 0.12 2007 383.76 0.12 2008 385.59 0.12 2009 387.37 0.12 2010 389.85 0.12 2011 391.63 0.12 2012 393.82 0.12# -# USE OF NOAA ESRL DATA# # These data are made freely available to the public and the# scientific community in the belief that their wide dissemination# will lead to greate

14、r understanding and new scientific insights.# The availability of these data does not constitute publication# of the data. NOAA relies on the ethics and integrity of the user to# insure that ESRL receives fair credit for their work. If the data # are obtained for potential use in a publication or pr

15、esentation, # ESRL should be informed at the outset of the nature of this work. # If the ESRL data are essential to the work, or if an important # result or conclusion depends on the ESRL data, co-authorship# may be appropriate. This should be discussed at an early stage in# the work. Manuscripts us

16、ing the ESRL data should be sent to ESRL# for review before they are submitted for publication so we can# insure that the quality and limitations of the data are accurately# represented.# # Contact: Pieter Tans (303 497 6678; )# # File Creation: Wed Jun 5 12:05:50 2013# # RECIPROC

17、ITY# # Use of these data implies an agreement to reciprocate.# Laboratories making similar measurements agree to make their# own data available to the general public and to the scientific# community in an equally complete and easily accessible form.# Modelers are encouraged to make available to the

18、community,# upon request, their own tools used in the interpretation# of the ESRL data, namely well documented model code, transport# fields, and additional information necessary for other# scientists to repeat the work and to run modified versions.# Model availability includes collaborative support

19、 for new# users of the models.# -# # # # Data from March 1958 through April 1974 have been obtained by C. David Keeling# of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO) and were obtained from the# Scripps website ().# Annual CO2 mole fraction increase (ppm) from Jan 1 through Dec

20、 31.# The uncertainty in the Mauna Loa annual mean growth rate is estimated# from the standard deviation of the differences between monthly mean# values determined independently by the Scripps Institution of Oceanography# and by NOAA/ESRL.# NOTE: In general, the data presented for the last year are

21、subject to change, # depending on recalibration of the reference gas mixtures used, and other quality# control procedures. Occasionally, earlier years may also be changed for the same# reasons. Usually these changes are minor.# CO2 expressed as a mole fraction in dry air, micromol/mol, abbreviated a

22、s ppm# year ann inc unc 1959 0.94 0.11 1960 0.54 0.11 1961 0.95 0.11 1962 0.64 0.11 1963 0.71 0.11 1964 0.28 0.11 1965 1.02 0.11 1966 1.24 0.11 1967 0.74 0.11 1968 1.03 0.11 1969 1.31 0.11 1970 1.06 0.11 1971 0.85 0.11 1972 1.69 0.11 1973 1.22 0.11 1974 0.78 0.11 1975 1.13 0.11 1976 0.84 0.11 1977 2

23、.10 0.11 1978 1.30 0.11 1979 1.75 0.11 1980 1.73 0.11 1981 1.43 0.11 1982 0.96 0.11 1983 2.13 0.11 1984 1.36 0.11 1985 1.25 0.11 1986 1.48 0.11 1987 2.29 0.11 1988 2.13 0.11 1989 1.32 0.11 1990 1.19 0.11 1991 0.99 0.11 1992 0.48 0.11 1993 1.40 0.11 1994 1.91 0.11 1995 1.99 0.11 1996 1.25 0.11 1997 1

24、.91 0.11 1998 2.93 0.11 1999 0.93 0.11 2000 1.62 0.11 2001 1.58 0.11 2002 2.53 0.11 2003 2.29 0.11 2004 1.56 0.11 2005 2.52 0.11 2006 1.76 0.11 2007 2.22 0.11 2008 1.60 0.11 2009 1.88 0.11 2010 2.44 0.11 2011 1.84 0.11 2012 2.65 0.11# -# USE OF NOAA ESRL DATA# # These data are made freely available

25、to the public and the# scientific community in the belief that their wide dissemination# will lead to greater understanding and new scientific insights.# The availability of these data does not constitute publication# of the data. NOAA relies on the ethics and integrity of the user to# insure that E

26、SRL receives fair credit for their work. If the data # are obtained for potential use in a publication or presentation, # ESRL should be informed at the outset of the nature of this work. # If the ESRL data are essential to the work, or if an important # result or conclusion depends on the ESRL data

27、, co-authorship# may be appropriate. This should be discussed at an early stage in# the work. Manuscripts using the ESRL data should be sent to ESRL# for review before they are submitted for publication so we can# insure that the quality and limitations of the data are accurately# represented.# # Co

28、ntact: Pieter Tans (303 497 6678; )# # File Creation: Wed Jun 5 12:05:50 2013# # RECIPROCITY# # Use of these data implies an agreement to reciprocate.# Laboratories making similar measurements agree to make their# own data available to the general public and to the scientific# com

29、munity in an equally complete and easily accessible form.# Modelers are encouraged to make available to the community,# upon request, their own tools used in the interpretation# of the ESRL data, namely well documented model code, transport# fields, and additional information necessary for other# sc

30、ientists to repeat the work and to run modified versions.# Model availability includes collaborative support for new# users of the models.# -# # # # Data from March 1958 through April 1974 have been obtained by C. David Keeling# of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO) and were obtained from

