七年級英語上冊 UnitVisiting the Moon單元綜合測試題 新牛津深圳_第1頁
七年級英語上冊 UnitVisiting the Moon單元綜合測試題 新牛津深圳_第2頁
七年級英語上冊 UnitVisiting the Moon單元綜合測試題 新牛津深圳_第3頁
七年級英語上冊 UnitVisiting the Moon單元綜合測試題 新牛津深圳_第4頁
七年級英語上冊 UnitVisiting the Moon單元綜合測試題 新牛津深圳_第5頁
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1、Unit5 Visiting the MoonI. 單詞辨音。(共5小題,每小題1分)( )1. space A. / speIs B.spaIs C.spes( )2.without A. / wI'at B.wIð'at C.wIð't( )3. rock A.reIk B. / rek / C. / rk( )4. postcard A. /'pstk:d B. /'pstk:d/ C. /'pstkeId( )5. machine A. / m'i:n B. / me'i:n C. / m'e:

2、nII. 詞匯: 根據(jù)漢語或首字母提示寫單詞, 補(bǔ)全句子。(共5小題,每小題1分)6. - Could you tell me where to _ (綁) the cow?- To the tall tree.7. There is a beautiful _ (花園) in front of my house.8. Keeping a _ (日記) every day is good for your writing skills (技能).9. I like to b_ the fresh air in the countryside.10. My computer doesnt w_

3、today. I need to fix (修理) it.III. 詞語釋義。(共10小題,每小題1分) 從下面每小題的A、B、C三個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選出可以替代劃線部分的最佳選項(xiàng)。( ) 11. I always feel nervous before exams. I think I should learn how to be relaxed (輕松的).A. tiredB. worriedC. excited( ) 12. We have to take a bus to school because of the heavy rain. A. may B. can C. must( ) 13.

4、 Ill leave England next week. And I will go to Beijing.A. come to B. come backC. go away from( ) 14. If you are not good at Maths, you can ask Bill for help. He is able to help you.A. should B. need C. can( ) 15. I dont know when he will return home. I just sit on the sofa and wait for him.A. stay a

5、tB. come backC. leave for( ) 16. She is ill today, so she looks weak.A. not sadB. not strongC. not dry( ) 17. She is happy because she can go into space with her family tomorrow.A. glad B. bored C. tired( ) 18. When we arrive there, we will plant trees. A. know B. get C. find( ) 19. My home is aroun

6、d 2 kilometres from my school.A. less than B. overC. about( ) 20. They are going to have a picnic this weekend.A. should B. will C. mustIV. 語法填空題(共10小題,每小題1分) 閱讀下面短文, 按照句子結(jié)構(gòu)的語法性和上下文連貫的要求, 在空格處填入一個(gè)適當(dāng)?shù)脑~或使用括號中詞語的正確形式填空。Hello, everyone. We are going to have an 21. _ (excited) trip to the Space Restauran

7、t this Sunday. We will 22. _ (meet) at 8:00 a.m. Itll take 23. _ (we) more than three 24. _ (hour) to get there. 25. _ restaurant is very big and beautiful. Its very clean. There will be 26. _ (lot) of delicious food. We will enjoy 27. _ (eat) the nice food. After each of us 28. _ (have) lunch, we w

8、ill see a film about space for about half 29. _ hour. At 4:00 p.m., well return home. I think well have 30. _ good time.V. 完形填空。(共10小題,每小題1.5分) 閱讀下面短文, 從短文后每小題的三個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選出能填入相應(yīng)空白處的最佳選項(xiàng)。Today, bicycle riding becomes more and more popular (流行的). Its easy to ride a bicycle. Every day, we can _31_ people ri

9、de their bicycles to workplaces, shopping centers, schools and so on. There are many kinds of _32_. For example, racing bikes are _33_ to go fast, and mountain bikes are durable (耐用的) for _34_ roads. Riding a bike is _35_ in many ways. First, it doesn't make much noise or cause (引起) air pollutio

10、n. Second, riding a bike is a kind of good _36_. It can help you keep healthy. Third, people don't need to pay for gas or _37_ heavy traffic in the street. For these reasons, more and more people now _38_ bicycles. Today, more Americans are riding their bicycles. The USA also has many_39_ for bi

11、cycles only. Why not stop video games and go bike riding on weekends? Youll have a good _40_ riding a bicycle with friends! It is wonderful!( ) 31. A. takeB. knowC. see( ) 32. A. carsB. computersC. bikes( ) 33. A. easyB. difficultC. heavy( ) 34. A. cityB. mountainC. town( ) 35. A. badB. goodC. hard(

12、 ) 36. A. jobB. changeC. exercise( ) 37. A. worry about B. look forC. find out( ) 38. A. lendB. watchC. ride( ) 39. A. beachesB. roadsC. shops( ) 40. A. timeB. weatherC. moneyVI. 閱讀理解。(共15小題,每小題1分) 閱讀下列短文,從每小題的四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選出最佳選項(xiàng)。ABefore Monica goes to bed, she looks out of her window and sees the Moon. The

13、 Moon looks so beautiful. “I wish I could get the Moon,” thinks Monica. But no matter (無論) how hard she tries, she can not get the Moon. “Papa,” says Monica to her father, “please get the Moon for me.” Papa gets a very long ladder (梯子). He carries the very long ladder to a very high mountain. Then P

14、apa puts the very long ladder on top (頂部) of it. Up and up and up he climbs. At last, Papa gets to the Moon. “My daughter Monica would like to play with you, but you are much too big,” says Papa. “Every night I get a little smaller,” says the Moon. “When I am just the right size, you can take me wit

15、h you.” After a few days, Papa takes it. Down and down and down he climbs. “Here,” says Papa to Monica, “I have the Moon for you.” Monica jumps and dances with the Moon. But the Moon keeps getting smaller and smaller and smaller. And at last, it disappears. Then, one night, Monica sees a small Moon

