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1、專題限時(shí)集訓(xùn)(十六)完形填空之記敘文(I)1A (2019 武昌區(qū)調(diào)研考試)Very few of us become flue nt in ano ther Ian guage by study ing it inhigh school.I made an effort to keep up the little bit of French that I learnedin schoo, but eventually realized that this was 1.1 was wellaware that new Ianguages are best learned when 2 , an

2、d that our abilitiesin that regard decline with age. 3 , just before my 50th birthday, I 4 forFrench classes.After I was 5 to see which group I belonged in, I was _6 at almost theintroductory level.I found that it really was true that certain linguistic(語言的)abilities7 with age.While I d always thoug

3、ht ofmyself as a(n) 8lear ner, that was no Ion ger the caseabsorbed newvocabulary very 9. What I learned one week ago seemed to _10as soon as I lear ned the next skill.Now, a couple of years late, I can listen to the news in French and 11_90 percent of it on the first try and read a novel if its not

4、 too difficult.Who knows what I might still12 ?Ive lear ned so much 13 grammar and vocabulary.Ive met peoplefrom around the world and all walks of life who have the _14 to make foolsof themselves in order to 15 something new ve bee n taught by patie ntand in spirati onal teachers from many 16 of the

5、 world, including France,Eastern Europe the Caribbean and Africa.Listening to the news as it is 17 to the people of France I have a ren專題限時(shí)集訓(xùn)(十六)完形填空之記敘文(I)2ewed 18 of how somethi ng can look completely differe nt from為幾乎是初級(jí)水平,故選 D3another 19. r ve learned that a Ianguage is not just a set of wordsb

6、ut a way of 20. But most of all, r ve learned that it really is nevertoo late to lear n someth ing n ew.【語篇解讀】本文是一篇記敘文。本文通過作者學(xué)習(xí)法語的經(jīng)歷告訴我們要活到老,學(xué)到老。1.A.unbelievableB. pointlessC. unbearableD. valuelessB 根據(jù)空格所在句的內(nèi)容可知,“我”想努力保留在學(xué)校學(xué)的 那一點(diǎn)法語,但最終意識(shí)到是無意義的(pointless)。2.A.energeticB. curiousC. youngD. oldC 根據(jù)后半句

7、中的 our abilities in that regard decline with age 并 結(jié)合常識(shí)可知,年輕的(young)時(shí)候?qū)W習(xí)新語言的效果是最好的,故 選 C。3. A.HoweverB . ThereforeD . Mea nwhileA 根據(jù)語境可知,在 50 歲生日之前,“我”注冊(cè)(register)了法可知,此處表示轉(zhuǎn)折關(guān)系,故選 A。C . Besides語課,并結(jié)合上文提到的“年輕的時(shí)候?qū)W習(xí)新語言的效果是最好4 . A.soughtC . foughtB 參見上題解析。5 . A.i nterviewedB . registeredD . preparedC. a

8、skedB . challe ngedD . tested4D 根據(jù)空后的 to see which group I belonged in 并結(jié)合語境可知,經(jīng)過測(cè)試(test)來看“我”屬于哪一個(gè)團(tuán)體之后,“我”被歸(place)6 .A.restrictedB .withdraw nC.appo in tedD.placedD 參見上題解析。7 .A.fadeB .remai nC.disappearD.improveA 根據(jù)第一段中的our abilities in that regard decli ne with age并結(jié)合常識(shí)可推知,某些語言的能力會(huì)隨著年齡的增加而逐漸消失(fa

9、de=gradually disappear。8.A.autonomousB. averageC. quickD. dullC根據(jù)語境可推知, 作者一直認(rèn)為自己是一個(gè)敏銳的(quick) 學(xué)習(xí)者,但卻不再是這樣了,故選 C。9.A.easilyB. slowlyC. steadilyD. rapidlyB 結(jié)合語境及上題解析可推知,作者掌握新詞匯的速度很慢, 故選B。10.A.crowd inB. make senseC. slip awayD . build upC 根據(jù)語境可知,“我” 一學(xué)習(xí)下一個(gè)技能,一個(gè)星期前學(xué)的就消失(slip away)了 ,故選 C。11 . A.catchB

