



1、牛津初中英語7BUnit1知識點歸納一.【精選詞匯】重點短語1. would like to live next to a restaurant (p6)知識鏈接would like/want sth想要某物,would like/want to do sth想做某事,would like sb to do sth想讓某人做某事;注意疑問句Would sb like to do sth? Yes, Id like/love to.2. homes around the world世界各地的家園 (p8)知識鏈接around/across/all over/throughout遍及,全 全世界:

2、around/across/all over/throughout the world全國:around/across/all over/throughout the country3. look out at the beach and the sea向外看海灘和大海 知識鏈接look out at向外看,look out of向外看 look into向里看e.g.向車外看look out the car 向外看車look out the car 向窗里看look the window4. see the sea and the beach from the bedroom windows

3、 seefrom從某處看到某人或某物5. rain a lotoften rain經(jīng)常下雨知識鏈接rain vi.下雨&n.雨水rainy有雨的 e.g. It rains a lot.There is a lot of rain. It was rainy last night. a heavy rain一場大雨 rain heavily下大雨6. make dinnercook dinner做飯 make常指手工制作,cook烹調 (p9)7. on the fifth of Juneon 5th Juneon 5 Juneon June 5thon June 5 在6月5日8.

4、in the centre of在的中心,在的中央in the centre of the city在市中心9. live with my family in a flat on a busy street和我的家人住在一條繁華街道的套房里10. share a bedroom with my sister和我的姐姐合住一個臥室知識鏈接share sth with sb和某人分享某物,和某人合用某物11. the best place to grow flowers種花的最好地方 動詞不定式作后置定語 (p10)12. more than多于,超過less than少于,不到13. on a

5、shelf on shelves在架子上,on the balcony在陽臺上 (p13)14. “到達”的三種表達方式:arrive at小地方,arrive in大地方 get to reach知識鏈接到達這里/那里/家arrive here/there/home get here/there/home;此時不用reach 到某人的家arrive at sbs home, get to sbs home, reach sbs home 不說到達具體的地方,只能用arrive。e.g. Ill call you when he arrives. arrive on Sunday不能用arri

6、ve at/in Sunday。15. cant wait to see you迫不及待見到你 cant wait to do sth迫不及待地做某事 (p17)知識鏈接On Christmas morning children cant wait to open the presents in the stockings.16. take you to the Great Wall take sb to帶某人去某地,不能用take sb to go to17. have your own bedroom 擁有你自己的臥室知識鏈接own自己的,用于所有格之后表示強調。常用ones own名詞,

7、of ones own 自己獨有的。e.g. a room of my ownmy own room She has her own car. 18. at least至少at most至多,兩者都是后接數(shù)詞名詞 (p22)詞匯解析1. 國家、首都名稱:Japan Tokyo, the USA Washington DC, FranceParis, ThailandBangkok, the UK, the GBLondon, RussiaMoscow, GermanyBerlin, AustraliaCanberra, ItalyRome, Mexico Mexico City2. frien

8、d friendly友好的,be friendly to sb對某人友好,make friends with sb與某人交友3. 與房屋相關的設施:balcony陽臺,kitchen廚房,ladder梯子,stairs樓梯,sitting room客廳,dining room餐廳,bedroom臥室,furniture家具,armchair扶手椅,beside table床頭柜,coffee table茶幾,cupboard碗廚,柜子,lamp臺燈,sofa沙發(fā),couch長沙發(fā),bookcase書架,bath浴缸,bathroom浴室,toilet便池;廁所,shower淋??;淋浴間,sin

9、k洗滌槽,dinner table餐桌,fridge冰箱,air conditioner空調,DVD player DVD影碟機4. 不同類型的旅行journey指陸地上的長期旅行;travel/travelling指一般的旅行;tour指到各地的觀光、考察的長途旅行;trip指短期間來回的商業(yè)或觀光旅行。 make a journey to到某地旅行,如:He made a journey to Shenzhen on business.二.【重點句型】1. The capital of the USA is Washington DC.美國的首都是華盛頓。 (p7)知識鏈接the capi

10、tal of 國家的首都,首都是惟一的,必須使用定冠詞the修飾。2. The house is over the river. (p8) 知識鏈接over在的正上方,垂直向上,反義詞是under在正下方,垂直向下 e.g. There is a bridge over the river. Its too hot. Lets have a rest under the tree.用法拓展above在的下方,高于,只說明物體間的上下關系,可能垂直,也可能不垂直。反義詞是below在的下方,低于。above, below也可以表示“在幾度以上或以下”。 e.g. The plane flew a

