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1、.二.短語翻譯 1 From English to Chinese1) terms of payment 2) net weight 3) Bill of Lading 4) Country of origin2. From Chinese to English 1)供求 2)標(biāo)題項下的貨物 3)商會 4)共同努力 5)保兌信用證 6)會簽三. 句子翻譯1. 我們男士襯衫的包裝為每件套一塑料袋,五打裝一紙箱。內(nèi)襯防潮紙,外打鐵箍兩道。2. 因無直達(dá)班輪,請允許轉(zhuǎn)船。3我們得悉上述貨物的有關(guān)信用證即將開出。保證一收到貴方信用證,我們將盡早安排第一艘可以定得艙位的船只裝運(yùn)。三. 信件翻譯敬啟者:

2、你公司11月5日的報價單和尼龍女式運(yùn)動成衣樣品都已收到,謝謝。我公司對價格和品質(zhì)均感滿意,并樂意按你方報價單所提條件訂購下列貨物: 小號尼龍運(yùn)動衣 每打80美元成本加保險費(fèi)加運(yùn)費(fèi)到倫敦價, 5打。 中號尼龍運(yùn)動衣 每打120美元成本加保險費(fèi)加運(yùn)費(fèi)到倫敦價 7打。 大號尼龍運(yùn)動衣 每打160美元成本加保險費(fèi)加運(yùn)費(fèi)到倫敦價 4打。 只有在滿足12月15日前將貨運(yùn)到的條件下,我公司才訂購上述尼龍運(yùn)動衣。 我公司通常的付款條件是60天承兌交單。請告你公司是否同意這一條件。.謹(jǐn)上二 翻譯短語翻譯1支付條件 2.凈重 3. 提單 4. 原產(chǎn)地1. supply and demand 2. the capt

3、ioned goods 3.the chamber of commerce 4.joint effort 5. confirmed L/C 6.countersign 句子翻譯1. Our Mens Shirts are packed in poly bags, five dozen to a carton lined with damp-proof paper and secured with 2 iron straps outside.2. As there is no direct steamer, please allow transshipment.3. We have learne

4、d that the relative L/C for the above-mentioned goods will be opened immediately. You are assured that upon receipt of your L/C, we will arrange to ship by the first available steamer.信件翻譯(注意格式)Dear sirsWe thank you for your quotation of Nov5 and the samples of ready-made nylon womens sports garment

5、s. We are satisfied with both the quality and price,and pleased to order the following goods according to the terms of your quotation:Small size womens sports coat US80 per dozen CIF London 5 dozens .Medium size womens sports coat US120 per dozen CIF London 7dozens.Large size womens sports coat US16

6、0 per dozen CIF London 4dozens.We place the order with you for the above-mentioned goods subject to your delivery of the goods prior to December 15. Our normal term of payment is D/A after 60 days.Please let us know whether you agree to the terms of payment.Yours faithfully,外貿(mào)函電試題庫Match A. “INCOTERM

7、S” ( ) 1. 貨交承運(yùn)人B. FOB ( ) 2. 信用證C. FCA ( ) 3. 歐洲主要口岸D. T/T ( ) 4. 海運(yùn)提單E. D/P ( ) 5. 裝運(yùn)港船上交貨F. L/C ( ) 6. 協(xié)會貨物條款G. EMP ( ) 7. 國際貿(mào)易術(shù)語解釋通則H. FPA ( ) 8. 平安險I. B/L ( ) 9. 付款交單J. ICC ( ) 10. 電匯A. “INCOTERMS” ( ) 1. 貨交承運(yùn)人B. FOB ( ) 2. 信用證C. FCA ( ) 3. 歐洲主要口岸D. T/T ( ) 4. 海運(yùn)提單E. D/P ( ) 5. 裝運(yùn)港船上交貨F. L/C ( )

