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1、I 單項填空1. (2018 浙江五校聯(lián)盟一次聯(lián)考)一I enjoyed a very good weekend in the countryside.AIt s a pleasureC. Oh,I m glad to hear that2. (2018湖北荊州中學質檢)There is no overweightyour height.A . in case ofB. CongratulationsD. That s very nice of youneed for you to go on a diet ;you are only slightlyB. in relation toC. i

2、n return forD. in response to3. (2018 寶雞二檢)一Mr Smith , can I take on the job?I m afraid not.It is a sort of workrich experienee and great patienee.A . taking upB. looking forC. making upD. calling for4. (2018 鄭州一檢 )We do not need to wait in line for hours for a ticket this year because wecan use the

3、 website or hotline totickets and then pick them up at railway stations orticket agencies.A . releaseB . relieveC. reserveD. review5. (2018 蘇五校質量調研 )I want some information onpackage tour toThailand. OK , it costs $400, includingaccommodation.A . /; theB. a; anC. the;anD. the;/6. (2018 寧海高三質檢)Whenev

4、er you get into trouble , let me know and I will do everythingI canyou out.A . to helpB. helpC. that helpsD. helping7. (2018 吉林實驗中學模擬 )We are now enjoying the cool air in the room. , thefarmers are harvesting crops in the hot sun.A . ThereforeB. BesidesC. As a resultD. In the meantime8. (2018 濰坊高三模擬

5、)There she was, standing exactlyI had left her , crying bitterly.A . whenB. thatC. whereD. in which9. (2018 湘潭市二模)1in a small company for two years and then I went abroad toseek my fortune.A . have been workingB. was workingC. have workedD. worked10. Mike s disappointment was shared by several playe

6、rs who were presentwereso upset that they shouted at the judge.A . some of themB. some of whichC. some of thatD. some of whom11. (2018 天津卷)Parents and children should communicate more tothe gapbetwee n them so that they can un dersta nd each other better.A . openB . narrowC . wide nD . leave12 . (20

7、18 遼寧六校聯(lián)考)一Why didn t Mr Smith arrive on time for the meeting?He must have beenon his way here in the traffic jam.A . held upB . put upC . take n upD . give n up13 . (2018 甘肅部分示范學校高三調研)The Chinese lunar New Year usuallytworecords: the world s most widely watched television gala shpand its busiest te

8、lecommunicationsn etwork.A . developsB . wit nessesC . establishesD . laun ches14 . (2018 福建卷)Nowadays, there is ain crease in childre n, forstheaaivitygreatly en couraged to develop their tale nts.A . sharpB . slightC . n aturalD . modest15 . (2018 日照模擬)一Tomorrow is a public holiday ,our child shou

9、ld get close tonature.But I m afraid she will have to attend a special training course.A . whereB . whichC . asn .完形填空建議用時15D . whe n(2018四川省綿陽市第三次診斷 )s Day prese nt.lt was aOn June 17,2018, my daughter gave me a new wallet as a Father perfect gift considering that my purse used for nearly a decade

10、was much_1_ .1 took theopport unity as well to_2_ some cards , no tes, or small pieces of paper in it that were no Ion gerneeded.As I_3_out the old wallet , I was amazed at how much it 4 .Carefully I went throughits_5_piece by piece and_6_them to their new home.As I was looking at them , I_7_the org

11、an donor card (器官捐贈卡 )that I had signed nine years ago. 8, it hadn t yet been calledinto use.Still , it felt good knowing that_9_something should happen to me , I would be able to give ano ther pers on a sec ond cha nee of 10_.As I_11_the card into my new wallet , I started thinkingabout all the_12_

12、things wecan don ate to help others today.We can don ate our time, our tale nts or our wisdom.We can_13_ our kindn ess.We can_14_ our light into the dark ness.Wecan don ate every bit of love and joyin side of us.A nd the greatest thing of all is that whe n we do , we 15 that we have even more to sha

13、re than when we start.Maybe you wish to_16_an orga n donor card so you cangive someth ing afteryou_17_.But don t be afraid to giveomething now while you are still _ 18 .Be adon or.Make your en tire life a(n)_19_to others.D on ate all your20 th ings to make thisworld a better and brighter place.1.A.

