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1、同安區(qū)2011-2012學(xué)年第二學(xué)期小學(xué)英語(PEP)五年級第一階段(Unit1-Unit2)測試卷Class Name Score LISTENING PART 聽力部分(55%)一、仔細(xì)聽,圈出你所聽到的單詞或詞組。(6分)1. what when 2. tell tall 3. either eight4. rain train 5. play May 6. water winter二、仔細(xì)聽,選擇正確答案。(5分)1.( ) homework the dishes C. do morning exercises 2.( ) A.week B.weekend C.wi

2、th 3.( ) A.often B.usually C.sometimes 4.( ) A.have C.hat 5.( ) breakfast lunch dinner 三、仔細(xì)聽,根據(jù)聽到的內(nèi)容,判斷對錯(16分) 1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3.( ) 4.( ) 5.( ) 6 .( ) 7 .( ) 8 .( ) 四、聽音畫時間。(8分) 1. 2. 3. 4.五、聽音,選擇相應(yīng)答句,將序號寫在括號里。(10分)1( ) A: At 8:30. B: I do morning exercises.2( ) A: I eat lunch

3、at 6:00. B: I eat dinner at 6:003( ) A: Winter. B: Cold.4( ) A: Because I can plant trees. B: I like summer best.5( ) A:I usually play sports at 4:30. B: I play the piano at 4:30.六、聽短文,排順序。(10分)( )What about you?( )Winter. I can play in the snow.( )I dont like summer. Its too hot.( )I dont like summ

4、er, either.( )I like fall best. Its always sunny and cool.( 1 )Which season do you like best?Writing Part 綜合知識部分45%七、圈出不的同類的單詞。(12分)1. Saturday Sunday weekend 2. policeman farmer mountain3. when what we 4 usually often English5. season summer spring 6. sunny rainy weather八、選擇,并將序號寫在括號里。(10分)1.( )Wha

5、t do you do _the weekend?A. on         B. in         C. at2.( )We have Chinese, English and PE _ the morning. A. in B. on C. at3.( )-_ do you get up? -I usually get up at 7:00. A. When B. When C. What 4.( )- - I usually play

6、sports at 5:00.A. What do you play sports? B. When do you play sports5.( )-Which season do you like best? - . A. Winter B. spring C. fall九、請你為下列圖片選擇正確的詞組。(5+2分,2分為書寫分)plant trees make a snowman fly kites do morning exercises go hiking1.In spring, we can . 2. Its windy. Lets . 3. I usually at 7:30. 4

7、. Lets together next Sunday. 5. I like winter. We can . 十、選擇填空,把正確答案的序號填在橫線上。(5分)A: At 4:30.B: When do you go to bed?C: At 8:30.D: I usually get up at 6:30.E: I do my homework at 6:40. And you? Amy:Hi,Zoom!When do you get up? Zoom:_What about you ? Amy:At 7:00.When do you eat breakfast? Zoom:Usually

8、 I eat breakfast at 7:20.When do you eat breakfast? Amy: At 7:30.When do you go home in the afternoon? Zoom:_ Amy :When do you do your homework? Zoom:_ Amy:At 6:40,too._ Zoom:Usually at 8:30.Sometimes I go to bed at 9:00.How about you ? Amy:_十一讀一讀,連一連。(5分)1. What do you do on the weekend?  

9、;       A. At 6:30.2. When do you do morning exercises?     B. Its cool.3.Which season do you like best?    C. Because I can swim in the lake. 4. Why do you like summer?         D. Winter. I can play

10、with snow.5. Whats the weather like in fall?             E. I often go hiking.十二、閱讀短文,選擇正確的答案(6分)Hello, I am Zoom. I get up at 6:00 every day in the morning. I eat breakfast at 6:30. Then I go to school at 7:00.We do morning exercises at 8:

11、00. We have 3 classes in the morning and 3 in the afternoon. I go home at 5:00 p.m. I play basketball at 5:30. I eat dinner at 7:30. Then I do my homework. I go to bed at 9:00. This is my day. What about yours?( )1、How many classes does Zoom have in a day? A. five. B. six. ( )2、When does Zoom play s

12、ports in the afternoon? A. At four. B. At five. ( )3、Where does Zoom eat breakfast? A. At school. B. At home. ( )4、When does Zoom do his homework? A. At nine in the morning. B. A t nine in the evening. ( )5、Zoom has dinner at . A. 7:30 B: 9:00( )6、Does Zoom go to bed at 9:00 p.m.? A. Yes, he does. B

13、. No, he doesnt.同安區(qū)2011-2012學(xué)年第二學(xué)期小學(xué)英語(PEP)五年級第一階段(Unit1-Unit2)測試聽力內(nèi)容一、仔細(xì)聽,圈出你所聽到的單詞或詞組。(6分)1. when 2. tell 3. either 4. rain 5. play 6. winter二、仔細(xì)聽,選擇正確答案。(5分)1.( A ) I often do homework in the evening. 2.( B ) What do you do on the weekend?3.( C ) I sometimes watch TV. 4.( B ) I go to school at 7:

14、30. 5.( A ) When do you eat breakfast? At 7:00. 三、仔細(xì)聽,根據(jù)聽到的內(nèi)容,判斷對錯(16分) 1. ( ) We have English class at 9:00 2. ( × ) We can make a snowman in the winter.3. ( ) I can plant trees in spring.4. ( × ) In fall, I like to climb mountains.5. ( × ) We often read books in the morning.6. ( ) I

15、 like summer, I can wear beautiful dress.7. ( × ) I like winter, because I can skate.8. ( ) I like summer, because I can swim in the sea.四、聽音畫時間。(8分)1. I get up at 6:30. 7:007:308:00 五、聽音,選擇相應(yīng)答句,將序號寫在括號里。(10分)1( B ) What do you do in the morning? I do morning exercises.2( B ) When do you eat di

16、nner? I eat dinner at 6:003( A ) Which season do you like best? Winter.4( A ) Why do you like spring? Because I can plant trees.5( B ) When do you play the piano? I play the piano at 4:30.六、聽短文,排順序。(10分)( 3 )What about you?( 4 )Winter. I can play in the snow.( 5 )I dont like summer. Its too hot.( 6

17、)I dont like summer, either.( 2 )I like fall best. Its always sunny and cool.( 1 )Which season do you like best?同安區(qū)2011-2012學(xué)年第二學(xué)期小學(xué)英語(PEP)五年級第一階段(Unit1-Unit2)口語測試Trust me , I can make it ! 我相信,我一定能行。一、我會答 (按實際回答問題,選做5題): 12分1. What do you do on the weekend?2. When do you play sports?3. When do you do morning exercises?4. Which season do you like best?5. Why do you like spring/summer/winter/fall?6. Whats your favourite season?二、我會認(rèn)詞(任選一組):18分1、 do morning exercises eat breakfast when climb mountains spring which make a snowma


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