1、認知視野下的通感研究認知視野下的通感研究認知視野下的通感研究A A StudyStudy ofof SynaesthesiaSynaesthesia fromfrom a aCognitiveCognitive PerspectivePerspective【作者】 石琳;【導師】 白解紅;【作者基本信息】 湖南師范大學, 英語語言文學, 2008, 碩士【摘要】 傳統(tǒng)的研究側重于把通感作為一種修辭手段來進行研究。隨著認知語言學的興起,許多學者從認知的角度對通感進行了研究,并取得了一些成果。然而,這些研究還存在一些不足:(1)已有的實證研究針對的語種,多屬于印歐語系,因而總結出的具有規(guī)律性的現(xiàn)象
2、是否具有跨語系語言普遍性值得進一步探究。(2)漢語通感實證研究偏向的是從詞義固化方面來進行,對文學作品中的通感現(xiàn)象卻沒有涉及,研究還不夠全面。(3)關于通感遷移規(guī)律的研究偏向于發(fā)現(xiàn)通感的感官遷移方向,很少涉及五種感覺在通感中的出現(xiàn)頻率,且沒有系統(tǒng)深入地解釋隱藏在這些現(xiàn)象背后的原因。(4)概念隱喻理論與概念合成理論均可用來解釋通感,但這兩大理論對通感的闡釋力有何區(qū)別,已有的研究還沒有進行過較為系統(tǒng)的比較。這些不足正是本研究課題要探討的問題。本文采用的研究方法是定量和定性分析法。研究中的漢語語料來自現(xiàn)代漢語詞典(第五版)和 2007 年十月雜志(共 6 期);英語語料主要來自已有的通感研究文獻(B
3、retones 2001;李國南 2001)。通過分析漢語通感具有規(guī)律性的一些現(xiàn)象,并將其與 SeanDay(1996)分析的英語通感具有規(guī)律性的現(xiàn)象相比較,發(fā)現(xiàn)了英漢通感共有的規(guī)律。本文針對前人的不足主要從認知的角度研究了通感的體驗基礎、本質、產(chǎn)生的原因和功能,并對感官遷移方向以及五種感覺不同的出現(xiàn)頻率給出了認知解釋。在研究通感的本質時,分別運用了概念隱喻理論和概念合成理論,并比較了這兩大理論對通感的闡釋力。根據(jù) Lakoff & Johnson 的概念隱喻理論,通感也是一種隱喻,其概念域分別由不同的感覺域構成,其本質是用一類感覺去理解或體驗另一類感覺。語言中的通感式表達是這一隱喻在
4、語言中的具體實現(xiàn)或展現(xiàn):通感的建構過程是兩個感覺域之間特征的映射。這兩個感覺域并不平等,因而跨域映射呈單向性。根據(jù) Fauconnier 的概念合成理論,通感的意義建構過程是一個概念合成過程,其涉及的兩個或多個感覺分別構成了不同的輸入空間。通過將輸入空間的部分結構投射到一個合成空間,通感意義由此產(chǎn)生。概念隱喻理論和概念合成理論在解釋通感認知本質方面相輔相成:前者揭示了通感的隱喻本質,其跨域映射的觀點可以解釋實證研究發(fā)現(xiàn)的感官遷移規(guī)律,而后者則更好地闡釋了通感意義的實時建構過程。用較熟悉的、易理解的、具體的概念去理解不熟悉、較難理解的、抽象的概念,這是人類的一般認知規(guī)律。然而,通感所涉及的概念域
6、現(xiàn)頻率也較高。(3)通感的感官遷移規(guī)律體現(xiàn)了五種感覺的身體化程度與特征,即用身體化程度較高、特征較多的感覺來體驗和理解身體化程度較低、特征較少的感覺。本研究的意義在于:第一,相關的實證研究有利于探討通感的跨語言共性;第二,幫助人們從認知的角度對通感有一個更清晰、更全面的理解;第三,對通感的認知研究從一個側面證明了認知語言觀的正確性,這對于認知語言學的發(fā)展具有一定的促進作用。 更多還原【Abstract】 Synaesthesia is regarded as part of rhetoric intraditional research. With the development of cog
7、nitive linguistics,many scholars have taken up synaesthesia from a cognitive perspectiveand have made some achievements. However, previous studies have theirlimitations: (1) Most empirical studies investigate synaesthesia inlanguages of the Indo-European family; so further studies should becarried o
8、ut to see whether the popular linguistic phenomena ofsynaesthesia analyzed in those studies are cross-lingually universal.(2) Empirical studies of Chinese synaesthesia lay emphasis onentrenched lexical meaning, hardly including the linguistic phenomenaof synaesthesia in literary language. Therefore,
9、 they are not calledcomprehensive studies. (3) Previous studies of sensory transferringpatterns incline to discover the synaesthetic directionality, rarelytouching upon the frequency of the use of the different senses, and asystematic and profound explanation for some popular phenomena shouldbe take
10、n into account. (4) Both Conceptual Metaphor Theory andConceptual Blending Theory can be applied to explain synaesthesia,but the explanatory power of these two theories for synaesthesiashould be compared systematically. This thesis thereby attempts todeal with these problems.The thesis takes both a
11、qualitative and aquantitative analysis in its investigation. We have collected thedata of Chinese synaesthesia from The Contemporary Chinese Dictionary(the 5th edition) and the six issues of a famous bimonthly literaryperiodical October in the year of 2007. The data of Englishsynaesthesia is retriev
12、ed from the previous literature onsynaesthesia (mainly from Bretones 2001 and Li Guonan 2001). Byanalyzing some regular phenomena of Chinese synaesthesia andcomparing them with the regular phenomena of English synaesthesiaanalyzed by Sean Day (1996), we find the regular pattern ofsynaesthesia shared