8、 6. 協(xié)會貨物條款G. EMP ( ) 7. 國際貿(mào)易術(shù)語解釋通則H. FPA ( ) 8. 平安險I. B/L ( ) 9. 付款交單J. ICC ( ) 10. 電匯A. “INCOTERMS” ( ) 1. 運(yùn)費(fèi)、保險費(fèi)付至B. CFR ( ) 2. 承兌交單C. CIP ( ) 3. 銀行保證書D. D/D ( ) 4. 預(yù)計到港時間E. D/A ( ) 5. 國際貿(mào)易術(shù)語解釋通則F. L/G ( ) 6. 海運(yùn)提單G. ETA ( ) 7. 中國人民保險海洋運(yùn)輸貨物保險條款H. WPA ( ) 8. 票匯I. B/L ( ) 9. 水漬險J. CIC ( ) 10. 成本加運(yùn)費(fèi)An

9、swers:7,5,1,10,9,2,3,8,4,67,5,1,10,9,2,3,8,4,65,10,1,8,2,3,4,9,6,7Business terms translation 1. Chamber of commerce _ 2. Quotation _3. Counter-offer _ 4. Customs invoice _5. Open account terms _ 6. Certificate of origin _7. Import quotas system _ 8. Bill of exchange _9. Promissory note _ 10. Confirm

10、ed L/C _1. Quantity Discount _ 2. Proforma Invoice _3. Non-Tariff Barriers _ 4. Sales Contract _5. Documentary Bill _ 6. Sight Draft _7. Irrevocable L/C _ 8. On Board B/L _9. More or Less Clause _ 10. Insurance Policy _1. Cash Discount _ 2. Commercial Invoice _3. Import Licence System _ 4. Sales Con

11、firmation _5. Commercial Draft _ 6. Time Draft _7. Collection _ 8. Clean B/L _9. Warehouse to Warehouse Clause _ 10. Insurance Certificate _Answers:1 商會 2。報盤(價) 3。還盤 4。海關(guān)發(fā)票 5。賒帳方式 6。原產(chǎn)地證 7。進(jìn)口配額制 8。匯票 9。本票 10。保兌信用證1數(shù)量折扣 2形式發(fā)票 3非關(guān)稅壁壘 4銷售合同 5跟單匯票6。即期匯票 7。不可撤消信用證 8。已裝船提單 9。溢短裝條款 10。保險單1現(xiàn)金折扣 2。商業(yè)發(fā)票 3。進(jìn)口許

12、可證制 4。銷售確認(rèn)書 5。商業(yè)匯票6。遠(yuǎn)期匯票 7。托收 8。清潔提單 9。倉至倉條款 10。保險憑證Sentence translation 1) 貴國駐華大使館商務(wù)參贊處告知,你擬從我國進(jìn)口車床(lathe),故特致函你公司,希望能在該項產(chǎn)品方面建立業(yè)務(wù)關(guān)系。2) 我們想請你們代為查詢一下倫敦一家商行的財務(wù)和信用情況,他們是James Neils & Co.。他們的銀行是香港匯豐銀行。謝謝。3) 我們是世界上最大的絲綢進(jìn)口商之一。我們過去一直是從日本進(jìn)口的,現(xiàn)在我們想到中國市場訂購。4) 我們很遺憾不能接受你方的還價。自從我們報價給你們后,我們已按原報價與其他許多客戶成交,故如你

13、方仍有需要,請立即訂購。5) 你公司8月10日來函收悉,內(nèi)附有關(guān)第100號訂單訂購500臺縫紉機(jī)的銷售確認(rèn)書第90SP-5861號一式兩份。今簽退一份請查收。6) 對這次交易,我們例外同意用信用證方式付款,但對以后的交易,我們要求更有利的付款條件,也就是付款交單。7) 今收到你公司對第-號銷售確認(rèn)書開來的第-號信用證,但發(fā)現(xiàn)少開500美元。請與上述銷售確認(rèn)書核對并希及早修改。8) 我們報的是CFR價格,因此,貨物將由你方保險,但我們在貨物裝運(yùn)后,將立即通知你們有關(guān)的裝運(yùn)情況。9) 如果指定我們做你們在巴基斯坦的代理,我們將集中精力,努力推銷你們的商品。這對我們雙方都是有利的。10) 在收到你方