14、beautifulB. smallC. wornD. expensive2. A.keep backB. put asideC. get throughD. throw away3. A.sortedB. emptiedC. wipedD. handed4. A.calculatedB . heldC. ownedD . sold5. A.papersB . bel ongingsC. pocketsD . contents6. A.attachedB . fixedC. movedD . con tributed7. A.came acrossB . got throughC. went o

15、verD . brought about8. A. Un expectedlyB . Tha nkfullyC. RegretfullyD . Unfortun ately9. A.unlessB . thoughC. si neeD . if10. A.riskB . willC. lifeD . le ngth11. A.placedB . dippedCpushedDturned12A.spareBotherCvitalDleftover13A.performB affordCcastDgive14A.shineB identifyCexploreDseek15A.findBpredic

16、tCguaranteeDstress16A.purchaseBwriteCmakeDsign17A.agreeBreturnCdieDretire18A.energeticB aliveCfaithfulDreliable19A.optionBloadCgiftDaward20A.wonderfulBplainCdreadfulDdisgusting川閱讀理解(2018 西六校高三聯(lián)考)Most people will answer a ringing phone.Usually you don t know who is phoning or howurge nt their bus in

17、ess is, so a ringing pho ne is difficult to ignore.ln one experime nt , a researcher wrote down the numbers of several public phones in stations and airports.Then he called the numbers.Someone nearly always answered.When he asked why, people usually said, “Because it rang. ”A few years ago in New Je

18、rsey , a man with a rifle killed 13 people.Armed police surrounded his house but he refused to come out.A reporter found out the phone number of the house and called.The man put down his rifle and answered the phone.wan“t?W”hathdeosyaoi,du “l(fā) mreally busy right now.”lmagine you are at work and the p

19、hone is ringing in someone else s office.Do you answer itor not?ln one survey on telephone use,51% of participants told researchers that they did.We can ignore the phone and for that reason, it forces its way into our life.lt interrupts what we are doing and on top of that, the caller is often someo

20、ne we don t really want to talk ,to .iHn othweeve rsurvey,58% said they never took the phone off the hook , and 67% didn t mind if someocnalledduri ng a televisi on programme.For 44% it was n t a problem if some one rang ,uwhiigpa mealonly 28% were anno yed or upset.If some one pho ned in the middle

21、 of the ni ght,40% told researchers that they got nervous or frightened , while around 30% got angry.Of course, whe n some one is really annoying , you can choose to hang up on him/her.This is infact one of the rudest things you can do on the phone , but 79% said they were prepared to do it in some

22、cases.Only 6% told researchers they never hung up on people.1. In the experiment, people answered the researcher s phone.A . in order to help him gather the dataB. for fear that it was urge ntC. to test the function of the phoneD. to show their interest in the survey2. The gunman answered the phone

23、because.A. he decided not to give up his resista nee to the policeB. he intended to be friendly with the mediaC. he wan ted to tell the reporter that he was too busy to offer any in formati onD. he tended to answer a ringing phone3. According to Paragraph 3 , most peoplewhen they were doing their wo

24、rk orwatch ingtelevisi on.A. refused to an swer the phone in some one else s officeB. couldn t ignore the phoneC. minded the ringing of the phoneD. kept the pho ne ringing4 . What is implied by the sentence“ 79% said they were prepared to do it in some casesA . They also agreed to hang up on others

25、regardless of rude ness.B . They were prepared to punish those rude callers.C . They were annoying rude callers.D . They were going to hang on annoying phon es.5 . The purpose of the survey is to find out.A . how the phone interrupts people s workB . what role the phone plays in people s livesC . wh

26、y people mind a ringing phone sometimesD . whe n the phone com muni cati on is more welcome課時作業(yè) (三十三 )I 單項填空1解析: 考查交際用語。句意為: 我在鄉(xiāng)下度過了一個很開心的周末。哦,我很高興聽到這個消息。答案: C2解析: 考查介詞短語辨析。句意為:你沒有必要節(jié)食,相對你的身高而言,你只 是稍微超重。in relation to意為 相對而言”,符合句意。答案: B3解析: 考查動詞短語辨析。 句意為: 史密斯先生, 我能承擔這份工作嗎? 恐怕不能。這是一份需要豐富經驗和極大耐心的工作。ta