16、come out. Each night the Moon grows, grows and grows.( ) 41. Where does Papa put the long ladder?A. In the water. B. On a tall tree.C. On top of a tall building.D. On a mountain.( ) 42. Why does Papa wait for a few days before he climbs down the ladder?A. Because the Moon doesn't like him.B. Bec

17、ause he is very tired.C. Because the Moon is too small.D. Because the Moon is too big.( ) 43. What does the underlined word “disappears” mean?A. Thinks of. B. Sets up.C. Comes out. D. Goes away.( ) 44. The writer writes the passage to _.A. give some factsB. introduce Monica's familyC. tell us a

18、storyD. show us a different place( ) 45. What can we infer (推斷) from the passage?A. Monica is very beautiful.B. Papa loves Monica very much.C. Monica can not dance.D. Monica's father likes climbing.BHong Kong Book Fair(展銷會(huì))2014Fair dates16-22 July, 2014 ( Monday- Sunday)PlaceHong Kong Exhibition

19、 and Convention Centre, Wan Chai, Hong KongOpeninghours 16 July (Mon.) 9:00 a.m. 10:00 p.m.17 July (Tues.) 10:00 a.m. 10:00 p.m.18 - 19 July (Wed.-Thurs.) 10:00 a.m. 12:00 midnight20 - 21 July (Fri.-Sat.) 10:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m.22 July (Sun.) 10:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m.Categories(分類)International (國際的 ) Cult

20、ure Village: Showing books from foreign countries.Childrens Paradise: Showingchild-rens books and educational books, with a family corner and a performance (表演) stage.Teens World: Showing books for the young. You can find many cartoons and comic books.Stationery (文具) Zone: Showing stationery product

21、s, such as pens, pencils, rules and erasers.FeesTickets for Adults: HK$ 25Tickets for children between 5 and 12: HK$ 10Children under 5 are free.( ) 46. What can NOT you buy in Hong Kong Book Fair?A. Cartoon books. B. Film tickets.C. Foreign books. D. Pencils.( ) 47. How long will Hong Kong Book Fai

22、r last?A. For 2 days. B. For 5 days.C. For 6 days. D. For 7 days.( ) 48. Where will Hong Kong Book Fair be held (舉辦)?A. In the Children's Paradise.B. In the International Culture Village.C. In the Hong Kong Bookshop.D. In the Hong Kong Exhibition and Convention Centre.( ) 49. If you want to buy

23、some comic books, when can you buy them?A. At 2 p.m., June 16th.B. At 10 p.m., July 23rd.C. At 9 a.m., July 16th.D. At 7 p.m., July 22nd.( ) 50. Kathy, aged 11, wants to go to the Book Fair with her parents. How much should they pay for the tickets?A. HK$ 25.B. HK$ 60.C. HK$ 75. D. HK$ 35.COn June 6

24、th, 2012, Tiangong-1 welcomed the Shenzhou IX manned spacecraft (載人飛船). There were three people in it. At that time, Liu Yang, a thirty-three-year-old woman, became the first Chinese female (女性的) astronaut in space. Liu Yang became a pilot (飛行員) after flying safely for l,680 hours. In 2010, she beca

25、me an astronaut because of her good job. “When I was a pilot, I flew in the sky. Now that I am an astronaut, I will fly in space. This will be much higher and farther. I always think: What would the Earth look like from space?” Liu said.“I have full confidence (自信). Men and women have their own adva

26、ntages (優(yōu)勢) in doing space tasks.” She also has her own hobby. “I love children and I love life. I love reading, such as novels and history books. I am also a great cook. To be with my family is one kind of happiness, but to fly is another kind that people cant experience (經(jīng)歷).” “I am grateful to th

27、e motherland and the people,” Liu said after coming back to the Earth safely.( ) 51. Liu Yang became an astronaut when she was _ years old.A. 18 B. 33 C. 31 D. 25( ) 52. From the passage, we know Liu Yang is very_.A. quietB. confidentC. beautiful D. safe( ) 53. What is the main (主要的) idea of the fou

28、rth paragraph?A. Liu Yang is a good wife and mother.B. Liu Yang enjoys reading novels and history books.C. Liu Yang loves her job as well as her family.D. Liu Yang has to work hard every day.( ) 54. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?A. There are three astronauts in the Shen

29、zhou IX manned spacecraft.B. Liu Yang is a pilot before becoming an astronaut.C. Liu Yang is the first Chinese woman astronaut who goes into space.D. Liu Yang thinks women are better than men.( ) 55. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?A. The Shenzhou IX manned spacecraft.B. The

30、 first Chinese female astronaut.C. Love your work and family.D. How to find your dream.VII. 句子: 根據(jù)漢語提示, 補(bǔ)全句子。每空一詞。(共5小題,每小題1分)56. 她想省錢以便能給媽媽買個(gè)禮物。 She wants to save money _ _ she can buy her mother a gift.57. 我們班有五十多個(gè)學(xué)生。 There are _ _ 50 students in our class.58. 我將去很多地方旅游, 也就是說, 如果我有很多錢的時(shí)候。 I will travel to many places, _ _, if I have a lot of money.59. 空閑時(shí)間, 我喜歡拍照。In my free time, I like _ _.60. 她對這次旅行很興奮。 She _ _ _ _ the trip.VIII. 書面表達(dá)。(共15分) 假如你平時(shí)對太空很感興趣, 你最大的夢想就是能夠訪問太空, 下周你要乘坐太空飛船去太空, 請根據(jù)下列提示內(nèi)容, 寫一篇訪問太空的計(jì)劃。提示: 1. 你下周一早上八點(diǎn)半去太


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