



1、銀行按揭 brochure 售樓書car park space 停車位 completion date 竣工日期 construction material 建筑材料 developer 發(fā)展商 elevator 電梯 facility 設(shè)施 legal question 法律問題 level 層樓 model of the building 大廈模型 payment method 付款辦法 penthouse 復(fù)式單位 price list 價(jià)目表 property under construction 樓花 purchaser 認(rèn)購(gòu)者 river view 河景 sales office

2、售樓處 show flat 示范單位 Scene:Sales office of the Nice Garden 場(chǎng)景:麗斯花園售樓處 A1 、A2、A3 、 A4:Agents 物業(yè)代理C1、 C2、 C3:Clients 客戶A1:Please take some brochures describing the Nice Garden Phase I. 請(qǐng)隨便拿一張麗斯花園第一期售樓書。A2:Welcome to the Nice Garden. 歡迎光臨麗斯花園。Please follow the arrow to our show flats A and B. 請(qǐng)沿箭頭指示到本公司展

3、銷單位 A 及單位 B。The size of show flat A is one thousand square feet and show flat B is one thousand and five hundred square feet.單位 A 面積是一千平方英尺,而單位 B 是一千五百平方英尺。Please enjoy yourselves. 請(qǐng)隨便參觀!A3:Welcome to the show flat A. 歡迎參觀示范單位 A 。First,I would like to explain to you that the red tags Denote a free g

4、ift from our developer to our future vendors.首先,貼有紅色標(biāo)簽的免費(fèi)禮物是由發(fā)展商送給未來業(yè)主的。On your right hand side is the Kitchen. 在右邊的是用廚房。The maid's room and toilet are found inside. 工人房及洗手間在里面。The appliances include refrigerator,microwave oven,dish_washer and are included in the price. 而所有家庭電器包括雪柜、微波爐、洗碗碟機(jī)都是隨樓附

5、送。All construction materials are imported from Europe. 所有建筑用料均由歐洲進(jìn)口。Please go straight in.There is a huge living room and three bedrooms. 請(qǐng)徑直往前走,那就是大廳及三個(gè)睡房。The developer will provide air conditioners for all rooms. 發(fā)展商提供所有廳房的冷氣機(jī)。02:50.61C1:How about the view?02:51.52 觀景是怎樣呢?02:52.43A3:Over the tenth

6、 floor,you will see the beautiful river view.02:54.94 高于十樓的單位可以看到河景,相當(dāng)不錯(cuò)!02:57.45C2:How about the direction for this unit?02:59.08 這單位的座向如何?03:00.72A3:This unit faces southwest.Please make yourselves comfortable.03:04.06 單位窗戶向西南方,請(qǐng)隨便看看。 03:07.40(Scene Show Flat B)03:08.51 (場(chǎng)景:示范單位 B) 03:09.62A4:Welc

7、ome to show flat B.03:10.98 歡迎光臨示范單位 B。03:12.34This unit's gross area is one thousand and five hundred square feet,which is the largest unit on this floor.03:17.72 這單位的建筑面積是一千五百平方英尺,在這樓層是最大的單位。 03:23.10This unit's layout is similar to show flat A except that it has a master bedroom and a bal

8、cony outside the living room.03:28.29 基本設(shè)計(jì)與單位 A 相似,不過這單位有主人套房和在客廳有落地玻璃露臺(tái)。03:33.47This unit faces south,which is the best direction and view for the whole building. 03:36.42 這單位坐北向南,是整幢大廈觀景及方向最好的單位。03:39.38C3:Excuse me! Miss,what kind of view is it?03:41.43 小姐,請(qǐng)問這單位有怎樣的觀景?03:43.48A4:Over the tenth fl

9、oor,you will see the hills and rivers together.Sounds great,right?03:46.61 十樓以上的單位可以看到山和河景,非常美麗,對(duì)嗎?03:49.75C3:How about below the tenth floor?03:50.99 十樓以下的單位又怎樣呢?03:52.23A4:You will see a few of low_rise town houses and streets.03:54.88 你會(huì)看見一些低層住宅大廈及街道。03:57.53Dear customers,we have already arrange