16、,請來電取消“銀行費(fèi)用由收益人負(fù)擔(dān)”的條款。8)根據(jù)你們通常的CIF價格條件,所保的是那些險別.9)我們已委托ABC公司為你地區(qū)的代理。10)茲寄去中國商品檢驗(yàn)局報告一紙,作為我方索賠的根據(jù)。1. 我們愿意在平等互利,互通有無的基礎(chǔ)上與貴公司建立業(yè)務(wù)聯(lián)系。2我們的慣例是接受即期付款交單而不是信用證。 因此, 對這筆交易和以后的交易, 我們希望你能接受付款交單的支付條件。3在隨附的單子上我們列出了關(guān)于包裝的具體要求,請你方務(wù)必照辦。4請報CIF溫哥華最低價,包括我方5%的傭金。5隨函寄去我們的報價,此報價有效期僅為兩周。6我們將為貨物投保CIF價值的110%,如果要求額外險別, 則額外保費(fèi)由買方

17、負(fù)擔(dān)。7很遺憾,你們運(yùn)來的我方758號訂單的貨物與雙方談定的規(guī)格不符。8憑著我們在這一行業(yè)的豐富經(jīng)驗(yàn),我們對自己能以最有效的方式代理你方出口產(chǎn)品這一點(diǎn)非常自信。 9我們很高興向你訂購下列貨物,其條件是按你所報價現(xiàn)貨供應(yīng)。10請你方給予合作,將裝運(yùn)期提前到9月底,以使我們能夠趕上圣誕節(jié)銷售旺季。1. 承蒙中國外貿(mào)組織的介紹,我們得知貴公司有意在本地市場做生意。2期待盡快收到你方的全套樣品。3請報CIF溫哥華最低價,包括我方5%的傭金。4我們收到了你方6月4日對我們電子玩具的詢價,現(xiàn)高興地向你方報盤如下,供你參考。5我們的報價以合理利潤為依據(jù),不是漫天要價。6. 請盡快通知我們23546號合同項下

18、貨物大約交貨日期。7謝謝你方授權(quán)我公司作為你們的產(chǎn)品在日本的銷售代理。8經(jīng)過長期友好的討論,現(xiàn)已經(jīng)達(dá)成交易。9雙方同意,上述訂貨貨款以60天信用證或即期付款交單方式支付。10保險應(yīng)由買方辦理。1. 我們是經(jīng)營輕工產(chǎn)品的國營公司。 2. 一旦收到你方具體的詢盤,我們將立即給你們報出優(yōu)惠的歐洲主要口岸到岸價。3. 關(guān)于支付條款,我們要求不可撤銷的,憑即期匯票支付的信用證。4本報盤五日內(nèi)有效。5考慮到貴方將開出大量的訂單,對于我們最近的報價將允許一定的折扣。6現(xiàn)附上我方第101號合同正本兩份,請會簽并早日寄回一份。7我們今天已經(jīng)由中國銀行開出了一張以貴方為受益人的信用證,金額合計為200,000美元

19、。8我們已經(jīng)向中國人民保險公司辦理了投保一切險,保險金額為25,000人民幣。9感謝貴方授權(quán)我公司作為你們的產(chǎn)品在中國黑龍江地區(qū)的銷售代理。10由中國商品檢驗(yàn)局出具的檢驗(yàn)報告將作為最后依據(jù),對雙方有約束力。Answers:1. The Commercial Counsellors Office of your Embassy in China has informed us that you intend to import Lathes from China and we are writing to you in the hope that we may establish busines

20、s relations with you in this line.2. We should appreciate it if you could obtain for us all information about the financial and credit standing of James Neils & Co. in London. The reference they have given us is their bank, Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation.3. Please be informed that we

21、are one of the largest importers of silk in the world. We have been importing this item from Japan and now intend to extend our business to import the same from China.4. We regret being unable to accept your counter-offer. Since we quoted you we have concluded business with many clients at the price

