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1、Lesson 31 Wheres Sally?小小a小小i 齊步走齊步走,小小i乖乖緊閉口,乖乖緊閉口,ai, a esail, wait, rain, train on the rail,snail with a tail.Lets practice:paid, main, gainWe are waiting for the train.The snail shall go sailing.I can read:On the rail, by the sail,the snail wants to find a tail.New words and expressions garden u

2、nder tree climb who run grass after across cat n. 花園 prep. 在之下n. 樹v. 爬,攀登pron. 誰v. 跑n. 草,草地prep. 在之后prep. 橫過,穿過n. 貓garden n.花園garden(自家花園) park 公園(公共地方) eg. There is a garden behind the house. 房子后面有一個花園。garden centre 花卉中心garden city 花園城市 garden gardening(園藝) bank banking(銀行業(yè)) house housing(住房)under

3、prep. 在之下eg. There is a pair of shoes under the bed. 在床底下有一雙鞋子。 below 低于 over 懸空的正上方 on 有表面的接觸 above 表示斜上方tree n. 樹under the tree 在樹下 climb the tree 爬樹an apple tree 一顆蘋果樹 a family tree 家譜tree ring (樹木的)年輪clothes tree 掛衣架tree n. 樹eg. There is a bird in the tree. 樹上有一只鳥。 (表示躲在樹冠里,比如鳥停在樹叉上,外面看上去是在樹里的,不

4、是樹本身所有的)-(人)in the tree There are lots of apples on the tree. 樹上有許多蘋果 。 (是樹本身所有的,比如樹上結(jié)的果子,就用on )- (樹葉)on the tree climb v. 爬,攀登m是鼻音,而b是爆破音,爆破音失去爆破。 climb the hill 爬山climb the tree 爬樹eg. Dont climb the tree. 不要爬樹。 I like climbing the mountain, what about you? 我喜歡爬山,你呢? Monkeys climb well. 猴子善于攀登。who

5、pron.誰eg. Who is there? 誰在那? Who is your teacher? 誰是你的老師? Who is that? 誰來了?/誰的電話?run v.跑run runner(跑步的人)run ran(過去式)running shoes 跑鞋 run into 沖進eg. Liuxiang runs fast. 劉翔跑得很快。 vt. 經(jīng)營,管理(跑生意,跑買賣)run the business 經(jīng)營生意。eg. He runs a school. 他經(jīng)營著一所學(xué)校。grass n.草,草地 keep off the grass 勿踐踏草地 run across the

6、grass 跑過草地 on the grass 在草地上after prep.在之后After you. = You first, please.run after在之后跑,追,追逐eg. A dog is running after a cat. 一只狗正在追逐一只貓。across prep.橫過,穿過 表示的是在物體表面上橫著穿過 run across 跑著橫穿過 swim across the river 橫游過河 walk across the street 橫穿過街道 和through的區(qū)別 through表示在物體內(nèi)部穿過 walk through the forest 走著穿過森

7、林cat n.貓口小貓 kitty eg. It rains cats and dogs. = It rains heavily. 傾盆大雨。 Youd better stay at home now, it is raining cats and dogs outside. 你現(xiàn)在最好呆在家,外面傾盆大雨.like a cat on hot bricks 熱鍋上的螞蟻What about 用法:后邊接人或物或動名詞,意思是“那關(guān)于呢?那如何呢?” What about+n.eg. What about an apple? What about some milk? What about +v

8、-ingeg. What about (drinking) a glass of beer?What about = How about What about 和 how about 是英語口語中常用的兩個省略句型,它們的意思和用法基本相同,常常用在以下場合。例如: 1. 向?qū)Ψ教岢鼋ㄗh或請求。例如: eg. How about going out for a walk? 出去散散步好嗎? What about another cake? 再吃塊蛋糕好嗎? What about the TV play? 那個電視劇怎么樣? What about = How about 2. 詢問天氣或身體等情

9、況。例如: eg. What about the weather in your hometown? 你們家鄉(xiāng)的氣候如何? How about your uncle now? 你叔叔近來身體好嗎? 3. 寒暄時用作承接上下文的轉(zhuǎn)折語。例如:eg. I am from Beijing. What about you? 我是北京人,你呢?語法Grammar現(xiàn)在進行時(present continuous tense) 現(xiàn)在進行時構(gòu)成為:be + doing ( do 表示實意動詞),主要有以下四種用法:1)此時此刻正在進行或發(fā)生的動作,時間狀語一般用now (現(xiàn)在),at the moment(此

