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1、2019年高職擴招考試文化素質試卷(樣卷)第一部分語文(總分80分)一、單項選擇題(共4小題,每小題5分,共20分)1. 下列詞語的寫法和加點字的讀音完全正確的一項是()。A.緘(xian)默迸(bl ng)發(fā)苗圃3)斤斤(jin)有味B.哀號(hdo)潰(kui)退忐(tdn)忑長吁(X®短嘆C.哺(bu)育詰(jiQ)問蓬蒿(gao)歇(xio)斯底里D亢(kang)奮啜(chud)泣沉緬(mian)隨聲附和(hd)2. 下面語段空格處依次填入的詞語最恰當?shù)囊豁検牵ǎ?lt;>人與自然的和諧在于人要保持對自然的:敬畏自然,遵循規(guī)律;人與人的和諧在 于人要有一種的心態(tài):待長輩

2、、待平輩、對晚輩謙遜,心胸似海,志存高遠。A. 謙卑謙和謙讓謙恭B.謙讓謙恭謙卑謙和C.謙卑謙和謙恭謙讓D.謙恭謙讓謙和謙卑3. 下面句子沒有語病的一項是()A. 在王宇璇明口了事情真相以后,就一直被濃濃的暖意包裹著,使她不斷反思著 自己的錯誤。B. 范進中舉中有個市井人物胡屠戶,這個人物形象在文中有許多生動形象、 個性鮮明的語言和行動。C. 能否切實形成艱苦奮斗、勤儉節(jié)約的風尚,關鍵在于全面提高國民的基本素養(yǎng)。D. 為了避免類似問題的發(fā)生,我們一方面思想上要重視,另一個方面要進一步加 大管理力度。4. 下面這段話,填入括號中的標點符號正確的一項是() 池沼或河道的邊沿很少砌齊整的石岸,總是高

3、低屈曲任其自然。還在那兒布置兒 塊玲瓏的石頭()或者種些花草()這也是為了取得從各個角度看都成一幅畫的效 果()池沼里養(yǎng)著金魚或各色鯉魚,夏秋季節(jié)荷花或睡蓮開放,游覽者看()魚戲 蓮葉間()又是入畫的一景。A. ,: o " " , B. ,; o C. O: , oD. o: o 二、閱讀理解題(共30分)(一)古詩文閱讀(共10分)五柳先生傳陶淵明先生不知何許人也,亦不詳其姓字,宅邊有五柳樹,因以為號焉。閑靜少言,不 慕榮利。好讀書,不求甚解;每有會意,便欣然忘食。性嗜酒,家貧不能常得。 親舊知其如此,或置酒而招之;造飲輒盡,期在必醉。既醉而退,曾不吝情去留。 環(huán)堵蕭然

4、,不蔽風日;短褐穿結,簞瓢屢空,晏如也。常著文章自娛,頗示己志。 忘懷得失,以此自終。贊曰:黔婁之妻有言:“不戚戚于貧賤,不汲汲于富貴?!逼溲云澣羧酥泻?銜觴賦詩,以樂其志,無懷氏之民歟葛天氏之民歟【注釋】黔婁:戰(zhàn)國時期隱士,無意做官,屢辭諸侯聘請。他死后其妻稱之“甘 天下之淡味,安天下之卑位,不戚戚于貧賤,不汲汲于富貴?!睙o懷氏:與下 面的'葛天氏”都是傳說中的上古帝王。據(jù)說那個時代人民生活安樂,恬淡自足, 社會風氣淳厚樸實。5. 用現(xiàn)代漢語翻譯文中畫線的句子。(每小題2分,共4分)(1)先生不知何許人也,亦不詳其姓字。(2)不戚戚于貧賤,不汲汲于富貴。6. 結合文章談談你對五柳先

5、生“不慕榮利”的看法(6分)(二)現(xiàn)代文閱讀(共20分)“熬”的境界 熬,從火,敖聲。原指烹調工序,引申到人文領域,有“艱苦修行、持久忍耐、 終成正果”的意思,所謂“多年媳婦熬成婆”。人們在勸解受過挫折、心情處于 低谷的人時,常常會說“慢慢熬吧,總會有出頭的日子”?!奥尽笔沁^程, 說多長就有多長;出頭之日是結果,在這里還只是預期。 一般來說,“熬”是一個被動的過程,似乎是一種消極心態(tài)。其實不然,同樣 一個“熬”字,所折射出來的境界并不相同。無可奈何地掙扎叫熬,無口標地混 日子叫熬,執(zhí)著地與命運抗爭、有預期地奮斗也叫熬。都是“熬”,境界迥異。 “熬”的過程是漸變,對象是時間,但不一定都是消極

6、地混日子,關鍵要看你 的心態(tài)和志向。心態(tài)積極,志向不改,與時間斗,與困難斗,"熬”出來的 就是高境界、大成就。 “熬”字的分量和境界,平時也許覺不出來,關鍵時刻高下立判。最有說服力 的是競技場上的較量。就拿摔跤、柔道等賽事來說,雙方體能勢均力敵,競技水 平旗鼓相當。剛交手時難解難分,兒個回合下來,筋疲力盡,特別是到了相持階 段,就看誰能經得住“熬” 了。誰的心理強大,意志堅強,最終“熬” 了下來, 誰就是勝者。誰的心理脆弱,精神崩潰,最終“熬”不住了,誰就必輸無疑,前 面的拼搏付諸東流。在“熬”的過程中,力量和勝負漸漸發(fā)生微妙變化,在最后 關鍵時刻決定了輸贏。 平常人的生活也是這樣,