11、bove the bridge. Its cold. The temperature is below zero.3. That sounds great/good.可以簡寫為Sounds great/good.聽起來好極了。sound是連系動詞。4. 電話用語:請找某人接電話好嗎?May/Can/Could I speak to? 我就是。Speaking.你是誰?Who is that (speaking)?或Whos calling? Is that?你是嗎?我是。This is(speaking).5. I have a room with twelve showers and fou

12、r baths. 知識鏈接介詞短語with作后置定語,如:a girl with long hair一個長發(fā)女孩6. I would like all my friends to have a shower or a bath at the same time. at the same time同時知識鏈接would like sb to do sth想讓某人做某事,have/take a shower/bath洗淋浴/洗澡7. Wilson lives two floors above Wendy. Mary lives six floors below Wendy. 注意介詞的使用。三.【

13、語法詳解】方位介詞、基數(shù)詞、序數(shù)詞方位介詞常見的方位介詞:abovebelow, behindin front of, at/in the front ofat the back of, at, in, beside, beyond, beforeafter, by, between, among, insideoutside, next to, on, opposite, overunder, on the left/right, on the left/right of在的上面 above, on和over:over在的正上方;above在的上方;on在的上面,通常與物體的表面接觸,注意o

14、n the tree與in the tree的區(qū)別。在 at, in和on:at指較小的地方;in指較大的地方,意為“在的內(nèi)部”;on泛指在物體的表面。at與in的大與小往往是相對而言的,有時取決于說話者的態(tài)度。在的前面 before, in front of和in/at the front of:in front of主要指一物體在另一物體的前面,兩者是分開的,而in/at the front of則指一物體中有一部分位于前部,即兩者是包容的;before指時間和空間上的順序,也可用于抽象事物之前,一般不用于建筑物之前。 The girl sitting in front of me is

15、Millie. The introduction is always in the front of the book.You must check your homework carefully before handing it in.beyond在的那一邊,outside在的外面,over在的上方。The house is beyond the bridge. 在的中間 between用于兩者之間;among用于兩者以上之間。若兩者以上的人或物中有and時,用between,而不用among。The path between the two houses was covered with

16、 snow. Audrey Hepburn is among the most famous actresses. Ecuador (厄瓜多爾) lies between Columbia, Peru and the Pacific Ocean. 在之后 after和behind:after常與動態(tài)動詞連用;behind常與靜態(tài)動詞連用。 He had left his wallet on the table, so I went after him. His coat is hanging behind the door.在的對面 opposite:opposite也可作形容詞,意為“相對的

17、”。The window is opposite the door. He lives on the opposite side of the street.在這條街的對面基數(shù)詞和序數(shù)詞數(shù)詞是表示數(shù)目多少或順序先后的詞。數(shù)詞與不定代詞很相似,其用法相當于名詞與形容詞。數(shù)詞有兩種:表示數(shù)目多少的詞叫做基數(shù)詞;表示順序先后的數(shù)詞叫做序數(shù)詞?;鶖?shù)詞的構成112的基數(shù)詞:1 one, 2 two, 3 three, 4 four, 5 five, 6 six, 7 seven, 8 eight, 9 nine, 10 ten, 11 eleven, 12 twelve1319均由39加后綴-teen構

18、成。注意thirteen, fifteen, eighteen的拼法。 13 thirteen, 14 fourteen, 15 fifteen, 16 sixteen, 17 seventeen, 18 eighteen, 19 nineteen2090等十位數(shù)均由29加后綴-ty構成。注意twenty, thirty, forty, eighty的拼法。 20 twenty, 30 thirty, 40 forty, 50 fifty, 60 sixty, 70 seventy, 80 eighty, 90 ninety2129由十位數(shù)20加個位數(shù)19構成,中間必須有連字符“-”;其他十位

19、數(shù)依此類推。 21 twenty-one, 22 twenty-two, 23 twenty-three, 24 twenty-four, 25 twenty-five, 26 twenty-six, 27 twenty-seven, 28 twenty-eight, 29 twenty-nine, 64 sixty, 75 seventy-five, 86 eighty-six百位數(shù)由19加hundred構成,如果包含十位數(shù)及個位數(shù),中間用and連接;如果只包含個位數(shù),即十位數(shù)為零時,必須用and連接。100 a/one hundred, 200 two hundred, 300 three

20、 hundred, 706 seven hundred and six, 125 one hundred and twenty-five, 341 three hundred and forty-one, 968 nine hundred and sixty-eight千位數(shù)由19加thousand構成,百位數(shù)前不加and,其后的十位、個位數(shù)構成方法同前。 1,000 one thousand, 2,000 two thousand, 5,800 five thousand, eight hundred, 1,256 one thousand, two hundred and fifty-si

