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1、未回答滿分10.00題干As you know, I ' m not quite familiar with how to shop online. It ' s a piece of cake! I'll show you how to do it.選擇一項:A. First of all, you should find a good e-commerce site.BlB. Next, add the items in your shopping cart and place the order.C. Then compare the prices and fea

2、tures of the goods you like.精選文庫21反饋你的回答不正確解析:本題考核 描述過程”的交際用語。根據上文,此處應該 描述網上購物的第一個步驟,所以答案是 Ao未回答滿分10.00題干Great! Maybe from now on, I should try to buy goods online.選擇一項:A. I think you need to be a little bit slower.B. That ' s all right. Whatever!C. Why not? Go ahead. Just give it a try.反饋你的回答不正

3、確解析:本題考核 褰示贊同”的交際用語。第一說話人決定嘗試 網上購物,第二說話人表示鼓勵,所以答案是 Co未回答滿分10.00V標記題目題干 Morning, Daniel. Today I d like to discuss the promotional events of our products with you.選擇一項:A. Hi, I agree with what you have just said.r7B. Good morning, Kevin. Nice to meet you, too.C. Ok. I think we should draw up a thorou

4、gh plan, first.反饋你的回答不正確解析:本題考核 打算和意愿”的交際用語。當第一說話人提出 討論議題,第二說話人用should提出相應,所以答案是Co未回答滿分10.00題干It can be aimed individuals with select surfing behavior.選擇一項:A. toB. inC. at反饋你的回答不正確譯文:網絡廣告能夠針對具有選擇性瀏覽行為的個人。未回答滿分10.00V標記題目解析:動詞aim與介詞at形成固定搭配,意為 以為目標”, 所以答案應該選C。題干Consumers can t digest too much informat

5、ion on a web page resulting low rates of return.選擇一項:A. withB. inC. at反饋你的回答不正確譯文:顧客可能無法消化網頁上的過多信息,從而導致廣告回 報率低的現象。解析:動詞詞組result in意為 導致,引起,以為結局”; resulting in是分詞短語,在句中作狀語,表示結果,所以答案 是B未回答滿分50.00題干二、閱讀理解:閱讀下面的短文,根據文章內容從 A、B、C三 個選項中選出一個最佳選項。Development of Online MarketingWith the introduction of the In

6、ternet, there came many changes to the way a company might carry out a marketing strategy. About ten years ago, we shopped only at local stores in the market place using cash. Now a new world has been opened up to people around the globe through the World Wide Web. We are able to browse the fanciest

7、 shops in the world from home," virtually” thais. The technology of secure transactions on the Web has greatly improved and the rush to buy from online shops has demonstrated a growing consumer acceptance of online marketing. Increasingly, online marketing is no longer just an option. It is a n

8、ecessity.Online marketing is an electronically-based industry. In short, it refers to the conducting of business through the Internet. It is a way of buying and selling goods and services, and negotiating trade through digital communications.Online marketing allows businesses to reach a wider market

9、 while cutting costs, saving time and eliminating tons of paperwork. Most online retailers ask the customers to pay with a credit card. Regular buyers are issued electronic or digital signatures which are protected by passwords, enabling them to transact business securely via Internet.Online marketi

10、ng is still in its early stages, as problems such as how to deal with credit card fraud on the Internet still have to be dealt with. But its future looks rosy. With the development of computer technology, e-commerce will inevitably become a1.“ must” in our everyday lives. There is no dou-commerce ha

11、s come of age.changed the way a company might carry out amarketing strategy over the past 10 years 回答A. The InternetB. Local storesC. The consumers2. What does “virtually ”mean in Paragraph One?faphA. In reality.B. By means of a computer.C. Safely.3. Which of the following advantages of online marke

12、ting is not mentioned?回答A. Reach a wider market while cutting costsB. Save time and eliminate paperworkC. Increasing trust between traders and buyers.4. What problems are still outstanding in online shopping?回答A. Cutting costs.B. Credit card fraud on the Internet.5. Which is the authorC. Eliminating

13、 paperwork.s attitude towards online shopping?A. Our shopping was only done at local stores on the high street, using cash.B. Online marketing refers to the conducting of business through the Internet.C. Undoubtedly the era of e-commerce has arrived.反饋解析:1 .這是一道細節(jié)題。短文第一段話提到隨著互聯(lián)網的引進,公司實施的營銷策略也發(fā)生了許多的變