10、d to have the lawyers and bankers meet us on the ground floor.04:01.31 親愛的顧客們,本公司已經(jīng)安排律師及銀行顧問在地下售樓處。04:05.08They will answer all the mortgage and legal questions you many have.04:07.61 他們會(huì)為客人解答有關(guān)買賣手續(xù)及銀行按揭貸款的問題。04:10.15Thank you for joining us today.04:11.69 謝謝各位今天的光臨。04:13.23I hope you will find your

11、 favorite units today.04:15.20 希望名位能夠選購(gòu)心目中最理想的單位。04:17.18Scene:Sales Office of the Nice Garden04:19.06 場(chǎng)景:麗斯花園售樓處04:20.94A:Agent04:21.80 物業(yè)代理04:22.66C:Client04:23.69 客戶04:24.72A:Miss,may I help you?04:25.93 小姐,我可否幫你呢?04:27.13C:Yes,I just wondered why the price between the ninth and tenth floor is so

12、 different?04:30.68 是的,我很奇怪為什么九樓與十樓的售價(jià)有這么大的差別呢?04:34.23A:It's because of the view.04:36.17 這是因?yàn)橛^景不同。04:38.10C:Oh!I see.Can you show me the location for Block I?04:40.88 噢!我明白了,你能否告訴我第一座的位置呢?04:43.66A:Sure.Please take a look of the model of the building.04:46.25 當(dāng)然可以,請(qǐng)過來看大廈模型。04:48.84Nice Garden

13、has a total of two blocks which are labeled Block I and Block II.04:52.65 麗斯花園共有兩幢,分別為第一座和第二座。04:56.46Block I has a total of thirty_eight levels.The thirty_seventh and thirty_eight are penthouses.05:00.97 第一座共三十八層高,而三十七樓和三十八樓是復(fù)式單位。05:05.48There are four units in one level.05:07.28 每層有四個(gè)單位。05:09.08Th

14、e sizes of the units are one thousand square feet and one thousand and five hundred square feet.05:14.23 單位面積有一千平方英尺和一千五百平方英尺兩種。05:19.37The size with one thousand square feet has three bedrooms and the biggest size has four bedrooms.05:23.40 小單位有三房而大單位有四房。 05:27.42C:How many elevators are there?05:2

15、9.09 共有多少部電梯?05:30.76A:There are three elevators between one hundred and forty eight units.05:32.77 一百四十八個(gè)單位共用三部電梯。 05:34.79C:How about the car_park space?05:36.20 停車位又怎樣呢?05:37.61A:There is a total of one hundred and sixty parking lots on the second and third floor,in which twelve are for visitors

16、and the rest are for residents.05:44.25 停車場(chǎng)在第二層和第三層,共一百六十個(gè)車位,其中十二個(gè)為訪客車位,而其余 的是供住客使用的。05:50.90C:Any other facilities?05:52.14 還有其他設(shè)施嗎? 05:53.38A:Sure,on the fourth floor is a recreation quarter.05:55.57 有的,第四層是康體中心。05:57.75There are two swimming pools,one is Olympic standard size and the other one is

17、 for children.06:02.20 里面有兩個(gè)游泳池,其中一個(gè)是奧林匹克標(biāo)準(zhǔn)泳池,另一個(gè)供兒童使用。 06:06.65Also,there is a gymnasium for resident members only.06:09.27 除此之外還有專門為住客而設(shè)的健身室。 06:11.88C:When is the completion date?06:13.21 請(qǐng)問工程何時(shí)才能完成? 06:14.54A:The completion date will be on July 1st 1999.06:17.29 預(yù)計(jì)竣工日期為 1999 年 7 月 1 日。 06:20.03C

18、:How about the price and the bank mortgage?06:21.53 售價(jià)和銀行按揭如何?06:23.03A:Please check up the price list.The average unit price is five million Hong Kong dollars.06:26.77 平均售價(jià)約港幣五百萬元,你可以看看價(jià)目表。06:30.50There are eight different banks that will provide a seventy percent mortgage loan. 06:33.51 有八間銀行提供七成按

19、揭貸款。06:36.51Also,the developer will offer another ten percent mortgage to purchasers.06:39.99 而發(fā)展商亦可提供另外一成的按揭給認(rèn)購(gòu)者。 06:43.46C:How many payment methods are there?06:44.92 有多少種付款辦法?06:46.39A:It's all written on the brochure price list.I believe there will be one right for you. 06:50.07 售價(jià)表里已經(jīng)詳細(xì)列明,我