31、 the# Scripps website ().# The "average" column contains the monthly mean CO2 mole fraction determined# from daily averages. The mole fraction of CO2, expressed as parts per million# (ppm) is the number of molecules of CO2 in every one million molecules of dried# air (wa

32、ter vapor removed). If there are missing days concentrated either early# or late in the month, the monthly mean is corrected to the middle of the month# using the average seasonal cycle. Missing months are denoted by -99.99.# The "interpolated" column includes average values from the prece

33、ding column# and interpolated values where data are missing. Interpolated values are# computed in two steps. First, we compute for each month the average seasonal# cycle in a 7-year window around each monthly value. In this way the seasonal# cycle is allowed to change slowly over time. We then deter

34、mine the "trend"# value for each month by removing the seasonal cycle; this result is shown in# the "trend" column. Trend values are linearly interpolated for missing months.# The interpolated monthly mean is then the sum of the average seasonal cycle# value and the trend value f

35、or the missing month.# NOTE: In general, the data presented for the last year are subject to change, # depending on recalibration of the reference gas mixtures used, and other quality# control procedures. Occasionally, earlier years may also be changed for the same# reasons. Usually these changes ar

36、e minor.# CO2 expressed as a mole fraction in dry air, micromol/mol, abbreviated as ppm# (-99.99 missing data; -1 no data for #daily means in month)# decimal average interpolated trend #days# date (season corr)1958 3 1958.208 315.71 315.71 314.62 -11958 4 1958.292 317.45 317.45 315.29 -11958 5 1958.

37、375 317.50 317.50 314.71 -11958 6 1958.458 -99.99 317.10 314.85 -11958 7 1958.542 315.86 315.86 314.98 -11958 8 1958.625 314.93 314.93 315.94 -11958 9 1958.708 313.20 313.20 315.91 -11958 10 1958.792 -99.99 312.66 315.61 -11958 11 1958.875 313.33 313.33 315.31 -11958 12 1958.958 314.67 314.67 315.61

38、 -11959 1 1959.042 315.62 315.62 315.70 -11959 2 1959.125 316.38 316.38 315.88 -11959 3 1959.208 316.71 316.71 315.62 -11959 4 1959.292 317.72 317.72 315.56 -11959 5 1959.375 318.29 318.29 315.50 -11959 6 1959.458 318.15 318.15 315.92 -11959 7 1959.542 316.54 316.54 315.66 -11959 8 1959.625 314.80 3

39、14.80 315.81 -11959 9 1959.708 313.84 313.84 316.55 -11959 10 1959.792 313.26 313.26 316.19 -11959 11 1959.875 314.80 314.80 316.78 -11959 12 1959.958 315.58 315.58 316.52 -11960 1 1960.042 316.43 316.43 316.51 -11960 2 1960.125 316.97 316.97 316.47 -11960 3 1960.208 317.58 317.58 316.49 -11960 4 19

40、60.292 319.02 319.02 316.86 -11960 5 1960.375 320.03 320.03 317.24 -11960 6 1960.458 319.59 319.59 317.36 -11960 7 1960.542 318.18 318.18 317.30 -11960 8 1960.625 315.91 315.91 316.92 -11960 9 1960.708 314.16 314.16 316.87 -11960 10 1960.792 313.83 313.83 316.76 -11960 11 1960.875 315.00 315.00 316.

41、98 -11960 12 1960.958 316.19 316.19 317.13 -11961 1 1961.042 316.93 316.93 317.03 -11961 2 1961.125 317.70 317.70 317.28 -11961 3 1961.208 318.54 318.54 317.47 -11961 4 1961.292 319.48 319.48 317.27 -11961 5 1961.375 320.58 320.58 317.70 -11961 6 1961.458 319.77 319.77 317.48 -11961 7 1961.542 318.5

42、7 318.57 317.70 -11961 8 1961.625 316.79 316.79 317.80 -11961 9 1961.708 314.80 314.80 317.49 -11961 10 1961.792 315.38 315.38 318.35 -11961 11 1961.875 316.10 316.10 318.13 -11961 12 1961.958 317.01 317.01 317.94 -11962 1 1962.042 317.94 317.94 318.06 -11962 2 1962.125 318.56 318.56 318.11 -11962 3

43、 1962.208 319.68 319.68 318.57 -11962 4 1962.292 320.63 320.63 318.45 -11962 5 1962.375 321.01 321.01 318.20 -11962 6 1962.458 320.55 320.55 318.27 -11962 7 1962.542 319.58 319.58 318.67 -11962 8 1962.625 317.40 317.40 318.48 -11962 9 1962.708 316.26 316.26 319.03 -11962 10 1962.792 315.42 315.42 31

44、8.33 -11962 11 1962.875 316.69 316.69 318.62 -11962 12 1962.958 317.69 317.69 318.61 -11963 1 1963.042 318.74 318.74 318.91 -11963 2 1963.125 319.08 319.08 318.68 -11963 3 1963.208 319.86 319.86 318.69 -11963 4 1963.292 321.39 321.39 319.09 -11963 5 1963.375 322.25 322.25 319.39 -11963 6 1963.458 321.47 321.47 319.16 -11963 7 1963.542 319.74 319.74 318.77 -11963 8 1963.625 317.77 317.77 318.83 -11963 9 1963.708 316.21 316.21 319.06 -11963 10 1963.792 315.99 315.99 319.00 -11963 11 1963.875 317.12 317.12 3


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