27、ke up 開始從事,占據; look for 尋找; make up 補上,編造; call for 需要。答案: D4解析: 考查動詞辨析。句意為:今年我們不需要排隊幾個小時等待購買一張火車 票了,因為我們可以用網站或熱線來預訂,然后在火車站或火車票代售點取票。release釋放;relieve緩解,減輕;reserve預訂;review溫習,檢討。根據句意可知,應選C項。答案: C5解析: 考查冠詞。句意為: 我想咨詢跟團去泰國旅游的信息。 好的,包 括住宿在內要400美元。package tour為固定搭配,意為 跟團旅游”,此處用the特指去泰國 的跟團旅游, accommodati

28、on 為不可數名詞,表示 “住處 ”,前不需加冠詞。答案: D6. 解析:句中l(wèi)ean是定語從句修飾 everything , can后省略了 do,故作目的狀語的 to help you out 與 can 無關。句意為:無論何時你有困難,給我說一下,我會盡我所能幫助 你擺脫困境。答案: A7. 解析:題中前后兩句表達不同的意思,沒有因果關系,故可排除 A 和 C 項。第二 句話也不是對第一句話的補充,故可排除 B 項。 in the meantime 與此同時,符合題意。答案: D8. 解析:考查狀語從句。 句意為: 她就站在我剛才離開她的那個地方悲痛地哭。 where l had lef

29、t her 是地點狀語從句。答案: C9. 解析:考查時態(tài)。句意為:我在一家小公司工作了兩年,然后出國想碰碰運氣。此處表示過去發(fā)生的動作且已經結束,故用一般過去時,D 項正確。答案: D10解析: 考查定語從句。分析句子結構可知,空處引導非限制性定語從句,且先行詞 players 是人,故此處應選 D 。答案: D11解析: 考查動詞辨析。句意為:為了減少家長和孩子之間的代溝,他們應該多交 流,以便他們更好地相互了解。依據句意可排除A 、C、D。答案: B12解析: 考查動詞短語。答語意為 “他一定是在來這兒的路上被交通堵塞耽擱了 ”。 hold up 表示 “延遲,阻礙 ”。后三項分別表示

30、“建造,張貼 ”從“事,占據 ”“放棄 ”。答案: A13解析: 考查動詞辨析。 此處表示 “中國新年通常會見證兩項紀錄 ”,故選 witnesses, 表示是發(fā)生的時間,見證 ” develop發(fā)展;establish建立;launch發(fā)動,發(fā)射。答案: B14解析: 考查形容詞辨析。句意為:當今,孩子的創(chuàng)造力急劇提高,因為他們被鼓勵去發(fā)展個人才能。故選sharp急劇的。slight輕微的;natural自然的;modest謙虛的,中等的。答案: A15解析: 考查非限制性定語從句。句意為: 明天是公休日,孩子應該 (趁此機 會)接近自然。 但是恐怕她明天要去參加一個特殊的訓練課程。第一句為

31、非限制性定語 從句, public holiday 為先行詞, when 是關系副詞引導從句,在從句中作時間狀語。答案: Dn 完形填空語篇解讀 本文通過作者的親身經歷告訴我們一個道理: 人們在活著時也可以捐出美好 的東西,讓這個世界成為一個更美好、更光明的地方。1解析: 考慮到 “我”用了將近十年的錢包非常舊了,這是一個完美的禮物。worn 陳舊的,符合語境。答案: C2解析: “我”也利用這個機會扔掉 (throw away) 舊錢包中不需要的物件。答案: D3. 解析:當我”倒空(emptied)舊錢包時,我”驚訝于舊錢包居然能裝那么多東西。答案: B4. 解析:參見上題解析。 hold 容納,符合語境。答案: B5. 解析:我仔細地檢查舊錢包中的小物件,并把它們移到新錢包里。con te nts所容納之物,符合語境。答案: D6解析:參見上題解析。 move 移動,符合語境。答案: C7解析:當我 查看錢包中的小物件時,我 偶然發(fā)現(xiàn)(came across)九年前簽的器官捐贈卡。答案: A8解析:慶幸的是,它還沒用過。 thankfully 慶幸地,符合語境。答案: B9解析: 知道如果 (if) 我“”有什么不測, “我”可以給另一個人第二次生命 (life) ,這讓 “我 感覺很好。答案: D10解析:參見上題解析。答案:


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