22、 originally quoted. Therefore, if you are still in need of this item please place your order without delay.5. We have received your letter of the 10th August, enclosing S/C No.90SP-5861 in duplicate against our Order No.100 for 500 sets of Sewing Machines. Attached hereto is a copy of the said Sales

23、 Confirmation, duly countersigned. Please find it in order.6. For this transaction, we exceptionally agree to make payment by L/C but for future t4ransactions, we would ask for more favourable payment terms, I.e. D/P.7. We have received your L/C No. - against S/C No.- , but found its amount is US$50

24、0 short. You will find the shortage by referring to the said contract. It is hoped that you will make it up at your earliest convenience.8. Our price is quoted on CFR basis and consequently the insurance is to be covered by yourselves. However, as soon as we ship the goods we will let you know the r

25、elative shipping position.9. If you appoint us your agent in Pakistan we will concentrate our effort on pushing the sales of your products, this being to the benefit of both parties.10. We will send you our quotations and samples immediately upon receipt of your specific enquiry.1. In order to give

26、you a general idea of our various textiles available for export, we are enclosing herewith sample books and a copy of price list for your information.2. We have received an enquiry from one of the Japanese clients who is in the market for 1 metric ton captioned sugar.3. At the request of you, we off

27、er you firm, subject to your reply reaching here within one week, 50m/t soyabeans as follows;4. If you reduce the price of quotation sheet dated Sep. 3 by 3%, we are desirous of accepting your offer.5. We have opened an L/C in your favor for the amount of $5000000 with Bank of China, London today.6.

28、 An importer from Sweden requests us to ship a parcel of shipment for trial on D/A terms.7. Please be sure to pay attention to the following in order to avoid subsequent amendment to L/C.8. As to 300 sets of Sewing Machines under Contract No.345, we would cover insurance on our own account.9. We wou

29、ld like to act as our agent for ruling exportable goods as we own a wide domestic market.10. The goods of Order 1361 were found short-weight of 2500 kgs for which we raise a claim against you.1. Your letter of Feb.15 has been received and passed onto Shanghai branch. They will reply directly as the

30、commodities you enquired are handled by them.2. As soon as we receive your specific enquiries we will make you best offer on CIF Shanghai basis.3. In order to start the concrete business between us, we are glad to make you a special offer, subject to our final confirmation.4. In consideration of you

31、r large orders we will allow discount to the certain extent on the recent quotations.5. Your irrevocable L/C has been duly received, we trust shipment can be arranged within next week.6. Today we informed our bank to send you all the amount by Y/T, upon receipt of which please reply.7. Please delete

32、 by cable form L/C No.3855 the clause “Banking charges should be borne by the beneficiary”.8. What is the coverage according to your usual CIF terms"9. We have appointed ABC co. as youre your agent in your district.10. We hereby send you a survey report of CCIB as evidence of our claims.1. We a

33、re willing to enter into business relations with your firm on the basis of equality and mutual benefit, and to exchange what on has with what one needs.2.It has been our usual practice to do business with payment by D/P at sight instead of by L/C. we should , therefore, like you to accept D/p terms

34、for this transaction and future ones.3.We give you on the attached sheet full details regaring packing and marking. These must be strictly observed.4.Please quote us your lowest prices. CIF Vancouver, including our 5% commission.5.Enclosed please find our quotations which are open for two weeks.6.In

35、surance on the goods shall be covered by us for 110%of the CIF value, and any extra premium for additional coverage, if required, shall be borned by the buyers.7.We are sorry to say that the quality of your shipment for our order No. 758 has been found not in conformity with the agreed specification

36、.8.With wide and varied experience in this trade, we convinced that we can handle as an agent the goods you are exporting in the most effective manner.9.We are very happy to place an order on the following good basing on the condition that you must supply products your quotation.10.We would ask you

37、to cooperate with us in advancing the shipment to the end of September to enable us to catch the brisk demand in Christmas.1.Through the courtesy of Chinese External Trade Organization, we have your name as a firm who is interested in doing business with us in this market.2.We look forward to receiv