20、相信其中一定有適合你的。06:53.75Please hurry up because almost half of units have already gone. 06:56.76 現(xiàn)在認(rèn)購(gòu)已經(jīng)超過五成,你要快些做出決定了。06:59.76C:Thank you.I think I have to talk to the bank representatives.Thank you for your help.07:03.14 謝謝。我想我必須先向銀行代表詢問,謝謝你的幫忙。07:06.53A:You'll welcome.07:08.03 別客氣。00:01.48 批核00:02

21、.95Conditional Letter of Offer00:05.42 附帶條件批核通知書00:07.89eligible00:09.31 符合00:10.74salary tax00:12.28 薪俸稅00:13.82minimum mortgage rate00:15.95 最優(yōu)惠按揭利率00:18.08paid up00:19.25 付清00:20.43repayment table00:22.44 按揭還款表00:24.45A:Agent Mr.Wang00:25.47 物業(yè)代理王先生00:26.49B:Buyer Mr.Chen00:28.03 買家陳先生00:29.57C:B

22、ank Loan Officer00:31.40 銀行職員00:33.23A:Good morning.Let me introduce you to Mr.Chen.00:35.42 早晨好!讓我介紹一下,這是陳先生。00:37.62He would like to ask you details about mortgage loans.00:39.43 他希望查詢有關(guān)銀行按揭的詳細(xì)內(nèi)容。00:41.25C:Good morning,Mr.Chen.I've known Mr.Wang for many years.00:43.66 陳先生,早晨好!我認(rèn)識(shí)王先生很多年了。00:46

23、.08He is a very helpful agent.00:47.50 他是一個(gè)熱誠(chéng)服務(wù)的物業(yè)代理。00:48.93B:Yes,he is.Mr.Wang has gives some good advices which helped us buy this apartment at such a reasonable price.00:54.37 是的,我非常同意。王先生給我們很多建議,如果沒有他,我們也不能買到如此 合理價(jià)格的住宅物業(yè)。00:59.82A:Sam,Mr.Chen has recently bought a flat in Tai Koo Shing.01:02.11

24、 森,陳先生最近買了太古城一個(gè)住宅物業(yè)。01:04.39I recommended that they apply for a mortgage loan at your bank.01:06.93 所以我建議他們到你們的銀行申請(qǐng)按揭。01:09.46C:Thank you.We can start by you giving me the information on your property.01:12.86 謝謝,首先請(qǐng)給我一些關(guān)于你的物業(yè)的資料。01:16.25A:Sam,this is the Preliminary Sale and Purchase Agreement.01:1

25、8.76 森,這是臨時(shí)買賣合約。01:21.27(Hands over document)The selling price of the flat is four point two million dollars.01:24.45 (把文件交給他)成交價(jià)是四百二十萬元。01:27.64He would like to apply for a mortgage loan representing 70% of the purchase price. 01:31.23 他希望申請(qǐng)七成銀行按揭。01:34.82B:I would like to know the different kinds

26、of home investment plans your bank offers. 01:38.38 我希望知道有多少種銀行按揭方法可供選擇。01:41.93C:Sure,Mr.Chen.Our bank's minimum mortgage rate is 8.25% to any applicant with a monthly income of over seventy thousand dollars.01:50.11 好的,陳先生,本銀行可以向任何每月收入超過七萬元的客戶提供八厘二五的最 優(yōu)惠按揭利率。01:58.28B:I'm afraid I'm no

27、t eligible for this plan.02:00.14 我恐怕我不符合這個(gè)計(jì)劃的要求。02:01.99Here is my salary tax form for the year ninety_five to ninety_six.02:04.71這是我 1995年至 1996 年度薪俸稅單。02:07.43My annual income is four hundred and eighty thousand dollars.02:09.87 我的年薪約為四十八萬元。02:12.31C:Do you have any other bank mortgage loans?02:14.07 你有沒有其他銀行按揭貸款?02:15.84B:No,we don't.The apartment we are living now is fully paid up.02:18.62 我沒有任何貸款,我現(xiàn)在所住的物業(yè)供款已經(jīng)全部付清了。02:21.40C:I see.Please give me ten minutes to calculate the interest rate for you.02:24.50 我明白了。請(qǐng)給我十分鐘來計(jì)算利率。 02


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