14、化 ”,而且全文都在討論 網絡營銷對于消費者的影響,所以此處選擇A。2 .這是一道推斷題。根據上文 現在我們在家就可以瀏覽世界上最時尚的商店”,推測virtually的意思,當然是 虛擬地”瀏覽 商店,因此選擇Bo3 .這是一道細節(jié)題。第三段的第一句話提及網絡營銷的優(yōu)勢包括了擴大市場覆蓋率、減少開支、節(jié)省時間和辦公紙張 ”,但 是沒有說明網絡營銷會增加賣方與買方之間的信任,因此選C。4 .這是一道細節(jié)題。根據第四段話的內容,網上購物的存在的 主要問題是 網絡詐騙”,因此選擇Bo5 .這是一道主旨題。在三個選項中,A選項表述的是十年前購 物的條件和狀況,B選項為網絡營銷的概念,兩個選項的內容 過

15、于片面,只有C選項能夠概括全文的大意,即 毋庸置疑,電 子商務的時代已經到來?!币虼耍x擇Co未回答滿分10.00題干-I think we can use two or more kinds of media together in an advertising campaign.選擇一項:A. It ' s true. Two is always better than one.B. That ' s quite right. We can attract more people.,一一人C. It s great idea. We need to put in more

16、money then.反饋你的回答不正確未回答滿分10.00V標記題目解析:本題考核 表示贊同”的交際用語。第一說話人提出建議或看法, 答語應該表示自己的意見,是贊同還是不贊同,所以答案是BoT題干-Uh, I think online shopping is very time-consuming.選擇一項:rA. Why do you want to wait and shop in a long line?rB. I somewhat agree with you, but not completely.C. Thank you for your time to be with me f

17、or the weekend.反饋你的回答不正確解析:本題考核 表示贊同或者不贊同”的交際用語。第一說話人表達自 己的觀點, 網絡購物比較耗費時間 :第二說話人可以表達自己對網購 的看法或認識,也可以對第一說話人的觀點表示認可與否。因此答案是 B,表示自己不完全贊同。未回答滿分10.00題干 Great! Maybe from now on, I should try to buy goods online.精選文庫25選擇一項:A. I think you need to be a little bit slower.B. That ' s all right. Whatever!

18、C. Why not? Go ahead. Just give it a try.反饋你的回答不正確解析:本題考核 表示贊同”的交際用語。第一說話人決定嘗試網上購物, 第二說話人表示鼓勵,所以答案是Co未回答滿分10.00"標記題目題干I know personal selling is also a very effective tool for buildingbuyers ' confidence.選擇一項:A. toB. uprC. with反饋你的回答不正確譯文:我知道個人營銷也是一種建立買家信心的有效工具。解析:動詞build與副詞up形成固定搭配,意思是逐步建立

19、,增進所以答案是Bo未回答滿分10.00題干In my opinion, the first thing is what tools we should use.(考點:不定式結本的用法)選擇一項:A. to be discussedC. discussingB. discussed反饋你的回答不正確精選文庫43譯文:在我看來,首先需要討論的事情就是我們應該使用什么樣的工具。解析:to be discussed 是不定式短語,做 the first thing的后置定語。不定式短語通常作后置定語,修飾前面的名詞或代詞,常常表示將來的、未完成的事情,所以答案是Ao未回答滿分50.00題干二、翻譯

20、:從以下 A、B、C三個選項中選出與英文最適合的中文翻譯。1. Actually, I have been thinking about online shopping for a long time.回答A.事實上,很久以前我就已經考慮過網上購物了。B.事實上,我一直考慮網上購物已有很長時間了。C.事實上,我正在考慮長時間網上購物。.Increasingly, online marketing is no longer just an option. It is a necessity.回答A.網絡營銷愈來愈不再只是一個選擇。它是一種必然。B.網絡營銷不久是一個選擇。它是必然的選擇。C.網絡

21、營銷不僅是日益的選擇。它是必然的需要。3. Online shops give us the opportunity to shop 24/7. 回答A.網上購物為我們提供了去24-7商店購物的機會。B.網上商店為我們提供了7天24小時的購物機會。C.網上商店為我們提供了一周7天、一天24小時地全天候購物機4. The rush to buy from online shops has demonstrated a growing consumer acceptance of online marketing. 回答A.消費者涌向網店購物的行為已經表現出了網絡營銷的不斷增長。B.消費者的網購熱

