Unit4Study skills精品教案(最新譯林版九年級上冊英語)_第1頁
Unit4Study skills精品教案(最新譯林版九年級上冊英語)_第2頁
Unit4Study skills精品教案(最新譯林版九年級上冊英語)_第3頁
Unit4Study skills精品教案(最新譯林版九年級上冊英語)_第4頁




1、.Unit4 Study skills精品教案Teaching aims:Learn to guess the meanings of a word by its formation.Step 1 guessing the meaning of a new word by its formation.When we read and come across new words, we can sometimes guess their meanings by the way they are formed. Sometimes a suffix changes a words part of

2、speech, but the meaning remains almost the same. Thus, if you know the meaning of the root word, you can guess the meaning of the word, e.g. illness, achievement, energetic, dangerous. Sometimes a prefix or a suffix changes the meaning of a word, e.g. incorrect, dislike, unlucky, homeless. Sometimes

3、 two words come together to form a compound word, such as blackboard. Some compounds have a hyphen -, such as hard-working. Step 2 PracticeMillie has found out more about Anne Frank and her book. She underlined some new words in a paragraph. Help her guess their meanings. Match the words on the left

4、 with the meanings on the right. Write the correct letters in the blanks.The Diary of a Young Girl became a best-seller as soon as it was published. Soon it was read by people worldwide. It is not an imaginary story but a true experience of a teenager in wartime. In this book, Anne, a Jewish girl, d

5、escribes her boredom with being away from the outside world, her unhappiness with living in a small place all the year, and her fear of discovery and death.1. best-seller _2. worldwide _3. imaginary _4. wartime _5. Jewish _6. boredom _7. unhappiness _8. discovery _a. related to the Jewsb. the feelin

6、g of not being happyc. a period when there is a ward. from all parts of the worlde. the state of feeling boredf. which is imagined and not trueg. a book which sells wellh. the act of discovering somebody or somethingKeys: g, d, f, c, a, e, b, hStep 3 Summary 在閱讀中,除了根據(jù)上下文猜測生詞詞義外,我們還可以根據(jù)一些構詞法常識來猜測生詞詞義

7、,在平時學習中要留意一些構詞法知識,如:1. -ness, -tion, -ment, -ing, -dom等通常是一些名詞的后綴。2. -less是否認后綴,dis-, un-, in-, im-是否認前綴。3. -able是形容詞的后綴,-ly多為副詞的后綴。4. blackboard, hard-working, worldwide等由兩個單詞構成的復合詞,其意思與兩個單詞有關。Step 4 Homework總結你所知道的前綴后綴及復合詞。TaskTeaching aims:1. Read the article and learn the ways of writing about a

8、 person.2. Learn to write a similar article about the person who has influenced you most. Step 1 RevisionDiscuss some questions in pairs:1. What do you think of Anne Frank?2. What do you know about World War II?3. Do you like Japanese? Why or why not?4. What will you do if Japan starts a war with Ch

9、ina?Step 2 Lead-inAsk Ss: Which kind of person has influenced you most?1. pop stars 2. sports stars 3. movie stars 4. your family members5. your friends 6. policeman7. soldiers 戰(zhàn)士 8. Step 3 Reading A Mr Wu is asking each of the Class 1, Grade 9 students to write about the person who has influenced h

10、im or her most. He shows an article to them as a model. Read the article with them.Read the article and answer the questions.1. Who has influenced the author most?2. How old is her father?3. What is her father like?4. What has her father done since 1990?5. What surprised the author?6. What does the

11、author realize now?Step 4 Language points1. My father is in his fifties. 表示整十的數(shù)詞后加s變成復數(shù),用在“in ones + 數(shù)詞復數(shù)短語中,表示“某人年齡處于某段時間。如: in ones twenties/ thirties/ forties 在某人二十/三十/四十多歲時表示整十的數(shù)詞后加s變成復數(shù),也可以用在“in the + 數(shù)詞復數(shù)短語中,表示“在某個年代。如:in the seventies/ eighties/ nineties 在七十/八十/九十年代2. To my surprise, he has d

12、ecided to donate his body for medical research after his death. to ones surprise 令某人驚奇的是 e.g. To my surprise, the task was finished in only one week. 使我驚訝是,這項任務僅一周就完成了。Step 5 Make sentencesTry to make some sentences with the following useful expressions:1. is the person who has influenced me most.2.

13、 is in his / her twenties/ thirties/ forties/ 3. You will not find anything unusual about him / her until4. has always been kind/ helpful 5. To my surprise, 6. When I was a little girl/ boy, I could not understand 7. Now I realize thatStep 6 Writing B You want to write about a person who has influen

14、ced you most. Prepare some notes first. The questions below may help you.1 Who has influenced you most in your life?2 What does he/she look like?3 What is special about him/her?4 What has he/she done? Give one or two examples.5 What do you think of him/her? Step 7 Exercises翻譯句子:1. 直到你走進屋子才會發(fā)現(xiàn)不同尋常之處。 You _ you enter the house.2. 他把自行車給一個無力購置自行車的男孩。 He gave his bicycle to a boy _.3.


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