38、ing a full range of samples at your earliest convenience.3.Please quote us your lowest prices. CIF Vancouver, including our 5% commission.4.We have received your inquiry of June 4 for our electronic toys and now take pleasure in making you the following offer for your consideration.5.My offer was ba

39、sed on reasonable profit not on wild speculations。6.Please inform us of the approximate date of shipment for contract No.23546.7.Thank you for your offering us the selling agency in Japan for your manufactures.8.After long and friendly discussing we have now concluded business.9.As agreed, the terms

40、 of payment for the above orders are letter of credit of 60 days sight or D/P sight draft.10. Insurance is to be covered by the buyers.1. We are a state-owned company handling light industrial products.2. As soon as we receive specific enquiry, we will make you favorable quotation on CIF basis, EMP.

41、3.As for terms of payment, we require irrevocable L/C payable by draft at sight.4.This offer is valid within five days.5.We will allow certain discount on our recent quotation considering your large order.6. Enclosed please find Contract No.101 in two originals. Please counter sign and return one co

42、py at earliest.7. We have opened an L/C in your favor with Bank of China for the amount of USD200,000.8. We have handled insurance against All Risks with PICC for RMB 25,000.9. Thank you for your entrusting our company with sales agency for your products in the territory of Heilongjiang, China.10.Th

43、e inspection report issued by CCIB will be taken as the final basis , having binding forces on both parties.Letter translation (20分) With reference to our Sales Confirmation No.7904 dated August 8th, 2000, we regret to say that your letter of credit has not yet reached us up to the time of writing.

44、This has caused us much inconvenience as we have already made preparations for shipment according to the stipulations of the said Sales Confirmation. You must be aware that the terms and conditions of a contract once signed should be strictly observed, failure to abide by them will mean violation of

45、 contract. If you refer to our Sales Confirmation, you will see the clause reading:“The Buyer shall establish the covering letter of credit before 30th August, 2000, failing which the Seller reserves the right to rescind the contract without further notice.” The goods you ordered have been ready for

46、 quite some time and the demand of late has been so great that we find it hard to keep them for you any longer. However, in consideration of our friendly business relations, we are prepared to wait for your L/C, which must reach us not later than October 5th, 2000. If we again fail to receive your L

47、/C in time, we shall cancel our Sales Confirmation and ask you to refund to us the storage charges we have paid on your behalf.Your co0operation in this respect will be appreciated.For the past five years we have been selling your Electronic Lighters to wholesalers and large dealers in all parts of

48、Pakistan and our clients are very much satisfied with your products. The styles and colours are very much to the taste of our market. We have built up a considerable number of well-established connections with excellent business results.As we understand that you have no agent in Pakistan, we would l

49、ike to offer our services.For your reference, we would propose a sole agency agreement for a duration of three years with annual turnover of 50,000, 60,000 and 70,000 pieces for the first, second and third year respectively. On all sales, we are entitled to receive a commission of 15%. During the va

50、lidity of the agency agreement, we shall not handle any other foreign products of the same line and competitive types. The area to be covered by the agency agreement is confined to Pakistan.If you agree to grant us the sole agency we will devote full attention to the development of your products on

51、the Pakistan market and will go into the matter further.We look forward to receiving your favourable reply.Thank you for your letter of the 31st October in connection with sole agency.In reply, we wish to state that we appreciate your efforts in pushing the sales of our Electronic Lighters in Pakist

52、an and we are satisfied with your work in the past. However, after serious consideration, we do not think conditions are ripe to entrust you with the agency at the present stage as the sales volume mentioned in your letter under reply is too small for us to grant you the agency. To tell you frankly,

53、 the average annual quantity we sold to your country in the past few years is larger than what you mentioned.In spite of this, please do not misinterpret our above remark, which in no way implies dissatisfaction. If a bigger turnover can be realized to justify establishing the agency we would like y

54、ou to represent us.We hope you will agree with on this point and continue placing orders with us as you have done so far.Dear Sirs, Thank you for your offer of May 3for mens and womens leather gloves and also for the samples you sent us. Having looked over your samples, we found both the quality of the leather used and workmanship are up to our requirements. And we are pleased to place the following order with


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