13、 by the two languages.Aiming at the limitations ofprevious researches, the thesis deals with the experiential basis,nature, causes and functions of synaesthesia from a cognitiveperspective, and gives a cognitive account of the sensorytransferring direction and the different frequency of the use of t
14、hefive senses. Conceptual Metaphor Theory and Conceptual BlendingTheory are applied to expound the nature of synaesthesia, and theexplanatory power of these two theories is compared.According toConceptual Metaphor Theory proposed by Lakoff & Johnson, synaesthesiais a kind of metaphor, and both o
15、f its source domain and targetdomain are perceptual. The nature of synaesthesia is to understandand experience one sense in terms of another. The synaestheticexpressions in language are the realization or manifestation of suchmetaphor. Construction of synaesthesia involves mappings ofproperties betw
16、een two perceptual domains. As the two domains are notequal, the cross-domain mapping is unidirectional. According toConceptual Blending Theory proposed by Fauconnier, constructionprocess of synaesthesia is a process of conceptual blending, in whichthe input mental spaces are perceptual. The synaest
17、hetic meaning isconstructed by projecting partial structures of the input spaces to ablend. Conceptual Metaphor Theory and Conceptual Blending Theorycomplement each other in explaining synaesthesia: the former revealsthe metaphorical nature of synaesthesia, whose view of cross-domainmapping accounts
18、 for the regular sensory transferring patternobtained by the empirical studies; the latter expounds the real-timeconstruction process of synaesthesia.It is a cognitive principle forhuman beings to understand the unfamiliar, difficult, and abstractconcepts in terms of the familiar, comprehensible, an
19、d concreteconcepts. However, the conceptual domains involved in synaesthesiaare the basic conceptual domains in the human sensori-motor system,which makes synaesthesia a special metaphor. Such peculiarity ismanifested by the directionality of synaesthesia and the differentfrequency of use of the fiv
20、e senses in synaesthesia. The two factorsconstitute the regular sensory transferring pattern ofsynaesthesia.From the research, we find: (1) Sensory transferringof synaesthesia follows the direction from the lower senses to thehigher senses, ranking as touching, tasting, smelling, hearing, andseeing;
21、 such a direction shows the cognitive principle. The empiricalanalysis of Chinese synaesthesia in the thesis provides furtherevidence for such a direction being cross-lingually universal. (2)Frequency of the use of the five senses is different, and the notablefrequency is: the sense of hearing outst
22、rips the other senses as themost common to which to attach metaphors; the sense of touching isthe most common sense in which things are expressed; althoughsmelling is a low sense, the frequency of the use of smelling as thesource sense is the lowest; although vision is a high sense, thefrequency of
23、the use of vision as source sense is very high. (3)The regular sensory transferring pattern of synaesthesia shows theembodied degree and characteristics of the five senses, i.e., senseswith more embodiment are more likely to be used to experience andunderstand senses with less embodiment.The researc
24、h is valuable inthree aspects: firstly, the empirical study in the thesis is of greatsignificance to inquire into the general character of synaesthesia indifferent languages; secondly, it helps people have a clearer andmore comprehensive understanding about synaesthesia from a cognitiveperspective;