21、x, 1035 one thousand and thirty-five, 2008 two thousand and eight英語中沒有“萬”這一單位,用thousand表示萬。10,000 ten thousand十萬的說法。100,000 one hundred thousand百萬的說法。1,000,000 one million, 2,000,000 two million千萬、億、十億的說法。1千萬ten million, 1億one hundred million, 10億one billion基數(shù)詞的用法基數(shù)詞相當于名詞,可以有復數(shù)形式,其構成方法及讀音與名詞相同。a man

22、 in his fiftieshundred, thousand, million, billion等詞前有具體數(shù)詞或several時,必須用單數(shù)形式。 three hundred, five thousand, fifty million, eight billionhundred, thousand, million表示不確定數(shù)目時,必須用復數(shù)形式,后接of短語。hundreds of, many hundreds of, thousands of, many thousands of, millions of, many millions of tens of hundreds of數(shù)千

23、, hundreds of thousands of數(shù)十萬表示“幾十年代”或“幾十歲”時,用逢十的基數(shù)詞的復數(shù)。 in the 1970s中的1970s讀作nineteen seventies,in ones sixties在某人60多歲時與基數(shù)詞合成的復合定語,其中的名詞用單數(shù)。 an eleven-year-old boy, a fifty-metre-wide river序數(shù)詞的構成112的序數(shù)詞:1st first, 2nd second, 3rd third 4th fourth, 6th sixth, 7th seventh, 10th tenth, 11th eleventh 5

24、th fifth, 12th twelfth 8th eighth, 9th ninth1319的序數(shù)詞,直接在基數(shù)詞后加th。13th thirteenth, 14th fourteenth, 15th fifteenth, 16th sixteenth, 17th seventeenth, 18th eighteenth, 19th nineteenth 整位數(shù)的序數(shù)詞的構成方法是:先將詞尾-ty中的y變?yōu)閕,然后加后綴-eth。20th twentieth, 30th thirtieth, 40th fortieth, 50th fiftieth, 60th sixtieth, 70th

25、 seventieth, 80th eightieth, 90th ninetieth兩位數(shù)的序數(shù)詞如果包含19的個位時,十位數(shù)用基數(shù)詞,個位數(shù)用序數(shù)詞,中間必須有連字符“-”。21st twenty-first, 32nd thirty-second, 43rd forty-third, 54th fifty-fourth, 98th ninety-eighth百、千、萬等的序數(shù)詞有hundred, thousand等加-th,前面加有關的基數(shù)詞構成。 100th one hundredth, 1000th one thousandth記憶口訣基變序有規(guī)律,詞尾大多加th。一、二、三特殊記,

26、詞尾字母t, d, d。th從four起,八減t,九去e,f來把ve替;整十y變ie,若是遇到幾十幾,只變個位就可以。四.【中考真題】1. With the help of the Internet, news can every corner of the world. (2006天津)A. arrive B. reach C. go D. get2. It rained heavily this morning, but of my classmates were away from school.(2006泰州) A. neither B. none C. all D. both3. M

27、ay I speak to the headmaster, please? . (2006甘肅)A. Call again, please B. Speak clearly, please C. Speak louder, please D. Hold on, please4. More than 400 (城市) in China dont have enough water.(2006徐州)5. Well try our best to do the work with money and people. (2006南京) A. few; little B. a few; a little

28、 C. less; fewer D. fewer; less6. I cant buy the dress because I have just money. (2006南通)A. little B. a little C. few D. a few7. Nancy spoke in such a low voice that students in our class could hear her. (2006安徽) A. all B. many C. few D. most8. Where is my father, Mom? He is to his office. (2006山東)A

29、. by the way B. on the way C. in this way D. to the way9. Must I wait for you here now? No, you . You may be back in half an hour. (2006遼寧) A. dont have to B. mustnt C. cant D. shouldnt10. Iraqi people died in the Iraq War. (2006昆明)A. Thousand of B. Thousands of C. Many thousand of D. Thousands11. H

30、ow much does it cost to build the school library? Four yuan.(2007南京) A. million B. millions C. million of D. millions of12. Our school has a history of two (百) years. (2007常州)13. The question is very difficult. I failed to work it out. (2007淮安)A. five B. fifteen C. fifth14. will the teacher be back?

31、 I have a question to ask him. In ten minutes, I think.A. How soon B. How long C. How far15. The day that we had looked forward to (到了). We could have a good rest.16. We are sure the Olympic Games in Beijing next year will be one of games in history.A. twenty-nine; more successful B. twenty-ninth; m

32、ore successfulC. twenty-ninth; the most successful D. twenty-nine; the most successful (2007連云港)17. How about going shopping on Hunan Road this evening? , but Ive to prepare for tomorrows exam. (2007南京)A. I cant B. Sounds great C. Thats right D. No, Im terribly sorry18. Tree-planting Day is on the (


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