10、. reciteC . shareD . repeat為幾乎是初級(jí)水平,故選 D5A根據(jù)語境可推知,“我”第一遍聽法語新聞時(shí)能夠理解(catch)90%的內(nèi)容。612.A.completeB. overlookC. performD. accomplishD 根據(jù)語境可知,誰知道“我”仍可能實(shí)現(xiàn)(accomplish)什么 呢?故選 D。13. A.exceptB. beyondC. throughD. includingB 根據(jù)下文的內(nèi)容可知,作者認(rèn)為自己學(xué)到的不僅僅是法語的 語法和詞匯,故選 B。beyond 意為“除.之外”。14.A.confidenee B. abilityC. pa

11、tie neeD . courageD根據(jù) 空后的 make fools of themselves in order to something new可知,此處表示作者遇到了來自世界各行各業(yè)的人,他們有勇氣(courage)使自己(看起來)愚蠢以學(xué)(learn) 一些新的東西, 故選 D。15 . A.lear nB . experie neeC . exploreD. possessA 參見上題解析。16 . A.orga ni zati onsB . cornersC . classesD . racesB 根據(jù)下文的 includingFran ce, Easter n Europe,

12、 the Caribbeanand Africa 可知,這些老師來自世界的許多地方(corner)。17 . A.updatedB . spreadC . prese ntedD . conv eyedC 根據(jù)語境可知,聽著播放給法國(guó)人的新聞,“我”有了一個(gè)全新的理解,故選 C。present “上演,播出”。18. A.understandingB. attitude7C. knowledgeD. judgmentA 根據(jù)語境可知,“我”對(duì)一些東西是如何從不同角度(angle) 看起來完全不同有了全新的理解(understanding),故選 A。19. A.mannerB. aspectC

13、. angleD. directi onC 參見上題解析。20. A.studyingB. worki ngC. livingD . thi nkingD 根據(jù)語境并結(jié)合常識(shí)可知,門語言不僅僅是 組單詞,也是- 一種思維(thinking)方式。B (2019 江西省五校協(xié)作體模擬)One day a man was asked to paint a boat by the owner of the boat.Hebrought with him paint and 21 and bega n to paint the boat bright red, as theowner asked hi

14、m.While painting he 22 there was a hole in the boat and decidedto 23it.When he finished painting,he received his 24 and left.The next day, the owner of the boat came to the pain ter and _25 him witha nice check, much 26 than the payment for painting, the pain ter was 27 .“ Youve already paid me for

15、pain ti ng the boat!” he said.“ But this is not for the paint 28. Its for having repaired thehole in the boat”“ But it was such a(n) 29service.Certainly its not worth30_ me such a high amount for something so unimportant ”18. A.understandingB. attitude8“ My dear friend , you do not 31. Now let me te

16、ll you what932. Whe n I asked you to paint the boatl 33 to men tio n about the hole.Whenthe boat dried, my kids took the boat and 34 a fishing trip.They did not know thatthere was a 35 in the boat.I was not at home at that time.Whe n I retur ned andno ticed they had take n the boatl was 36 because I

17、 remembered that the boathad a hole .Imagine my 37_ and joy when I saw them returning from fishing.“Then,I 38 the boat and found that you had repaired the hole!You seenow,what you did?You 39 my children!I do not have eno ugh money to payyour smallgood deed.So,no matter who,when or how,just40repairal

18、lthe“l(fā)eaksyou find.【語篇解讀】 本文是一篇記敘文。一位油漆工在油漆船時(shí)順便 將船上的一個(gè)洞補(bǔ)了起來,為此收到了船主的一大筆酬金,因?yàn)樗?小小的善舉挽救了船主孩子們的生命。21.A.chains B. brushesC. beliefsD. pensB 根據(jù)空格所在的句子可知,他帶了油漆和刷子(brush),開始 按照船主的要求把船漆成鮮紅色。22.A.consultedB. remindedC. foundD. con firmedC 根據(jù)該句中的 there was a hole in the boat 可知,當(dāng)他在油漆時(shí),發(fā)現(xiàn)(find)船上有一個(gè)洞。23.A.rep

19、airB. wipe10C . hideD . measureA 根據(jù)該句中的 there was a hole in the boat 以及下文的內(nèi)容可推知,他發(fā)現(xiàn)船上有一個(gè)洞并決定修補(bǔ)(repair)這個(gè)洞。1124.A.benefitB. baggageC. keyD. moneyD 根據(jù)該句中的 When he finished painting 并結(jié)合常識(shí)可知,當(dāng) 他結(jié)束了油漆工作之后,收到了錢(money)便離開了。25.A.admiredB. treatedC. presentedD. comfortedC 根據(jù)上文可知,在油漆時(shí),他發(fā)現(xiàn)船上有一個(gè)洞,便將洞修 補(bǔ)好了;結(jié)合該句中