22、潮說明越來越多的消費者接受網絡營銷。C.消費者搶購網店顯示出他們非常接受日益增長的網絡營銷。5.Online marketing saves time and can be delivered anytime, anywhere. 回答A.線上銷售搶回了時間,可以在任何時間快遞到任何地點。B.在線營銷節(jié)省時間,可以隨時隨地發(fā)送快遞。C.在線營銷節(jié)約時間,可以隨時隨地傳輸信息。反饋解析:1 .句子的謂語動詞 have been doing是現在完成進行時,表示動作從過去開始,一直持續(xù)進行到現在,所以答案為 Bo2 .副詞increasingly意為越來越多地;日益”;短語no longer意為不

23、 再";necessity意為"(迫切)需要,自然規(guī)律 :所以答案為 A。3 . 24/7 的英語完整的表示是 24 hours a day and 7 days a week ,所以答案為Co4 . a growing consumer acceptance 中的 growing 是現在分詞, 作定語, 修飾 consumer acceptance ; acceptance 后接 of 時,可與 of 后面的名 詞形成邏輯上的動賓關系,因而 acceptance of online marketing 可譯為 接受網絡營銷”,所以答案為Bo一、選擇填空:閱讀下面的對話或句

24、子,從 A、B、C三個選項中選出 一個能填入空白處的最佳選項。正確獲得10.00分中的10.00分題干-I think we can use two or more kinds of media together in an advertising campaign.選擇一項:A. It ' s true. Two is always better than one.B. That ' s quite right. We can attract more people.,一一人C. It s great idea. We need to put in more money th

25、en.反饋你的回答正確正確解析:本題考核 表示贊同”的交際用語。第一說話人提出建議或看法, 答語應該表示自己的意見,是贊同還是不贊同,所以答案是BoT獲得10.00分中的10.00分V標記題目題干-Uh, I think online shopping is very time-consuming.選擇一項:rA. Why do you want to wait and shop in a long line?B. I somewhat agree with you, but not completely.C. Thank you for your time to be with me for

26、 the weekend.反饋你的回答正確解析:本題考核 表示贊同或者不贊同”的交際用語。第一說話人表達自 己的觀點, 網絡購物比較耗費時間 :第二說話人可以表達自己對網購 的看法或認識,也可以對第一說話人的觀點表示認可與否。因此答案是 B,表示自己不完全贊同。正確獲得10.00分中的10.00分題干d like to dischuss)romotional events of-Morning, Daniel. Today I our products with you.選擇一項:ClA. Hi, I agree with what you have just said.B. Good mor

27、ning, Kevin. Nice to meet you, too.rC. Ok. I think we should draw up a thorough plan, first.反饋你的回答正確解析:本題考核 打算和意愿”的交際用語。當第一說話人提出討論議題, 第二說話人用should提出相應,所以答案是 Co正確獲得10.00分中的10.00分題干In China, Taobao is one of e-commerce sites.選擇一項:A. most popularCB. the most popularC. more popular反饋你的回答正確譯文:在中國,淘寶是最受歡迎

28、的電子商務網站之一。解析:one of +形容詞的最高級,意為 最之一",popular是個多音節(jié)形容詞,用作最高級時,前面需要加the most ,所以選擇B。正確獲得10.00分中的10.00分題干In my opinion, the first thing is what tools we should use.(考點:不定式結本的用法)選擇一項:A. to be discussedC|B. discussedrC. discussing反饋你的回答正確譯文:在我看來,首先需要討論的事情就是我們應該使用什么樣的工具。解析:to be discussed 是不定式短語,做 the first thing的后置定語。不定式短語通常作后置定語,修飾前面的名詞或代詞,常常表示將來的、未完成的事情,所以答案是Ao部分正確獲得50.00分中的40.00分T標記題目題干二、翻譯:從以下 A、B、C三個選項中選出與英文最適合的中文翻譯。1. Actually, I have been thinking about online shopping for a long time.回答A.事實上,很久以前我就已經考慮過網上購物了。B.事實上,我一直考慮網上購物已有很長時間了。C.事實上,我正在考慮長時間網上購物。


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