10、時)。2)現(xiàn)階段的一段時間正在進行或發(fā)生的動作,但說話的此刻動作不一定正在進行著,時間狀語通常是recently ( 最近 ), these days ( 這些日子 )。語法Grammar現(xiàn)在進行時(present continuous tense)3)在不少情況下,表示正在進行的動作的漢語句子,并沒有“正在”這樣的字,在譯為英語時卻必須用進行時態(tài)。4)現(xiàn)在進行時后面加一個表示將來的時間短語,比如tomorrow, soon 等等,就可以表示將來的一種打算。1、此時此刻正在進行或發(fā)生的動作,時間狀語一般用now (現(xiàn)在),at the moment(此時)。簡正在看電影。 Jane is wa

11、tching a movie now. 吉姆正在打籃球。 Jim is playing basketball now. 湯姆正在做家庭作業(yè)。 Tom is doing homework at the moment. 2、現(xiàn)階段的一段時間正在進行或發(fā)生的動作,但說話的此刻動作不一定正在進行著,時間狀語通常是recently ( 最近 ), these days ( 這些日子 )我最近在學(xué)校學(xué)英語。 I am studying English at a school recently. 這段時間他在忙著做計劃。 He is making the plan these days. 2、現(xiàn)階段的一段時

12、間正在進行或發(fā)生的動作,但說話的此刻動作不一定正在進行著,時間狀語通常是recently ( 最近 ), these days ( 這些日子 ) 他們正在做準備工作。 They are making preparations for it.這些天我們正在農(nóng)場摘蘋果。 We are picking apples on a farm these days.3、在不少情況下,表示正在進行的動作的漢語句子,并沒有“正在”這樣的字,在譯為英語時卻必須用進行時態(tài).你進步的很快。 Youre making rapid progress. 我們想在這里建一所大壩。 Were thinking of build

13、ing a dam here. 風(fēng)挺大。 Its blowing hard. 3、在不少情況下,表示正在進行的動作的漢語句子,并沒有“正在”這樣的字,在譯為英語時卻必須用進行時態(tài).有人找你接電話。 Someone is asking for you on the phone. 工作進行得相當順利。 The work is going fairly smoothly. 你在等誰? Who are you waiting for? 4、現(xiàn)在進行時后面加一個表示將來的時間狀語,比如tomorrow, soon 等等,可以表示將來的一種打算。eg. I am seeing my friend this

14、 afternoon. 我打算今天下午去看我的朋友。5、表示漸變的動詞有:get, grow, become, turn, run, go, begin等。要注意用現(xiàn)在進行時。eg. The leaves are turning red. 樹葉變紅了。6、接近的未來 表示即將發(fā)生的動作叫瞬間動詞。 瞬間動詞:go、come、return、move、die、leave 、 start 、 arrive eg. He is dying. 他奄奄一息,快要不行了。 I am leaving. 我要走了。 Coming. = Im coming. 有人敲門時,屋內(nèi)的人常回應(yīng)Im coming,意思是馬

15、上去開門,請稍等,口語中省去了Im。 6、接近的未來 表示即將發(fā)生的動作叫瞬間動詞。 come in 請進 come on ineg. Tom is coming here next week. 湯姆下周要來這兒。 They are going to Shanghai this Friday. 他們這個星期主要去上海。注意!不是所有動詞都能用現(xiàn)在進行時態(tài)的,如:see、like、want、know 等動詞往往都不用進行時態(tài)現(xiàn)在進行時的基本結(jié)構(gòu): S. + be + V.-ing S. + be + not + V.-ing Be + S. +v.-ing? Yes, S. + be / No,

16、 S. + be + not What + be + S. + v.-ing現(xiàn)在進行時的結(jié)構(gòu):be + v + ing be(am, is, are)要隨人稱變化她正在看一份報紙。 She is reading a newspaper.他的弟弟正在爬樹。 His brother is climbing the tree.他們正在看電視。 They are watching TV.我正在穿外套。 I am putting on my coat.我們正在看一只貓。 We are looking at the cat.現(xiàn)在進行時的否定句就是在系動詞后面加not。她正在看一份報紙。 She is re