20、的 witha nice check 以及下文的內(nèi)容可推知,為 了感謝這位油漆工,船主過來給他贈(zèng)送(present)了一張支票。B . lessD . wealthier船主送來的支票遠(yuǎn)高于(higher)他刷B . excitedD . surprisedD 根據(jù)上文可知,船主過來給他贈(zèng)送了一張支票,遠(yuǎn)高于他油 漆應(yīng)得的報(bào)酬;結(jié)合常識(shí)可推知,這讓油漆工感到很驚訝(surprise)。C . jobD . skill26. A.higherC . quickerA 根據(jù)該句的內(nèi)容可知油漆應(yīng)得的報(bào)酬。27. A.amusedC . moved12C 根據(jù)下文 Its for having rep

21、aired the hole in the boa,并結(jié)合 該句中的But this is not for the paint 可知,這張支票不是針對(duì)油漆工 作(job)的。29 . A.cheapB . smallC . valuableD . additi onalB 根據(jù)下文中的something so unimportant 可知,油漆工認(rèn)為這28 . A.awardB . kindn ess13只是小的(small)事情。30. A.lendingC. borrowingB. sellingD. payingD 根據(jù)上文可知,這位油漆工收到了船主的一張支票;結(jié)合該句可知,他認(rèn)為給他支

22、付(pay)這么多錢是不值當(dāng)?shù)摹?1. A.screamB. bowC. forgiveD . un dersta ndD 根據(jù)下文可知,船主向他解釋送支票給他的原因;結(jié)合該句可推知,船主認(rèn)為他不理解(understand 自己此舉的原因。32 . A.happe nedB . existedC . crashedD . circulatedA 根據(jù)該句可知,船主說,讓我告訴你發(fā)生(happen)了什么吧。33 . A.decidedB . hatedC . forgotD . rememberedC 根據(jù)上文可知,油漆工油漆船時(shí),他無意間發(fā)現(xiàn)了船上的洞;結(jié)合該句可知,船主讓他漆船時(shí),忘記(f

23、orget)提醒他這個(gè)洞了。34 . A.we nt throughB . went onC . dreamed aboutD . tur ned toB 根據(jù)該句并結(jié)合常識(shí)可知,空處與 took the boat 為順承關(guān)系,表示船上的油漆干了之后fishing trip)。,孩子們乘船進(jìn)行了捕魚之旅(went on a35 . A.holeB . sig nC . ruleD . dangerA 根據(jù)該段第三句中的 the hole,結(jié)合該句可知,他們并不知 道船上有一個(gè)洞(hole)。36. A.angryB. desperateC. embarrassedD. clumsyB 根據(jù)上文

24、內(nèi)容以及該句中的because I remembered that the14boat had a hole 可知,當(dāng)孩子們出發(fā)捕魚后,船主才想起船上有一個(gè) 洞。據(jù)此可推知,此處表示船主非常絕望(desperate。37 . A.sorrowB . situati onC . patie neeD . reliefD 根據(jù)該句中的and joy when 1 saw them returning fromfishing,結(jié)合常識(shí)可知,當(dāng)船主看到孩子們回來時(shí),他非常欣慰(relief)、高興38. A.pulledB. spottedC. examinedD. destroyedC 根據(jù)該句可知

25、,隨后船主檢查(examine)了船,發(fā)現(xiàn)油漆工已 經(jīng)將洞修補(bǔ)好了。39 . A.savedB . taughtC . in structedD . treasuredA 根據(jù)上文可知,油漆工將船上的洞修補(bǔ)好,避免了船主的孩 子們出海捕魚時(shí)發(fā)生意外;結(jié)合該句可知,油漆工的行為救了 (save) 孩子們的命。40 . A.possiblyB . carefullyC . actuallyD . fin allyB 根據(jù)上文可知,油漆工在油漆船時(shí)發(fā)現(xiàn)了船上的洞,并將洞 修補(bǔ)好,挽救了孩子們的生命;結(jié)合該句可知,無論是誰,無論何時(shí), 無論如何,只要看到“漏洞”,就應(yīng)該仔細(xì)地(carefully)將它