7、不論是熬得出名堂,還是熬不出名堂,都得熬。問題 是要辯證地認識這個“熬”字,理性地面對這個“熬”字。在平凡的生活中“熬”出應有的境界來,人生征途,有時候順風順水,有時候崎嶇難行,只有處 順境不沉溺,處逆境不服輸?shù)?,才能“熬”出名堂來。當然,這里的名堂,不限 于功利,還應有更高的境界。正像智者告訴我們的那樣,順境熬秉性,逆境熬心 志,歲月熬人也樹人,熬去的是浮躁,熬出的是淡定,熬掉的是幼稚。7. 下面對文章的理解不正確的一項是()(5分)A. 笫段通過解釋“熬”字含義和列舉生活中的現(xiàn)象,引出話題。B. 笫段論證"熬”的不同境界。C. 第段主要運用對比論證的方法,論證如何才能在“熬”中戰(zhàn)

8、勝對手。6. 在當時的社會風氣下,五柳先生雖然貧困,卻淡泊名利,為了保持內心的高尚 情操,不與世俗同流合污,這種安貧樂道的精神是可貴的。(二)7. C9這句話是對中心論點的總結、升華,這句話的意思是生活中的困難和逆境是一 場艱苦的修行,持久的忍耐,但只要你心態(tài)積極,志向不改,最終會收獲成熟、 堅毅與淡定。三、(略)言之成理,語句通順,符合作答要求即可。2019年高職擴招英語樣卷英語(總分40分)一、單項選擇題。根據(jù)提示選擇最佳答案。(共10小題;每小題2分,共20分)are you .() am nine C I am reading D I am fine Thank you. And yo

9、ulight was wet It last night()A. rained B must rain C must have rained D was raining3. Wuhan is one of cities in China()A. big B bigger C what D whichtook Tom three hours this task()A. finished B to finish C finishing D. finish5 Peter likes playingfoot ball, but he doesn' t like playing pian o.(

10、)A. the; X B. the; the C. the; a D. X; the6. Here the teacher()A. come B comes C is coming D. came get up early every day.()A. is asked B is asked to8. He runs fast B. as C to D Sohe canD. askedcatch the early bus()9. It was Tom helps us with my English()A. where B which C that D whoseteacher told u

11、s that the Earth around the Sun.()A. turns B turned turned D turn二、完成句子。根據(jù)括號中文提示完成句子(共5小題;每小題2分,共10分)11. Would you mind (關掉 turn off) the door for me, Peter12. They (已經購買 buy)an air ticket for me.13. Smoking (是不允許的 allow ) in the classroom14. Man has always had a great (興趣 interest)15. The meeting (

12、推遲 put off) because of the traffic jams三、閱讀理解。根據(jù)提示選擇最佳答案。(共5小題;每小題2分,共10分)Many people who are rich are also well-known Ted Sweeney was an exception to this rule His family moved to San Francisco from Los Angeles when he was one month old That * s where he grew up. At the age of seventeen he was hit

13、by a train. Although he was not seriously hurt, the railroad paid him $25, 000. Instead of going to college he bought a small store Six months later the government bought his land to build a new highway. He sold it for $95, 000.With this money he moved to Detroit He started a small company that made

14、 parts for the car manufacturers It was very successful and by the time he was 23 he was a millionaire When he was 24 he got married He and his wife had three daughters in the next five years By the time he was 30 he had over ten million dollarsThen tragedy struck He was involved in a traffic accide

15、nt He did not die but his wife and daughters did Six months later he sold everything he owned and put his money in stocks Ted then moved to New York He lived for the next forty years in a one-room apartmentHe spent most of his days wandering through the city looking in garbage cans for food He never

16、 worked He rarely talked to anyone except himself Most people were afraid of him His clothes were always old and dirtyShortly before he died he moved back to Los Angeles After spending two weeks there he was put in jail because he had no money and no job City workers tried to help him. They offered

17、him work but he would not work Towards the end he would not talk to anyone at all.When he died, he was a lonely man. But someone remembered his name They knew he had lived in Detroit and had been successfu 1 It was learned that he had put his stocks in a box at a Detroit bank After they were sold an

18、d all the taxes paid, there was still over a hundred million dollars left.16. Where did Sweeney grow up ()A. San Francisco B Detroit C Los Angeles D New York17. Sweeney became successful in business by ()A. putting his money in stocks B depositing money at a bankC making car parts D selling his land

19、 to the governmentof the following statements about Sweeney's life in New York is implied ()A. He was not allowed to work there B He stayed in jail for some time there.C He led a poor life there D He made many friends there19. How old probably was Sweeney when he died()A. Over 70. B. Over 80. C.

20、 Over 50. D. Over 60.20. What can we conclude from the passage()A. Sweeney lost all his money in the stock market B People may be rich but not well-knownC People may not be aware of their wealth D Sweeney became rich by selling food cans數(shù)學一、單項選擇題(每小題3分,共30分)1.設集合/二3,6億8, P二2,遼9,則小鳥是()A 2,3,5,9B 3,6,7,8C 2,3,5,6,7,8


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