25、thirdly, it proves that the cognitive view of languageis right and it is supposed to be a promoter of the development ofcognitive linguistics. 更多還原【關鍵詞】 通感; 實證研究; 認知分析; 感官遷移規(guī)律; 方向性; 頻率;【Key words】 synaesthesia; empirical study; cognitive analysis;sensory transferring pattern; directionality; frequen
26、cy;參考文獻:概念整合理論下廣告雙關語的通感研究廣告雙關語的研究近來備受語言學家的青睞。雖然研究的角度多種多樣,但少有文獻運用概念合成理論對廣告雙關語中的通感現(xiàn)象進行研究。所以本文擬從認知語言學的角度,運用 Fauconnier 的概念合成理論對.收錄數(shù)據(jù)庫:中文科技期刊數(shù)據(jù)庫 來源:科技信息 2011 年 第 21 期作者:寧傳鳳 機構:玉林師范學院外國語學院 廣西玉林 537000通感研究通感位于語言學與文藝美學的結合層,論文在多學科視野觀照下,依據(jù)現(xiàn)有研究成果,提出通感新定義:在言語活動中,因本覺和通覺的相互作用,感覺特征多向位移而生成的審美話語形態(tài)。通感自身的辨異是通.收錄數(shù)據(jù)庫:中
27、文科技期刊數(shù)據(jù)庫 來源:語言文字應用 2010 年 第 4期 作者:高志明 朱玲(導師) 機構:福建師范大學中外通感研究對比與啟示本文對近幾年國內外通感研究進行了跟蹤觀察和分析,發(fā)現(xiàn)國內外對于通感的研究在內容、規(guī)模以及學術界彼此交流的程度上皆呈現(xiàn)出不同的特點。文章對這一研究的結果進行扼要地對比介紹和分析,希望能.收錄數(shù)據(jù)庫:中文科技期刊數(shù)據(jù)庫 來源:重慶教育學院學報 2009 年第 2 期 作者:王彩麗 機構:蘇州大學外國語學院 江蘇蘇州 215006認知視野下的通感研究認知視野下的通感研究A A StudyStudy ofof SynaesthesiaSynaesthesia fromfro
28、m a aCognitiveCognitive PerspectivePerspective【作者】 石琳;【導師】 白解紅;【作者基本信息】 湖南師范大學, 英語語言文學, 2008, 碩士【摘要】 傳統(tǒng)的研究側重于把通感作為一種修辭手段來進行研究。隨著認知語言學的興起,許多學者從認知的角度對通感進行了研究,并取得了一些成果。然而,這些研究還存在一些不足:(1)已有的實證研究針對的語種,多屬于印歐語系,因而總結出的具有規(guī)律性的現(xiàn)象是否具有跨語系語言普遍性值得進一步探究。(2)漢語通感實證研究偏向的是從詞義固化方面來進行,對文學作品中的通感現(xiàn)象卻沒有涉及,研究還不夠全面。(3)關于通感遷移規(guī)律
29、的研究偏向于發(fā)現(xiàn)通感的感官遷移方向,很少涉及五種感覺在通感中的出現(xiàn)頻率,且沒有系統(tǒng)深入地解釋隱藏在這些現(xiàn)象背后的原因。(4)概念隱喻理論與概念合成理論均可用來解釋通感,但這兩大理論對通感的闡釋力有何區(qū)別,已有的研究還沒有進行過較為系統(tǒng)的比較。這些不足正是本研究課題要探討的問題。本文采用的研究方法是定量和定性分析法。研究中的漢語語料來自現(xiàn)代漢語詞典(第五版)和 2007 年十月雜志(共 6 期);英語語料主要來自已有的通感研究文獻(Bretones 2001;李國南 2001)。通過分析漢語通感具有規(guī)律性的一些現(xiàn)象,并將其與 SeanDay(1996)分析的英語通感具有規(guī)律性的現(xiàn)象相比較,發(fā)現(xiàn)了
30、英漢通感共有的規(guī)律。本文針對前人的不足主要從認知的角度研究了通感的體驗基礎、本質、產(chǎn)生的原因和功能,并對感官遷移方向以及五種感覺不同的出現(xiàn)頻率給出了認知解釋。在研究通感的本質時,分別運用了概念隱喻理論和概念合成理論,并比較了這兩大理論對通感的闡釋力。根據(jù) Lakoff & Johnson 的概念隱喻理論,通感也是一種隱喻,其概念域分別由不同的感覺域構成,其本質是用一類感覺去理解或體驗另一類感覺。語言中的通感式表達是這一隱喻在語言中的具體實現(xiàn)或展現(xiàn):通感的建構過程是兩個感覺域之間特征的映射。這兩個感覺域并不平等,因而跨域映射呈單向性。根據(jù) Fauconnier 的概念合成理論,通感的意義
33、于:第一,相關的實證研究有利于探討通感的跨語言共性;第二,幫助人們從認知的角度對通感有一個更清晰、更全面的理解;第三,對通感的認知研究從一個側面證明了認知語言觀的正確性,這對于認知語言學的發(fā)展具有一定的促進作用。 更多還原【Abstract】 Synaesthesia is regarded as part of rhetoric intraditional research. With the development of cognitive linguistics,many scholars have taken up synaesthesia from a cognitive persp
34、ectiveand have made some achievements. However, previous studies have theirlimitations: (1) Most empirical studies investigate synaesthesia inlanguages of the Indo-European family; so further studies should becarried out to see whether the popular linguistic phenomena ofsynaesthesia analyzed in thos
35、e studies are cross-lingually universal.(2) Empirical studies of Chinese synaesthesia lay emphasis onentrenched lexical meaning, hardly including the linguistic phenomenaof synaesthesia in literary language. Therefore, they are not calledcomprehensive studies. (3) Previous studies of sensory transfe
36、rringpatterns incline to discover the synaesthetic directionality, rarelytouching upon the frequency of the use of the different senses, and asystematic and profound explanation for some popular phenomena shouldbe taken into account. (4) Both Conceptual Metaphor Theory andConceptual Blending Theory
37、can be applied to explain synaesthesia,but the explanatory power of these two theories for synaesthesiashould be compared systematically. This thesis thereby attempts todeal with these problems.The thesis takes both a qualitative and aquantitative analysis in its investigation. We have collected the