26、們修補(bǔ) 好。C (2019 長(zhǎng)沙四校模擬)“Love is caring,” Grandma told me as I sat at her bedside.She was inbed and receiving hospice care 臨終關(guān)懷護(hù)理).As immigrants, Grandma s families were 41 . First, they started a sausagemaki ng bus in ess.The n, they ran a grocery store.As the Depression 經(jīng)濟(jì)大蕭條)raised its 42 head in 19

27、29, many families could nt 43 groceries.Her father in15sisted on helpi ng by exte nding credit to them.But, his selfless help led to financial disaster 44 large nu mbers of the credit exte nsions wen t 45 .Disaster didnt stop there.After her parents deaths two years late, Grandma 46the debts, lost t

28、he bus in ess and 47her brothers,looking after and protecting them.She fell sick from sadness feeling hopelessand helpless. 48, she fin ally pulled herself together.She49_ creditors to give her time to repay them.She found a job in a candy shop. 50, all of her family s debts were repaid.Her 51 kept

29、thefamily from ban kruptcy(破產(chǎn)).Through her many 52, Grandma found the strength to give andbe 53 for the smallest thi ngs.She n ever made compla ints about the familiesthat 54 to repay her eve n after their hardships en ded.I remembered the 55 she had told us many times.Her sister Olivia was 56hard t

30、imes.She on ly had two dollars in cash to get herself through the weekthen.But after struggling , she 57 slipped her very last two dollars into an envelope 58 to Olivia.“Be appreciative of everything, Lauren.And love others.Love iscaring,” Grandma59 .Look ing at the courage of a woma n facing 60 mad

31、e me realizeI had so much to lear n.【語篇解讀】 本文是一篇記敘文。文章講述了作者在祖母臨終前探視她時(shí),對(duì)她堅(jiān)強(qiáng)、富有愛心的一生作了追憶,并告訴我們“愛 就是關(guān)懷”這一人生真理。41.A.united B. adventurous16C. reliableD. cautiousB 根據(jù)其后兩句可知,作者的祖母一家作為移民,他們先后開 辦了香腸制作店和食品雜貨店,這說明他們很有冒險(xiǎn)精神 (adventurous)b 42.A.rigidB. bigC. uglyD. heavyC 根據(jù)空格所在句可知,此處應(yīng)用 ugly 來形容經(jīng)濟(jì)大蕭條, 暗含了人們對(duì)大蕭條的

32、痛恨之情。43 . A.ma nageB . dema ndC . affordD . supplyC 由于經(jīng)濟(jì)大蕭條,人們買不起(afford)食品雜貨。44 . A.althoughB . unl essC . beforeD . whe nD 根據(jù)空格前一句及本句中空格前的部分可知,在經(jīng)濟(jì)大蕭條 的形勢(shì)下,作者祖母的父親堅(jiān)持為人們提供信貸服務(wù)。 但是當(dāng)人們不 能償還信貸時(shí),他無私的關(guān)愛給他的家庭帶來經(jīng)濟(jì)災(zāi)難。when“當(dāng)?shù)臅r(shí)候”,符合語境。45 . A.u npaidB . uncon firmedC . unknownD . unno ticedA參見上題解析。下文中的 repay t

33、hem 亦是提示。unpaid “未 償還的”,符合語境。46. A.took overB. turned over17C. picked upD. made upA 根據(jù)上文中的 After her parentS deaths two years late 和下文 中的 She found a job.repaid it 可知,祖母的父母去世后,她承擔(dān)(take over)了那些債務(wù)。47. A.botheredB. motheredC. comfortedD. instructedB 父母都去世了,她承擔(dān)起照顧弟弟們的重任。mother 在此是 動(dòng)詞,意為“像母親般地照顧”,符合語境。48 . A.ThereforeB . Mea nwhileC . OtherwiseD . HoweverD 根據(jù)空格前面的句子和所在的句子可知,但是她最終振作起 來了。前后句之間存在語義上的轉(zhuǎn)折關(guān)系,故 however 符合語境。49.A.comma ndedB . remin dedC .persuadedD . expectedC她說服(persuade 了債主們延長(zhǎng)還債期限。50.A.In turnB . In timeC .In secretD . In surpriseB過了一段時(shí)間之后,她家的債務(wù)終于(In time)還清了。51.A.


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