17、ading a newspaper. She is not reading a newspaper.他的弟弟正在爬樹。 His brother is climbing the tree. His brother is not climbing the tree.現(xiàn)在進行時的否定句就是在系動詞后面加not。他們正在看電視。 They are watching TV. They are not watching TV. 我正在穿外套。 I am putting on my coat. I am not putting on my coat.我們正在看一只貓。 We are looking at t

18、he cat. We are not looking at the cat.現(xiàn)在進行時的疑問句就是在系動詞提前。 她正在看一份報紙。 She is reading a newspaper. Is she reading a newspaper? Yes ,she is. No, she is not. 他的弟弟正在爬樹。 His brother is climbing the tree. Is his brother climbing the tree? Yes ,he is. No ,he is not. 他們正在看電視。 They are watching TV. Are they wat

19、ching TV. Yes, they are. No, they arent. 我正在穿外套。 I am putting on my coat. Are you putting on your coat? Yes ,I am. No, I am not.現(xiàn)在分詞: 1. 一般情況下,直接在動詞后加 - ing work - working sleep - sleeping study - studying 2. 動詞以不發(fā)音的 -e結(jié)尾,要去e加ing take - taking make - making dance - dancing 特別注意:be, see 的現(xiàn)在分詞是:being,

20、 seeing現(xiàn)在分詞: 3.以重讀閉音節(jié)結(jié)尾的動詞,如結(jié)尾只有一個輔音字母,應(yīng)先雙寫這輔音字母,再加 - ing。 cut - cutting put - putting begin - beginning 4. 以 -ie結(jié)尾的動詞,把ie變成y再加-ing lie - lying tie - tying die - dying練一練一、寫出下列動詞的ing形式walk jump watch lie play sing smoke dance drive run swim sit tie read eat 二、用現(xiàn)在進行時完成下列句子: 1. _ you_(fly) a kite? Yes

21、,_. 2. _you_(sit) in the boat? 3. _he_(talk) with me? 4. We_(play) football now. 5. What_you_(do)? 6. I_(sing) an English song. 7. What_he_(mend)? 8. He_(mend) a car. 9. These boys _ (play) tennis on the playground. 10. My mother_(cook) in the kitchen.AreflyingI amAresittingIstalkingare playingaredo

22、ingam singingis cookingare playingis mendingismending三、選擇1. Look. Lucy is_ a new bike today.A. jumping B. running C. riding D taking2. The children _ football.A. is playing B. are playing C. play the D. play a3. They _TV in the evening. They do their homework.A. are watching B. cant watching C. dont

23、 watch D. dont watching4. Listen! She_ in the classroom.A. is singing B. sing C .to sing D. is sing5. _are you eating? Im eating _ meat.A. What, some B. Which, any C. Where, not D. What ,aCBAAA6. Is she _ something?A.eat B.eating C.eatting D.eats7. I cant catch up with the fashion, because the cloth

24、es style_ all the time.A. has changed B. is changed C. is changing D. changed8. Look! The children_ basketball on the playground.A. plays B. played C. is playing D. are playing9. Jack and Kitty_ in the lake. Lets join them, shall we?A. swim B. have swum C. swam D. are swimming10.Its six in the after

25、noon. The Greens_ lunch together.A. has B. are having C. have had D. had hadBBCDDLesson 32 Whats he/she/it doing?New words and expressions type v. 打字 letter n. 信 basket n. 籃子 eat v. 吃 bone n. 骨頭 clean v. 清洗 tooth n. (復(fù)數(shù) teeth)牙齒 cook v. 做(飯菜) milk n. 牛奶 meal n. 飯,一頓飯 drink v. 喝 tap n. (水)龍頭typev. 打字 .typist 打字員 keyboard operater 鍵盤操作員 n. 類型,風(fēng)格 blood type 血型 type A A型 eg. He is not my type. 他不是我喜歡的類型。lettern. 信,字母 love letter 情書eg. There are 26 letters in Engllish. 英語中有26個字母。 a 4-letter word 臟話 Dear John letter. 絕交信 Pink letter 解聘書 basketn. 籃子bas


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