38、data of Chinese synaesthesia from The Contemporary Chinese Dictionary(the 5th edition) and the six issues of a famous bimonthly literaryperiodical October in the year of 2007. The data of Englishsynaesthesia is retrieved from the previous literature onsynaesthesia (mainly from Bretones 2001 and Li G
39、uonan 2001). Byanalyzing some regular phenomena of Chinese synaesthesia andcomparing them with the regular phenomena of English synaesthesiaanalyzed by Sean Day (1996), we find the regular pattern ofsynaesthesia shared by the two languages.Aiming at the limitations ofprevious researches, the thesis
40、deals with the experiential basis,nature, causes and functions of synaesthesia from a cognitiveperspective, and gives a cognitive account of the sensorytransferring direction and the different frequency of the use of thefive senses. Conceptual Metaphor Theory and Conceptual BlendingTheory are applie
41、d to expound the nature of synaesthesia, and theexplanatory power of these two theories is compared.According toConceptual Metaphor Theory proposed by Lakoff & Johnson, synaesthesiais a kind of metaphor, and both of its source domain and targetdomain are perceptual. The nature of synaesthesia is
42、 to understandand experience one sense in terms of another. The synaestheticexpressions in language are the realization or manifestation of suchmetaphor. Construction of synaesthesia involves mappings ofproperties between two perceptual domains. As the two domains are notequal, the cross-domain mapp
43、ing is unidirectional. According toConceptual Blending Theory proposed by Fauconnier, constructionprocess of synaesthesia is a process of conceptual blending, in whichthe input mental spaces are perceptual. The synaesthetic meaning isconstructed by projecting partial structures of the input spaces t
44、o ablend. Conceptual Metaphor Theory and Conceptual Blending Theorycomplement each other in explaining synaesthesia: the former revealsthe metaphorical nature of synaesthesia, whose view of cross-domainmapping accounts for the regular sensory transferring patternobtained by the empirical studies; th
45、e latter expounds the real-timeconstruction process of synaesthesia.It is a cognitive principle forhuman beings to understand the unfamiliar, difficult, and abstractconcepts in terms of the familiar, comprehensible, and concreteconcepts. However, the conceptual domains involved in synaesthesiaare th
46、e basic conceptual domains in the human sensori-motor system,which makes synaesthesia a special metaphor. Such peculiarity ismanifested by the directionality of synaesthesia and the differentfrequency of use of the five senses in synaesthesia. The two factorsconstitute the regular sensory transferri
47、ng pattern ofsynaesthesia.From the research, we find: (1) Sensory transferringof synaesthesia follows the direction from the lower senses to thehigher senses, ranking as touching, tasting, smelling, hearing, andseeing; such a direction shows the cognitive principle. The empiricalanalysis of Chinese
48、synaesthesia in the thesis provides furtherevidence for such a direction being cross-lingually universal. (2)Frequency of the use of the five senses is different, and the notablefrequency is: the sense of hearing outstrips the other senses as themost common to which to attach metaphors; the sense of touching isthe most common sense in which
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